
Cluster Captain Roles and Responsibilities Roles of Cluster Captains

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Cluster Captain Roles and Responsibilities Roles of Cluster Captains
Cluster Captain Roles and Responsibilities
Roles of Cluster Captains
Cluster Captains are the communication center of the Montgomery County National
Board Certified Teacher (MC NBCT) Network. You are the Network’s liaison between the
Executive Board, who steers the direction of the MCPS National Board Network, and
Lead NBCTs, our site-based leaders. Cluster Captains provide Lead NBCTs a
geographically close contact person. In a sense, cluster captains bring the Network
Executive Board to Leads.
The Cluster
Captain is an NBCT who:
serves for one year, but can be continued if agreeable to all parties.
has earned the respect of those in and outside of her/his building.
understands and accepts his/her role as a leader.
may or may not be a Lead NBCT.
Responsibilities of Cluster Captains
Provide information to Lead NBCTs within one week of receiving information
from an executive board member.
Be responsive to concerns and questions from the Lead NBCTs in their cluster
and advocate for their needs to the executive board.
Take part in developing and delivering the annual Lead NBCT Summit and
provide, or organize, other types of support for Lead NBCTs in their cluster.
Involve the Lead NBCT from each school in their assigned cluster to support
school based recruitment and support.
See reverse for a diagram of the information above.
Lead NBCT - use information from Cluster
Captains to build a network of NBCTs in
your building to
Cluster Captains- use information from
Executive Board to
•advocate for candidates and NBCTs
•inform stakeholders
•recruit candidates
•send timely communication to the Lead
NBCTs in your cluster
•involve others stakeholders in schools
with no Lead NBCT
•be responsive to and advocate for the
needs of Lead NBCTs & other
stakeholders in your cluster
•arrange for support of Leads, including
developing and delivering the annual
Lead NBCT Summit
Information & Communication
Inform Lead in
your cluster
Involve other
stakeholders in
schools with no
Lead NBCT in
your cluster
with Lead NBCTs
in your cluster
Support the
Lead NBCTs in
your cluster
Respond to Lead
NBCTs in your
Advocate for the
needs of Lead
NBCTs in your
Executive Board - - use information from
the NBPTS to
•communicate with Cluster Captains
•be responsive to the needs of Cluster
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