
The Dolphin’s Tale The bi-weekly principal’s newsletter of Travilah Elementary School

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The Dolphin’s Tale The bi-weekly principal’s newsletter of Travilah Elementary School
The Dolphin’s
The bi-weekly principal’s newsletter of Travilah Elementary School
Susan J. Shenk, Principal
May 13, 2016
Issue #16
2:30 – 3:30pm
Grade 1 Rose Hill Manor
Grades 1 and 2 concert
2:45pm for students
7:00pm for parents
Grade 3 Bread making
Patrol Picnic
Grade 2 Mad Science Life Cycle of a Butterfly
Grades 1-4 Field Day
Kdg. and Grade 5 Field Day
Grade 2 – Potomac Pizza
Grade 5 Racing West
Memorial Day
Wootton High School graduation
Beginning and Advanced Band & 5th Grade Chorus Concert
2:15pm students
7:00pm parents
5:00 – 8:00pm Travilahfest!
7:00 – 8:00pm PTA meeting – Media Center
7:00 – 9:00pm Talent Show rehearsal
4th Grade Musical
2:30pm students
7:00pm parents
Kindergarten to Catoctin Zoo
Grade 1 Reading Celebration and picnic
7:00 – 9:00pm Talent Show
5th Grade Bowling Party
Awards Assembly – gym
Family Fun Night – Cheeburger, Cheeburger
9:45 – 11:15am 5th Grade Promotion
Last day for students – Early Release Day
Professional Day
Report Cards mailed
2:00 – 3:00pm
Sneak Peek!
First day of school
Visit our website! http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/travilahes/
School Phone: 301-840-7153
School Attendance Line: 301-670-8223
School Fax: 301-670-8230
Visit the PTA website! http://www.travilahpta.org
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THANK YOU! We certainly feel appreciated! Thank you to everyone for the wonderful Staff Appreciation Week.
The PTA treated the staff to many yummy treats, including breakfast and lunch! We also loved the thoughtful notes,
flowers, cards, and snacks from the PTA and also from many, many parents and students. Renee Kravitz and
Lauri Noble chaired this special week and did an amazing job. Students recently enjoyed a wonderful cultural arts
presentation, Interact Story performance, sponsored by our PTA. Also, many thanks to Sue Potts and her
committee for the fabulous Travilah Moves! The weather finally cooperated so we could have the “runs” outside!
We collected 57 Bikes for the World and lots and lots of sports equipment for Level the Playing Field. What a
generous community! Because of the PTA’s Beautification Committee, led by Erinn Foster, our flowers are
beginning to bloom. Our canned food drive is coming to a close, and soon we will be donating it to Manna Foods.
We have been busy! Hopefully, the rain is finally ending and we will finally be able to enjoy some spring weather.
As always, thank you for all your support and for sharing your wonderful children with us!
PRINCIPAL’S WRITING WALL – Each week students’ writing is displayed on the Principal’s Writing Wall.
All students will be featured at least once during the year. The following students’ work was highlighted during the
week of May 9, 2016.
Kindergarten: Mrs. Foley’s class - Teo Lukaszewski, Yazeed Skido-Achulo, Karen Pan, Tenley Higgs,
Brynn Congdon, Shiloh Ganeshan, Mahita Dheenadhayalan, Daniel Murphy Jr.
Ms. Banales’ class - Victoria Wang, Cynthia Yu, Hasti Sobhani, Brianna Yan, Max Dates, Noelle Davis-Astrada,
Neela Krishnan, Chris Ngako, Menna Negussie, Lily Pratt
Grade 4: Mrs. Knoblach’s class - Michael Chen, Natalie Min, Aashrith Nujella, Jasmin Wu, Coby Pinto,
Angela Li, Cole Ebersole
Mrs. Hart’s class - Taylor Auth, Ting-Ting Lian, Emily Liu, Jennifer Jeon, William Jong, Zealand Cushing,
Kaito Dozie-Obele, Divya Subramanian, Lindsey Lim, Jacob Reiser, Madeline Xu, Yaremy Stasiuk, Yousef Yaqub,
Jessica Chen
PARCC ASSESSMENTS - Many of you are aware, the state mandated assessments for Grades 3 – 5 begin next
month. This test, PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) is based on the
Common Core standards. Students will be taking this assessment on our Chromebooks (small personal computers).
