
To Mr. Sonny Richichi IHP Organizational Manager - IHP

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To Mr. Sonny Richichi IHP Organizational Manager - IHP
Via Conte Verde, 125 - 14100 ASTI
Casella Postale 130
Tel. +39 0141.481111 fax. +39 0141.486006
e-mail: [email protected] - www.asl.at.it
P.I. / Cod. Fisc. 01120620057
To Mr. Sonny Richichi
IHP Organizational Manager
Subject : report on the health status of the animals sequestrated from “La Collina degli Animali”,
Reg. Grassi, 31, Bubbio (AT).
As by previous agreement, here there is the report on the health status of the animals sequestrated from the
above estate on 10th August 2010.
Regarding the equines, after a first phase of acclimation at the new hosting site, the Azienda Agricola Merlo
Aurelio, Reg.San Desiderio, Monastero Bormida (AT), on 16th August 2010 every horse has been weighted
to in order to ascertain their nutritional condition. Condition already declared as insufficient by a first visual
examination. We compared the recorded weight with the theoretical weight the horses should have had
according to their breed standards, keeping in mind the age and the sex of the animals.
All the equines have been trusted to private citizens between 23rd September and the first days of October.
Comparing the weight recorded six days after the sequestration with the one recorded just before the
entrustment, we got the following results:
1. horse LOWINA, mare, Dutch-bred, grey, born in 1993, weight Kg 365, weight before the entrustment Kg
470Æ difference + 105 Kg;
2. horse PUL DA ANALISA, mare, cross-bred, pinto, born in 1996, weight Kg 250, weight before the
entrustment Kg 280Æ difference +30Kg;
3. horse ADELINA, filly, Italian-bred, bay, born in 2006, weight Kg 352, weight before the entrustment Kg
460Æ difference + 108Kg;
4. horse GINTILLA, mare, Haflinger, golden chestnut, born in 1990, weight kg 325, weight before the
entrustment Kg 380Æ difference +55Kg;
5. horse FAUSTO, gelding, Haflinger, golden chestnut, born in 1995, weight Kg 275, weight before the
entrustment Kg 320Æ difference +45Kg;
6. mule ZAGALA, female, Spanish-bred, bay, born in 1989, weight Kg 295, weight before the entrustment Kg
370 difference +75Kg;
The sequestrated donkeys’ weight ranged between 115 and 135 Kg (the adult male), which is more or less
the average theoretical weight of this species.
We want to point out that while the donkeys, a more rustic species needing lesser food (both in quality and
quantity), hadn’t suffered much from the chronic lack of alimentation and water seen in the above estate, the
horses and the mule were all underweight of at least 30-50 Kg up to the 105 Kg of the grey mare (who, at a
visual examination showed atrophied muscular masses and lack of fat), even if the weight was recorded
after 5 days of correct alimentation.
As for the dogs, when checked and weighted in the Nizza M.to (AT) shelter, they were all found to be
underweight of about 5 Kg.
Igiene degli Allevamenti e delle Produzioni Zootecniche
Sanità animale
Via Conte Verde, 125 - 14100 ASTI
Casella Postale 130
Tel. +39 0141.481111 fax. +39 0141.486006
e-mail: [email protected] - www.asl.at.it
P.I. / Cod. Fisc. 01120620057
On 13rd August 2010, we captured and sequestrated six adult cats, all males, who lived closed inside a cage
in poor hygienic conditions. These animals were immediately moved to the house of an AZA (Asti Zoophile
Association) volunteer. Currently 9 dogs and 5 cats are up for adoption.
I remain at your disposal for further details.
S.O.C. Servizio Veterinario Area A Director
Dott. Gianstefano Filippone
Igiene degli Allevamenti e delle Produzioni Zootecniche
Sanità animale
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