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The 19th Session of the Intergovernmental Consultative Committee (ICC) on the Regional
Space Applications Programme for Sustainable Development for Asia and the Pacific
26-28 October 2015
Bangkok, Thailand
Summary Meeting Report
Prepared by the Secretariat
*This document has been issued without formal editing
I. Conclusions and Recommendations
Institutional Development of RESAP:
1. The Committee emphasized that science, technology and innovation, in particular
space technology applications, are important means for implementing the Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs).
2. The Committee recognized the critical role of the applications of space
technology and geographic information systems (GIS) for effective disaster
management and in addressing emerging development needs in the Asia-Pacific region.
3. The Committee acknowledged the relevance of the Asia Pacific Disaster Report
2015 and endorsed its findings. The Committee further stressed the key message of the
report, that regional cooperation is critical in addressing transboundary risks and
highlighted that space applications and GIS is one of the best examples in the region
for achieving regional cooperation. The Committee requested the secretariat to
continue its preparation of the Asia Pacific Disaster Report in 2017 and called on
RESAP members to support the secretariat in this regard.
4. The Committee acknowledged that good progress has been made in RESAP
member countries through advancing space technology and deepening and broadening
its applications in supporting sustainable development, and strengthening regional
cooperation in relevant fields.
5. The Committee commended the cooperative efforts made by RESAP members in
supporting disaster-affected countries with timely response and damage assessment,
including the implementation of the Regional Drought Mechanism and associated
capacity building.
6. The Committee further acknowledged there are persisting gaps and needs in the
effective use of space technology to support the implementation of the Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and SDGs in Asia and the Pacific,
particularly in developing countries lacking the necessary human resources, knowledge
and technology.
7. The Committee emphasized that regional cooperation holds the key to improve
the applications of space technology for building resilience and achieving sustainable
development in the region. In this regard, the Committee called on ESCAP member
States to work closely with each other through the RESAP framework and requested
the secretariat to expand the RESAP network in Asia and the Pacific.
8. The Committee commended the secretariat's partnerships with global and
regional organizations and initiatives such as UNITAR/UNOSAT, UN-SPIDER, UNGGIM, UNCCD, GEO, FAO, WMO, UNCDD and other international and regional
organizations and initiatives such as Sentinel Asia, SAARC DMC, AHA Center, MRC
and CSSTEAP, and requested that the secretariat continue to engage with these
organizations to harmonize the various initiatives at the regional level.
9. The Committee further requested the secretariat to write a letter to the Seat of the
Government of RESAP member countries, to reconfirm the validity of the RESAP
NFPs by early 2016.
10. The Committee commended the efforts made by the secretariat on the
implementation of recommendations of the 18th session of the Intergovernmental
Consultative Committee (ICC) held in September 2014, and endorsed the work plan
for 2016. The Committee further acknowledged the importance of the support from
RESAP members in particular the experts to the secretariat in implementation of the
work plan. In this regard, the Committee encouraged ICC members to second their
experts as non-reimbursable loans (NRL) to support ESCAP’s work on space
applications in Bangkok, Thailand.
11. The Committee requested the secretariat to inform the RESAP members regularly
on the progress of its work and to also collect information on space applications from
the RESAP members and other international/regional organizations in order to
harmonize the activities and share information.
12. The Committee requested the secretariat to further coordinate with ICC members
to confirm the host for the 20th session of the ICC on RESAP in 2016.
13. The Committee requested the secretariat to organize a space agency leader’s
forum on space applications for disaster risk reduction during the upcoming AMCDRR
which will take place in New Delhi, India in November 2016, to take forward ICC
outcomes to the AMCDRR.
The Regional Drought Mechanism:
14. The Committee highly commended the work undertaken by the secretariat and
pilot countries such as Mongolia and Sri Lanka in operationalizing the Regional
Drought Mechanism. The Committee subsequently requested the secretariat to
continually play a catalytic role in taking the Regional Drought Mechanism forward
within other drought prone countries, upon request.
15. The Committee expressed appreciation to the Regional Service Nodes in China
and India for their generous support in providing satellite-derived data, products,
services and capacity building for pilot countries, and for their commitment towards
providing requisite support to ESCAP in implementing the Regional Drought
Mechanism. In this regard the Committee requested the secretariat to work with the
Regional Service Nodes in developing TORs/SOPs related to implementation of the
Regional Drought Mechanism, such as TORs for the Regional Service Nodes and
SOPs for drought early warning though the use of space-based data and products,
amongst others.