Please make sure your children are present, if possible and are well rested and given a good breakfast. For more
information, you can go to the PARCC website at: http://www.parcconline.org Also, attached to this Dolphin’s
Tale is a calendar that shows the seven specific testing dates for each grade.
PREKINDERGARTEN AND HEAD START - Important information for parents of four year olds or soon to be
four year olds: Montgomery County Public Schools offers free Prekindergarten and Head Start programs for
families whose child would be eligible for free or reduced lunch (FARMS). If your child will be 4 years old on or
before September 1, 2016, you may be eligible! After March 14, applications for fall 2016 will be accepted. You
may apply at Rocking Horse Road Center, 4910 Macon Road, Rockville, MD, Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4
pm. Additional registration events are offered at community locations and there are evening and Saturday
registrations scheduled. Please call 301-230-0676 or check www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org for more information
about where to apply and what to bring with you.
Give and Go! Community Food Drive and Basketball Clinic - Learn basketball! Improve your skills! Meet the
Wootton Patriots players and coaches!
Girls in Grades K-8
Clinic will run from 6:30-8:00 pm Tuesday, May17th
Wootton High School Main Gym
The clinic will be directed by Head Coach, Maggie Dyer. It’s FREE! Participants are asked to bring a can of nonperishable food to be donated to the Manna Food Bank which serves Rockville residents who are in need.
CONGRATULATIONS – Congratulations to Nicole Yu (5th grade, Ms. Clarke) for winning 1st Place in the
Maryland Girls Chess Championship 2016 at Under 500 K-5 category last Saturday, May 7th. Ruth Dai (5th grade,
Mrs. Egan) also placed in the competition. The girls were ranked 2nd place in the school category for Travilah ES
and brought to the school a new trophy. Great job!
PLAYGROUND SUPERSTARS – Week of April 18-29, 2016 are:
Grade 5: Charles Makobongo, Katie Bowman, Allison Yu, Jessica Song, Michelle Hsiung
Grade 4: Omid Motamedi, Coby Pinto
Grade 3: Jason Yin, Ali Abdullah, Sietse Venema, Matthew DeLeon, Alex Foster, Kelly Wang, David Wang,
Joey Song, Mikaela Ngo, Tyler Coapstick, Paul Weiner
Grade 2: Nelson Israfilbek, Cameron Cowen, Ally Ahn, Roshali Abeywarna, Mackie Noble
Grade 1: Erin Eo, Sophia Greenwald, Erin Shiflett, Diane Liu, Linda Wang, Nathan Leitan, Jayden Ahn
Kindergarten: Cynthia Yu, Menna Negussie, Hasti Sobhani, Shiloh Ganeshan, Brynn Congdon, Max Dates
P.E. CLASS OF THE WEEK – Week of May 2, 2016 Congratulations to Mrs. Knoblach’s class!
P.E. STUDENT OF THE WEEK – Week of May 2, 2016 Congratulations to Rhea Chelar in Mrs. Hart’s
P.E. CLASS OF THE WEEK – Week of May 9, 2016 Congratulations to Mrs. Foley’s class!
P.E. STUDENT OF THE WEEK – Week of May 9, 2016 Congratulations to Jai Hurd in Ms. Bañales’
 Sue Potts for organizing and running such a successful Travilah Moves!
 Kris Sellman, Kerry Bowman, Kate Shiflett, Jessica Somwaru, Erinn Foster, and Maggie Meyer for
all their help with Travilah Moves!
 George Sellers and his scouts for all their help with Bikes for the World!
 Renee Kravitz and Lauri Noble for organizing the wonderful Teacher Appreciation Week! We certainly
felt appreciated!
 Jennifer Anderson, Lifen Yao, Maliha Syed, Kris Sellman, Lynn Grainger, Yoonie Min, Suzanne
Blonder, Lisa Martin and Jing Zhang for volunteering and assisting with Kindergarten Orientation!
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Phone: _____________________________
Student’s name: _________________________________
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