
Cresthaven Star Chronicle

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Cresthaven Star Chronicle
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Cresthaven Star Chronicle
Sherri Gorden, Principal
Emily Madan Assistant Principal
http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/cresthavenes/newsletter/ December 4, 2015
Google Expedition Pioneer Program - We are pleased to announce that we have been selected to participate in an exciting opportunity for our students. On Monday, December 14, 2015
a Google Representative and an Instructional Specialist from Montgomery County Public
Schools Office of the Chief Technology Officer and Office of Curriculum and Instructional
Programs will visit and set up expedition kits for our students. Expeditions are guided tours of
places that school buses can’t go. Using Chrome books and wearing virtual reality viewers our
students will take a journey to one of over 100 world famous places. We look forward to
sharing more about this as the opportunity approaches.
Last Chance to get shirts before Winter Break! - Cresthaven Spirit wear is still available.
You can purchase hoodies for $25.00, long sleeve t-shirts and tie-dye t-shirts for $15.00 and
our classic t-shirt for $10.00. All shirts are burgundy with gold lettering. Order forms are due
to the main office by Wednesday, December 9th! Complete the attached form and send it to
your child’s teacher. Don’t miss out on this year’s design!
Tis The Season!-With the fluctuating temperatures we have had over the last few weeks we
are seeing a lot of hats and coats being shed during recess. They are being left on the playground and ending up in the lost and found. We are also seeing many kids without hats and
coats at recess. Please be sure your child comes to school dressed for the weather as it is our
practice to have students outdoors for recess as the weather permits. Also, remind your child to
check the lost and found for any missing items or come for a visit yourself. You will be amazed
at what you might find.
Fun After School Activities with 1 Up Handles - Coach Tree and the 1 Up Handles is sponsoring two
exciting after school activities for students. The program offers Indoor Soccer or Dance/Cheer/Poms. The
activities are offered on Tuesdays and started December 1st. Our next session will be on next Tuesday,
December 8, 4:15-5:15pm. See the attached flyer for registration information. Limited scholarships available through 1 Up Handles.
Calendar Items
Principal’s Corner
December 4 - Interim Reports go home
Dear Parents,
December 8 - Fourth Grade Field Trip
Thank you for joining us for our Math Game Night last
month. We were so happy to have so many families join in for
an evening of fun with math games. We also appreciate the feedback you shared on how to make these types of events even better. Our next family event is Technology Night in January. Have
you heard your children talking about using the Chrome books
and the google technology in class? Did you know you can access your child’s work from home using google technology? Mark the date, January 14, 2016, and come out and join us
for to explore the various technology tools your child uses in
their daily instruction. Finally, thank you for being great partners
with us as we work together for the success of all of our students.
December 9 - Fourth Grade Field Trip
December 11- Fourth Grade Field Trip
December 24 - Winter Break Begins
Ms. Gorden
Fly UP