
CURRICULUM VITAE Date: 11/15/11 Personal Data: Name:

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CURRICULUM VITAE Date: 11/15/11 Personal Data: Name:
Date: 11/15/11
Personal Data:
R Graham Barr
Date of Birth:
August 16, 1966
Edinburgh, Scotland
United States, United Kingdom
Academic Training:
B.A., Duke University
M.D.,C.M., Faculty of Medicine, McGill University
M.P.H. in Clinical Effectiveness, Harvard School of Public Health
Dr.P.H., Harvard School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology:
“Epidemiology of Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in the
Nurses’ Health Study”
Work Experience & Postgraduate Training:
Social Worker, Human Resources Administration, City of New York
Intern in Medicine, New York University Medical Center
Resident in Medicine, Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center
Chief Resident in Medicine, Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center
Fellow, Harvard General Medicine Fellowship and Faculty Development
Program, Massachusetts General Hospital
Fellow, Clinical Epidemiology of Lung Disease, Channing Laboratory, Brigham
& Women’s Hospital
Licensure and Certification:
State of New York, No. 202420
American Board of Internal Medicine, No. 176430
Professional Organizations and Societies:
Member, American Thoracic Society
Member, Cochrane Airways Review Group
Member, European Respiratory Society
Member, American Society for Clinical Investigation
Member-elect, Fleischner Society
Academic Appointments:
Instructor in Clinical Medicine, College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University
Research Fellow in Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Instructor in Medicine, College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University
Lecturer in Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Assistant Professor of Medicine, College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health,
Columbia University
Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Medicine, College of Physicians & Surgeons of
Columbia University
Associate Professor of Medicine, College of Physicians & Surgeons of
Columbia University
Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health,
Columbia University
Hospital Appointments:
Clinical Assistant in Medicine, The Presbyterian Hospital, New York
Graduate Assistant and Clinical Associate in Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital
Research and Clinical Fellow in Medicine, Brigham & Women’s Hospital
Assistant Attending Physician, NewYork Presbyterian Hospital
Associate Physician, Channing Laboratory, Brigham & Women’s Hospital
McGill University Faculty of Medicine Research Bursary
Osler Medical Aid Foundation Grant
Faculty of Medicine Prize for presentation of research
Department of Medicine Research Award
Robert Wood Johnson Generalist Physician Faculty Scholar Award
General Clinical Research Center Pilot Study Award
American Thoracic Society International Conference “Star” Abstract
NIEHS Center for Environmental Health in Northern Manhattan, member
Irving Scholar Award, Irving Center for Clinical Research, Columbia University
Harold and Golden Lamport Award for Excellence in Clinical Sciences Research
Grant Support:
Past Support:
National Research Service Award (T32-PE11001)
Project Title:
Faculty Development in General Internal Medicine
Principal Investigator: R Phillips
Total Direct Costs: N.A.
Period of Award:
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (T32-HL07427)
Project Title:
Clinical Epidemiology of Lung Disease
Principal Investigator: ST Weiss
Total Direct Costs: N.A.
Period of Award:
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (R21 AI052338)
Project Title:
Hormonal and Inflammatory Markers of Adult-onset Asthma
Principal Investigator: CA Camargo Jr
Co-Investigator and Principal Investigator for Columbia sub-contract
Total Direct Costs: $377,143
Sub-Contract Total Direct Costs:
Period of Award:
Project Title:
US Environmental Protection Agency (R830543)
Long-term Exposure to Ambient Particulate Matter and Subclinical
Principal Investigator: AV Diez-Roux
Co-Investigator and Principal Investigator for Columbia sub-contract
Total Direct Costs: $464,458
Sub-Contract Total Direct Costs:
Period of Award:
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Project Title:
Acetaminophen, Inflammation and Asthma
Principal Investigator: RG Barr
Principal Investigator
Total Direct Costs: $299,996
Period of Award:
Project Title:
Irving Scholars Fund
Endothelial Function is a Novel Mediator of Lung Function in Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Principal Investigator: RG Barr
Principal Investigator
Total Direct Costs: $180,000
Period of Award:
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Project Title:
MESA Occupational Coding Substudy
Principal Investigator: RG Barr
Principal Investigator
Total Direct Costs: $10,000
Period of Award:
National Institute for Environmental Health Science (P01-ES009600)
Project Title:
Center for Children’s Environment and Disease Prevention and Research
Principal Investigator: FP Perera
Total Direct Costs: $4,998,751
Period of Award:
Project Title:
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (R01 HL082895-01)
A Clinical Trial of Aspirin and Simvastatin in Pulmonary Arterial
Principal Investigator: S Kawut
Total Direct Costs: $1,968,115
Period of Award:
National Institute on Aging (U01-AG023749)
Project Title:
Long Life Family Study
Principal Investigator: R Mayeux
Co-Investigator and Principal Investigator of Spirometry Reading Center
Total Direct Costs: $2,297,308
Spirometry Reading Center TDC: $138,927
Period of Award:
Project Title:
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (R01 HL086719)
Endothelial Function and the Right Ventricle in the MultiEthnic Study of
Principal Investigator: S Kawut
Total Direct Costs: $2,000,000
Period of Award:
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (U01 HL086719A)
Project Title:
MultiEthnic Study of Atherosclerosis Occupational Working Group
Principal Investigator: S Baron
Co-Investigator and Principal Investigator for Columbia sub-contract
Total Direct Costs: $72,531 (subcontract)
Period of Award:
National Institute on Aging (K08-AG030235)
Project Title:
Diet, biomarkers and lung function
Principal Investigator: R Jiang
Total Direct Costs: $345,300
Period of Award:
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (R01-HL075476)
Project Title:
Fish Oil Intake, Biomarkers and Change in Lung Function
Principal Investigator: RG Barr
Principal Investigator
Total Direct Costs: $1,941,393
Period of Award:
Current Support:
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (N01-HC95161)
Project Title:
Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) Field Center
Principal Investigator: S Shea
Co-Principal Investigator
Total Direct Costs: $5,928,299
Period of Award:
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (R01-HL077612)
Project Title:
Endothelial Dysfunction, Biomarkers, and Lung Function
Principal Investigator: RG Barr
Principal Investigator
Total Direct Costs: $5,659,713
Period of Award:
Project Title:
US Environmental Protection Agency (R831697)
Prospective Study of Atherosclerosis, Clinical Cardiovascular Disease,
and Long-Term Exposure to Ambient Particulate Matter and Other Air
Pollutants in a Multi-Ethnic Cohort
Principal Investigator: J Kaufman
Co-Investigator and Principal Investigator for Columbia sub-contract
Total Direct Costs: $21,146,595
Sub-Contract Total Direct Costs:
$1, 864,811
Period of Award:
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (HL-06-101)
Project Title:
Hispanic Community Health Study Spirometry Reading Center
Principal Investigator: RG Barr
Principal Investigator
Total Direct Costs:
Period of Award:
10/1/07 - 9/30/13
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (R01 HL089897)
Project Title:
Genetic epidemiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Principal Investigator: J Crapo/E Silverman
Co-Investigator and Principal Investigator for Columbia sub-contract
Total Direct Costs: $1,716,682 (subcontract)
Period of Award:
9/27/07- 9/26/12
Project Title:
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA-G2006-STAR-Q1)
Spatial investigation of sources, composition, and long-term health effects
of coarse particulate matter in MESA
Principal Investigator: T Larson/S Dubowsky-Adar
Co-Investigator and Principal Investigator for Columbia sub-contract
Total Direct Costs: $1,517,377
Sub-Contract Total Direct Costs:
Period of Award:
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (R01 HL093081)
Project Title:
Pulmonary vascular changes in early chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Principal Investigator: RG Barr
Total Direct Costs:
Period of Award:
Principal Investigator
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (HHSN268200900017C)
Project Title:
SPIROMICS Study – Clinical Center
Principal Investigator: RG Barr
Principal Investigator
Total Direct Costs: $2,912,076
Period of Award:
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (RC1-HL100543)
Project Title:
Genome-Wide and Linkage Study of Subclinical Emphysema
Principal Investigator: RG Barr, SS Rich
Principal Investigator
Total Direct Costs: $787,256
Period of Award:
Project Title:
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (R01-HL103676)
Subclinical Interstitial Lung Disease in the Multi-Ethnic Study of
Principal Investigator: D Lederer
Total Direct Costs: $2,412,418
Period of Award:
Alpha-1 Foundation
Project Title:
Pulmonary vascular damage in Alpha-1 Anti-trypsin Deficiency
Principal Investigator: K Donohue
Total Direct Costs: $200,000
Period of Award:
Departmental and University Committees:
1997-98, 011999-00
Cyclical Review, Department of Pediatrics, McGill University
Accreditation Review Subcommittee, Department of Pharmacology, McGill University
Department of Medicine Internal Review Committee
Department of Medicine Education Committee
The Medical Board, The Presbyterian Hospital
Department of Medicine Housestaff Selection Committee
Asthma Quality-of-Life Committee, Massachusetts General Hospital
Department of Medicine Housestaff Application Screening Committee
Faculty Council of the Faculty of Medicine
Search Committee for Chief of Thoracic Radiology, Department of Radiology
CTSA Clinical Research Resource Scientific Advisory Committee
Teaching Experience:
1996-97, 011997-98
1997-98, 011997-98, 011999
Preceptor in Epidemiology, Clinical Practice Course, College of Physicians & Surgeons
Instructor, Physical Diagnosis Course, College of Physicians & Surgeons
Monthly Presenter, Morbidity & Mortality Rounds, Department of Medicine
Physician in charge, Associates in Internal Medicine, one half day per week
Medical Ward Attending, one month per year
Tutor, Critical Reading of the Medical Literature, Harvard Medical School
Bigelow Visit/Ward Attending, Massachusetts General Hospital
Tutor, Preventive Medicine and Nutrition, Harvard Medical School
Co-Leader, Medical Housestaff Journal Club, Department of Medicine, one hour
per week
Lecturer, Clinical Practice Course, College of Physicians & Surgeons, “Statistical
Instructor, Clinical Epidemiology Series for Housestaff, Department of Medicine
Lecturer, Science Basic to the Practice of Medicine and Dentistry Course, College
of Physicians & Surgeons, “Debate on lung volume reduction surgery”
Lecturer, Housestaff Noon Conference, “Treatment of stable chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease”
Course Co-Director, EPID P9488.001, Doctoral Student Advanced Epidemiology
Methods Seminar, Mailman School of Public Health
Lecturer, Irving Center for Clinical Research Medical Housestaff Rotation, one
hour per month
Lecturer, Outpatient Medical Housestaff Rotation, one hour per month
Lecturer, Advanced Pathophysiology, College of Physicians & Surgeons,
“Analysis of the Medical Literature”
Lecturer, Housestaff Noon Conference, “Treatment of acute exacerbations of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”
Lecturer, Clinical Practice Course, College of Physicians & Surgeons, “Genetic
Invited Lectures
Team Rounds, Department of Medicine, Columbia University, “Postmenopausal
hormone use and obstructive airways disease”
Allen Team Rounds, Department of Medicine, Columbia University,
“Postmenopausal hormone use and obstructive airways disease”
David Rogers Health Policy Colloquium, Weill Cornell School of Medicine, “The
Nurses’ Health Study: origins and impact”
Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, Bridgeport Hospital, “Postmenopausal
hormone use, obstructive airways disease, and confounding”
Division of General Medicine Conference, Department of Medicine, Columbia
University, “Postmenopausal hormone use, obstructive airways disease, and
Allen Team Rounds, Department of Medicine, Columbia University, “Over-thecounter analgesic use and asthma”
Division of General Medicine Conference, Department of Medicine, Columbia
University, “Over-the-counter analgesic use and asthma”
Tuberculosis and Migration Project, Austin TX “Patient costs of tuberculosis:
questionnaire results from Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and New York”
Division of General Medicine Conference, Department of Medicine, Columbia
University, “Treatment of stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”
Faculty Research Conference, Department of Medicine, Columbia University,
“Linking lung function and cardiovascular disease: an approach to COPD
American Thoracic Society International Meeting Post-Graduate Course, San
Diego, CA. “A guide to understanding clinical research: how to critically
appraise published studies in pulmonary and critical care medicine –
equivalency trials”
European Respiratory Society International Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark.
“The etiology of post-menopausal asthma”
Cardiovascular Health Study Steering Committee Meeting, Rockville, MD. “Lung
function beyond 80 years; preliminary results.”
Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis Steering Committee Meeting, Rockville,
MD. “Subclinical cardiovascular disease in COPD: the MESA-Lung Study.”
