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Fast take on Talent Innovation 81%
Fast take on Talent Innovation
How to design a modern digital talent experience
of US CEOs
see mobile
as strategically
important for
their organization.
see digital tech
as creating high
value when it
comes to finding,
developing and
retaining talent.
PwC 18th Annual CEO Survey, 2015
Want to make your people as productive at work
as they are in life? Go digital.
Today’s CEOs understand that the latest technologies drive business advantage.
For them, SMAC (social, mobile, analytics and cloud) technologies are critical
for getting work done, connecting with customers and driving the business.
Their organizations use analytics to understand their data and make better—
often real-time—decisions to improve the quality, convenience and speed
of customer service and business operations, delivering a clear value-add to
their organizations. But what about their talent?
Leading organizations realize they need to deliver that same modern,
digital experience for their talent—providing opportunities for connection
and collaboration to drive development, engagement and performance.
They know it’s time to go digital.
We live in a new digital age…
“…an age that is naturally mobile, connected and collaborative. An age
where we can read the news, set up a dinner party and buy a plane ticket
on our smartphone before we get out of bed.
So why don’t we use 21st century technology to help employees become more
productive, more engaged and more satisfied? Why shouldn’t work happen
with the same speed and collaboration we enjoy in our private lives?”
A modern-day expectation
Employees today not only want their workplaces to mirror the instant, convenient
digital experiences they have at home—they have come to expect it. They live in an
always-on society, where they can get things done with the swipe of a finger. They
want that same level of convenience from their workplace to fuel their performance.
A talent magnet
Delivering a modern digital experience helps you attract and retain the innovative
talent you need to compete and succeed in today’s business environment. It fosters
collaboration and innovation and gives your people a 24/7 window into their
development—helping them advance their careers while driving your business strategy.
78% of millennials believe access to technology makes them
more effective at work
PwC “Millennials at Work,” 2015
How to design a modern digital talent experience | Talent Innovation
High impact, low cost
Organizations that create a modern digital talent experience can realize substantial
performance gains at a relatively low cost. Layering a new, engaging interface on top
of existing technology systems can do the trick. This will enable you to pull talent
data and actions together in a simple yet modern way. And your employees will
be more engaged—driving innovation and productivity that can fuel growth.
We know it works. We’re doing it ourselves.
To help our clients respond to complex global trends and solve
important problems, PwC launched a talent strategy focused on
building leaders at all levels. To create our own modern digital talent
experience, we created a digital hub that puts live data, analytics and
learning at the fingertips of our people, leaders and human capital
professionals. This user-friendly analytics engine helps our people
accelerate their growth, speeds and simplifies all talent-related
actions, and erases non-value-add administrative time.
Up to
cost savings
from streamlining technologies
and processes1
33% higher profitability
by engaging talent2
1 PwC’s HR sustainable cost reduction, 2009
2 Gallup
A dramatically simplified, engaging talent experience—and
tangible atmosphere and performance changes.
• less time spent annually on performance management processes
• more development conversations
Keep these three things top of mind as you
design your modern talent experience:
What your modern talent experience
should look and feel like:
1.Design. Harness the latest, coolest
thinking when it comes to user-experience design—while keeping your
underlying systems intact to ensure
maximum impact at the lowest cost.
• Simple and engaging 
intuitive, easy to use
2.Leadership buy-in. Whether this
is one change or part of a broader
talent transformation effort, be sure
your leaders are not only on board—
but vocal advocates.
3.Promotion. Launch creative
campaigns that educate your people
on your new experience—and drive
companywide behavior change.
Next release:
Real-time Development
• Mobile and flexible 
accessible anywhere, anytime
• Transparent and action-oriented 
a real-time view of individual
performance data, driving
actions that foster growth
and development.
• Cost-effective and familiar 
tools—smartphones, tablets—
that people already use every
day, lowering the learning curve.
How PwC can help
For a deeper discussion about building a talent brand that fuels your business,
contact the PwC Talent Innovation team:
Jeffrey Hesse
(312) 298 6881
Marvin Mendoza
(713) 356 5751
Kara Dickstein
(609) 694 8952
Juan-Carlos Morales
Chief Creative Officer
(786) 528 4932
juan.carlos. morales@
To explore the entire Fast Take series visit www.pwc.com/us/fasttakes
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