16. The Committee requested the secretariat to strengthen the technical support it
provides to other pilot countries such as Cambodia, Myanmar and Nepal, and to further
expand the Mechanism to Central Asia, starting with Kyrgyzstan. A series of national
meetings should be conducted in Cambodia, Myanmar and Nepal in late 2015 to mid2016 to develop a plan of work for each country. The secretariat should seek additional
resources or partnerships for implementation of the Mechanism in other pilot countries,
particularly Kyrgyzstan and other Central Asia countries.
17. The Committee expressed appreciation to the national teams and focal points in
the pilot countries of Mongolia and Sri Lanka for their efforts in making the pilot
projects a success. The Committee requested the secretariat to share the good practices,
experience with other countries, and prepare a plan of work for 2016-2017 for
continued validation and refinement of the drought management system in both
Mongolia and Sri Lanka.
18. The Committee urged the secretariat to arrange a regional meeting and
specialized training course in the first half of 2016 to enhance knowledge, share
experiences, identify further opportunities for collaboration, identify and discuss
challenges encountered, and guide the secretariat on further actions required to support
implementation of the Mechanism at the regional, subregional and national levels.
19. The Committee encouraged the secretariat to continue to undertake analytical and
normative work on drought in countries of the region, in collaboration with national
focal points, international institutions, partners and experts. The committee further
requested that the secretariat expands its work from drought monitoring to drought
impact assessment, crop health/yield monitoring.
Regional support to disaster-affected countries:
20. The Committee appreciated the efforts made by the RESAP member countries as
well as the secretariat in facilitating the timely provision of space-based data and
impact assessments to disaster affected countries in the region. The Committee
encouraged the RESAP members to continue their regional support in the timely
provision of satellite remote sensing imagery, damage maps and other products, to
disaster-affected countries for relief and damage assessments.
21. The Committee requested the RESAP NFPs to actively work with related
authorities, particularly NDMA/NDMO in respective countries, in order to serve as an
information hub during the whole disaster cycle and to maintain links with the
secretariat. In this regard, the Committee requested RESAP NFPs to nominate liaison
person(s) in national disaster management authorities/organizations, by the first quarter
of 2016, as alternate contact person for receiving related space-derived
data/information for early warning, response, relief and damage assessment.
22. The Committee commended the secretariat on its close cooperation with other
UN agencies and regional institutions such as UNITAR/UNOSAT, UN-SPIDER, UNGGIM, OCHA, GEO, WMO, Sentinel Asia, SOPAC, SAARC, CSSTEAP on the
timely provision of space-derived data, products and capacity building for forecasting,
response, relief and impact assessment for member countries affected by disasters.
The Committee encouraged the secretariat to continue to strengthen these partnerships.
23. The Committee requested the secretariat to share the SOPs, guidelines and
manuals on satellite imagery for emergency response and the manual on Rapid
Assessment for Resilient Recovery, with other sub-regions, to enable developing
countries to gain benefit from advances in the applications of space technology and
GIS. The committee encouraged its members to share their own national SOPs,
guidelines and manuals that can serve as examples of good practice for the secretariat
to take forward in this regard.
24. The Committee encouraged the secretariat to collaborate with UNOSAT on its
regional flood modeling initiative and to find a viable pilot country or test case
scenario for flood prediction modelling.
Research and Institutional Capacity development:
25. The Committee requested the secretariat to strengthen its analytical research on
space technology applications for disaster risk management and sustainable
development in order to address emerging needs and solutions in the region. In
particular, the secretariat should consider policies and strategies for incorporating and
using newly available information and communication technology, as well as new
emerging technologies on using space-based applications and information. The
secretariat will undertake further analysis and research into potential regional,
subregional and national impacts of occasional and long-term climate events, such as
El Nino and climate change.
26. The Committee requested the secretariat to conduct thematic short-term training
courses and master/PhD degree study based on the needs survey provided by RESAP
members, such as effective drought monitoring and early warning, typhoon-flood risk
modelling, rainfall estimation, interpretation of space-based information for urban
planning, crop monitoring, forest fire, fishery, rapid assessment of disaster impact
using space-derived data, enhanced institutional geo-referenced information for
disaster risk management, in collaboration with RESAP training networks in China,
Indian, Indonesia, Thailand and ESCAP’s APCICT in Republic of Korea.