NIH/NHLBI Working Group on the Pathogenetic link between Cardiovascular
Disease and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Bethesda, MD.
“Effects of tiotropium on cardiovascular events; a systematic review of
randomized clinical trials.”
NIH/NHLBI Working Group on the Pathogenetic link between Cardiovascular
Disease and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Bethesda, MD.
“Subclinical cardiovascular disease in COPD: the MESA-Lung Study”
COPD Foundation Workshop on COPD and Primary Care, Bethesda, MD.
“Errors in inpatient-to-outpatient transfers in COPD.”
COPD Foundation Workshop on COPD and Primary Care, Bethesda, MD.
“Potential gaps in primary care continuing medical education for COPD.”
Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis Steering Committee Meeting, Rockville,
MD. “Cardiac output is reduced early in COPD: the MESA-Lung Study.”
University of Edinburgh, ELEGI/COLT Laboratories, MRC Centre for
Inflammation Research, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. “Indirect evidence in
support of the vascular hypothesis of COPD.”
St-Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center, Pulmonary Physiology Laboratories, New
York, NY. “Indirect evidence in support of the vascular hypothesis of COPD.”
Department of Preventative Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL.
“Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cardiovascular disease:
overlapping mechanisms?”
American College of Chest Physicians International Conference (Late-Breaking
Plenary Session). Philadelphia, PA. “Are heart attacks a side-effect of
anticholinergic inhalers: comparing conflicting study results; the devil is in the
1199 Benefit Foundation/COPD Foundation. COPD and Lung Health 2008. New
York, NY. “Is it Asthma? Is it COPD?”
Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, Columbia University, New York, NY.
“Vascular changes in early chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.”
Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA.
“Endothelial and microvascular changes in early chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease.”
American Thoracic Society International Conference. San Diego, CA. “The
impact of airflow obstruction and emphysema on LV structure/function and
subclinical atherosclerosis.”
Young Faculty Mentoring Program, Department of Medicine, Columbia
University. “Obstructive lung disease, emphysema and cardiovascular risk.”
Harvard-Columbia Course on Current Issues in Primary Care, New York, NY.
“Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in 2009: what is it? How to
treat it?
Division of General Medicine Grand Rounds, Mount Sinai, New York, NY.
“Dyspnea, emphysema and cardiopulmonary function: are the heart and lungs
Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of the Sciences. Committee of a
National Surveillance System for Cardiovascular and Select Chronic Diseases.
Washington, DC. “Surveillance for COPD.”
American Thoracic Society International Meeting Post-Graduate Course, New
Orleans, LA. “Conquering population biology. Disease phenotyping and 'omic
study design”
American Thoracic Society International Meeting Post-Graduate Course, New
Orleans, LA. “State of the art controversies in chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease. Systemic disease in COPD is an epiphenomenon and not integral to
lung disease activity and progression.”
American Thoracic Society International Meeting, New Orleans, LA. “Genomewide association study for lung function among 48,000 participants.”
International COPD Genetics Conference, Boston, MA. “The MESA Lung and
MESA Lung SHARe Studies” and “The CARe Lung Working Group and
Cohort Overlap.”
Grand Rounds, Department of Radiology, Columbia University Medical Center.
“Emphysema on CT Scan: Prevalence, Subtypes and Prognosis of a Distinct
Lung Biology and Genetics Conference, Washington University, St Louis, MO.
“Integrative Epidemiology and the Endothelial Hypothesis of Emphysema.”
Trans-Atlantic Airways Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland. “Impact of Vascular
Dysfunction on the Epidemiology of Pulmonary Diseases.”
International Functional Pulmonary Imaging Workshop, Philadelphia, PA.
“Emphysema on CT Scan: Prevalence, Subtypes and Prognosis of a Distinct
COPD7 International Conference, Washington, DC. “Comorbidites in COPD.”
Pulmonary Grand Rounds, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL. “Vascular
dysfunction in emphysema and COPD”
Thesis Sponsorships
R Press, MD: MPH in Epidemiology; Thesis topic: Race/ethnicity,
socioeconomic status and renal transplant outcomes
MM Patel, MPH: PhD in Environmental Health Sciences; Thesis topic: Effects
of diesel exhaust particles on airway inflammation and oxidative stress
DP Jones, MD: MPH in Epidemiology; Thesis topic: Acetaminophen and acute
asthma exacerbations
C Brown: MPH in Epidemiology; Thesis topic: Exposure to mold and
cockroaches on asthma and asthma severity
NK Hamade: PhD in Environmental Health Sciences; Thesis topic: Effects of
oxidative stress on lung function in smokers
SK Alford: MD-PhD in Medicine and Biomedical Engineering (external reviewer,
University of Iowa); Thesis topic: Quantification of regional pulmonary
blood flow parameters via multidetector-row CT: evaluation of vascular-based
phenotypes of COPD.
JE Soicher: PhD in Epidemiology (external reviewer, McGill University,
Montreal, Canada); Thesis topic: A longitudinal study of physical activity
behaviour in chronic disease: the example of chronic obstructive pulmonary
E Kiefer, MD: MPH in Epidemiology; Thesis topic: Race-ethnicity and lung
S Kumar. PhD in Epidemiology (external reviewer, University of North
Carolina); Thesis topic: Airflow obstruction and risk of incident heart failure.
The Atherosclerosis in Communities Study.
R Jiang, MD DrPH
David Lederer, MD MS
Kristin Burkart, MD
Kathleen M Donohue, MD
Post-Doctoral Research Fellows
R Press, MD MPH
CE Caplan-Shaw, MD
DP Jones, MD MPH
GS Lovasi, PhD
EM Kiefer, MD
N Yip, MD
D McAllister, MD
R Powell, MD
L Oelsner, MD
Post-Doctoral Medical Residents
S Seliger, MD MPH
Current Position
Associate Director, Global Safety, Amylin
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Assistant Professor of Medicine, CUMC
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, CUMC
Instructor in Medicine, CUMC
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, CUMC
Assistant Professor of Medicine, New York
University Medical Center
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, CUMC
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, CUMC
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Jacobi Medical
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, CUMC
Specialty Registrar in Public Health and Medicine,
National Health Service, United Kingdom
Current fellow
Current fellow
Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of
EM Smith Tonorezos, MD
J Rodriguez, MD
B Quagliarello/Harris, MD
N Verma, MD
S Raghavan, MD PhD
L Oelsner, MD
Doctoral and Medical Students
MM Patel, MPH, PhD
NK Hamade, PhD
D Davidson, MD
J Matulay
Masters Students
C Brown
Y Chervona
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Memorial
Sloan Kettering
Private Practice
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of
Medicine, CUMC
Post-Doctoral Clinical Fellow in Cardiology,
Northwestern University
Current resident
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of
Medicine, CUMC
Dissertation: Effects of diesel exhaust particles on
airway inflammation and oxidative stress.
Dissertation: Selenium, nitrotyrosine and lung
function among US seniors.
Medical resident
Current student
(Environmental Health Sciences)
Conference Session Chair
European Respiratory Society International Congress. “Asthma in pregnancy and
menopause.” Copenhagen, Denmark.
European Respiratory Society International Congress. “Epidemiology of asthma
and atopy.” Copenhagen, Denmark.
COPD Foundation Workshop on COPD and Primary Care. “Inpatient
management of COPD.” Bethesda, MD.
American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Diego, CA. “The
Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA): investigation of
cardiopulmonary interactions in adults”
American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Diego, CA.
“Comorbidities in COPD”
American Thoracic Society International Conference, New Orleans, LA.
“Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study and
Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA): Insights into Lung Function,
Lung Disease and Cardiopulmonary Interactions”
American Thoracic Society International Conference, Denver, CO. “Dietary
Factors, Obesity and Lung Disease.”
American Thoracic Society International Conference, Denver, CO. “Genes,
Biomarkers and Quantitative Traits: Going Beyond Case Control Studies in
the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) and Coronary Artery Risk
Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Prospective Cohort Studies”
COPD Coalition Meeting, Washington, DC. “Dealing with Co-morbid Illness”
COPD7 International Conference, Washington, DC. “Comorbidities”
Other Professional Activities:
American Journal of Epidemiology
American Journal of Medicine
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Annals of Internal Medicine
European Respiratory Journal
Diabetes Care
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Journal of General Internal Medicine
External Reviewer
American Thoracic Society/NIH/NHLBI Epidemiology Standardization Project
Institute of Medicine, Expert Health-related Quality of Life Assessment for
Oak Ridge Associated Universities Grant Review Panel for the Pennsylvania
Department of Health
NIH/NHLBI Special Emphasis Panel, ZHL1 CCT-L (C2 and C3), “Long-term
oxygen treatment trial (LOTT)”
“Outcomes in COPD management,” Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
(AHRQ) Effective Health Care Program
NIH/NHGRI Special Emphasis Panel, ZHG1 HGR-P (M1), “Genome wide
association studies in the genes and environment initiative”
Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung (Federal Ministry of Education
and Research), “Disease-related competence network on Asthma/COPD,”
Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany
Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung (Federal Ministry of Education
and Research), “German Center for Lung Diseases,” Berlin, Federal Republic
of Germany
Ad hoc reviewer, NIH Cardiology And Sleep Epidemiology (CASE) Study
External Invited Committees and Working Groups
United Nations Compensation Commission, F4 Expert Panel on Public Health
Damage, Treatment and Compensation (Iraq War), Geneva, Switzerland
American Thoracic Society, Behavioral Sciences Assembly Planning Committee
Chair, Operations Committee, Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
NIH/NHLBI Working Group on the Pathogenetic link between Cardiovascular
Disease and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Bethesda, MD.
COPD Foundation Workshop on COPD and Primary Care, Bethesda, MD.
Data Safety and Monitoring Board, Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study Protocol 560,
“Bronchitis and Emphysema Advice and Training to Reduce Hospitalization
Chair, Lung Working Group, Cardiovascular Health Study
NIH/NHLBI Working Group on Future Research Opportunities for the Coronary
Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. Bethesda, MD.
Chair, Lung Function Writing Group, NHLBI Candidate-gene Association
REsource (CARe) Study
COPD Foundation Working Group on Standardized Definition of COPD in
Epidemiologic Studies. Philadelphia, PA.
NIH/NHLBI Working Group on Strategies for Case Finding of Severe COPD in
the United States. Bethesda, MD.
COPD Foundation Working Group on Standardized Definition of COPD in
Epidemiologic Studies (chair). Chicago, IL.
NIH/NHLBI Workshop: COPD 2009: Assessment of the current state-of-the-art
for basic and clinical research and shaping the future. Bethesda, MD.
CHARGE Consortium Lung Working Group
Visiting Professor: Washington University, St Louis MO.
US COPD Coalition National COPD Conference Planning Committee
NIH/NHLBI Workshop: Opportunities and Challenges in the Genetics of COPD
2010: An International COPD Genetics Conference Report
A. Original, Peer-reviewed Articles:
Barr RG, Menzies R. The effect of war on tuberculosis: results of a tuberculin survey
among displaced persons in El Salvador and a review of the literature. Tubercle Lung
Dis 1994; 75:251-259. PMID: 7949070
Pineault M, Rossignol M, Barr RG. Interrater analysis of a classification scheme of
occupational fatalities by electrocution. J Safety Res 1994; 25:107
Pablos-Méndez A, Knirsch CA, Barr RG, Lerner BH, Frieden TR. Nonadherence in
tuberculosis treatment: predictors and consequences in New York City. Am J Med
1997; 102:164-70. PMID: 9217566
Pablos-Méndez A, Barr RG, Shea S. Run-in periods in randomized trials: implications
for the applicability of results to clinical practice. JAMA 1998; 279:222-25. PMID:
Barr RG, Woodruff PG, Clark S, Camargo CA Jr. Sudden-onset asthma exacerbations:
clinical features, response to therapy, and 2-week follow-up. Eur Respir J 2000; 15:26673. PMID: 10706490
Barr RG, Diez-Roux AV, Knirsch CA, Pablos-Méndez A. Neighborhood poverty and
the resurgence of tuberculosis in New York City, 1984 to 1992. Am J Public Health
2001; 91:1487-93. PMID: 11527786
Barr RG, Cooper DM, Speizer FE, Drazen JM, Camargo CA Jr. E2-receptor gene
polymorphism and body mass index are associated with asthma in sedentary but not
active women. Chest 2001; 120:1474-79. PMID: 11713122
Barr RG, Rowe BH, Camargo CA Jr. Methyl-xanthines for exacerbations of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease: a meta-analysis (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane
Library, Issue 1, 2001. Oxford: Update Software. Updated quarterly. PMID: 11279755
Barr RG, Nathan DM, Meigs JB, Singer DE. Tests of glycemia for the diagnosis of
diabetes mellitus in non-pregnant adults. Ann Intern Med 2002; 137:263-72 PMID:
12186517 [Editorial: Garber AM. Articles on diagnostic tests: a new series and an
invitation to authors. Ann Intern Med 2002; 137:288-89]
Barr RG, Herbstman J, Speizer FE, Camargo CA Jr. Validation of self-reported chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease in a prospective cohort study of women. Am J Epidemiol
2002; 155:965-71. PMID: 11994237
Barr RG, Somers SC, Speizer FE, Camargo CA Jr. Patient factors and medication
guideline adherence among older women with asthma. Arch Intern Med 2002;162:176168. PMID: 12153380
Barr RG, Seliger S, Appel GB, Zuniga R, D’Agati V, Salmon J, Radhakrishnan J.
