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Galway Chronicle
Galway Chronicle
Volume 6 Issue 7
January 22, 2016
Dr. Dorothea Fuller, Principal
Nichola Wallen, Assistant Principal
Our Vision: Galway Elementary School will empower students
to be valued, productive members of a global society.
Principally Speaking:
The Galway Pledge : We pledge to respect one
another, to be trustworthy and fair. We will care
about each other, and be good citizens. Above
all else, I will take responsibility for my actions,
in a quest to build a better you…and a better
Thoughts on School Weather Changes
With the “Blizzard of 2016”, here are a few reminders regarding school closing
procedures. Winter weather emergencies, such as snow and ice, may cause disruptions in school operations, including the closure of school, a delayed opening,
or an early dismissal. This provides information about the procedures used when
such disruptions occur.
Closure of Schools
When schools are closed system-wide, all instructional programs and extracurricular activities in schools are cancelled. Private child-care providers in school
buildings (Academy) may elect to stay open if the schools are closed but the administrative offices are open. In extreme conditions, administrative offices also
may be closed. If this occurs, private child-care programs located in school buildings are closed as well.
Delayed Opening
A delayed opening means that schools open two hours later than scheduled. For
Galway, school would begin at 11:25 a.m. and students may enter no earlier
than 11:10 a.m. All school buses operate on the same delayed schedule, and,
therefore, the pick-up times are two hours later than normal. When elementary
schools open on a delayed schedule, the following programs are cancelled—
morning sessions of Head Start, prekindergarten, and other specialized programs
or field trips scheduled before 10:50 a.m. Activities that begin after 10:50 a.m.
will be held as scheduled. Afternoon sessions of prekindergarten begin at the
regular time. Parents should continue to check for radio, television, or web announcements in the event a decision to delay the opening of schools is reconsidered and a decision to close schools for the day is made (by 7:00 a.m.).
Early Dismissal
An early dismissal means that schools will close 2.5 hours earlier than scheduled.
For Galway, dismissal would be 1:20 p.m. All school buses operate on that same
early schedule, and, therefore, drop-off times are 2.5 hours earlier than normal.
When elementary schools close early, afternoon prekindergarten and other early
childhood programs are cancelled as well as any special programs or field trips
scheduled after 10:50 a.m. Morning prekindergarten and morning half-day Head
Start students will be dismissed at 10:50 a.m.
Public Announcements
Information about school operations is announced publicly as soon as possible
on area radio and television stations, Montgomery County Public Schools Cable
TV (Comcast Channel 34, Verizon FIOS Channel 36, and RCN Channel 89), Outlook, on the Internet at www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org, and on a recorded
telephone message at 301-279-3673. Emergency e-mail announcements are
available by signing up for MCPS QuickNotes on the school system’s home page.
If schools are closed or delayed, the announcement is made no later than 5:00
a.m. (or the night before if possible). If schools are closing early, the announcement is made by 11:00 a.m.
Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Galway Chronicle 7
January 25
Professional Day-School Closed
January 27
HardWork Café
January 28
-3rd Grade FT Nat. Museum of History
-Family Math Night 6:30-8:00 pm
February 1
Body Safety Lessons Parent Preview
9:30am or 6:30 pm
February 3
Report Card Distributed
February 4
Kindergarten FT-National Aquarium
February 8-12
Jump Rope for Heart
February 8, 9, & 10
-Class & Group Pictures
-Incoming 6th Grade Parent Meeting
Briggs Chaney Middle 6:30pm
February 12
-2nd Grade Cocoa & Folktales
-Valentine Parties 2:30
-Progress Reports come home
February 15
Holiday-School Closed
February 16
Blake High Children’s Theater K-2nd
February 24
HardWork Café
February 26
Early Release
February 24
Black Saga Competition
Join us for Family Math Night
At Galway Elementary School!
Thursday January 28, 2016 at 6:30-8:00 PM
Join the teachers at Galway to….
 Learn new games you can play at home
 Listen to stories that incorporate math
 Go on a scavenger hunt
 Use your estimation skills to win a prize
 Test your luck and win a math board game to
take home
 Have fun!
New! Required Body Safety Lessons
Montgomery County Public Schools is taking an active role in the prevention of child abuse and neglect
through early prevention and intervention education. Starting in February 2016, our school counselor,
Ms. Curtis and the classroom teachers will be presenting lessons on the topic of child abuse and neglect in grades K, 3, & 5. Each grade level will have one to three lessons between the months of February and May 2016. The lessons are known as Personal Body Safety Lessons and their purpose is to help
students to:
Develop knowledge, decision making skills, and behaviors which promote safe living in the home, school and community;
Learn skills for self-protection and identifying child abuse and neglect;
Learn skills for asking help for self and others and practice reporting to a trusted adult; and
Engage in positive appropriate interactions with peers and adults.
