
The Research on University Innovative Capability Promoting Regional Innovation System

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The Research on University Innovative Capability Promoting Regional Innovation System
The Research on University Innovative Capability Promoting
Regional Innovation System
LI Li, WU Fengxia
Bussiness School, Nankai University, China, 300071
[email protected]
Abstract: Regional innovation system is an important part of the national innovation system. The
improvement of regional innovation capability can effectively promote the allocation of resources
within the region. As one participate of the regional innovation system, University promotes the
development of regional innovation system through knowledge innovation, technology innovation,
cultivating innovation and integrated innovation. However, our university can not play full role in the
developing of the region due to lack of funds, institutional constraints and so on. In this paper, we
advance for the government, universities and social.
Keywords: Regional innovation, Knowledge innovation, Integration innovation, Technical innovation
1 Introduction
Innovation is introducing a variety of new activities, ideas, methods and so on to create a different
combination, forming a new production function. With the continuous development of the regional
economy, regional innovation capacity has become a decisive factor in regional economic. Enhancing
regional innovation capability has become the key of regional economic development. Regional
innovation system requires for coordination and interaction between regional innovators to promote the
allocation. As an important part of the national innovation system, regional innovation system is the
extension and important support of national innovation system.
University is a high-tech distribution center undertaking the functions of training, researching and
providing social services. Owning unique and rich resources for innovation and a wide range of
innovation ability, regional innovation system is an integral part of regional innovation system. As an
important participant in regional innovation, university takes role on regional economy innovation and
then promotes the regional economy. From margins of society to the center of society,higher education
will impact on regional economic and social development more significantly. To some extent the level of
regional innovation is directly related to the level of college innovation ability.
Regional innovation system began to put forward since 80s of last century. From then on, scholars
researched on the concept of regional innovation system, regional innovation elements, regional
innovation operation mechanism and some other aspects. In this paper, we research the mechanism
universities impact on the regional innovation system. We first explained the meaning and composition
of university innovation, described the meaning and structure of regional innovation system; and then
we focus on the description of how university innovation play role on regional innovation system. In the
following article, we recommend improving the role of university innovation in regional innovation
system considering resent problems which impede its function. Finally we conclude.
2 Related Theories
2.1 University Innovative Capability
Generally speaking, innovation ability is the ability of obtaining and integrating innovation resources
and outputting innovation profit. Our research on the university innovation began in 1980's and has
developed to a variety concept of university innovation, such as the ability of original innovation,
technological innovation, train innovation, knowledge innovation, etc.
According to the major functions of the university, university innovation includes three major areas of
innovation. They are science and technology innovation, train innovation and integrated innovation.
First, it is science and technology innovation. Raising the level of science and technology innovation
can enhance the academic research capabilities and the competitiveness of our enterprises. We have
begun to study science and technology innovation since the early 1980s. There are lots of definitions of
scientific and technological innovation. Simply speaking, science and technology innovation is that
universities own the strength of invention in one or some field. It covers research facilities, spirit of
innovation and the level, knowledge structure, R & D experience, research experience of researchers.
Second, it is cultivate innovation. University cultivate innovation mainly refers to the capability to train
talents. We began to study university innovation in 1990s. To establish rational standards for evaluating
innovative talents and efficient mechanisms for cultivating talents is useful for improving the structure
of human resources, enhancing social innovation.
Third, it is integrated innovation. Integrated stress re-integration of elements within the system. The
unique resources and wide range of innovative capacity universities own is a good foundation for its
integrated innovation. In the narrow sense, university integrated innovation is the integration and
re-creation of technology and knowledge; broadly speaking, university integrated innovation is
re-combination of elements to match each other and collaborate well.
2.2 Regional Innovation System
Regional innovation system is a system which is composed with enterprises, universities, research
institutions, and the government. We can see from the above definition, regional innovation system has
the following characteristics: (1) It has some geographical and space constraints (2) Enterprises,
universities, research institutes, intermediary service organizations and government are participants of
the system. (3) The participants impact other parts and promote the innovation system optimization. (4)
All the participants can affect regional economic, cultural, environmental impact.