Prognosis in proliferative lupus nephritis: the role of socioeconomic status and
race/ethnicity. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2003; 18:2039-46. PMID: 13679478
Barr RG, Rowe BH, Camargo CA Jr. Methylxanthines for exacerbations of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease: meta-analysis of randomised trials [2003 update]. BMJ
2003; 327:643-46. PMID: 14500434
Barr RG, Wentowski CC, Grodstein F, Somers SC, Stampfer MJ, Schwartz J, Speizer
FE, Camargo CA Jr. Prospective study of postmenopausal hormone use and asthma or
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Arch Intern Med 2004; 164:379-86. PMID:
Barr RG, Wentowski CC, Curhan GC, Somers SC, Stampfer MJ, Schwartz J, Speizer
FE, Camargo CA Jr. Prospective study of acetaminophen use and newly diagnosed
asthma among women. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004; 169:836-41. PMID: 14711794
Rana JS, Mittleman MA, Sheikh J, Hu FB, Manson JE, Colditz GA, Speizer FE, Barr
RG, Camargo CA Jr. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, and risk of type 2
diabetes in women. Diabetes Care 2004; 27:2478-84. PMID: 15451919
17. * Karpati AK, Perrin M, Matte T, Leighton J, Schwartz J, Barr RG. Pesticide spraying for
West Nile Virus control and emergency department asthma visits in New York City,
2000. Environ Health Perspect 2004; 112:1183–1187. PMID: 15289164
18. * Press R, Carrasquillo O, Nickolas T, Radhakrishnan J, Shea S, Barr RG. Race/ethnicity,
poverty status and renal transplant outcomes. Transplantation, 2005; 80:917-24. PMID:
19. * Barr RG, Bourbeau J, Camargo CA Jr. Inhaled tiotropium for stable chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease. The Cochrane Library, Issue 2, 2005. PMID: 15846642
Schwartzman K, Oxlade O, Barr RG, Grimard F, Acosta I, Baez J, Ferreira E, Melgen
RE, Morose W, Salgado AC, Jacquet V, Maloney S, Laserson K, Pablos-Mendez A,
Menzies D. Domestic returns from investment in global tuberculosis control. New Engl J
Med, 2005; 353:1008-1020. PMID: 16148286
21. * Barr RG, Celli BR, Martinez FJ, Reilly JJ Jr, Rennard SI, Ries AL, Sciurba FC,
Thomashow BM, Wise RA. Physician and patient perceptions in COPD: the COPD
Resource Network needs assessment survey. Am J Med, 2005; 118:1415.e9-1415e17.
PMID: 16378794
Jacquet V, Morose W, Schwartzman K, Oxlade O, Barr G, Grimard F, Menzies D.
Impact of DOTS expansion on tuberculosis related outcomes and costs in Haiti. BMC
Public Health, 2006; 6:209. PMID: 16911786
23. * Jiang R, Jacobs DR Jr, Mayer-Davis E, Szklo M, Herrington D, Jenny N, Kronmal R,
Barr RG. Nut and seed consumption and inflammatory markers in the Multi-Ethnic
Study of Atherosclerosis. Am J Epidemiol, 2006; 163:222-231. PMID: 16357111
Perzanowski MS, Miller RL, Thorne PS, Barr RG, Sheares BS, Garfinkel RS, Perera FP,
Goldstein IF, Chew GL. Associations of endotoxin in inner-city homes: with wheeze and
eczema in early childhood. J Allergy Clin Immun, 2006; 117:1082-89. PMID: 16675336
Diez-Roux A, Auchincloss A, Astor B, Barr RG, Cushman M, Dvonch T, Jacobs DR Jr,
Kaufman J, Lin X, Samson P. Recent exposure to particulate matter and C-reactive
protein concentration in the Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Am J Epidemiol,
2006; 164:437-48. PMID: 16751260
26. * Barr RG, Bourbeau J, Camargo CA Jr, Ram FSF. Inhaled tiotropium for stable chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease: a meta-analysis (2006 update). Thorax, 2006;61:854–
862. PMID: 16844726
Lederer DJ, Arcasoy SM, Barr RG, Wilt JS, D'Ovidio F, Sonett JR, Kawut SM. Racial
and ethnic disparities in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: A UNOS/OPTN database
analysis. Am J Transplantation, 2006; 6:2436-42. PMID: 16869805
Lutsey PL, Cushman M, Steffen LM, Green D, Barr RG, Herrington D, Ouyang P,
Folsom AR. Plasma hemostatic factors and endothelial markers in four racial/ethnic
groups: the MESA study. J Thromb Haemost, 2006;4:2629–35. PMID: 17002663
29. * Barr RG, Kurth T, Stampfer MJ, Buring JE, Hennekens CH, Gaziano JM. Aspirin and
decreased adult-onset asthma: randomized comparisons from the Physicians’ Health
Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2007; 175:120-125. PMID: 17068328
30. * Jiang R, Paik DC, Hankinson J, Barr RG. Consumption of cured meats is associated
with low lung function and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among US adults. Am
J Respir Crit Care Med, 2007;175:798-804. PMID: 17255565
31. * Palmas W, Ma S, Pasty B, Goff DC Jr, Darwin C, Barr RG. Antihypertensive
medications and C-reactive protein in the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis. Am J
Hypertension, 2007; 20:233-41. PMID: 17324732
Sedik H, Barr RG, Clark S, Camargo CA Jr. Prospective study of sudden-onset asthma
exacerbations in children. Pediatr Emerg Care, 2007; 23:439-44. PMID: 17666923
33. * Jones DP, Camargo CA Jr, Speizer FE, Barr RG. Prospective study of short stature and
newly diagnosed obstructive airways disease. J Asthma, 2007; 44:291-5. PMID:
Varraso R, Fung TT, Barr RG, Hu FB, Willett W, Camargo CA Jr. Prospective study of
dietary patterns and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among US women. Am J Clin
Nutrition, 2007; 86:488-95. PMID: 17684223
Yegen HA, Lederer DJ, Barr RG, Wilt JS, Fang Y, Bagiella E, D'Ovidio F, Okun JM,
Sonett JR, Arcasoy SM, Kawut SM. Risk factors for venous thromboembolism after lung
transplant. Chest, 2007; 132:547-53. PMID: 17573512
Nettleton JA, Steffen LM, Schulze MD, Jenny NS, Barr RG, Bertoni A, Jacobs DR Jr.
Associations between markers of subclinical atherosclerosis and dietary patterns derived
by principal components analysis and reduced rank regression in the Multi-Ethnic Study
of Atherosclerosis (MESA). Am J Clin Nutrition, 2007; 85:1615-25. PMID: 17556701
Varraso R, Jiang R, Barr RG, Willett W, Camargo CA Jr. Prospective study on
consumption of cured meats and risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in US
men. Am J Epidemiol, 2007;166:1438-45. PMID: 17785711
38. * Barr RG, Mesia Vela S, Austin JHM, Keller B, Reeves AP, Shimbo D, Stevenson L.
Impaired flow-mediated dilatation of the brachial artery is associated with low pulmonary
function & emphysema in ex-smokers. The EMCAP Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med,
2007;176:1200-07. PMID: 17761614 [Editorial: Sabit R, Shale DJ. Vascular structure
and function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A chicken and egg issue? Am J
Respir Crit Care Med, 2007;176:1175-76]
Lederer DJ, Benn EKT, Barr RG, Wilt JS, Reilly G, Sonett JR, Arcasoy SM, Kawut SM.
Racial differences in waiting list outcomes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am
J Respir Crit Care Med; 2008;177:450-45. PMID: 18006881
Yen CC, Barr RG, Powell CA, Mesia-Vela S, Wang Y, Hamade NK, Austin JHM,
Santella RM. Association between cigarette smoking and oxidized plasma proteins.
Environ Res, 2008;106:219-25. PMID: 17996865
41. * Jiang R, Camargo CA Jr, Paik DC, Varraso R, Willett WC, Barr RG. Prospective study
of cured meats intake and risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in US women.
Am J Clin Nutrition, 2008;87:1002-8. PMID: 18400725
42. * Barr RG, Stemple KJ, Mesia-Vela S, Basner R, Derk S, Henneberger P, Milton DK,
Taveras B. Reproducibility and validity of a handheld spirometer. Respir Care; 2008;53:
433-41. PMID: 18364054
43. * Mesia-Vela S, Yeh CC, Austin JHM, Dounel M, Powell CA, Reeves A, Santella RM,
Stevenson L, Yankelevitz D, Barr RG. Plasma carbonyls do not correlate with lung
function or computed tomography measures of lung density in older smokers.
Biomarkers, 2008;13:422-34. PMID: 18484356
Kurth T, Barr RG, Gaziano JM, Buring JE. Randomized aspirin assignment and risk of
adult-onset asthma in the Women’s Health Study. Thorax, 2008;63:514-8: PMID:
18339679 [Editorial: Clayton AA. Aspirin and asthma: barking up the right tree?
Thorax, 2008;63:485-86]
Auchincloss A, Diez-Roux A, Dvonch JT, Brown PL, Barr RG, Daviglus ML, Goff DC
Jr, Kaufman J, O’Neill MS. Associations between recent exposure to ambient fine
particulate matter and blood pressure in The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
(MESA). Environ Health Pers, 2008;486-91. PMID: 18414631
Diez Roux AV, Auchincloss AH, Green T, Ragunathan T, Barr RG, Kaufman J, Astor
B, Keeler J. Long-term exposure to ambient particulate matter and prevalence of
subclinical atherosclerosis in the Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). Am J
Epidemiol, 2008; 167:667-75. PMID: 18227099
47. * Palmas W, Ma S, Jacobs DR, Arnett D, Jackson S, Olson J, Saad MF, Kronmal R,
Kramer H, Barr RG. Association of serum C-reactive protein with urinary albumin
excretion: role of gender and ethnicity. Ethnicity & Disease, 2008;18:324-9. PMID:
Thyagarajan B, Jacobs DR Jr, Apostol GG, Smith LJ, Jensen RL, Crapo RO, Barr RG,
Lewis CE, Williams OD. Longitudinal association of body mass index with lung
function: The CARDIA Study. Respir Res, 2008;9:31. PMID: 18394165
Camargo CA Jr, Barr RG, Chen R, Speizer FE. Prospective study of inhaled
corticosteroid use, cardiovascular mortality and all-cause mortality in asthmatic women.
Chest, 2008;134:546-51. PMID: 18641096
50. * Jiang R, Burke GL, Enright PL, Newman AB, Margolis HG, Cushman M, Tracy RP,
Wang Y, Kronmal RA, Barr RG. Inflammatory markers and longitudinal lung function
decline in the elderly. Am J Epidemiol, 2008;168:602-10. PMID: 18687665
51. * Tonorezos ES, Karpati AM, Wang Y, Barr RG. Twin epidemics? Adult obesity and
asthma in New York City neighborhoods. Respir Med, 2008;102:1797-804. PMID:
Chung H, Nettleton JA, Lemaitre RN, Barr RG, Tsai MY, Tracy RP, Siscovick DS.
Frequency and type of seafood consumed influence plasma (n-3) fatty acids
concentrations. J Nutrition, 2008;138:2422-7. PMID 19022967
He K, Liu K, Daviglus ML, Mayer-Davis E, Jenny N, Jiang R, Ouyang P, Steffen L,
Siscovick D, Wu C, Barr RG, Tsai M, Burke G. Intakes of long-chain n-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids and fish in relation to measurements of subclinical
atherosclerosis. Am J Clin Nutrition, 2008;88:1111-8. PMID: 18842801
54. * Barr RG, Celli BR, Mannino DM, Petty T, Rennard SI, Sciurba FC, Stoller JK,
Thomashow BM, Turino GM. Comorbidities in a national sample of patients with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Med, 2009;122:348-55. PMID: 19332230
Thyagarajan B, Smith LJ, Barr RG, Gross MD, Sood A, Kalhan R, and Jacobs DR.