27. The Committee encouraged its members to support and contribute to efforts made
by the secretariat on producing a survey of the capacity of developing countries in
geospatial information management, which will provide guidance to a regional plan for
capacity development for 2016-2020, with a focus on Countries with Special Needs.
28. The Committee requested the secretariat to conduct research to support the
implementation of the SIDS regional strategy for sustainable development, which was
adopted at the UN Conference on SIDS in Samoa on 4 September 2014, as well as the
ESCAP resolution 71/13 “Regional cooperation for building resilience to disasters in
Asia and the Pacific”. In this regard, the secretariat will enhance its support to small
island developing States in the Pacific on space applications, GIS and multi-hazard
early warning.
29. The Committee requested the secretariat to provide member States with on-line
capacity development programmes through ESCAP’s e-learning platform. The platform
includes technical knowledge, exercises, and emerging trends and technologies, and
good practices in the areas of space technology and GIS applications.
30. The Committee encouraged the secretariat to further enhance the RESAP
networks for knowledge and technology sharing, including through collaboration with
other regional initiatives.
Support and contribution from member States on developing regional land cover maps:
31. The Committee requested the secretariat to continue it work on regional land
cover maps and select several thematic areas and pilots. The secretariat should report
the ICC members periodically and seek guidance from the ICC members.
32. The Committee encouraged its members to support the proposal made by the
secretariat on change analysis using regional land cover maps and contribute to free
archived and near real-time space-based data for this purpose and to contribute
expertise, software, tools and methodology, experiences and good practices from
different sectors.
33. The Committee requested its members to offer training opportunity and facilities
to pilot countries. The Committee further encouraged countries to apply to become
pilots in this upcoming initiative.
Implementation of the Regional Plan of Action 2012-2017:
34. The Committee requested all RESAP member countries to make concrete efforts
to implement the Asia-Pacific Plan of Action 2012-2017, review progress of
implementation and report to the 72nd session of the ESCAP Commission in 2016.
35. The Committee further invited RESAP member countries to host the Ministerial
Conference on Space Applications for Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster
Management and Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific to be convened in
2016 or 2017.The meeting will evaluate progress made in implementing the AsiaPacific Plan of Action, provide further guidance for its successful implementation and
build stronger political support and ownership among all stakeholders as stated in
resolution 69/11.
36. The Committee called upon all RESAP member countries to provide guidance to
the secretariat on preparation of the Regional Plan of Actions for Space and GIS
Applications for Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development from 2017
onward, which will be very important to support the implementation of the Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction for 2015-2030 and SDGs.
Organization of the Meeting
The Nineteenth Session of the Intergovernmental Consultative Committee (ICC) on the
Regional Space Applications Programme for Sustainable Development in Asia and the
Pacific (RESAP) was held at the United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand from
26 to 28 October 2015. The meeting was organized by the United Nations Economic and
Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). The Programme of the meeting is
included in Annex 1 of this report.
The meeting was attended by the National Focal Points (NFPs) of RESAP or their
representatives from the following ESCAP member States: Bangladesh, China, Fiji, India,
Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan,
the Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and
Viet Nam. The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), United
Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and UNITAR's Operational Satellite
Applications Programme (UNOSAT), United Nations Platform for Space-based Information
for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER), ASEAN Coordinating
Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster Management (AHA Centre) and the Mekong
River Commission (MRC) also attended the meeting as observers. The complete list of the
participants is included in Annex 2 of this report.
Opening of the meeting
The opening session of the nineteenth session of the ICC commenced with an opening
speech from Ms. Shamika Sirimanne, Director, Information and Communications
Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, ESCAP. In her speech, Ms. Sirimanne
thanked RESAP members for their continuous support in promoting the use of space
technology both nationally and regionally. Ms. Sirimanne also highlighted the fact that 2015
marks the beginning of a new 15-year plan – the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030 and pointed to where space applications are specifically identified as important for disaster
management under priority 1, “Understanding disaster risk”. She also reminded those in
attendance that the achievement of the newly adopted SDGs by 2030 will depend critically on
building much greater resilience to disasters. In this regard she highlighted SDG goal 17,
“Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable
development”, targets identify enabling technologies as a way to achieve many goals through
international cooperation. Regional cooperation was the golden thread running through her
opening remarks and the central theme focused onthe four pillars of work under RESAP: 1)
The timely provision of near real-time satellite imagery to support disaster-affected countries;
2) operationalization of the Regional Drought Mechanism for drought monitoring and early
warning; 3) institutional capacity development to address persistent gaps and emerging
challenges and 4) research and analytical work. To end her speech, Ms. Sirimanne called on
all members to continue working together to build the effectiveness of RESAP through
sharing their good practices and actively contributing to support each other in tackling the
common goal of disaster management and sustainable development.
