
¡Bienvenidos! Welcome! Rock Creek Forest Elementary School

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¡Bienvenidos! Welcome! Rock Creek Forest Elementary School
Rock Creek Forest Elementary School
Welcome and Introductions
A Brief Tour of Rock
An overview of our Immersion Program
The MCPS immersion Program Application Process
Creek Forest
Our Vision
At Rock Creek Forest Elementary School,
we provide all students with the
knowledge, skills, and habits that will
empower them to become leaders
in our society.
Our Mission
We strive to fulfill our vision by:
 providing a rigorous instructional program
for all children
 developing relevant skills for students to
compete in a global society
 establishing healthy relationships to foster a
positive environment for students, staff,
and parents in our community.
Goals for Our Students
By the completion of fifth grade students are expected to:
1. Demonstrate literacy across all content areas by reading
complex texts, writing for multiple purposes, speaking in a variety
of situations, and using language effectively.
2. Perform at a proficient or advanced level on
standardized achievement tests.
3. Apply skills and demonstrate knowledge in the content
areas of the curriculum in keeping with state standards.
Curriculum 2.0
Renewed focus on teaching the whole child
Nurtures skills that build confidence and success
Engages students beyond reading and mathematics, to spark
greater interest in science, social studies, information literacy,
art, music, physical education, and health.
Integrates thinking, reasoning, and creativity, for a
lifetime of learning.
Enhances learning by connecting subjects.
Communicates student progress through a “standards
based” report card
Provides parents with more information about the student
knows and is able to do in relation to grade-level
School Tour
Spanish Immersion Program
The Spanish Immersion Program follows the MCPS Program of
studies at all grade levels.
Most children in immersion program not only learn the
second language, but they achieve skills appropriate to their
grade level
Class Capacity
Class Size
26 students
27 students
28 students
Students in the Spanish Immersion program are evaluated in a variety of ways.
Assessment in Spanish:
Teacher and team made assessments:
Exit cards
DRA (Evaluación del desarrollo de la lectura)
Assessments in English:
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
Primary Math (MAP-P), Grades K-2
Math (MAP-M), Grades 3 -5
Reading (MAP – R), Grades 3-5
The Maryland Schools Assessment (MSA)
Grade 5 Science
Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)
Language of Instruction
K- Orientation
Kindergarten Orientation: May 19th and
20th 2016
 Application for Immersion Program
begins February 1st with a deadline of
April 8, 2016.
Together We Achieve!
Montgomery County Public Schools
Elementary Immersion Programs
Division of Consortia Choice and
Application Program Services (DCCAPS)
Facilitating the Outreach and School Assignment Processes for the Consortia,
Application, and Elementary Immersion Programs
Elementary Immersion
Application Process
Immersion Interest Form
Step #1
Complete an Immersion
Interest Form
Fill in the circle of each
program in which you would
like your child to participate.
An Immersion Interest Form must be submitted for every
student participating in the immersion process.
Step #2
Immersion forms are run
through a computerized
lottery process.
Factors which may impact the
lottery (school assignment) process:
– School capacity (space
– Sibling link – Please note that younger
siblings of students currently in the immersion
program in Grades K-4 have preference to the same
immersion program on a space available basis.
Step #3
– Eligibility
– Selection area priority (based on
home address)
– Number of applicants
Immersion school assignment letters are mailed to
students’ homes in late April.
What are some frequently
asked questions?
How many students entered the last
lottery year?
1002 students
651 of these students applied for a
kindergarten slot
How many seats were available for all of
the immersion programs?
Grades 1- 5:
286 seats
Seats vary from year to year.
What are my options if I want
to continue this program in
middle school?