Association of circulating adhesion molecules with lung function: The CARDIA study.
Chest, 2009;135:1481-87. PMID: 19225066
Michos ED, Rice KM, Szklo M, Burke GL, Siscovick DS, Tracy RP, Barr RG, Nettleton
JA, Greenland P, Jacobs DR Jr, Post W. Factors associated with absence of significant
coronary artery calcification in asymptomatic elderly adults: The MESA Study. Prev
Cardiol, 2009;12:72-9. PMID: 19476580
57. * Sachs MC, Enright PL, Hinckley-Stukovsky K, Jiang R, Barr RG. Correlates and quality
of maximal inspiratory pressure in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Lung Study. Respir Care, 2009;54:1321-28. PMID: 19075250 [Editorial: Petrini MF. In
search of maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressure reference equations. Respir Care,
Bertoni AG, Whitt-Clover M, Chung H, Le KY, Barr RG, Mahesh M, Jenny NS, Burke
GL, Jacobs DR. The association between physical activity and subclinical
atherosclerosis: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Am J Epidemiol,
2009;169:444-54. PMID 19075250
59. * Hoffman EA, Jiang R, Baumhauer HA, Brooks M, Carr JJ, Detrano R, Hinckley K,
Reinhardt J, Rodriguez J, Wong N, Barr RG. Reproducibility and validation of lung
density measures from cardiac CT scans in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
(MESA) Lung Study. Acad Radiol, 2009;16:689-99. PMID: 19427979
Van Hee VC, Adar SD, Szpiro AA, Barr RG, Bluemke DA, Diez Roux AV, Gill EA,
Sheppard L, Kaufman JD. Traffic-related air pollution and left ventricular mass and
function: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med,
2009;179:827-34. PMID: 19164703
Rivera JJ, Nasir K, Katz R, Takasu J, Allison M, Wong ND, Barr RG, Carr JJ,
Blumenthal RS, Budoff MJ. Relationship of thoracic aortic calcium to coronary calcium
and its progression. The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Am J Cardiol,
2009;103:1562-7. PMID: 19463516
Szklo M, Ding J, Tsai MY, Cushman M, Polak JF, Lima J, Barr RG, Sharrett AR.
Individual pathogens, pathogen burden and markers of subclinical atherosclerosis: the
Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. J Cardiovasc Med, 2009;10:747-51. PMID:
Winston G, Barr RG, Carrasquillo O, Bertoni A, Shea S. Gender and racial-ethnic
differences in cardiovascular disease risk factor treatment and control among persons
with diabetes in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). Diabetes Care,
2009;32:1467-9. PMID: 19435957
64. * Lederer DJ, Enright PL, Kawut SM, Hoffman EA, Hunninghake G, Jiang R, Austin JHM,
van Beek E, Lovasi GS, Barr RG. Cumulative cigarette smoking is associated with
spirometric restriction and high attenuation areas on CT Scan: The Multi-Ethnic Study of
Atherosclerosis (MESA) Lung Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2009;180:407-14.
PMID 19542480
Radeos MS, Cydulka RK, Rowe BH, Barr RG, Clark S, Camargo CA Jr. Validation of
self-reported COPD among patients in the emergency department. Am J Emerg Med,
2009:191-6. PMID: 19371527
Duprez DA, Jacobs DR Jr, Lutsey PL, Herrington D, Prime D, Ouyang P, Barr RG,
Bluemke DA. Race/ethnic and gender differences in large and small artery elasticity –
results of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Ethn Dis. 2009;19:243-50. PMID:
67. * Lovasi GS, Diez Roux AV, Hoffman EA, Kawut SM, Jacobs DR Jr, Barr RG.
Association of environmental tobacco exposure in childhood with early emphysema in
adulthood among non-smokers. The MESA Lung Study. Am J Epidemiol, 2010;171:4362. PMID: 19942575.
68. * Hankinson JL, Kawut SM, Shahar E, Smith LJ, Stukovsky KH, Barr RG. Performance
of American Thoracic Society-recommended spirometry reference values in a multiethnic
sample of adults. The MESA Lung Study. Chest, 2010;137:138-145. PMID: 19741060
69. * Perzanowski MS, Miller RL, Tang D, Ali D, Garfinkel RS, Chew GL, Goldstein IF,
Perera FP, Barr RG. Prenatal acetaminophen exposure and risk of wheeze at age 5 years
in an urban, low-income cohort. Thorax, 2010;65:118-23. PMID: 19850963
70. * Barr RG, Bluemke DA, Ahmed FS, Carr JJ, Enright PL, Hoffman EA, Jiang R, Kawut
SM, Kronmal RA, Lima JA, Shahar E, Smith LJ, Watson KE. Percent emphysema,
airflow obstruction and impaired left ventricular filling. New Engl J Med, 2010;362:21727. PMID: 20089972 [Editorial. Vonk-Noordegraaf A. The shrinking heart in chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease. New Engl J Med, 2010;362:267-68]
Hancock DB, Eijgelsheim M, Wilk JB, Gharib SA, Loehr LR, Marciante KD,
Franceschini N, van Durme YMTA, Chen T, Barr RG, Schabath MB, Couper DJ,
Brusselle GG, Psaty BM, van Duijn CM, Uitterlinden UG, Hofman A, Punjabi NM,
Rivadeneira F, Morrison AC, Enright PL, North KE, Heckbert SR, Lumley T, Stricker
BHC, O’Connor GT, London SJ. Meta-analyses of genome-wide association studies
identify multiple loci associated with pulmonary function. Nature Genetics, 2010;42;4552. PMID: 20010835 [Editorial. Weiss ST. Lung function and airway diseases. Nature
Genetics, 2010;42;14-16]
72. * Klein R, Knudtson MD, Klein BEK, Wong TY, Cotch MF, Barr RG. Emphysema,
airflow limitation and early age-related macular degeneration: The Multi-Ethnic Study of
Atherosclerosis. Arch Ophthalm, 2010;128:472-77. PMID: 20385944
73. * Rodriguez CJ, Diez Roux AV, Moran A, Jih Z, Lima J, Homma S, Bluemke DA, Barr
RG. Hypertension prevalence, left ventricular mass and ventricular remodeling among
Hispanic subgroups compared to non-Hispanic blacks and whites: The Multi-Ethnic
Study of Atherosclerosis. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2010;55:234-42. PMID: 20117402
74. * Rodriguez J, Jiang R, Johnson WC, MacKenzie BA, Smith LJ, Barr RG. The association
of pipe and cigar use with cotinine levels, lung function and airflow obstruction: a crosssectional study. Ann Intern Med, 2010;152:201-10. PMID: 20157134 [Editorial.
Steinberg MB, Delnevo CD. Tobacco smoke by any other name is still as deadly. Ann
Intern Med, 2010;152: 259-260]
Shimbo D, Muntner P, Mann D, Viera A, Homma S, Polak JF, Barr RG, Herrington D,
Shea S. Endothelial dysfunction and the risk of hypertension: The Multi-Ethnic Study of
Atherosclerosis. Hypertension. 2010:55:1210-6. PMID: 20308612
76. * Jiang R, Jacobs Jr DR, He K, Hoffman EA, Hankinson JL, Nettleton J, Barr RG.
Associations of dairy intake with CT lung density and lung function: The MESA Lung
Study. J Am Coll Nutrition, 2010;29:494-502. PMID: 21504976
Bertoni AG, Burke GL, Owusu, JA, Carnethon MR, Vaidyz D, Barr RG, Jenny NS,
Ouyang P, Rotter JI. Inflammation and the incidence of Type 2 Diabetes: the MultiEthnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Diabetes Care. 2010;33:804-10. PMID: 20097779
Kawut SM, Barr RG, Johnson WC, Chahal H, Tandri H, Jain A, Bristow MR, Kizer JR,
Bagiella E, Lima JAC, Bluemke DA. MMP-9 and PAI-1 are associated with right
ventricular structure and function: The MESA-RV Study. Biomarkers. 2010;15:731-738.
Chahal H, Johnson WC, Tandri H, Jain A, Hundley WG, Barr RG, Kawut SM, Lima
JAC, Bluemke D. Relation of cardiovascular risk factors to right ventricular structure and
function as determined by MRI: The MESA-RV Study. Am J Cardiol, 2010;106:110-6.
PMID: 20609657
Park SK, Auchincloss AH, O'Neill MS, Prineas R, Correa JC, Keeler J, Barr RG,
Kaufman J, Diez Roux AV. Particulate air pollution, metabolic syndrome and heart rate
variability: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Environ Health Perspect,
2010;118:1406-11. PMID: 20529761
Van Hee VC, Adar SD, Szpiro AA, Barr RG, Bluemke DA, Diez Roux AV, Bluemke
DA, Sheppard L, Gill EA, Bahrami H, Wassel C, Sale MM, Siscovick DS, Rotter JI, Rich
SS, Kaufman JD. Common genetic variation, residential proximity to traffic exposure,
and left ventricular mass: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Environ Health
Perspect, 2010;118:962-969. PMID: 20308035
Adar S, Klein R, Klein B, Cotch MF, Wong T, Szpiro A, O’Neill M, Shrager S, Barr
RG, Siscovick D, Daviglus M, Sampson P, Kaufman J. Air pollution and the
microvasculature: a cross-sectional assessment of in vivo retinal images in the
population-based Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). PLoS Med,
2010;7:e1000372. PMID:21152417
Aaron CP, Tandri H, Barr RG, Johnson WC, Bagiella E, Chahal H, Jain A, Kizer JR,
Bertoni AG, Lima JAC, Bluemke DA, Kawut SM. Physical activity and right ventricular
structure and function: The MESA-Right Ventricle Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med,
2011;183:396-404. PMID:20813888
Fujishiro K, Diez-Roux A., Landsbergis P, Baron S, Barr RG, Kaufman J, Polak JF,
Hinckley-Stukovsky K. Associations of occupation, job control and job demands with
intima-media thickness: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). Occup
Environ Med, 2011;68:319-326. PMID:20935285
85. * McAllister D, MacNee W, Duprez D, Hoffman EA, Vogel-Claussen J, Jiang R, Bluemke
DA, Barr RG. Pulmonary function is associated with distal aortic calcium, not proximal
aortic distensibility. The MESA Lung Study. COPD 2011;8:71-88. PMID:21495835
[Comment: Bolton CE, Cockcroft JR. Lung function and aortic calcification--hardening
the evidence or inflaming the need for further research? COPD 2011;2:57-59.]
86. * Kiefer EM, Hankinson JL, Barr RG. Similar relation of age and height to lung function
among whites, African Americans, and Hispanics. Am J Epidemiol, 2011 ;173:376-87.
PMID: 21242304 [Editorial: Jacobs Jr DR, Meyer KA. On population subgroups,
mathematics, and interventions. Am J Epidemiol, 2011;173:388-90]
87. * Lovasi GS, Diez Roux A, Hoffman EA, Smith LJ, Jiang R, Carr JJ, Barr RG.
Socioeconomic status is positively associated with percent emphysema on CT scan. The
MESA Lung Study. Acad Radiol, 2011;18:199-204. PMID: 21232685
O'Neill MS, Diez-Roux AV, Auchincloss AH, Shen M, Lima JA, Polak JF, Barr RG,
Kaufman JD, Jacobs Jr DR. Long-term exposure to airborne particles and arterial
stiffness: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Environ Health Perspect,
2011;119:844-51. PMID: 21245016
89. * Barr RG, Ahmed FS, Carr JJ, Hoffman EA, Jiang R, Kawut SM, Watson KE.
Subclinical atherosclerosis, airflow obstruction and emphysema: the MESA Lung Study.
Eur Respir J, 2011; in press. PMID:22034646
Budoff M, Khurram N, Kinney G, Hokanson J, Barr RG, Steiner R, Nath H, Garcia C,
Black-Shinn J, Casaburi R. Coronary artery and thoracic calcium on non-contrast
thoracic CT scans: comparison of ungated and gated examinations in patients from the
COPD Gene cohort. J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr, 2011, Mar-Apr;5:113-8.