5. The Committee elected the bureau of the session comprising Mr. Raul C. Sabularse
(Philippines) as Chairperson, Mr. Sanath Panawennage (Sri Lanka) as Vice-Chairperson
and Mr. Jovesa Rokuta Vocea (Fiji) as Rapporteur. In his opening remarks to the meeting,
the Chairperson assured the Committee that the elected bureau would do its best to ensure
the meeting would achieve its objectives to reach a successful conclusion, relying on the
cooperation and involvement of participating members.
Adoption of the agenda
The meeting adopted the agenda. Refer to Annex 3 of this report.
Reconfirmation of the membership of the ICC
7. On a request by the secretariat to reconfirm the membership of the ICC, subsequently,
the NFPs for RESAP, member countries agreed that they would inform the secretariat in
writing if there were any such changes in their ICC membership as per the standard
procedure. The Secretariat notified ICC members that it would be writing to their Seat of
Government to invite nominations and reconfirmations of their respective ICC
membership and RESAP NFPs.
Agenda Item 6: Report by the secretariat on the progress of the RESAP and
implementation of related resolutions
8. The secretariat briefed the meeting on its major works in: 1) timely provision of near
real-time satellite imagery to countries affected by severe disasters; 2) operationalization
of the Regional Drought Mechanism; 3) promoting geo-referenced information system for
disaster risk management; and 4) enhancing regional capacity development in Asia and the
Agenda Item 7: Status and future plans on space technology applications for
sustainable development by the RESAP member countries
The representatives of the following countries made country presentations on the
status and future plans regarding the optimal use of space technology applications for
sustainable development: Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran,
Fiji, Republic of Korea, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russian Federation,
Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.
10. The Committee noted with appreciation the great progress made by RESAP
member countries in advancing space technology and the effective use of these innovative
technology for disaster management and sustainable development. The Committee
emphasized that space technology applications will play a very important role in
implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Asia and the Pacific region.
11. The representatives of the Regional Service Nodes (RSNs) in China and India
briefed the Committee on enhancing the operation of RSNs and support to pilot countries.
Mongolia and Sri Lanka gave a progress overview of the operationalization of Regional
Drought Mechanism in their respective countries. The representatives from other pilot
countries such as Myanmar and Nepal informed the Committee of their requests and
tentative plans. In addition, Bangladesh formally requested to become a pilot country.
12. The Committee also expressed its appreciation for India’s offer of continuing to
provide monitoring software to Sri Lanka and other pilot countries. Similarly, the
committee expressed its appreciation for China, who will continue to provide space-based
data, software products and capacity-building assistance aimed at effective drought
monitoring and early warning in countries including Mongolia. This will include the
expansion of drought monitoring to drought impact assessments under climate scenarios,
creating a training course on drought monitoring and early warning, providing a PhD
scholarship to an expert from pilot countries to study at the Institute of Remote Sensing
and Digital Earth (RADI), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), assisting ESCAP in the
provision of near real-time space-based data and images for disaster-affected countries,
and supporting the work of land cover maps.
13. The Committee noted with appreciation the offer from the Russian Federation on
sharing good experiences on drought monitoring and early warning.
14. The Committee noted with appreciation the offer from Japan to share the
experiences and good practices gained during Sentinel Asia Step-3 as well as the offer of
providing satellite imagery and building capacity for member States. The Committee also
expressed its appreciation for the offer from Thailand and Viet Nam to share geospatial
data to disaster-affected countries and to provide opportunities for capacity-building for
geospatial data management and disaster risk reduction.
15. The Committee acknowledged the collaborative partnerships between ESCAP and
other United Nations agencies, such as the Operational Satellite Applications Programme
of UNITAR, UN-SPIDER, United Nations Initiative on Global Geospatial Information
Management, Global Earth Observation System of Systems and the secretariat of the
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, and global/regional organizations
and initiatives, such as SAARC, ASEAN, Sentinel Asia and the Centre for Space Science
and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific. The Committee requested the
secretariat to continue with these partnerships and called on the secretariat to continue
building similar collaborative partnerships that can help the secretariat in delivering its
mandated tasks.