Regional innovation system is an entirety consisting with four interrelated parts. They are innovation
resources, innovation participants, innovation mechanisms and innovative environment.
Regional internal environment
Innovation output
Innovation Resources
Research institutions
Innovative services
Regional external environment
Figure 1 Chart of Regional Innovation System
As shown above, the operation of the regional innovation system is restricted by some internal and
external environmental constraints. Regional innovation environment including external environmental
and internal environmental such as government policy, economic situation, degree of laws and
regulations, culture, research facilities, innovation platform, information networks within the regional.
Innovation resources are the basis for innovation activities which includes human, financial, material
resources and other innovative resources. With the expansion of innovative activities content and scope,
the breadth and depth of innovation resources also extend, covering all spiritual and material resources
that can generate social productivity, improve social welfare.
Participants involved in regional innovation systems are enterprises universities, research institutions,
other intermediaries, government and so on. Each Participant plays different roles, producing technical
innovation, knowledge innovation and management innovation, etc.
Regional innovation system is a key factor to ensure the effective functioning of the regional innovation
system. Regional innovation system includes control mechanisms, market mechanisms, service
mechanisms and other aspects. Only when mechanisms coordinate well, can innovation achievement be
put to use, and enhance the regional competitive advantage of regional development.
3 The Impact of University Innovation on the Regional Innovation System
In China, university is the institutions to cultivate student, produce and disseminate technology. The
impact of university innovative capacity on the regional innovation system primarily through ways of
technological innovation, cultivate innovation and integrated innovation.
3.1 Impact on the Regional Innovation System through Knowledge Innovation
Universities are core participants of our knowledge innovation. Experience from the world showed that
70% of discoveries in science are obtained from the university.
First, nearly half of China's significant technological achievements and natural science awards are done
by the university. Universities play an important role in the National Natural Science Funds, National
Social Science Funds, national key laboratory, national key subjects and so on.
Secondly, with comprehensive disciplinary and good academic environment, universities are the
knowledge base of economic development. According to OECD, knowledge can be divided into four
types, they are know-what, know-why, know-how, know-who. The first two are referred to information
knowledge, knowledge of the latter two are called property rights knowledge. Statistics show that
college produce 2 / 3 of informational knowledge and 1 / 3 of property rights knowledge.
Third, enterprises, universities, research institutions, and the government in the regional innovation
system constitute a complement technological innovation chain. In this chain, university is in the core of
knowledge production and is the assembly point: University absorbs most of the R & D funding of all
the other innovative subjects, then feedback achievements to other subjects.
3.2 Impact on the Regional Innovation System through Technological Innovation
University is an important innovation subject participating in technological innovation. Science and
technology are closely to each other. The combine of the two is an important trend.
First, the establishment of university owned business is an important way for universities to participate
in regional innovation. From the late 80s of last century, some universities take advantage of their talent
and technological resource to start business, raising a group of enterprise backed on universities, such as
Founder backed on Peking University, Tsinghua Tongfang backed on Tsinghua University, Guard baked
on Nankai University, etc. With reduce of government intervention and the increase of university
economic power, more universities are participating in self-built business.
Second, participating in the innovation park is another way that university involved in regional
innovation. Based on the its laboratory for research, researchers and some other resources, university
absorbs social capital and talent to achieve the industrialization of scientific research. Is is the extension
of university functions. China has attempt to build group of innovation park rely on university, such as
Zhongguancun in Beijing, East Lake in Wuhan, Pukou in Nanjing and so on.
Third, universities also participate in regional innovation by the way of interacting with the other
participants. Promoting cooperation between universities and enterprises can improve innovation system
of the two and improve the overall regional innovation capacity. University can participate in technology
transfer by way of signing R & D contracts, technology transfer agreements, providing technology
promotion and technology consults. At present, the number of patents obtained by the university, and the
exchange in the technology market are increasing year by year.
