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[email protected]
Independent PhD candidate in Political Science at University of Lucerne (Switzerland)
- Research on comparative politics about resistance of citizenship light by popular vote using
Qualitative Comparative Analysis’ method
M.A. in historical science at University of Fribourg (Switzerland) (Lic phil)
- Major in Contemporary History
- Minor in Journalism and Communication Science
July-August 2014
ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- “Set-Theoretic Methods: Qualitative Comparative analysis and Related Approaches” (prof.
Cartsen Q. Schneider, Dr. Patrick A. Mello)
AZIZ S-H, VASSALLO L., VERI F., «RSI Archive: our experience working with Speech to Text and
Semantic Analysis», in: Metadata in Audiovisual Archiving: the Hourglass Model, FIAT/IFTA selected
papers from “Changing Sceneries Changing Roles Seminar”, Hilversum/Vienna/Dubai, 2013
VERI F., «I movimenti extraparlamentari d’estrema sinistra», in: Bollettino Storico della Svizzera
Italiana, 109(2), 2006
VERI F., «I movimenti extraparlamentari nel Ticino degli anni ‘70», in: Arte e Storia, 21 2006
VERI F. «La resistenza mitizzata e demitizzata», in: Arte e Storia, 24, 2005
VERI F., «Au Tessin il fait chaud!», in: Cahiers d’histoire du mouvement ouvrier, 21, 2005
VERI F., «Dalla festa dei ventenni all’occupazione della Magistrale», in: Arte e Storia, 27, 2005
“Speech to text in RSI archive”. Media Information Management and Automatic Metadata Extraction
(MIM-SCAIE) conference «From research to production» European Broadcast Union (EBU)
Headquarter, Geneva (11 June 2015)
“The Australian identity and the Australians for Constitutional Monarchy”. INASA Biennial
Conference: «Double vision». University of Sydney (25-26 November 2010).
“The Australian Republican Movement minimalist citizenship model”. AHA Biennial Conference:
«Reviewing History». University of Western Australia and University of Notre Dame (5-9 July 2010)
“La nouvelle gauche au Tessin (1967-1977). International Conference «Les mouvements de 1968 en
Suisse. Une perspective historique », University of Lausanne and University of Bern (2-3 May 2008).
February 2012- current
Lugano, Switzerland
AV Archivist at Swiss Italian Television (RSI) and video editor at RSI+ Channel
- Documenting old video sources, films and documentary films with the goal of retrieving and
recovering Swiss Italian’s audiovisual cultural heritage; documenting national and local
- Video Editor of RSI+ Channel Archives (HbbTV Channel)
- Indexing, setting up inventories, and digitising collections from Swiss Federal Council
Historical Association Memoriav
September 2011 – February 2012
Ticino, Switzerland
Supply Teacher at Scuola Professionale Artigianale Industriale SPAI, Scuola
Professionale Commerciale CPC, Scuola Arti e Mestieri SAM and Scuola Media
May 2007- December 2008
Lugano, Switzerland
Information manager at the Swiss Italian Television (RSI)
- Documenting the local and national news, video sources and journalistic products.
- Editing and updating metadata to direct users to the physical or electronic location of items.
- Digital storing of video sources in HD technology in different formats.
- Researching images and videos for local and national news broadcasting.
April-July 2006
Lausanne, Switzerland
Archivist at the Archives Cantonales Vaudoises (Internship)
- Responsible for the organisation of the whole archival collection of the Swiss Worker Party
(Parti Ouvrier et Populaire), which at that time, was completely unorganised and in disarray.
- Writing a historical analysis.
June 2005- May 2007
Chiasso, Switzerland
Asylum seekers interviewer at the Swiss Office for Refugees
- Representative of the NGO Swiss Refugee Council during asylum seekers procedures.
- Interviewing asylum seekers using official governmental procedures in order to establish
their point of view.
- Writing reports for my organisation on the effectiveness and legalities of the procedure.
September – October 2006
Bern, Switzerland
Aide-translator at the Swiss Federal Chancery (internship)
- Translating governmental official documents from French to Italian for the Swiss Federal
Council’s non-smoking campaign.
March 2002-May 2007
Freelance journalist at Azione (Migros Newspaper)
Lugano, Switzerland
January-March 2004
Journalist at Avvenire (Internship)
Milan, Italy
General application: MS Office, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MS Outlook; EndNote.
Graphic application: QuarkXPress.
Multimedia applications: CMM; VISI; Open Media; Discovery Mediaplayer, Traffic System
Databases: Factiva; CaseBase; LexisNexis; and several others.
Data analysis: fsQCA, R
Italian: mother tongue
English: fluent
French: fluent
German: basic
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