16. The Committee noted that although substantial progress has been achieved in
RESAP member countries through the development of space technology and the broad
use of space and GIS in disaster risk management and sustainable development, barriers
and needs still exist. The committee requested the secretariat to assist RESAP members
in addressing barriers and needs such as the lack of inter-ministerial collaboration, lack of
high resolution data, lack of sufficient and accurate ground data and the lack of tools for
processing and analyzing large amounts of data ("Big Data"). There remains a need for
financial and skilled human resources, technology and information for the effective use of
such innovative technologies to address DRR and support resilient, inclusive and
sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific.
17. The Committee reaffirmed its commitment to RESAP and expressed its willingness
to support the secretariat in the implementation of the United Nations' Development
Agenda beyond 2015 and in reinforcing the SDGs in the context of the Sendai
Framework for DRR 2015-2030.
H. Agenda Item 8 and 10: Ways forward and other matters
The committee acknowledged the secretariat’s plan in deepening its technical
support to pilot countries of the Regional Drought Mechanism, including Cambodia,
Myanmar and Nepal, and to further expand the Mechanism to Central Asia, starting with
The Committee noted with appreciation the plan of the secretariat in sharing
SOPs/Guidelines on the use of satellite imagery for emergency response and a manual on
rapid assessment with other sub-regions. In addition, the Committee noted with
appreciation that the secretariat, upon request of the RESAP member countries, plans to
further develop guidelines on procedures in using remote sensing products for disaster
response, with renewed focus on floods (collaboration with UNOSAT on regional flood
modeling), earthquakes and forest fires.
The Committee commended the secretariat’s plan in working closely with other
UN agencies and regional institutions such as UNITAR/UNOSAT, UN-SPIDER, UNGGIM, OCHA, GEO, WMO, Sentinel Asia, SOPAC, SAARC, CSSTEAP on the timely
provision of space-derived data, products and capacity building for forecasting, response,
relief and impact assessment for member countries affected by disasters.
The Committee also encouraged the secretariat to carry out a survey determining
the geospatial information management capacity of developing countries, which will
provide guidance to a regional plan for capacity building for 2016-2020. This plan
focuses on countries with special needs, including small island developing States.
The Committee noted with appreciation the secretariat’s plan in strengthening
analytical research related to space technology applications for disaster risk management
and sustainable development to address emerging needs and solutions in the region. In
particular, the Committee encouraged the secretariat to consider policies and strategies
for incorporating and using newly available information and communication technology,
as well as emerging technologies on space-based applications and information.
The Committee commended the secretariat’s efforts and planning in providing
member States with on-line capacity building programmes through ESCAP e-learning
platforms. The platforms includes technological know-how, exercises, emerging trends
and technologies, and good practices in the areas of space technology and GIS
The Committee acknowledged that the secretariat will continue to develop a
regional land cover (RLC) dataset in Asia-Pacific using high resolution data extracted
from the Global Land Cover Dataset provided by the Government of China. This project,
conducted in collaboration with NASG, UN-GGIM, UNOSAT, GEO, and other related
UN agencies and regional organizations, analyzes ten basic land cover classes to identify
the current status and patterns of development over time. The RLC dataset will be
updated every five years and shared with member States to help identify and plan for risk
management strategies. The RLC project will also involve training and advisory
services to member States to build their capacity in utilizing the data.
I. Agenda Item 11: Summary of nineteenth session of ICC
The Committee acknowledged with appreciation the request made by Sri Lanka
on inviting the International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural
Heritage Under the Auspices of UNESCO and the request by the Mekhong River
Commission to become an observer of RESAP. The Committee advised that a formal
request for observer status be presented in writing to the ESCAP Executive Secretary via
their Government or Director General of their institution, as per the standard procedures.
On hosting the next 20th session of the ICC, the Committee requested the
secretariat to continue the coordination with member countries.
J. Adoption of the Report and Closing
The conclusions and recommendations were adopted on 28 October 2015 in
Bangkok, Thailand.
