
Dr. Arijit Ghosh

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Dr. Arijit Ghosh
Dr. Arijit Ghosh
Qualification: M.Sc., Ph. D., PGDIM, PGDOM, GDOR
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email id: [email protected]
Dr. Arijit Ghosh completed his B.Sc with Mathematics honours from
University of Calcutta and M.Sc in Applied Mathematics from BESU,
Shibpur (the present IIEST, Shibpur). He was awarded Ph. D in Science
(Mathematics) from Ja davpur University, Kolkata. He is teaching higher
mathematics since 2005. He has published papers in various national and
international journals. He participated in various national and international
conferences and presented papers. Apart from academic interests he has
interest in various extra and co-curricular activities. He writes poems, plays
mouth organ and exhibited photographs on various exhibitions. Photographs
taken by him got published in newspapers of repute.
Research interest: Optimization in the field of financial market
Publications in referred journal:
 A paper entitled ”Indian Automobile Companies‟ Financial Efficiency
Measurement: An Investigation Using Super Efficiency and Factor
Analysis” published in Global Business Review (GBR) (Jan - March
2014) issue.
 A paper entitled “Forecasting Portfolio Return Using Optimization
Techniques From The Perspective Of Indian Financial Market”
published in Vol.2 Issue 2, February 2013 of Spectrum: A Journal of
Multidisciplinary Research with ISSN 2278-0637.
 A paper entitled “Forecasting BSE Sensex under Optimal Conditions:
An Investigation Post Factor Analysis” published in December 2011
issue of “Journal of Business Studies Quarterly (JBSQ)” ISSN 21521034 (Vol. 3, Number 2, pp 57-73).
Publications in books/conference proceedings:
 A paper entitled “Efficiency Measurement of Indian Major Petrochem
Industries: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis” in the
conference proceeding of International Conference on Optimization,
Computing and Business Analysis held during December 20-22, 2012
at Kolkata with ISBN 978-81-8424-814-2 by Allied Publishers Pvt.
 A paper entitled “Share Market Analysis Using Various Economical
Determinants to Predict Decision of Investors” in the conference
proceedings of ICMOC 2010, West Bengal(India), October28-30,
2010 published by American Institute of Physics Conference
Proceeding Volume 1298 ISBN 978-0-7354-0854-8(pp.529-534).
 A paper entitled “Optimal Portfolio Selection with Skewness And
Kurtosis: A Fuzzy Multi-objective Programming Approach in the
Context of Indian Financial Market” in the “Computing, Business
Applications and Legal Issues2011” ISBN 978-81-7446-936-6
published by Excel Books (Page 21 30).
 A paper entitled “Influencing Parameters of BSE Sensex: An
Investigation” in the conference proceeding of International
Conference on Business and Information Management (ICBIM2012)ISBN:978-81-8424-744-2 published by Allied Publishers Pvt.
Ltd.( Vol.: II Page:113-127).
Summer or winter school / workshop / orientation courses attended:
 Refresher Course in mathematics & Statistics from 24.06.13 to
13.07.13 at Academic Staff College, Himachal University, Shimla and
awarded Grade A (75% and above).
 Orientation programme for Academic Administrators/College and
University Teachers & Librarians from 19.11.12 to 17.12.12 at
Jadavpur University, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700098 and awarded Grade
A (75% and above).
 Workshop on case writing, teaching and research organized by Indian
Institute of Management Calcutta Case Research Centre(IIMCCRC)
during June 14-15, 2012.
 Winter school on “Recent trends in Mathematical Methods” organized
by Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Calcutta during
14-21 Dec‟2011.
 Thirty Hours Workshop on SPSS at St. Xavier‟s College
(Autonomous), Kolkata during Dec‟ 2010 to Jan‟ 2011.
 Short term course on Statistical Modeling for Data Analysis
(SMDA2010) held at IIT, Kharagpur, during Dec 20-26, 2010.
Methods and its Financial Applications, High Frequency Finance held
during Mar 10-13, 2010 at Financial Research and Trading Lab, IIMC
 Summer School on “Mathematical Modeling & Its Engineering
Applications” organized jointly by West Bengal State Council of
Science & Technology and Department of Science & Technology,
Government of West Bengal, in association with B. P. Poddar
Institute of Management & Technology, Kolkata, during 27th Apr to
9th May‟ 2007.
Conferences & Seminars Attended:
 A two day UGC sponsored national conference “Inclusive Growth,
Business and Environment in India‟s Emerging Economy” on 6th –7 th
September‟2013 at St. Xavier‟s College (Autonomous), Kolkata.
 A two day International Marketing Summit INERTIA‟13 organised
by the Department of Management, Faculty of Commerce at St.
Xavier‟s College(Autonomous), Kolkata during April 12-13‟2013.
 National Seminar on Nonlinearity, Complex Dynamics & Chaos in
Economics and Finance jointly organized by Department of Applied
Mathematics and Department of Economics University of Calcutta
during March13-14‟2013.