Montgomery County Public Schools
Elementary Immersion Programs At-A-Glance
Elementary School (ES)
Selection Area Priority
Program Type*
Middle School (MS)
Grades 6–8^^^
College Gardens ES
1700 Yale Place
Rockville, MD 20850
Herbert Hoover
Potomac ES
10311 River Road
Potomac, MD 20854
Local, then countywide
Herbert Hoover
Maryvale ES
1000 First Street
Rockville, MD 20850
Gaithersburg MS
Sligo Creek ES
500 Schuyler Road
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Silver Spring International MS
Burnt Mills ES
11211 Childs Street
Silver Spring, MD 20901
Local, then elementary schools that
feed into Francis Scott Key MS, then
Silver Spring International MS
Rock Creek Forest ES
Temporary location:
7000 Radnor Rd.
Bethesda, MD 20817
Silver Spring International MS
Westland MS
Rolling Terrace ES
705 Bayfield Street
Takoma Park, MD 20912
Local, then countywide
Silver Spring International MS
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS)
provides transportation from central stops for
elementary school language immersion students from
the areas served by the program.
Transportation may be provided for many of the
special programs to and from central stops (usually at
MCPS schools) determined by the MCPS
Department of Transportation. Stops may be several
miles from the student’s home. Parents are
responsible for arranging transportation to and from
central stops. Bus trips are usually significantly
longer than local school transportation and may vary
by program or location. It is important to carefully
consider transportation options and responsibilities.
The continuation of transportation for the 2016–2017
school year for regional and countywide immersion
programs is pending budget approval.
* Total immersion programs: The core curriculum (reading, writing, mathematics, social studies, and science) is taught in the second language.
Partial immersion programs: A portion of the curriculum is taught in the second language.
^ The following high school clusters: Winston Churchill, Clarksburg, Damascus, Gaithersburg, Richard Montgomery, Northwest, Poolesville, Rockville, Quince Orchard,
Seneca Valley, Sherwood, Watkins Mill, Wheaton, Thomas S. Wootton, and the Northeast Consortium–North (Residences north of Fairland and Randolph Roads)
^^ The following high school clusters: Bethesda-Chevy Chase, Montgomery Blair, Albert Einstein, Walter Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Northwood, Walt Whitman, and the
Northeast Consortium–South (Residences south of Fairland and Randolph Roads)
^^^ To participate in a middle school continuation, parents must complete a Notice of Intent form by the February 26, 2016 deadline.
How will I know if my child is selected?
Parents will be sent a letter in late April. This letter will include:
• The program/s that their child has been invited to and/or
• A number indicating their rank order on the waitlist for the
programs that they selected on the Immersion Interest Form.
How can I find out more information about the
lottery process and programs?
Visit an immersion open house at each immersion
program and/or
Visit the website:
Is transportation available?
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) provides
transportation from central stops for elementary school language
immersion students for the areas served by the program.
Transportation may be provided for many of the special programs
to and from central stops (usually at MCPS schools) determined by
the MCPS Department of Transportation.
• Stops may be several miles from the student’s home.
• Parents are responsible for arranging transportation to and from
central stops.
• Bus trips are usually significantly longer than local school
transportation and may vary by program or location.
• It is important to carefully consider transportation options
and responsibilities.
What immersion programs are offered by
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS)?
MCPS offers seven elementary foreign language
immersion programs:
• Two Chinese
• Two French
• Three Spanish
 The two French programs and one of the Spanish programs are
total immersion. Two of the Spanish programs and both Chinese
programs are partial immersion.
 In total immersion, all core subjects, including reading/language arts
are taught in the target language.
 In partial immersion, some core subjects are taught in the target
For more information, please call:
Division of Consortia Choice and Application Program Services
Can my child participate in multiple lotteries?
Yes, students may participate in one to all
seven lotteries.
Can my child continue in a middle school
immersion program after elementary school?
Yes, students can continue into the middle school
program. Parents will receive a Notice of Intent form
from DCCAPS and must return by the deadline.
(See chart on slide 5)
Proposed Timeline
• Open Houses – December through March
(varies per school)
For more information, visit each immersion school’s website.
• Interest Forms Available February 1, 2016
Interest Form Deadline
April 8, 2016
• Parent Notification
Late April 2016
For more information, visit each immersion school’s website.
Note: Students may apply to multiple programs.
For more information about the immersion lottery
process, contact:
Division of Consortia Choice and Application Program
Services (DCCAPS)
Karen Danco 301-592-2053
Laura Johnson 301-592-2060
John Rottiers 301-592-2056
For information about each immersion program, visit
as well as each school’s website
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