List of Annex Documents
Annex 1:
Annex 2:
Annex 3:
Programme of the nineteenth session of the ICC
List of Participants
Annex 1
Intergovernmental Consultative Committee on Regional Space Applications
Programme for Sustainable Development
19th Session
Bangkok, 26-28 October 2015
Meeting Room F, UNCC
Monday, 26 October 2015
08.30-09.00 hrs
09.00-09.20 hrs
09.30-09.40 hrs
Item 1
Opening of the ICC-19
Item 2
Adoption of agenda
Item 3
Election of officers
Item 4
Reconfirmation of the membership of ICC
- Introduction of participants
10.20 -10.30hrs
Item 5
Statement by the Chair
10.30 -10.45hrs
Tea Break
Item 6
Report by the secretariat on the progress of the Regional Space
Applications Programme for Sustainable Development
(RESAP) and implementation of related resolutions
11.10 -12.00hrs
Item 7
Status and future plans on space technology applications for
sustainable development by RESAP member countries
Item 7
Status and future plans on space technology applications for
sustainable development by RESAP member countries
12.00 -14.00hrs
14.00 -17.00hrs
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Item 7
Status and future plans on space technology applications for
sustainable development by RESAP member countries
Tea break
Launching of Asia Pacific Disaster Report 2015
Opening Session of the Committee on DRR (CDRR-4)
Tea break
Committee on DRR (Agenda item 4): Regional mechanisms for
DRR in the context of post-2015 development agenda
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
09.00 -10.00hrs
Item 8 &
Tea break / Preparation of summary report by secretariat
10.00 -11.00hrs
11.00 -12.00hrs
Ways forward & Other matters
Item 11
Summary of 19th session of ICC
Lunch break
12.00 -14.00hrs
Item 9
Joint agenda item with the CDRR-4
Part 1:
High-level panel discussion
Part 2:
Country Statements
Tea break
(Agenda 8 of CDRR-4)
Adoption of the report and Closing
Annex 2
19th Intergovernmental Consultative Committee on the Regional Space Applications
Programme for Sustainable Development
26-28 October 2015
Bangkok, Thailand
Ms. Shaheen Khan, Chairman, Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO),
Agargaon, Shere-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, Tel: + 8802 913 1741, Fax: + 8802 912 2473, Mb:
+880 15523 66616, Email: [email protected]
Mr. MD. Fazlul Haque, Chief Scientific Officer, Space Research and Remote Sensing
Organization (SPARRSO), Agargaon, Shere-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, Tel: + 8802 913 1741,
Fax: + 8802 912 2473, Mb: +880 15524 14113, Email: [email protected]
Dr. Liao Xiaohan, Director General, National Remote Sensing Centre of China (NRSCC),
Ministry of Science and Technology of the P.R. China, Building 8A, Liulinguan Nanli,Haidian
District,Beijing, Tel: +8610 5888 1197, Fax: +8610 5888 1167, Email: [email protected]
Ms. Zhang Songmei, Division Director, National Remote Sensing Centre of China (NRSCC),
Ministry of Science and Technology of the P.R. China, Building 8A, Liulinguan Nanli,Haidian
Distric , Beijing , Tel:
[email protected]
Ms. Fan Beibei, Project Officer, National Remote Sensing Centre of China (NRSCC), Ministry
of Science and Technology of the P.R. China, Building 8A, Liulinguan Nanli ,Haidian
DistrictBeijing, Tel: +8610 5888 1187, Fax: +8610-5888 1167, Mb: +8618 18611 829 667,
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Yang Yao Wu, Vice General Manager, Twenty First Century Aerospace Technology Co.,
Ltd., No.26, Jiancaicheng East Road, Xisanqi, Haidian District, Beijing 100096, Tel: +8610 629
29966, Fax: +8610 829 51104, Mb: +8615 80160 5328, Email: [email protected]
Ms. Wei Sun, Director of International Marketing, Twenty First Century Aerospace Technology
Co., Ltd., No.26, Jiancaicheng East Road, Xisanqi, Haidian District, Beijing 100096, Tel: +8613
4390 64822, Fax: +8610 8293 0690, Mb: +86134 3906 4822, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Jovesa Rokuta Vocea, Commissioner, Northern Division, Ministry of Rural & Maritime
Development and National Disaster Management, P.O. Box 46, Labasa, Suva, Tel: +679 881
1322, Fax: +679 881 3228, Mb: +679 9908 947, Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Mr. Shantanu Bhatawdekar, Assistant Scientific Secretary (ISRO), Associate Director
(Applications), Earth Observation System (EOS), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO),