 A two day International Conference “St. Xavier‟s Global Earth
Summit III” organized by Department of Environmental Studies
during February 22-23, 2013 at St. Xavier‟s College (Autonomous),
Kolkata and contributed photographs.
 A three day International Conference on Optimization, Computing
and Business Analysis (ICOCBA) organized by Operational Research
Society of India, 39 Mahanirban Road, Kolkata during December 2022, 2012 at Kolkata.
 A two day UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Recent Advances in
Operations Research” (NSRAOR- 2012) Organised by Department of
Mathematics, Purash Kanpur Haridas Nandi Mahavidyalaya
(PKHNM) Howrah: 711410, West Bengal, in collaboration with
Operational Research Society of India (ORSI), Calcutta Chapter
during 2-3rd Aug‟ 2012 .
 A two day national seminar on “Recent Developments in
Mathematical Sciences” organized by Calcutta Mathematical Society,
Salt Lake, Kolkata during April 21- 12‟2012.
 A two day International Conference “St. Xavier‟s Global Earth
Summit II” organized by Department of Environmental Studies during
Mar 29-30, 2012 at St. Xavier‟s College (Autonomous), Kolkata and
contributed photographs in the photography exhibition.
 A two day International Marketing Summit INERTIA‟12 organised
by the Department of Management, Faculty of Commerce at St.
Xavier‟s College(Autonomous), Kolkata during March 19-20‟2012.
 A three day national conference on “Application of Statistics in
Industry and Planning” organized by Department of Statistics, VisvaBharati, Santiniketan in collaboration with Calcutta Statistical
Association held at Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan during February 2527‟2012.
 A two day UGC sponsored national seminar on “Financial Reporting:
Changing Paradigm” organized by St. Xavier‟s College
(Autonomous), Kolkata in Collaboration with The Institute of
Chartered Accounts of India during February 3-4‟2012.
 A three day International Conference on Business and Information
Management(ICBIM-2012) jointly organized by Department of
Computer Application, Humanities and Social Science &
Management Studies of National Institute of Technology, Durgapur,
India during January9-11‟2012.
 A two day UGC sponsored national seminar on “Recent trends in real
world problems on Applied Mathematics” organized by Department
of Mathematics Narasinha Dutt College, Howrah in collaboration with
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata during 21-22 December‟2011.
 A two day International Conference “St. Xavier‟s Global Earth
Summit” organized by Department of Environmental Studies during
Mar 11-12, 2011 at St. Xavier‟s College (Autonomous), Kolkata
contributed photographs in the photography exhibition.
 A two day 31st Annual Conference of B E A held at St. Xavier‟s
College (Autonomous), Kolkata, during Feb 12-13, 2011.
 A two day International Marketing Summit organized by the Dept. of
Management (Commerce), St. Xavier‟s College (Autonomous),
Kolkata during Jan 28-29, 2011.
 A three day International Finance Conference held at Indian Institute
of Management, Calcutta during Jan 10-12, 2011.
 International Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Computing
(ICMOC2010) held at NIT, Durgapur during Oct 28-30, 2010.
 UGC Sponsored Seminar on “Governing Business in the 21st Century
Opportunity and Challenges” held at St. Xavier‟s College
(Autonomous), Kolkata during Nov 20-21, 2009.
 Mid Year B E A Seminar held at St. Xavier‟s College (Autonomous),
Kolkata on Sep 6, 2009.
 UGC Sponsored Seminar on “Challenges and Opportunities in
Commerce Education a New Paradigm” held at St. Xavier‟s College
(Autonomous), Kolkata on May 2, 2009.
 B E A 28th Annual Conference held at St. Xavier‟s College
(Autonomous), Kolkata, during Feb 16-17, 2008.
 8th International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP2007) held
at Bengal Engineering & Science University, Shibpur during Feb 2-3,
Achievements (Academic):
 Received best research paper of “Finance track” award at the three
day International Conference on Business and Information
Management(ICBIM-2012) jointly organized by Department of
Computer Application, Humanities and Social Science &
Management Studies of National Institute of Technology, Durgapur,
India during January 9-11‟2012.
 Received „Best Application Paper Award” at the 45th Annual
Convention of Operational Research Society of India (ORSI) held in
Kolkata during December 20-22, 2012.
Achievements (Non Academic):
 Awarded “Best Teacher Photographer of First International St
Xavier‟s Global Earth Summit” held at St. Xavier‟s College
(Autonomous) during 11-12 Mrach‟2011.
 Successfully completed the rock clim bing course of Ordinance
Factories Mountaineers & Trekkers, Rifle factory Ishapore, Ministry
of Defence, at Joychandi Hills, Purulia of West Bengal from 26th - 30th
 Conducted Solo Photography exhibition at Subarnarekha
Mahavidyalaya from 27th – 28th September‟2013 on the occasion of its
Silver Jubilee celebration.
Fly UP