First Grade September S Welcome Back!
Waters Landing Elementary School First Grade September S We l co m e Ba ck ! Welcome back to school! We are excited to be working with your child this year. Each month you will receive a newsletter highlighting some of the things your child will be working on in each subject. If at anytime you would like to contact your child’s teacher, please feel free to contact the school @ 301353-0915, or send an email using the link from the Waters Landing home page. What’s Happening: In reading, first graders are immersed in a print-rich environment! We are learning how to use the word wall, literacy centers, and much more. Additionally, we are reading poems, songs, and books together. During this month we will use before, during, and after reading strategies. Good readers use these strategies to make meaning from text. We will also make per- sonal connections to the text. to discuss writing ideas with your child. In writing, we are writing to express personal ideas. The students will be writing about events in their lives. We began by writing about our summer vacations. The students will be learning to write stories with a beginning, middle, and an end. They will learn to write complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation. It would be helpful for you This month in math, the first grade team will be working with students on a variety of strategies that they can use to solve mathematical operations (more than, less than, equal to) The strategies include direct modeling with fingers or physical objects, counting on, and derived number strategies. These strategies will help students to develop number sense, counting skills and addi- Birthdays; Mckinzie Gray 6th Dave Gatcham 6th Mason Mizzer 14th Michelle Espinoza 15th Isabella Kiger 16th Katherine Vine 21st Max Young 22nd Jana Al Najjar 27th Maliyah Morris 28th Kell Maglo 30th Calendar Check: 9/06: Back to School Picnic! 9/09: K-2 Back To School Night @7pm 9/10: 3-5 Back to School Night @7pm 9/27: Early Release Day Page 2 First Grade Helpful resources for home: curriculum/2.0/ Teacher Donation Requests: If blank, there are no needs at this time. Ms. Ray– Mrs. Lavo– Mrs. Harrigan– Mrs. Hinsvark– Clorox or Lysol wipes Mrs. Merritt– Mrs. MurnaneMs. Galluppi- Wha t to do wh e n r e a di n g a t h om e: Make reading part of your child's world. Read books with Ask deeper questions. Help them and to them, aiming for a total of 30 minutes of book-sharing time each day. Also incorporate reading into everyday activities. Post a chore list on the refrigerator, ask them to read signs as you drive, and play board games like Scrabble Junior. build comprehension skills by asking questions about the story, such as why they thinks a character did something and what may come next. Talk to them about which books are their favorites and have them try to explain why. take but is close, quickly repeat the word correctly and let them continue without interrupting the flow. If they guess wildly on a word, help them get the right meaning from the context of the sentence. Answer questions about the meaning of words, but don't drill them on vocabulary words as you read. Read different-level books. It's okay if they Praise your child. Learning Take turns. When they are ready to read to you, start by taking turns. You read one page, they reads the next, and so on. Be patient. Wait quietly as your child tries to sound out a word they’re unfamiliar with. choose an "easy" book to read. Reading a familiar favorite is a good confidence booster. Read more advanced books to them to introduce new words and challenging stories. Help your child when its needed. If they make a mis- to read smoothly is hard work and might frustrate them at times. Encourage them by praising their efforts, paying attention when they want to read, and making your reading time together fun.