Tel: +9180 2351 5592, Fax: +9180 2341 3806, Mb: +9196 112 08251, Email:
[email protected]
Dr. V. Jayaraman, Prof. Satish Dhawan Professor, (Former Director, NRSC, Hyderabad) ISRO,
Tel: +9180 2351 0526, email: [email protected]
Dr. Orbita Roswintiarti, Deputy Chairman for Remote Sensing Affairs, National Institute of
Aeronautics and Space Republic of Indonesia (LAPAN), Jalan Pemuda Persil No.1, Jakarta, Tel:
+6221 489 4989, Fax: +6221 489 4815, Mb: +6281 2896 3195, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Abdolreza Ansari Amoli, Remote Sensing & GIS Project Manager, Iranian Space Agency,
No.34, Sayeh St., Vali Asr Ave., Tehran, Tel: +9821 23344, Mb: +98938 960 4884, Email:
[email protected]
Mr. Masanobu Tsuji, Director, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Bangkok Office, Tel: +662
260 7026, Fax: +662 260 7027, Mb: +6681 778 5407, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Michio Ito, Senior Engineer, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Tokyo, Tel: +8150 3362
2295, Fax: +8135 209 3208, Mb: +8190 1435 2828, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Noordin Ahmad, Director General, National Space Agency (ANGKASA), Malaysia Space
Centre, 42700 Banting, Selangor, Tel: +6033 182 4000, Fax: +6033 181 1304, Mb: +6012 226
2621, Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Mr. Khudulmur Sodov, Interim Director, Information & Research Institute of Meteorology,
Hydrology and Environment, Juulchny gudamj-5, Ulaanbaatar, 15160, Tel: +976 1132 6649,
Fax: +976 1132 9968, Mb: +976 990 15864, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Kyaw Lwin Oo, Director, Department of Meteorology and Hydrology, 28st, 70/71 Block
Chanayethazan Township, Mandalay, 05103, Tel: +952 36947, Fax: +952 39122, Mb: +959 200
5760, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Prakash Mathema, Director General, Department of Forest Research and Survey,
Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Tel: +977 142 33510, Fax: +977 1422 0159, Mb: +977 984 129 1609,
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Syed Muhammad Ayub Shah, Director (ICT), National Disaster Management Authority,
Prime Minister Secretariat, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad, Tel: +88 850 2883, Email:
ddict@[email protected], [email protected]
Mr. Raul Consuelo Sabularse, Deputy Executive Director, Philippine Council For Industry,
Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development, 4th Floor, Science Heritage
Bldg., Dost Compound General Santos Ave., Bicutan, Taguig City, Tel: +632 837 6514, Fax:
+632 837 7516, Mb: +639 1550 12094, Email: [email protected]
Dr. Youn-Soo Kim, Head of Satellite Information Cooperation Team (Principal Research),
Korea Aerospace Research Institute, 169-84 Gwahangno, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-806, Tel:
+82428 602 388, Fax: +8248 703 909, Mb: +82108 525 4230, Email: [email protected]
Ms. HaeKyong Kang, Associate Research Fellow of Human Settlements Team, Korea Research
Institute, 254 Simin-daero, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, 431-712, Tel: +82031 380
0405, Fax: +82031 380 0475, Mb: +82010 2033 5998, Email: [email protected] (Video
Mr. Oleg Virchenko, Head of Division, Remote Sensing Data Processing and Interpreting,
National Research Institute on Agricultural Meteorology, 82, Lenin St., Obninsk, Kaluga Region,
Tel: +7484 3944 599, Fax: +7484 3944 388, Mb: +7910 914 9936, Email:
[email protected]
Mr. Konstantin K. Kozlov, Third Secretary, Assistant Permanent Representative to UNESCAP,
Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom of Thailand, Bangkok, Tel.: +662 234 9824,
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Kwoh Leong Keong, Director, Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing,
National University of Singapore, Tel: +65 6516 3220, Fax: +65 6775 7717, Mb: +65 97100 609,
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Eng. Sanath Panawennage, Director General & CEO, Arthur C Clarke Institute for Modern
Technologies, Ministry of Science, Technology & Research, Katubedda, Moratuwa, Tel: +9411
265 0838, Fax: +9411 265 0462, Mb: +9477 2512 457, Email: [email protected] ,
[email protected]
Mr. Anond Snidvongs, Executive Director, Geo-Informatics and Space Technology
Development Agency (GISTDA), Bangkok, Email: [email protected]