If you have any questions or concerns about the topics that will be covered, we are providing two opportunities on Monday, February 1, 2016 for you to ask questions and preview the books and materials with our school counselor, Ms. Curtis. The times are
9:30 – 10:30 AM and 6:30 – 7:30 PM.
Reporting Volunteer Hours
Please report all your volunteer hours for our school! Whether you help in your child's classroom, help in the
library, volunteer for a field trip, help out at home, etc. - we keep track of all the volunteer hours! There is a
volunteer notebook in the front office by the front door. Please fill out a sheet with your name and sign in
and out every time you volunteer at the school. The sheets are tabulated and sent in to MCPS by the 10th of
the next month. We appreciate all our amazing volunteers and are grateful for any time you can donate to
the school. Thank you!
National School Counseling Week
The week of February 1-5 is National School Counseling Week. Please be sure to share your appreciation with Ms. Curtis who is our only counselor helping to meet the needs of all staff, students
and their parents at our school!
The following students from Galway were selected after stringent auditions into the MCPS Honors Chorus :
1. Timothee Talabert
2. Amber Pamah
3. Kiera Guinyard
5. Gabriela Portillo
6. Jordan Quarrie
7. Hemrama Jalloh
4. Jacklynn Ho
Winter weather is here and parents are reminded to make sure children are dressed appropriately for outdoor activities. All students should bring a jacket, coat, hat, and gloves for our cold weather days. We will be going out for
recess every day unless it is raining or below 32 degrees. During the winter months, we will monitor the temperature carefully and decide whether to go out or stay inside based on the temperature outside. Having our students ready for the
colder temperatures is important and we appreciate your help! Please label all items with your child’s name.
Budget 101: The Budgeting Process Explained
MCPS has launched a new online resource to help the community better understand how the district builds its operating budget and funds its schools. The new Budget 101 site was created to answer many of the questions that parents, students, staff
and community members have asked about the MCPS operating budget. The site will show you where the district’s funding
comes from, how it’s spent, and how our schools are staffed to ensure we are meeting the needs of every student. Visit
www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/budget-101/index.html to check out this new resource.
Presupuesto 101: El Proceso Presupuestario Explicado
MCPS ha lanzado un nuevo recurso en línea para ayudar a la comunidad a entender mejor cómo el distrito escolar arma su
presupuesto operativo y financia sus escuelas. El nuevo sitio de Presupuesto 101 fue creado para responder a muchas de las
preguntas que los padres, los estudiantes, el personal, y los miembros de la comunidad han planteado sobre el Presupuesto
Operativo de MCPS. Este sitio le mostrará de dónde provienen los fondos del distrito escolar, como se gastan, y cómo se provee el personal a las escuelas para asegurarnos de estar
PARCC Night Set for Monday, Feb. 1
MCPS is hosting an event for parents to learn more about the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers
(PARCC) assessments. The event will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 1, at Richard Montgomery High School, 250 Richard
Montgomery Dr. in Rockville. MCPS staff will be on hand to help parents understand their children’s score reports from the spring
2015 administration of the PARCC tests. In addition, staff will share an overview of PARCC and information on upcoming changes
for the 2016 administration of the tests. Free childcare (ages 4 and older) and foreign language interpretation will be provided.
Noche de PARCC Programada Para el Lunes, 1ro de febrero
MCPS está organizando un evento para que los padres aprendan más sobre las evaluaciones Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC). El evento se llevará a cabo el lunes, 1ro de febrero a las 7 p.m., en Richard Montgomery
High School, 250 Richard Montgomery Dr. en Rockville. El personal de MCPS estará a su disposición para ayudar a los padres a
entender los informes de calificaciones de sus hijos de las pruebas PARCC administradas durante la primavera del 2015. Además,
el personal compartirá una visión general de PARCC e información sobre los próximos cambios en la administración de las pruebas para el 2016. Se proporcionará cuidado de niños gratuito (mayores de 4 años) e interpretación de lenguajes.
Student Transfer Application Season
Montgomery County parents who wish to request a Change of School Assignment (COSA) for their children from their home
school may begin the process during the upcoming transfer season—February 2 through April 1, 2016. The transfer process begins in the home school, where parents may request the Change of School Assignment Information Booklet that contains the
COSA form, describes the process and provides useful information. Beginning the first week of February, the COSA booklets will
be available in schools and online at http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/info/transfers/. The booklet will be available in
both English and Spanish. Exempt programs that do not fall under the transfer guidelines are listed in the information booklet.
Processes for the Elementary Foreign Language Immersion Programs
This year the immersion lottery process application dates are Feb. 1- Apr. 8 2016. Parents may participate in the immersion lottery process using the Elementary Immersion interest form. The form and directions will be available on the Montgomery County
Public Services website www.momgtomeryschooolsmd.org/curriculum/specialprogra ms/.
Galway Chronicle 7
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