
FOREST OAK MIDDLE SCHOOL Physical Education– Course Expectations

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FOREST OAK MIDDLE SCHOOL Physical Education– Course Expectations
Physical Education– Course Expectations
Middle school students have unique developmental characteristics. This age group has
such a wide range of intellectual, physical, psychological, social, and ethical systems
developing that the transition from childhood to young adulthood becomes very complex.
Teachers provide sequential instruction in a variety of activities based on student needs
and interests. This variety helps ensure that students are physically educated and that the
National Physical Education Content Standards are met. Activities include selections
from team and individual sports, dance and rhythmic movement, cooperative and
competitive activities, and fitness related activities. Although the curriculum is varied,
teachers provide students with ample opportunity to experience success and develop
competence in each area taught. Teachers identify specific goals and objectives that guide
the selection of instructional units and learning experiences.
Course Description:
6th, 7th, and 8th graders in all Montgomery County Public Schools participate in a daily
program of Physical Education that emphasizes team building, cooperation, problem
solving, decision making, and communication, while receiving guidance in setting
realistic goals for maintaining and improving overall fitness.
By the completion of 8th grade, students will have had an opportunity to receive
instruction in the following units: Net Games: Volleyball, Badminton, Tennis, and Table
Tennis. Personal Fitness: Weight training and Aerobics; Individual/Dual Activities: Cross
Country, Dance, Gymnastics, Juggling, Track and Field; and Invasion Games/Team
Sports: Basketball, Soccer, Team Handball, Lacrosse, Flag Football, Softball, Street,
Floor and Field Hockey.
Course Timeline:
The course units will average 14-18 days with continual formative and summative
assessments scheduled during each unit. Students in each grade level will receive a
prepared outline of units to be co-taught within the department. All students receive
Physical Education for 3 marking periods and Health Education for 1 marking period.
Materials for Class:
All students are expected to have an appropriate change of clothing daily for class. A
gray T-shirt and black shorts are the uniform colors along with sweatpants and
sweatshirts. These items are available for purchase from PE staff. Uniforms are worn for
health, safety and recognition purposes.
Grading and Reporting Policy
This course will follow MCPS grading and reporting policies for the 2014 - 2015 school
year. Extra Credit will not be assigned or assessed. Students will be given assessments
that focus on the application of Fitness Concepts, Movement Skills, Personal and Social
Responsibility, and Cognitive Skills.
Formative Assessments 65%
Summative Assessments 25%
Homework/Cognitive Skills 10%
Grades will be scored A, B, C, D, and E, which will correlate with a 100 point scale
A = 90 – 100, B = 80 – 89, C = 70 – 79, D = 60 – 69, E = 59 and below
*Reassessment grade replaces the original grade .
☻ Graded Assignments turned in after the Due Date will be marked down no more than 1 letter grade.
Assignments not completed or turned in by the Deadline, will receive a score of zero. Assignments
that are completed and meet minimum standard (as indicated by the PE department) will earn a
minimum grade of 50%.
☻ In addition to the academic grade, students will receive Learning Skills grades as well.
Learning skills grades will assess students’ Participation and Assignment Completion
throughout the course. Students may earn the following grades for each of the
aforementioned categories:
Not Enough Information to Determine
Students with documented accommodations for instruction, assessment, and learning
skills will be provided as required by law.
Student Planner
Progress Reports/Interims
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Phone Calls (301) 670-8242
Report Cards
Student Print Name_______________ Student Sign Name_____________________________
Parent Print Name________________ Parent Sign Name______________________________
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