Dr. Chaowalit Silapathong, Executive Deputy Director, Geo-informatics Scientist, GISTDA,
Bangkok, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Jakrapong Tawala,
[email protected]
Mr. Chinorost Booncherm, Chief of International Relations Office, GISTDA, Bangkok, Email:
[email protected]
Mr. Peerapat Akarakupt, International Relations Officer, GISTDA, Bangkok, Tel: +662 1414
501, Email: [email protected]
Ms. Raksina Lekthanoo, International Relations Officer, GISTDA, Bangkok, Tel: +662 1414
502, Email: [email protected]
Ms. Thanapa Wongchareon, Secretary to Executive Deputy Director, GISTDA, Bangkok 10210
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Doan Minh Chung, Director, Space Technology Institute (STI), Vietnam
Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Hanoi, Tel: +844 3756
2942, Fax: +844 3791 4622, Mb: +84091 235 4972, Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Ms. Wang Ran, Assistant, Asia-Pacific Regional Coordination Unit of UNCCD Secretariat,
United Nations Building, Rajadamnern Nok Ave, Bangkok 10200, Thailand, Tel: +662 288 1692
Ms. Ivalene Laohajaratsang, Assistant, Asia-Pacific Regional Coordination Unit of UNCCD
Secretariat, United Nations Building, Rajadamnern Nok Ave, Bangkok 10200, Thailand, Tel:
+662 288 1692, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Francesco Pisano, Director, Research Technology Applications & Knowledge Systems,
UNITAR/UNOSAT, Palais des Nations, 1210, Geneva, Switzerland, Tel: + 41 22 917 8720, Mb:
+41 79 279 9303, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Shirish Ravan, Head, UN-SPIDER Beijing Office, UNOOSA, Beijing, China, Tel: +8610
5281 1370, Fax: +8610 5281 1374, Mb: +86138 109 22015, Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster Management
(AHA Centre)
Mr. Khiam Jin Lee, Head of Corporate Affairs & Programme Division, BPPT 1 st Building, 17th
Floor, JI. M.H. Thamrin, No.8, Jakarta, 10340, Indonesia, Tel: +6221 230 5006 ext.105, Fax:
+6221 3192 8169, Mb: +6281 5855 79165, Email: [email protected]
Mekong River Commission (MRC)
Mr. Ix Hour, Programme Coordinator, Drought Management Programme Operation Division,
Office of the Secretariat in Phnom Penh, Mekong River Commission, Phnom Penh, Cambodia,
Tel: +855 23 425 353, Fax: +855 23 425 363, Email: [email protected]
----------------------------------------ESCAP SECRETARIAT
Ms. Shamika Sirimanne
Information and Communications Technology and Disaster
Risk Reduction Division (IDD)
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2 2881638
Fax: +66-2 2883012/1085
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Keran Wang
Space Applications Section/IDD
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2 2881456
Fax: +66-2 2883012/1085
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Tae Hyung Kim
Economic Affairs Officer
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2 2881533
Fax: +66-2 2883012/1085
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Kelly Hayden
Economic Affairs Officer
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2 2881544
Fax: +66-2 2883012/1085
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Syed T. Ahmed
Associate Economic Affairs Officer
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2 2881809
Fax: +66-2 2883012/1085
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Patricia Budiyanto
Administrative Assistant
Tel : +66-2 2881685
Fax: +66-2 2883012/1085
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Salila Klongboonjit
Team Assistant
Tel : +66-2 2881632
Fax: +66-2 2883012/1085
Email: [email protected]
Annex 3
Meeting Agenda
Agenda Item 1: Opening of the meeting
Agenda Item 2: Adoption of agenda
Agenda Item 3: Election of officers
Agenda Item 4: Reconfirmation of the membership of ICC
Agenda Item 5: Statement by the Chair
Agenda Item 6: Report by the secretariat on the progress of the Regional Space
Applications Programme for Sustainable Development (RESAP) and implementation
of related resolutions
Agenda Item 7: Status and future plans on space technology applications for sustainable
development by RESAP member countries
Agenda Item 8 and 10: Ways forward and other matters
- Report by the secretariat
- Discussions
Agenda Item 9: Joint agenda item with the CDRR-4 (Agenda 8 of CDRR-4)
- High-level panel discussion
- Country Statements
Agenda Item 11: Summary of nineteenth session of ICC
Adoption of the report and closing
Fly UP