Shimbo D, Muntner P, Mann D, Barr RG, Tang W, Post WP, Lima J, Burke G, Bluemke
D, Shea S. Association of left ventricular hypertrophy with incident hypertension: The
Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Am J Epidemiol, 2011;173:898-905.
Kawut SM, Bagiella E, Shimbo D, Lederer DJ, Al-Naamani N, Roberts KE, Barr RG,
Post W, Horn EM, Tracy R, Hassoun PM, Girgis RE. Rationale and design of a Phase II
clinical trial of aspirin and simvastatin for the treatment of pulmonary arterial
hypertension: ASA-STAT. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2011;32:280-7.
Dibble CT, Lima JA, Bluemke DA, Chirinos JA, Chahal H, Bristow MR, Kronmal RA,
Barr RG, Ferrari VA, Propert KJ, Kawut SM. Regional left ventricular systolic function
and the right ventricle: The MESA Right Ventricle Study. Chest, 2011;140:310-6.
PMID: 21330384
Kawut SM, Lima JAC, Barr RG, Chahal H, Jain A, Tandri H, Praestgaard A, Bagiella
E, Kizer JR, Johnson WC, Kronmal RA, Bluemke DA. Sex and race differences in right
ventricular structure and function: The MESA-Right Ventricle study. Circulation,
2011;123:2542-51. PMID: 21646505
Kawut SM, Bagiella E, Shimbo D, Lederer DJ, Al-Naamani N, Roberts KE, Barr RG,
Post W, Horn EM, Tracy R, Hassoun PM, Girgis RE. A randomized clinical trial of
aspirin and simvastatin for pulmonary arterial hypertension: ASA-STAT. Circulation,
2011;123:2985-2993. PMID: 21593252
Washko GR, Hunninghake GM, Fernandez IE, Nishino M, Okajima Y, Yamashiro T,
Ross JC, Estépar RS, Lynch DA, Brehm JM, Andriole KP, Diaz AA, Khorasani R, D'Aco
K, Sciurba FC, Silverman EK, Hatabu H, Rosas IO for the COPDGene Investigators
[corporate authorship]. Lung volumes and emphysema in smokers with interstitial lung
abnormalities. N Engl J Med 2011;364:897-906. PMID:21388308
Kim DK, Hersh CP, Washko GR, Hokanson JE, Lynch DA, Newell JD, Murphy JR,
Crapo JD, Silverman EK for the COPD Gene Investigators [corporate authorship].
Epidemiology, radiology, and genetics of nicotine dependence in COPD. Respir Res.
2011 Jan 13;12:9. PMID:21232152
Silverman EK, Vestbo J, Agusti A, Anderson W, Bakke PS, Barnes KC, Barr RG,
Bleecker ER, Boezen MH, Burkart KM, Celli BR, Cho MH, Cookson WOC, Croxton T,
Daley D, DeMeo DL, Gan W, Aymerich JG, Hall IP, Hansel NH, Hersh CP, Kalsheker
N, Kiley JP, Kim WJ, Lambrechts D, Lee SD, Litonjua AA, Lomas DA, London SJ,
Nishimura M, Nørdestgaard BG, O’Donnell C, Postma DS, Puhan MA, Tesfaigzi Y,
Tobin MD, Vogelmeier C, Wilk JB, Wouters E, Young RP, Ziegler-Heitbrock L,
MacNee W, Crapo JD. Opportunities and challenges in genetics of COPD 2010: an
International COPD Genetics Conference Report. J COPD 2011;8:121-35.
Malik S, Budoff MJ, Katz R, Blumenthal RS, Bertoni AG, Nasir K, Szklo M, Barr RG,
Wong N. Impact of subclinical atherosclerosis on cardiovascular disease events in
individuals with metabolic syndrome and diabetes: the Multi-Ethnic Study of
Atherosclerosis. Diabetes Care, 2011;34:2285-90. PMID 21844289
Chahal H, McClelland R, Tandri H, Jain A, Turkey E, Hundley W, Barr RG, Kizer JR,
Lima JAC, Bluemke DA, Kawut SM. Obesity and right ventricular structure and
function: The MESA Right Ventricle Study. Chest. 2011, Aug 25. PMID: 21868467
Ventetuolo CE, Ouyang P, Bluemke DA, Tandri H, Barr RG, Bagiella E, Cappola AR,
Bristow MR, Johnson C, Kronmal RA, Kizer JR, Lima JA, Kawut SM. Sex hormones
are associated with right ventricular structure and function: The MESA-right ventricle
study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;183:659-67. PMID: 20889903
Artigas MS, et al. (multiple consortium authors; Barr RG, senior MESA author).
Genome-wide association and large-scale follow-up identifies 16 new loci influencing
lung function. Nature Genetics. 2011, PMID: 21946350.
Hardin M, Silverman EK, Barr RG, Hansel NN, Schroeder JD, Make BJ, Crapo JD,
Hersh CP; the COPDGene Investigators. The clinical features of the overlap between
COPD and asthma. Respir Res. 2011;12:127. PMID: 21951550
Coylewright M, Rice K, Budoff MJ, Blumenthal RS, Greenland P, Kronmal R, Barr RG,
Burke GL, Tracy R, Post WS. Differentiation of severe coronary artery calcification in
the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis. 2011, in press. PMID:
Jacobs DR Jr, Yatsuya H, Hearst MO, Thyagarajan B, Kalhan R, Rosenberg S, Smith LJ,
Barr RG, Duprez D. Rate of decline of forced vital capacity predicts future arterial
hypertension: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA)
Study. Hypertension. 2011 Dec 27; PMID: 22203738
CE Ventetuolo, RG Barr, DA Blumke, A Jain, JAC Delaney, WG Hundley, JAC Lima,
SM Kawut. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor use is associated with right ventricular
structure and function: The MESA-Right Ventricle Study. PLoS ONE, in press.
[Corporate Authorship]. A combined pulmonary-radiology workshop for visual
evaluation of COPD: study design, chest CT findings and concordance with quantitative
evaluation. NJHealth. 2012; 9 (2): , in press.
B. Case Reports and Letters:
Pablos-Méndez A, Barr RG, Shea S. In reply (reply to letters to the editor). JAMA
1998; 279:1526-27. No PMID
* Barr RG. Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (letter). N
Engl J Med 2002; 347:1533-34. No PMID
Barr RG, Meigs JB, Singer DE. Tests of glycemia (reply to letters to the editor). Ann
Intern Med 2003; 138:517. No PMID
Barr RG, Rowe BH, Camargo CA Jr. In reply (reply to letters to the editor). BMJ 2003.
* Barr RG. Management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (letter). JAMA 2004;
291;1066-67. No PMID
* Karpati AK, Perrin M, Matte T, Leighton J, Schwartz J, Barr RG. In reply (reply to
letters to the editor). Environ Health Perspect 2005, 3:A150-1. No PMID
* Jiang R, Camargo CA Jr, Paik DC, Varraso R, Willett WC, Barr RG. In reply (reply to
letters to the editor). Am J Clin Nutrion, 2008, in press.
* Hoffman EA, Barr RG. In reply (reply to letters to the editor). Acad Radiol, 2010, in
* Barr RG, DA Bleumke, Kawut SM. In reply (reply to letters to the editor). N Engl J
Med, 2010;362:1638-1641. No PMID
C. Reviews, Chapters and Editorials:
Barr RG, Nathan DM, Meigs JB, Singer DE. Tests of glycemia for the diagnosis of
diabetes mellitus in non-pregnant adults. In: Common Diagnostic Tests. 3rd ed. AM
Garber, HC Sox, ed. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians. 2002; in press.
Barr RG, Camargo CA Jr. Hormone replacement therapy and obstructive airway
diseases. Treat Respir Med 2004; 3:1-3-7. PMID: 15174888
* Eneli IU, Sadri K, Camargo CA Jr, Barr RG. Acetaminophen and the risk of asthma: the
epidemiologic and pathophysiologic evidence. Chest 2005; 127:604-612. PMID: 15706003
[Editorial. Falliers J. Emergent asthma: endogenous, exogenous, or iatrogenous. Chest 2005;
* Barr RG, Kinney PL, Lelliot P, Neugebauer R, Simonnot C, Waitzman NJ. Public
health damage, treatment and compensation report for the State of Kuwait. United
Nations Compensation Commission 5000183. Cambridge: Industrial Economics, Inc.,
Barr RG, Kinney PL, Lelliot P, Neugebauer R, Waitzman NJ, Neugut AI. Public health
damage, treatment and compensation report for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. United
Nations Compensation Commission 5000219. Cambridge: Industrial Economics, Inc.,
* Enright PL, Barr RG. The diagnosis and management of asthma in older patients.
UpToDate. 2006.
Fiebach NH, Barr RG. Respiratory Infections. Fiebach NH, Kern DE, Thomas PA,
Ziegelstein RC, editors. Barker, Burton, and Zieve's Principles of Ambulatory Medicine
(7th edition). Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2007.
* Barr RG. Does paracetamol [acetaminophen] cause asthma in children? Time to remove
the guess-work (Invited Commentary). The Lancet, 2008;372:1011-2. PMID: 18805311
* Kiefer EM, Hankinson JL, Rabinowitz D, Barr RG. Kiefer et al. respond to “On
population subgroups, mathematics, and interventions” (Invited Commentary). Am J
Epidemiol, 2011. PMID:21239523
* Barr RG. The epidemiology of vascular dysfunction relating to chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease and emphysema (Invited Manuscript for the Twenty Sixth
Transatlantic Airway Conference, “Pulmonary Circulation in Health and Disease”). Proc
Am Thoracic Soc, 2011;8:522-7. PMID: 22052931
D. Abstracts:
Pineault M, Rossignol M, Barr RG. Classification scheme of occupational fatalities by
electrocution. Presented at the national conference of the American Public Health
Association, Washington, 1992 (poster).
Barr RG, Menzies R, Pallares M. Risk of tuberculosis infection in former refugees in El
Salvador. Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic
Society/American Lung Association, San Francisco, 1993 (poster). Am Rev Respir Dis
1993; 147:A118.
Barr RG, Knirsch C, Pablos-Méndez A. Tuberculosis in New York City – the impact of
poverty. Presented at the national conference of the Society of General Internal
Medicine, Washington, 1997 (poster). J Gen Intern Med 1997; 12 (supp):50.
Pablos-Méndez A, Knirsch CA, Barr RG, Lerner BH, Frieden TR. Nonadherence in
tuberculosis treatment: predictors and consequences in New York City. Presented at the
national conference of the Society of General Internal Medicine, Washington, 1997
(poster). J Gen Intern Med 1997; 12 (supp):56.
Pablos-Méndez A, Barr RG, Shea S. Applicability dilution resulting from run-in periods
in randomized clinical trials. Presented at the national conference of the Society of
General Internal Medicine, Washington, 1997 (poster). J Gen Intern Med 1997; 12
Barr RG, Diez-Roux AV, Knirsch C, Pablos-Méndez A. The resurgence of tuberculosis
in relation to income changes; an analysis of New York City neighborhoods from 1984
to 1992. Presented at the national conference of the Society of General Internal
Medicine, Chicago, 1998 (poster). J Gen Intern Med 1998; 13 (supp):22.
Seliger S, Barr RG, Zuniga R, Appel GB, Salmon J, Radhakrishnan J. Prognosis in
proliferative lupus nephritis: role of race and socioeconomic status. Presented at the
national conference of the American Society of Nephrology, Chicago, 1998 (poster).
Barr RG, Woodruff PG, Clark S, Camargo CA Jr. Sudden-onset asthma exacerbations:
clinical features, response to therapy, and 2-week follow-up. Presented at the national
conference of the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, Boston, 1999 (oral
presentation). Acad Emerg Med 1999; 6 (supp):503.
Barr RG, Camargo CA Jr, Somers SC, Rockett RA, Speizer FE. Medication use among
nurses with physician-diagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Presented at the
national conference of the Society of General Internal Medicine, San Francisco, 1999
(poster). J Gen Intern Med 1999; 14 (supp):87.
Barr RG, Camargo CA Jr, Somers SC, Rockett RA, Speizer FE. Medication use among
nurses with physician-diagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Presented at the
national NRSA Trainees’ Conference, Chicago, 1999 (oral presentation).
Barr RG, Camargo CA Jr, Somers SC, Rockett RA, Speizer FE. Medication use among
women with physician-diagnosed asthma. Presented at the national conference of the
American College of Chest Physicians, Chicago, 1999 (oral presentation). Chest 1999;
114 (supp):257S.
