
Fourth Grade Quarter Two Newsletter

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Fourth Grade Quarter Two Newsletter
Fourth Grade Quarter Two Newsletter
L o i s P . Ro c k w e l l El e me n t a r y S c h o o l
2 4 5 5 5 C ut s a i l D r . D a ma s c us , M D 2 0 8 72
( 3 0 1 - 2 5 3 - 7 08 8 )
November 2015
Announcements and Reminders
Your child has homework every weekday night (Monday-Thursday). This usually
includes word study and math homework. Each child is also expected to read
a “just right” book for at least 20 minutes nightly and practice his/her basic
math facts. Please make sure your child is completing this work and putting it
back in his/her binder each night.
Each student is keeping track of his/her behavior daily with a color code in the
assignment book.
 2nd No school
 11-12th Early
Release for
parent Conferences
What is your child learning this quarter?
 25th Early Release
 26-27th- No
 24th-Jan 3rd—
Winter Break
 18th—No
School-MLK Jr.
 22nd– end of
Quarter 2
 25th-No School
about various explorWe will be reading ers in Social Studies,
plays and poetry at the we will analyze event.
beginning of the quarIn guided reading, stuter, comparing how
dents will read texts at
plays and poems are
their instructional level
different from other
and focus on before,
forms of literature.
during, and after reading
good readers use.
They will be working
with vocabulary, responding to comprehension questions, anWe will continue to
read informational texts
prompts, and discussand paraphrase key
ing questions about
details to help us deterthe text.
mine the main idea.
We will use evidence
from the text to explain We will continue to
what the text is telling work on the various
us and then make infer- forms of writing, such
ences. Using the infor- as narrative, informamation we will learn tive, and opinion. Our
inquiry project ties the
Economics concept in
Social Studies together
with Writing. We will
create a businesses
that would benefit the
community of Damascus.
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Lois P. Rockwell Elementary School
In math this quarter we are
working on extending understandings of place value and properties of operations to multiply a whole
number of up to 4-digits by
1-digit. We will use arrays,
area models, and equations to represent and explain calculations. We are
also using place value
and arrays to represent
and explain division of 2digit, 3-digit, and 4-digit
numbers by 1-digit divisors.
We will identify the relationships between multiplication and division in order to reason about dividends, quotients, and divisors.
Fourth Grade Newsletter
Page 2 of 2
Our focus in Social Studies
during this quarter is ecoThis quarter in Science we will nomics and history. We will
continue to explore concepts review the concepts of
and topics relating to the nat- goods and services and
wants and needs. We will
ural and human impact on
discuss the opportunity costs
the environment. We will
that businesses, individuals,
continue to observe the modand government must
el ecosystem we constructed make. We will work to identilast quarter and identify the
fy the goals of European exrelationships among the living plorers and analyze how the
arrival of Columbus impactand non-living components
that make up an ecosystem. ed Native Americans and
the interactions between
We will also examine how hu- the explorers and the Native
man activity can impact an Americans.
organism’s habitat within an
ecosystem. We will identify
events that both positively
and negatively impact the
environment. Later we will
identify ways that technology
causes negative changes to
our environment and discuss
how as individuals we should
manage our natural resources. Finally, we will look at
the Chesapeake Bay and explore how environmental issues are changing the Bay.
Fourth Grade
Teachers’ Email Addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Students should continue
to practice their basic
facts at home every night.
Mastery of these basic
facts is essential to students’ success with our
math curriculum.
[email protected]
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