3.3 Impact on the Regional Innovation System through Cultivate Innovation
The level of regional innovation system is essentially depending on the talent. University is an important
basement to cultivate high-level innovative talents.
First, cultivating more knowledgeable and creative talent is the aim of university. By teaching students
the basic theoretical knowledge and professional knowledge, university instructs logical thinking skills
to students, enable them to understand life and society and to deal with problems.
Second, the purpose of university train is to output useful talent for the society, it takes the mission of
supplying creative personnel. Providing students with research projects and enterprise projects to
combine teaching and practice will inspire students to create and improve their thinking skills and
research capabilities.
Third, as the cradle of future management talent, university should output some senior manager for the
society. Phase of university is the best time to improve organizational and management capacity for
student. University improves student participation and organizational capacity through providing
platforms, such as business competition, student unions and so on.
3.4 Impact on the Regional Innovation System through Integrated Innovation
Owning rich innovative resource and having wide range of innovative such as knowledge innovation,
technological innovation and cultivate innovation provides good conditions for integrated innovation.
First, Impact on regional innovation system through integration of resources. Human resources
integrated innovation break the boundaries of subjects, form a new team centered by project can gain
more achievement. Though innovation of infrastructure resources integration, we can establish public
equipment, public laboratory equipment so as to avoid duplication of purchase and save money for
infrastructure more useful.
Second, Impact on regional innovation system through integration of innovative capabilities. The
integration of knowledge innovation capabilities and technological innovation capabilities can make full
use of university’s inherent advantages, increase input-output ratio. The integration of technological
innovation capabilities and cultivate innovation capabilities can enhance students’ scientific research
capacity and provide the society with creative talents.
4 Suggestions for University to Participate in Regional Innovation System
Universities innovation did impact regional innovation system in many ways. But in the reality, the
university has not promoted regional economic development efficiency. It is reflected in: some
universities have little research topics and is short of funding; lack of outstanding research achievements
and significant academic leaders; technology transfer was not enough; talent supply are divorced from
demands; the integration among universities innovation capability was not enough. etc..
Government should plan in the perspective of regional economic development to ensure the college
innovation promote regional economic innovation system effectively. Firstly, the government should
propose effective policy and relax restraints on the university. Secondly, the government should increase
funding investment in university research, guarantee the balance of funding between universities and the
efficiency use of funding. Once again, it should establish coordination mechanisms between participants
of the regional innovation system.
Universities should stand on their position in the system. Firstly, college teachers should be guided to
participate in knowledge innovation and technology innovation, participating in academic conferences,
important forum and so on. Secondly, universities should know their own training target well, changing
the way of examination-oriented education and culturing innovative talents. Thirdly, universities should
achieve the integration of the various innovation bring heir innovation advantage into play.
Society should provide a good platform for cooperation among participates. Besides, we should create a
harmonious and win-win innovative atmosphere to motivate all sides in the system.
5 Conclusion
With the developing of regional economy, regional innovation capability has become a determinant fact
of obtaining competitive advantage for regional economic. Universities are integral participants in
regional innovation, undertaking functions of personnel training, scientific research, promoting
knowledge diffusion and the provision of social services, owning unique and rich resources for
innovation and kinds of innovation capability. We researched the mechanism university impact on
regional innovation system and found that it performance by ways of knowledge innovation,
technological innovation, cultivate innovation, integrated innovation, In the following article, combining
problems impeded its function, we suggest that The government should offer policy guidance, increase
research funding investment, relax restrictions on the universities, establish coordinate regional
mechanisms; Universities should guide the teachers to participate in knowledge innovation and
technological innovation and promote integrated innovation of universities; Community should offer a
cooperation platform and create good atmosphere for regional innovation.
Supported by the General Programs of Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education,
Project: Research on the Interaction Mechanism of Corporate Investment and Financing under the
Framework of Circular Economy in China, Code: 07JA630014; Foundation: Supported by Programs of
Arts Research and Innovation of Nankai University, Project: Research on the Mechanism of Institutional
Change and Corporate Financing Strategies under the Framework of WTO, Code: NKC07027.
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