Barr RG, Rowe BH, Camargo CA Jr. Methyl-xanthines for exacerbations of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review. Presented at the international
conference of the American Thoracic Society, Toronto, 2000 (poster). Am J Respir Crit
Care Med 2000; 161 (supp):A823.
Camargo CA Jr, Barr RG, Somers SC, Willett WC, Speizer FE. Prospective cohort
study of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid intake and risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease. Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society,
Toronto, 2000 (poster). Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 161 (supp):A823.
Barr RG, Camargo CA Jr, Cooper DM, Speizer FE, Drazen JM. E-receptor gene
polymorphism and body mass index are associated with asthma in sedentary women.
Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society, Toronto,
2000 (oral presentation). Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 161 (supp):A762.
Sedik H, Barr RG, Clark S, Camargo CA Jr. Sudden-onset asthma exacerbations in
children. Presented at the national conference of the Pediatric Academic
Societies/American Academy of Pediatrics, Boston, 2000. Pediatr Res 2000; 47 (4 part
Barr RG, Somers SC, Grodstein F, Speizer FE, Camargo CA Jr. Prospective cohort
study of postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy and risk of asthma or chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease. Presented at the national conference of the American
College of Chest Physicians, San Francisco, 2000 (oral presentation). Chest 2000;118
Radeos MS, Cydulka RK, Rowe BH, Barr RG, Camargo CA Jr. Validation of clinical
diagnosis of COPD among patients presenting to the emergency department. Presented
at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, 2001
(poster). Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001; 163 (supp):A912.
Barr RG, Herbstman J, Speizer FE, Camargo CA Jr. Validation of self-reported chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease in a prospective cohort study of women. Presented at the
international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, 2001 (poster).
Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001; 163 (supp):A909.
Camargo CA Jr, Barr RG, Speizer FE. Prospective study of body mass index and risk of
adult-onset asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in women. Presented at the
international conference of the European Respiratory Society, Berlin, Fall 2001 (poster).
Eur Respir J 2001;18(Suppl. 33):506s.
Camargo CA Jr, Barr RG, Willett WC, Wentowski CC, Speizer FE. Prospective study
of antioxidant vitamins and risk of adult-onset asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease in women. Presented at the international conference of the European Respiratory
Society, Berlin, Fall 2001 (poster). Eur Respir J 2001;18 (Suppl. 33):151s.
Barr RG, Somers SC, Grodstein F, Speizer FE, Camargo CA Jr. Hormone replacement
therapy and asthma exacerbations among postmenopausal women. Presented at the
national conference of the American College of Chest Physicians, Philadelphia, 2001
(oral presentation). Chest 2001; 120 (supp):171S.
Barr RG, Somers SC, Grodstein F, Speizer FE, Camargo CA Jr. Postmenopausal
hormone use and COPD exacerbations. Presented at the international conference of the
American Thoracic Society, Atlanta, 2002 (poster). Am J Respir Crit Care Med
2002;165 (supp):B5.
23. * Press R, Nickolas T, Radhakrishnan J, Barr RG. Race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status
and functional status after renal transplantation. Presented at the national NRSA
Trainees’ Conference, Nashville, 2003 (oral presentation).
Barr RG, Wentowski CC, Curhan GC, Somers SC, Stampfer MJ, Schwartz J, Speizer
FE, Camargo CA Jr. Prospective cohort study of acetaminophen use and risk of adultonset asthma. Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic
Society, 2003 (poster discussion). Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003;167 (supp): A855.
25. * Barr RG, Taveras B, Basner RC. Reproducibility and validity of a portable spirometer.
Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2003
(poster). Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003;167 (supp):A84.
Somers SC, Wentowski CC, Kelly CP, Barr RG, Speizer FE, Camargo CA Jr.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease and asthma in women. Presented at the national
conference, Digestive Disease Week, 2003.
Barr RG, Wentowski CC, Somers SC, Speizer FE, Camargo CA Jr. Medication use
among nurses with physician-diagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [2000
update]. Presented at the national conference of the US COPD Coalition, 2003 (poster).
28. * Karpati AK, Perrin M, Matte T, Leighton J, Schwartz J, Barr RG. Pesticide spraying for
West Nile Virus control and emergency department asthma visits in New York City,
2000. Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2004
(poster discussion). Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004;169 (supp):A528.
29. * Caplan-Shaw CE, Taveras B, Dounel M, Austin JHM, Powell CA, Henschke CI, Barr
RG. Gastroesophageal reflux symptoms are associated with respiratory symptoms but
not pulmonary function in older smokers. Presented at the international conference of the
American Thoracic Society, 2004 (poster). Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004;169 (supp):
Somers SC, Wentowski CC, Kelly CP, Barr RG, Speizer FE, Camargo CA Jr. Large
cohort study further defines the association between GERD and COPD. Presented at the
international conference, Digestive Disease Week, 2004.
31. † Barr RG, Shea S. Non-adherence generates false equivalence in active control
equivalency trials. Presented at the national conference of the Society of General Internal
Medicine, 2004 (oral presentation). J Gen Intern Med 2004; 19 (supp): 183.
Oxlade O, Tan M, Grimard F, Barr RG, Tannenbaum T, Menzies D, Schwartzman K.
Cost-effectiveness of scaling-up DOTS in a high incidence country vs. screen and treat
tuberculosis among migrants to a low incidence country. Presented at the conference of
the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2004.
Perzanowski MS, Miller RL, Thorne PS, Barr RG, Sheares BS, Correa JC, Perera FP,
Goldstein IF, Chew, GL. House dust endotoxin in New York City and its association
with wheeze in a birth cohort to age 36 months. Presented at the international conference
of the European Respiratory Society, 2004. Eur Respir J 2004;24(Suppl. 48):268s.
Diez-Roux A, Auchincloss A, Keeler G, Barr RG, Samson P. The use of monitor data
to investigate air pollution effects on inflammatory markers and subclinical
atherosclerotic disease in an existing cohort (oral presentation). Presented at the
international conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology,
35. * Barr RG, Bourbeau J, Camargo CA Jr, Ram FSF. Tiotropium for stable chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review (poster). Presented at the
international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2005.
36. * Jones DP, Camargo CA Jr, Speizer FE, Barr RG. Prospective cohort study of height and
risk of newly diagnosed asthma and COPD (poster discussion). Presented at the
international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2005.
37. * Smith EM, Barr RG. Body mass index is a risk factor for asthma in New York City
(oral presentation). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic
Society, 2005.
Oxlade O, Baez J, Barr RG, Jacquet V, Lauzardo M, Morose W, Schwartzman K,
Menzies D. Patient and family costs for tuberculosis in four countries. Presented at the
international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2005.
Camargo CA Jr, Barr RG, Chen R, Speizer FE. Prospective study of inhaled
corticosteroid use, cardiovascular mortality, and all-cause mortality in asthmatic women.
Presented at the international conference of the American Association of Allergy and
Immunology, 2005.
Camargo CA Jr, Barr RG, Davis KJ, Chen R, Speizer FE. Prospective cohort studies of
mortality among men and women with obstructive airway disease. Presented at the
international conference of the American Public Health Association, 2005.
Barr RG, Ma S, Crouse, Manolio T, Saad M, O’Leary D, Shea S. Inflammatory factors
and carotid intima-media thickness in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis.
Presented at the Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention meeting, 2005.
42. * Barr RG, Kurth T, Stampfer MJ, Hennekens CH, Gaziano JM. Low dose aspirin and
decreased adult-onset asthma: randomized comparisons from the Physicians’ Health
Study (poster discussion). Presented at the international conference of the European
Respiratory Society, 2005. Eur Respir J 2005;26(Suppl. 49):681s.
Reddy S, Barr RG, Berbaum K, McLennan G, van Beek E, Hoffman EA. Quantitative
evaluation of emphysema presence and distribution via coronary calcium CT compared
with full lung study (oral presentation). Presented at the international conference of the
Radiological Society of North America, 2005.
Perzanowski MS, Goldstein IF, Barr RG, Shears BJ, Chew GL, Garfinkel RS, Pulgarin
CP, Perera FP, , Miller RL. Elevated BMI at Age 3 Years Predicts Wheeze at Age 5,
Independent of Wheeze Earlier in Life. Presented at the international conference of the
AAAAI, 2005.
Michos E, Rice K, Szklo M, Greenland P, Burke G, Siscovick D, Tracy R, Barr RG,
Post W (oral presentation). Factors associated with absence of significant coronary artery
calcification in asymptomatic elderly adults: The MESA Study. Presented at the
international conference of the American Heart Association, 2006.
Schipull PL, Cushman M, Steffen LM, Green D, Barr RG, Herrington D, Ouyang P,
Folsom AR. Plasma hemostatic factors and endothelial markers in four racial/ethnic
groups: the MESA study. Presented at the international conference of the American
Heart Association, 2006.
He K, Liu K, Daviglus ML, Mayer-Davis E, Jenny N, Jiang R, Ouyang P, Steffen L,
Siscovick D, Wu C, Barr RG, Herrington D. Intakes of long-chain N-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids and fish in relation to biomarkers of subclinical atherosclerosis: the MultiEthnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). Presented at the international conference of the
American Heart Association, 2006.
Lederer DJ, Arcasoy SM, Barr RG, Wilt JS, D'Ovidio F, Bagiella E, Sonett JR, Kawut
SM. Disparities in survival in minority patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (oral
presentation). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic
Society, 2006.
Yegen HA, Lederer DJ, Wilt JS, Barr RG, D'Ovidio F, Arcasoy SM, Sonett JR, Kawut
SM. Risk factors for venous thromboembolism in lung transplant recipients (poster
discussion). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society,
Foronjy RF, Grunig G, Ghio A, Barr RG, Turino G, Thomashow BM, Sharma S,
Connett JE, Schluger NR, D’Armiento JM. Altered Cytokine Levels in the Lung Lavage
of Patients with Rapidly Progressive COPD (poster). Presented at the international
conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2006.
51. * Jones DP, Mesia-Vela S, Richie JP Jr, Mendelsohn C, Cheung PT, Barr RG. Serum
protein-bound glutathione levels during acute asthma exacerbations (poster). Presented at
the international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2006.
52. * Jones DP, Halm EA, Pesola GR, Barr RG. Over-the-counter analgesic use in patients
presenting with acute asthma exacerbations (poster). Presented at the international
conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2006.
53. * Hoffman EA, Brooks M, Carr JJ, Detrano R, Hinckley K, Jiang R, Reinhardt J, Wong N,
Barr RG, Reproducibility and validation of lung density measures from cardiac CT
scans in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA-Lung) (poster discussion).
Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2006.
Diez Roux AV, Auchincloss A, Green T, Ragunathan T, Barr RG, Kaufman J, Keeler J.
Historical measures of long term exposure to particulate matter and subclinical
atherosclerosis: preliminary results from the Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis.
Presented at the meeting of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology,
Chih-Ching Y, Barr RG, Powell CA, Mesia-Vela S, Wang Y, Austin JHM, Santella R.
Association between cigarette smoking and oxidized proteins (poster). Presented at the
meeting of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, 2006.
Kaufman J, Diez-Roux A, Casillas A, Detrano R, Barr RG, Astor B, Burke B, Jacobs D,
Daviglus M, Tracy R, O’Leary D, Siscovick D, Kronmal R, Sheppard L, Sampson P,
Lumley T, Cohen MA, Liu S, Larson T. Prospective study of atherosclerosis, clinical
cardiovascular disease, and long-term exposure to ambient particulate matter and other
air pollutants in a multi-ethnic cohort (MESA Air). Presented at meeting of the Society
for Environmental Epidemiology, 2006.
57. * Mesia-Vela S, Yeh CC, Powell CA, Wang Y, Austin JHM, Santella RM, Barr RG.
Plasma markers of oxidative protein damage do not correlate with lung function or
COPD in smokers (poster). Presented at international conference of the European
Respiratory Society, 2006.
58. * Jiang R, Paik D, Hankinson J, Barr RG. Cured meat consumption and lung function in a
general population sample (oral presentation). Presented at the international conference
of the European Respiratory Society, 2006.
59. * Stukovsky K, Hankinson J, Jiang R, Johnson WC, Kawut S, Smith L, Barr RG.
Participant and technician predictors of spirometry quality factors in the Multi-Ethnic
Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) Lung Study (poster). Presented at the international
conference of the European Respiratory Society, 2006.
Varraso R, Fung TT, Barr RG, Hu FB, Willett W, Camargo CA Jr. Prospective study of
dietary patterns and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among US women (oral
presentation). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic
Society, 2007.
