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Curriculum Vitae
University of Lugano, Switzerland
E-mail: [email protected]
Peter Praxmarer, lic.oec.publ. (University of Zurich, 1977) and Docteur ès sciences
politiques (HEI, University of Geneva, 1984), is Secretary of EMICC (European Master
in Intercultural Communication), a network of 10 European universities specializing in
intercultural communication, at Università della Svizzera italiana – USI – University of
Lugano, Switzerland.
For a number of years he has taught international politics and relations in the United
States (among other universities at Brown University and University of Pennsylvania).
He also was a consultant for UNITAR and the United Nations University on issues of
social development, and has worked in the private sector (publishing and agriculture). In
1992 he participated in a fact-finding and assessment mission visiting UN peacekeeping
forces in the Krajina region (Croatia), on behalf of the Watson Institute at Brown
University. From 1999-2000 he served as Field and Training Coordinator with the OSCE
Mission in Kosovo, for which he has also developed training programs in the field of
democratization and good governance.
His research focus is intercultural communication in international organizations, for
cultural heritage and tourism, and in particular in post-conflict situations. During the past
two years he has lectured at the University of Lugano, the Universities of Helsinki and
Jyväskylä (Finland), the Universities of Pisa and Trento (Italy), Anglia Ruskin University
(Cambridge, UK), Universidade Aberta (Lisbon). He also regularly teaches courses in
communication for the State Tourism and Hotel Management School in Bellinzona
His latest articles and conference papers are:
“Il paesaggio violentato dalla Guerra: Riflessioni sul Kosovo” Quaderni in Narrative
Studies (forthcoming), University of Turin (Italy)
“Intercultural Communication and Cultural Property – A Stakeholder approach” 10th
International Congress Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, Vienna 2005
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