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Galway Chronicle
Galway Chronicle
Volume 6, Issue 2
October 2, 2015
Dr. Dorothea Fuller, Principal
Nichola Wallen, Assistant Principal
Our Vision: Galway Elementary School will empower students
to be valued, productive members of a global society.
Principally Speaking:
The Galway Pledge : We pledge to respect
one another, to be trustworthy and fair. We will
care about each other, and be good citizens.
Above all else, I will take responsibility for my
actions, in a quest to build a better you…and a
better me.
Thoughts on “Opportunity”
You often hear me use the word opportunity when I speak about our school.
The dictionary defines opportunity as an advantageous chance or favorable
conditions. The staff and I believe that students must have every opportunity to
excel and experience success in school and we have a responsibility to provide
a school environment that is ripe with opportunity. I would like to share three
ways this opportunity belief is demonstrated at Galway Elementary.
I believe Galway students are the bright leaders of the future. The fifth grade
team and I are purposefully developed leadership opportunities for our fifth and
fourth grade students. One of my core beliefs is that high expectations must be
partnered with opportunity. If indeed we want students to demonstrate leadership, then we must explicitly teach them what leadership looks like and provide
a vehicle to demonstrate those skills. This year at Galway, students will produce
the school television show, publish a school newspaper, peer mediate for younger students, design Hardwork Café luncheons, make Student Government (SGA)
decisions, recycle with the Green Team and keep students safe as patrols. This
is not an exhaustive list, but the beauty of these opportunities is that our entire
school community will benefit from their experiences.
Both third and fifth graders have an opportunity to apply to the county magnet
programs during October. Historically, few Galway students pursue these programs, but this year can be different. Ms. Curtis, the school counselor, will
visit every fifth grade classroom in the next few days to discuss programs available for middle school. A special parent meeting is scheduled at Galway on
October 13 to answer parent questions. I want to encourage parents to get the
information, talk with your children and apply before the deadline of November
6. I will contact many of you in the next few weeks to discuss this opportunity.
The MCPS expectation is that all students will make a minimal of one year’s
growth in reading each year, but at Galway, we continually look for opportunities to challenge our students to exceed that growth expectation. Teachers monitor student performance weekly and develop reading goals with students.
Throughout the year, students may change their reading group and sometimes
even change reading teachers. This change happens when students are ready to
move to the next level academically or the new group matches your child’s
academic strengths. The movement in reading aligns with our instructional focus of improving reading comprehension skills of all students.
“Success is where preparation and opportunity meet”
Bobby Unser
Galway Chronicle 2
October 5
PTA Meeting—6:30 Principal’s Coffee
Business Meeting 7:00 pm
October 7
Walk to School Day
October 9
5th Grade FT to Harman Center for Arts
October 12
Open House Visitation 9:30-11:15
Volunteer Training 11:30-12:30 pm
October 13
5th Grade Parents’ Magnet Meeting
Media 6:30-7:30 pm
October 14
Individual Student Picture Day
October 16
No School for Students
October 20
Kindergarten FT to Spicknall Farm
October 26-30
Fall Book Fair
October 26
HardWork Cafe
October 27
Kaiser Kid’s Workshop Assembly
October 28
5th Grade FT Strathmore
Family Reading Night 6:30-8:00 pm
October 30
Harvest Party
International Walk to School Day
Monday, October 12th is a special day where we welcome all parents to visit our class-rooms and to see
student learning in action! The Columbus Day holiday
for many parents is a “no work” day and we welcome
you to Galway Elementary. Students should come to
school on time and enter the building by 9:25 am, as
on a typical school day. Parents are invited to sign in
at the APR and have coffee in the all purpose room
until 9:30 am. This gives visitors a chance to sign our
visitor log and get a visitor sticker before the visitation
begins. After teachers take attendance, complete the
lunch count and get the children focused for learning,
parents will join students in the classrooms. Recess
begins at 11:00 am, and we will announce the end of
our official visiting hours at that time. We hope that
you will be able to join us anytime between 9:30am
and 11:00am on Monday, October 12, 2015 for a visit.
Unfortunately, due to space restrictions, we do not
have room for parents to join their child for lunch in
our lunchroom. Please remember that Open House is a
day for parents to visit the classrooms; other arrangements should be made for the care of younger siblings
and extended family members to protect the integrity
of instruction.
Volunteer Training
Immediately following Open House, all parents interested in becoming volunteers can attend Volunteer
Training at 11:15-12:30 pm. If you are unable to
attend this training, evening training will be offered at
a later date. All volunteers in the classroom must attend volunteer training at Galway. You only need one
Wednesday, October 7th is International Walk to School
Day. Walking your child to school helps teach and reinforce
pedestrian safety. It also incorporates physical activity needed each day for a healthy lifestyle. Pollutants emitted by vehicles are reduced by walking to school. Thousands of
school across America and in more than 40 countries will be
walking to school. If it is convenient and safe, please consider walking your child to school on Wednesday, October 8th.
To preserve our focus on instruction, the birthday celebration
policy will remain the same for the current year. The policy is
as follows:
Each child will have their birthday announced during morning
announcements, receive a birthday pencil and sticker on his/her
birthday (summer birthdays as well). You may bring nut free
cupcakes or cookies to share with your child’s entire class during the end of lunch. Parents are responsible for distributing
items. Please do not bring ice-cream, juice, gift bags, balloons
or candles, this is not a birthday party. You may take pictures
of your child only! Younger siblings cannot attend
due to safety concerns.
Individual Student Pictures
Mark your calendars and practice
those “smiles”! Our students will have their individual school pictures taken on Friday, October 14. More
information will be distributed a couple of days prior
to this date.
Applications for this school year must be submitted by October
1st in order for this service not to be interrupted. Par ents and
guardians will need to submit just one application that lists all the
children in their household who attend Montgomery County Public
SERVICE TO YOUR CHILDREN. If you need assistance with
completing the application, please stop by the office and someone
will help you complete it and submit the new application.
Galway Chronicle 2
The application materials for the middle school magnet programs at Takoma Park Middle School and
Eastern Middle School are available online at www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/curriculum/
specialprograms. All fifth graders are eligible to apply. These are exciting opportunities for interesting and challenging experiences in middle school. The program at Takoma Park Middle School focuses on math,
science and computer science. The program at Eastern Middle School focuses on humanities and communication
arts. Application deadline is November 6, 2015.
The Middle School Magnet Consortium (MSMC) is made up of three schools -- Argyle, Loiederman, and Parkland
Middle Schools -- each of which offers an innovative and challenging magnet curriculum. Interested parents are
invited to attend the Information
Families can access the Choice form on the MCPS website. The deadline to turn in Choice forms is Friday, November 6, 2015. Selection for the MSMC schools is done by lottery.
Highly Gifted Center
Applications for the Elementary Centers for the Highly Gifted (HGC) were recently mailed directly to all parents of
Grade 3 students. Applications ar e also available on the Montgomer y County Public Schools (MCPS) website. If you are interested in having your child considered for the HGC, you must complete the application and return it by November 6, 2015, to:
HGC Application
Division of Consortium Choice and Application Process Services
11721 Kemp Mill Road
OCTOBER 13, 2015
From mid-September through mid-October, America
recognizes the contributions, culture, and heritage of
Hispanic Americans. The month-long celebration began
on September 15, the anniversary of independence for
five Hispanic countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Mexico achieved independence on September 16 while Chile gained independence on September 18.
Galway Chronicle 2
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