Varraso R, Jiang R, Barr RG, Willett W, Camargo CA Jr. Prospective study on
consumption of cured meats and risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in US
men (poster). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society,
62. * Barr RG, Carr JJ, Hoffman EA, Jiang R, Kawut SM, Punjabi N, Watson KE. Subclinical
cardiovascular disease in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The MESA Lung Study
(poster discussion). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic
Society, 2007.
63. * Davidson D, Carr JJ, Detrano R, Hoffman EA, Jiang R, Kronmal RA, Liu K, Punjabi
NM, Shahar E, Watson KE, Barr RG. Cigarette smoking and lung function in a
multiethnic cohort. The MESA Lung Study (poster discussion). Presented at the
international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2007.
64. * Hankinson JL, Kawut SM, Shahar E, Smith LJ, Stukovsky KH, Barr RG. Performance
of spirometry reference values in a multiethnic population. The Mesa-Lung Study
(poster). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society,
65. * Hoffman EA, Baumhauer H, Carr JJ, Detrano R, Jiang R, Kronmal RA, Barr RG. CT
lung density measures in a healthy multiethnic population. The MESA Lung Study
(poster). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society,
66. * Jiang R, Jacobs DR Jr, He K, Hoffman EA, Hankinson JL, Barr RG. Dairy intake and
lung function in a multiethnic population. The MESA-Lung Study (oral presentation).
Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2007.
67. * Barr RG, Mesia Vela S, Austin JHM, Keller B, Reeves AR, Shimbo D, Stevenson L.
Impaired flow-mediated dilatation of the brachial artery is associated with low lung
function and emphysema in ex-smokers. The EMCAP Study (poster discussion).
Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2007.
68. * Jiang R, Burke G, Enright P, Kronmal RA, Newman A, Tracy R, Wang YJ, Barr RG.
Inflammatory markers and longitudinal lung function decline in the elderly (poster
discussion). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society,
69. * Jiang R, Camargo CA Jr, Varraso R, Willett WC, Barr RG. Prospective study of cured
meats intake and risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in US women (poster
discussion). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society,
Bertoni AG, Chung H, Whitt-Clover M, Le KY, Barr RG, Mahesh M, Jenny NS, Burke
GL, Jacobs DR. The association between physical activity and subclinical
atherosclerosis: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (poster). Presented at the
international conference of the Society of General Internal Medicine, 2007.
69. * Lovasi GS, Diez Roux A, Hoffman EA, Smith LJ, Jiang R,Carr JJ, Barr RG.
Socioeconomic Characteristics and Lung Function. The MESA Lung Study (poster).
Presented at the international conference of the Society for Epidemiologic Research,
70. * Sachs MC, Enright PL, Hinckley-Stukovsky K, Jiang R, Barr RG. Quality and correlates
of maximal inspiratory pressure in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Lung Study (poster). Presented at the international conference of the European
Respiratory Society, 2007.
71. * Barr RG, Lovasi GS, Enright PL, Hardie JA, Kronmal RA, Lange P, Newman AB,
Vestbo J. Spirometry for the risk stratification of cardiovascular disease among the
elderly (poster-discussion). Presented at the international conference of the European
Respiratory Society, 2007.
Cushman M, McClelland R, Detrano R, Liu K, Folsom A, Tracy RP, Goff D, Barr RG,
Blumenthal R, Ouyang P, Post W. Inflammation Factors, Coronary Calcium and Risk of
Cardiovascular Events: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (poster). Presented at
the international conference of the American Heart Association, 2007.
73. * Barr RG, Celli BR, Mannino DM, Martinez FJ, Petty T, Rennard SI, Sciurba FC, Stoller
JK, Thomashow BM Turino G. Comorbidities in a National Sample of Patients with
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (poster). Presented at the COPD 2007
Inspiration Through Education Conference, New York Academy of Medicine, 2007.
74. * Lederer DJ, Enright PL, Kawut SM, Hoffman EA, Hunninghake GW, Jiang R, Barr RG.
Predictors of Subclinical Restriction on Spirometry: the MESA Lung Study (poster).
Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2008.
75. * Rodriguez J, Hoffman EA, Jiang R, Johnson WC, Smith LJ, Barr RG. Cigar and Pipe
Smoking and Lung Function. The MESA Lung Study (poster). Presented at the
international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2008.
76. * Barr RG, Ahmed FS, Enright PL, Herrington D, Hoffman EA, Jiang R, Johnson WC,
Kawut SM, Kronmal R, Polak J, Punjabi NM, Doyle M, Watson KE. Impaired FlowMediated Dilation of the Brachial Artery Is Associated with Low Lung Function: The
MESA-Lung Study (poster). Presented at the international conference of the American
Thoracic Society, 2008.
77. * Ahmed FS, Enright PL, Hoffman EA, Jiang R, Johnson WC, Kronmal R, Smith LJ,
Shahar E, Tsai MY, Punjabi NM, Tadros S, Watson KE, Barr RG. Chronic Infection
with Chlamydia pneumonia is Not Associated with Low Lung Function. the MESA-Lung
Study (poster). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic
Society, 2008.
78. * Kiefer EM, Hoffman EA, Howard T, Jiang R, Mychaleckyj JC, Raffel L, Rich S, Rotter
J, Sale M, Tracy R, Barr RG. Phosphodiesterase 4D gene polymorphisms and lung
function in a multiethnic population. The MESA-Lung Study (poster). Presented at the
international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2008.
79. * Kiefer EM, Hankinson J, Barr RG. Unified spirometry reference equations for US white,
African-American and Mexican-American adults (poster). Presented at the international
conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2008.
80. * Kiefer EM, Hankinson J, Barr RG. Unified spirometry reference equations in a
multiethnic adult sample. The MESA-Lung Study (poster). Presented at the international
conference of the Society of General Internal Medicine, 2008.
81. * Chervona Y, Diez Roux AV, Shen M, Bluemke D, Kaufman J, Kawut SM, Van Hee V,
Barr RG. Long-term particulate matter exposure and cardiopulmonary output in the
Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (oral presentation). Presented at the international
conference of the European Respiratory Society, 2008.
82. * Barr RG, Diez Roux AV, Shen M, Enright PL, Hoffman EA, Kaufman J, Ragunathan T.
Long term exposure to particulate matter and lung function: the MESA Lung Study (Epresentation). Presented at the international conference of the European Respiratory
Society, 2008.
83. * Mesia-Vela S, Austin JHM, Campos H, Yankelevitz D, Ahmed F, Barr RG. Increase in
plasma alpha-linolenic acid is positively associated with lung function. The Emphysema
and Cancer Action Program (EMCAP) study (poster). Presented at the international
conference of the European Respiratory Society, 2008.
84. * Barr RG, Ahmed F, Carr JJ, Hoffman EA, Jiang R, Kawut SM, Punjabi N, Watson K.
Subclinical cardiovascular disease in early emphysema. The MESA Lung Study (oral
presentation). Presented at the international conference of the European Respiratory
Society, 2008.
Kawut SM, Barr RG, Johnson C, Chahal H, Tandri H, Jain A, Kizer J, Bagiella E,
Bristow M, Lima JA, Bluemke DA. The relationship of inflammation and thrombosis
with right ventricular mass and function: The MESA-Right Ventricle Study (oral
presentation). Presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Session, 2008
Alford SK, van Beek EJ, Lynch WR, Barr RG, McLennan G, Hoffman EA.
Characterization of vasculature changes in smokers with MDCT-based perfusion
measurements (poster). Presented at the international conference of the American
Thoracic Society, 2009.
Keller BM, Reeves AP, Henschke CI, Barr RG, Yankelevitz DF. Variation of
quantitative emphysema measurements from CT scans. In ML Giger, N Karssemeiger,
eds., SPIE International Symposium on Medical Imaging. 2008;6915:69152I.
88. * Barr RG, Bluemke DA, Ahmed FS, Carr JJ, Enright PL, Hoffman EA, Jiang R, Kawut
SM, Kronmal RA, Lima JA, Shahar E, Smith LJ, Watson KE. Emphysema and airflow
obstruction are associated with impaired left ventricular filling with preserved ejection
fraction: the MESA-Lung Study (poster discussion). Presented at the international
conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA, 2009.
89. * McAllister D, MacNee W, Duprez D, Hoffman EA, Vogel-Claussen J, Jiang R, Bluemke
DA, Barr RG. Aortic distensibility is not associated with lung function or CT percent
low attenuation area in participants without clinical cardiovascular disease. The MESA34
Lung Study (poster discussion). Presented at the international conference of the American
Thoracic Society, 2009.
90. * Yip NH, Ahmed FS, Hoffman EA, Vedal S, Smith LJ, Barr RG. Overlap of
quantitatively-defined emphysema with chronic bronchitis and airflow obstruction in a
Multiethnic Cohort. The MESA-Lung Study (poster discussion). Presented at the
international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2009.
91. * Lovasi GS, Diez Roux AV, Hoffman EA, Jiang R, Jacobs D, Kawut SM, Barr RG.
Environmental tobacco smoke exposure in childhood predicts early emphysema in
adulthood: The MESA Lung Study (oral presentation). Presented at the international
conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2009.
92. * Quagliarello B, Hoffman EA, Jacobs D, Klein R, Klein B, Wong T, Cotch MF, JeroschHerold M, Barr RG. Subclinical microvascular changes, lung function and CT lung
density: the MESA Lung Study (poster). Presented at the international conference of the
American Thoracic Society, 2009.
93. * Burkart KM, Ma J, Hedrick CC, Hoffman EA, Jiang R, Mychaleckyj JC, Raffel L, Rich
S, Barr RG. Polymorphisms of candidate genes in a vascular endothelial cell pathway
and lung function. The MESA-Lung Study (poster). Presented at the international
conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2009.
Ventetuolo CE, Ouyang P, Bluemke DA, Tandri H, Barr RG, Bagiella E, Bristow M,
Johnson C, Kizer J, Lima JA, Kawut SM. Sex Hormones and the right ventricle: The
MESA-Right Ventricle Study (poster discussion). Presented at the international
conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2009.
Aaron CP, Tandri H, Barr RG, Johnson C, Bagiella E, Chahal H, Jian A, Kizer J, Lima
JA, Bluemke DA, Kawut SM. Physical Activity and Right Ventricular Structure and
Function: The MESA-Right Ventricle Study (poster discussion). Presented at the
international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2009.
Alford SK, Barr RG, Hoffman EA. Measurement of total pulmonary vascular volume
with multidetector-row computed tomography in COPD subjects (poster discussion).
Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2009.
97. * Barr RG, Diez Roux AV, Shen M, Enright PL, Hoffman EA, Kaufman J, Ragunathan T.
Long term exposure to particulate matter and emphysema on CT scan: the MESA Lung
Study (E-presentation). Presented at the international conference of the European
Respiratory Society, 2009.
Keller BM, Reeves AP, Barr RG, Yankelevitz DF, Henschke CI. Variation
compensation and analysis on diaphragm curvature analysis for emphysema quantication
on whole lung CT scans: comparison with standard quantification methods and
pulmonary function data. In N Karssemeijer, RM Summers, eds. SPIE International
Symposium on Medical Imaging: Computer-Aided Diagnosis. 2010;7624:762432.
Grout R, Alford SK, Barr RG, Hoffman EA. Total pulmonary vascular volume: a new
COPD phenotype correlated with quantitative CT and PFT measures of emphysema
(poster presentation). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic
Society, 2010.
100. * Yip NH, Ahmed FS, Austin JHM, Henschke C, Pearson G, Shiau M, Yankelevitz D,
Barr RG. OPE, NOPE and NEAL: Pulmonary emphysema, Airflow limitation and
Respiratory Symptoms in Older Smokers. The EMCAP Study (poster discussion).
Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2010.
101. * Matulay J, McAllister DA, Ahmed FS, Austin JHM, Prince M, Barr RG. Right
pulmonary artery diameter is increased in early COPD. The EMCAP Study (poster
presentation). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic
Society, 2010.
102. * Matulay J, Ahmed FS, McAllister DA, Henschke C, Austin JHM, Lemeshow A, Barr
RG. Increased right pulmonary artery diameter predicts decline in lung function among
smokers. The EMCAP Study (poster presentation). Presented at the international
conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2010.
103. * McAllister DA, Ahmed FS, Austin JHM, Henschke C, Keller BM, Lemeshow A, MesiaVela S, Pearson G, Shiau M, Schwartz J, Yankelevitz D, Barr RG. Pulmonary
emphysema on CT scan predicts exacerbations but note decline in lung function in older
smokers. The EMCAP Study (poster discussion). Presented at the international
conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2010.
104. * Ahmed FS, Jiang XC, Hoffman EA, Yeboah J, Burkart KM, Shea S, Barr RG. Plasma
sphingomyelin and progression of subclinical pulmonary emphysema in a population
based cohort. The MESA Lung Study (poster presentation). Presented at the international
conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2010.
105.* Lederer DL, Kawut SM, Johnson C, Enright PL, Hunninghake G, Raghu G, Hoffman
EA, Carr JJ, Ahmed FS, Jacobs D, Watson KE, Barr RG. Subclinical Parenchymal
Lung Disease and Atherosclerosis in the MESA Lung Study (poster discussion).
Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2010.
106. * Burkart KM, Enright PL, Ahmed FS, Lima J, Szklo M, Barr RG. Dyspnea and
subclinical measures of cardiopulmonary disease in a multi-ethnic cohort. The MESA
Lung Study (poster discussion). Presented at the international conference of the American
Thoracic Society, 2010.
107. * Burkart KM, Burke G, Ahmed FS, Hoffman EA, Watson KE, Barr RG. Association
between lipids, lung function and CT lung density. The MESA Lung Study (poster
discussion). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society,
108.* Verma N, Ahmed FS, Carr JJ, Enright PL, Folsom A, Hoffman EA, Kawut SM, Kronmal
RA, Lima J, Lovasi G, Maurer MS, Rich S, Barr RG. Apical-basilar ratio in percent
emphysema predicts incident cardiovascular events. The MESA Lung Study (oral
presentation). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic
Society, 2010.
Casaburi R, Rambod M, Porszasz J, Barr RG, Sciurba F, Make B, Crapo J, Murphy J,
Regan E, Wilson C, Hoffman E. Emphysema and Gas Trapping on Computed
Tomography Are Predictive of Exercise Tolerance in the COPD Gene Study (oral
presentation). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic
Society, 2010.
Kinney G, Friedlander A, Make B, Crapo J, Black-Shinn J, Jennifer L, Murphy J,
Hankinson J, Regan E, Barr RG. History of Cardiovascular Disease is Associated with
Serious COPD Exacerbations (poster session). Presented at the international conference
of the American Thoracic Society, 2010.
Black-Shinn J, Barr RG, Hankinson J, Kinney G, Wise A, Regan E, Make B, Krantz M,
Murphy J, Silverman E, Crapo J. Cardiovascular Disease is Associated with COPD
Severity and Reduced Functional Capacity (thematic poster session). Presented at the
international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2010.
112. * Jiang R, Hamade N, Keller B, Reeves A, Paik D, Powell C, Santella R, Barr RG. Cured
Meat Intake, 3-Nitrotyrosine Levels, and Longitudinal Decline in Lung Function and
Progression of Emphysema. The EMCAP Study (poster discussion). Presented at the
international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2010.
113. * Jiang R, Jacobs D, Nettleton J, Tsai M, Hoffman E, Barr RG. Dietary Intake and Plasma
Levels of Long Chain n-3 Fatty Acids, Fish Intake, and Longitudinal Progression of CT
percent Emphysema (poster discussion). Presented at the international conference of the
American Thoracic Society, 2010
114. * Donohue KM, Ahmed FS, Hoffman EA, Lovasi GS, Jacobs D, Enright P, Barr RG.
Asthma age-of-onset and percentage of low-attenuation areas on CT scan and lung
function in a multi-ethnic cohort: The MESA Lung Study (poster). Presented at the
international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2010
115. * Jiang R, Cheng B, Paik DC, Enright P, Krishnan JA, Hansel NN, Kapur V, Barr RG.
Cured meat intake and longitudinal change in lung function in the elderly (poster).
Presented at the international conference of the European Respiratory Society, 2010.
116. * Burkart KM, Wilk J, Enright P, Ahmed F, Hansel N, Haynes D, Heckbert S, Loehr L,
London S, Lyon H, O'Connor G, Oelsner E, Petrini M, Redline S, White W, Rich S, Barr
RG. Candidate-wide association study of lung function among European- and AfricanAmericans in 8 population-based cohorts. The Candidate-gene Association Resource
(CARe). Presented at the international conference of the European Respiratory Society,
117. * Fujikura K, Zhang W, Bluemke DA, Ventetuolo C, Lima J, Liu CY, Prince MR, Barr
RG. Features of COPD on time-resolved pulmonary MRA (oral presentation). Presented
at the international conference of the MR Angiography Club, Seoul, Korea, 2010.
118. * Liu CY, Jiang R, Dashnaw S, Jain A, Gomes A, Carr J, Bluemke DA, Lima J, Prince M,
Barr RG. Pulmonary artery stiffness in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) the MESA COPD Study. Presented at the international conference of the Society for
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance/European Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Joint Scientific
Sessions, Nice, France, 2011.
119. * Shimbo D, Liu D, Bluemke DA, Ventetuolo C, Doyle M, Barr RG. Microparticiples in
early chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): the MESA COPD Study (oral
presentation). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic
Society, Denver, CO, 2011.
120. * Barr RG, LaVange L, Henderson A, Aviles-Santa L, Kaplan R, Aldrich TE, Liu K,
Smith LJ, Mendes ES, Salathe M, Ries A, Loredo J. Prevalence of pulmonary symptoms
and disease in Hispanic subgroups: results from the Hispanic Community Health Study /
Study Of Latinos (HCHS/SOL)
121. * Donohue KM, LaVange L, Henderson A, Aviles-Santa L, Kaplan R, Aldrich TE, Liu K,
Smith LJ, Mendes ES, Salathe M, Ries A, Loredo J, Barr RG. Prevalence of rhinitis in
Hispanic subgroups: results from the Hispanic Community Health Study / Study Of
Latinos (HCHS/SOL) (poster). Presented at the international conference of the American
Thoracic Society, 2011.
Kawut SM, Barr RG, Lima J, Johnson CW, Kizer J, Tandri H, Bluemke D. Right
Ventricular Morphology And Function And Long-Term Outcome: The Mesa-Right
Ventricle Study ( thematic poster session) Presented at the international conference of the
American Thoracic Society, 2011.
Christopher T. Dibble, Daichi Shimbo, Barr RG, Emilia Bagiella, Harjit Chahal, David
M. Herrington, Joao Lima, David Bluemke, and Steven M. Kawut. Flow-Mediated
Vasodilation And The Right Ventricle: The Mesa-Right Ventricle Study. Presented at the
international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2011.
124. * Barr RG, Daichi Shimbo, Liu Chia, David Bluemke, Corey Ventetuolo, and Margaret
Doyle. Endothelial Microparticiples In Early Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease:
The Mesa COPD Study. (Mini Symposium) Presented at the international conference of
the American Thoracic Society, 2011.
Vishesh Kapur, Tony Wilsdon, David H. Au, Mark Avdalovic, Barr RG, Paul Enright,
Vincent Fan, Nadia Hansel, Susan Heckbert, Rui Jiang, Jerry A. Krishnan, Ken
Mukamal, and Sachin Yende. Resting Oxygen Saturation Was Lower In Obese Elderly
People In The Cardiovascular Health Study (Mini Symposium). Presented at the
international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2011.
126. * Rhea E. Powell, Eric A. Hoffman, John L. Hankinson, John H. Austin, J. J. Carr, Paul
Enright, David J. Lederer, Karol E. Watson, and Barr RG. Lung Size Contribution To
Racial-Based Differences In Pulmonary Function Tests: Quantitative Ct In The Mesa
Lung Study (poster session). Presented at the international conference of the American
Thoracic Society, 2011.
Gregory L. Kinney, Nathaniel Marchetti, Jennifer Black-Shinn, Adam L. Friedlander,
Barry J. Make, Elizabeth A. Regan, Barr RG, James Murphy, Edward Silverman, James
D. Crapo, John E. Hokanson, and & COPDGene Investigators. History Of Occupational
Exposure To Dust And Fumes Is Associated With Cardiovascular Disease In COPD
Subjects (poster session). Presented at the international conference of the American
Thoracic Society, 2011.
Robert M. Steiner, Matthew J. Budoff, Nasir Khurram, Gregory L. Kinney, John E.
Hokanson, Barr RG, Hrudaya Nath, Carmen Lopez-Garcia, Jennifer Black-Shinn, and
Richard Casaburi. Coronary Artery Calcium On Non-Contrast Thoracic Ct Scans;
Comparison Of Ecg Gated And Non-Gated Examinations In Patients From The COPD
Gene Cohort (poster session). Presented at the international conference of the American
Thoracic Society, 2011.
129. * Rui Jiang, Bin Cheng, Bryan Kestenbaum, Jerry A. Krishnan, Nadia Hansel, Vishesh
Kapur, and Barr RG. Vitamin D Levels And Longitudinal Change In Lung Function In
The Elderly: The Cardiovascular Health Study (poster session). Presented at the
international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2011.
130. * Firas Ahmed, Hannia Campos, John H. Austin, Alberto Biancardi, Claudia Henschke,
Brad Keller, Adina Lemeshow, David McAllister, Sonia Mesia-Vela, Anthony Reeves,
and Barr RG. Higher Levels Of Serum Trans Fat Predict Accelerated Progression Of
Pulmonary Emphysema And Increased Respiratory Exacerbations: A Prospective Cohort
Study (poster session). Presented at the international conference of the American
Thoracic Society, 2011.
131. * Barr RG, Hannia Campos, Firas Ahmed, John H. Austin, Alberto Biancardi, Claudia
Henschke, Brad Keller, Adina Lemeshow, David McAllister, Sonia Mesia-Vela, and
Anthony Reeves. Higher N-3 PUFA Levels Predict A Lower Rate Of Respiratory
Exacerbations And Exacerbation-Related Hospitalizations: A Prospective Cohort Study
(poster session). Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic
Society, 2011.
Stephanie J. London, Dana B. Hancock, Maria S. Artigas, Jemma B. Wilk, Daan Loth,
Sina Gharib, Albert V. Smith, Medea Imboden, Wenbo Tang, Ani Manichikul, Alexander
Teumer, Sven Gläser, Barr RG, Nicole Probst-Hensch, T Harris, Patricia A. Cassano,
George T. O'Connor, Ian P. Hall, Bruno H. Stricker, David Strachan, Thomas Lumley,
Martin D. Tobin, and . On behalf of the Cohorts. Genome-Wide Interaction Study With
Cigarette Smoking In Relation To Pulmonary Function (poster session). Presented at the
international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2011.
133. * Kathleen M. Donohue, Eric A. Hoffman, Heather Baumhauer, Junfeng Guo, Matthew J.
Budoff, John H. Austin, David Mcallister, Ravi Kalhan, Steven M. Kawut, Russ Tracy,
and Barr RG. Tobacco Smoking And Wall Thickness At CT Scan In A Multi-Ethnic
Cohort: The Mesa Lung Study (poster session). Presented at the international conference
of the American Thoracic Society, 2011.
134. * Kristin M. Burkart, Melinda Aldrich, Jemma Wilk, Rhea E. Powell, Sarah G. Buxbaum,
Paul Enright, Nadia Hansel, Demondes Haynes, Susan Heckbert, Laura Loehr, Stephanie
J. London, Helen Lyon, Ani Manichaikul, Marcy F. Petrini, Susan Redline, Lewis J.
Smith, Wendy White, Stephen Rich, and Barr RG. Genome-Wide Association Study
(GWAS) Of Lung Function Among African-Americans In 5 National Heart, Lung, And
Blood Institute (NHLBI) Cohorts. The Candidate-Gene Association Resource (CARE).
Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2011.
135. * Rhea E. Powell, Ani Manichaikul, Kristin M. Burkart, Josyf Mychaleckyj, Leslie J.
Raffel, Stephen S. Rich, and Barr RG. A Genome-Wide Association Study To Assess
Loci Associated With Lung Function Among Hispanic-Americans And AsianAmericans: The Mesa Lung Share Study (poster session). Presented at the international
conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2011.
Steven M. Kawut, Emilia Bagiella, David Lederer, Daichi Shimbo, Evelyn Horn, Kari E.
Roberts, Nicholas S. Hill, Barr RG, Erika Rosenzweig, Wendy Post, Harold Palevsky,
Russ Tracy, Paul M. Hassoun, and Reda Girgis. A Randomized Clinical Trial Of Aspirin
And Simvastatin For Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: ASA-STAT (mini symposium).
Presented at the international conference of the American Thoracic Society, 2011.
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