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The 18th Session of the Intergovernmental Consultative Committee (ICC) on the Regional
Space Applications Programme for Sustainable Development for Asia and the Pacific
25-26 September 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
Summary Meeting Report
Prepared by the Secretariat
* This document has been issued without formal editing
Institutional Development of RESAP:
The Committee emphasized that science, technology and innovation are
important means in implementing HFA2 and the post-2015 SDGs, in particular,
space technology and geographic information systems (GIS) applications play a
critical role in disaster risk reduction and response, along with other sustainable
development needs in the Asia-Pacific region.
The Committee acknowledged that good progress has been made in the
RESAP member countries through the continuous development of space
technology and broad use of space and GIS applications for disaster risk
management and sustainable development, and strengthen regional cooperation in
relevant fields. The quality, availability and affordability of space-based data,
products and services have been improved so that countries without a space
programme of their own are now able to better access and use space-derived
information through the regional cooperation mechanism.
The Committee further acknowledged there are still huge barriers and needs
for the effective use of such innovative technologies to address disaster risk
reduction and support resilient, inclusive and sustainable development in Asia and
the Pacific. This is particularly evident in developing countries in terms of
financial and human resources, knowledge, technology and information.
The Committee emphasized that regional cooperation for applications of
space technology and GIS holds the key to better preparedness and building
resilience and to address the gaps and needs in the region. In this regard, the
Committee called upon ESCAP member States to work closely through the
RESAP framework and requested the secretariat to make more efforts to
encourage more countries in the Asia-Pacific region to join RESAP.
The Committee also noted with appreciation the request from the National
Committee on Disaster Management (NCDM) of Cambodia on joining RESAP.
The Committee requested the NCDM of Cambodia to send official letter by the
Seat of the Government to the secretariat in this regard to apply for RESAP
The Committee commended the relationships built by the secretariat with
global and regional organizations and initiatives, such as UNITAR/UNOSAT, UNSPIDER, UN-GGIM, GEO, FAO, WMO, AHA Centre, APSCO, APRSAF,
CSSTEAP, SAARC DMC and Sentinel Asia, and requested that the secretariat
continue to engage with these organizations to harmonize the various initiatives,
particularly at the regional level.
The Committee noted the changes of the RESAP National Focal Points
(NFPs) and restructuring of organizations in some RESAP member countries. The
Committee requested the secretariat invite through the Seat of the Government of
RESAP member countries to reconfirm the validity of the RESAP NFPs by
December 2014.
The Committee commended the efforts made by the secretariat on the
implementation of recommendations since the 17th session of the
Intergovernmental Consultative Committee (ICC) in November 2013, and
endorsed the work plan for 2015.
The Committee requested the secretariat to further coordinate with ICC
members on confirming the host of the 19th session of the ICC on RESAP in
The Regional Drought Mechanism:
10. The Committee applauded the work undertaken by the secretariat in
operationalizing the Regional Drought Mechanism to address the food security in
Asia and the Pacific. The Committee requested the secretariat to continually play
a catalytic role in taking the Regional Drought Mechanism forward within pilot
countries and further strengthen its efforts in other drought prone countries, upon
11. The Committee expressed appreciation to the Regional Service Nodes in
China and India for their generous support on satellite-derived data, products and
services provided to the pilot countries, and their commitment to providing
requisite support to ESCAP in implementing the Mechanism. In this regard the
Committee requested the development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
for the Mechanism.
12. The Committee also expressed appreciation to the national teams and focal
points in the pilot countries of Mongolia and Sri Lanka for their efforts in making
the pilot projects a success.
13. The Committee endorsed the TOR of the Thematic Working Group (TWG)
and requested RESAP member countries to nominate TWG members through the
RESAP NFP or the Seat of the Government by March 2015.
14. The Committee recognized that government commitment is critical to the
operationalization of the Regional Drought Mechanism and the long-term success
of the programme. The Committee requested the pilot countries to enhance their
institutional support during the implementation of the pilot projects, including
financial and human resources and technical support. The Committee further
requested the pilot countries to share their good practices and lessons learned
through the RESAP network, ESCAP’s Gateway, and Community of Practices
15. The Committee requested the secretariat to continue to develop the
Regional Drought Mechanism in active consultation and contribution with the
TWG and the regional service nodes, and expand the coverage of the Mechanism
to other drought prone countries upon request, particularly in Central Asia and the
Pacific. The progress of implementation should be reported to the 19th session of
16. The Committee appreciated the work done in developing partnerships and
collaboration with other key agencies such as FAO, GEO, WMO, GWP and other
regional commissions and international/regional organizations who expressed
their willingness to work together with the secretariat on implementing the
Regional Drought Mechanism, and requested the secretariat to continue to
strengthen and build on these partnerships.
Regional support to disaster-affected countries:
17. The Committee appreciated the efforts made by RESAP member countries
as well as the secretariat in facilitating the timely provision of space-based data
and impact assessments to disaster affected countries in this region. The
Committee requested the secretariat to continue to use the Gateway server as an
integrated data node and/or the platform provided by RESAP member countries
and UNOSAT in emergencies.
18. The Committee requested RESAP NFPs to work closely with related
national disaster management authorities in order to serve as an information hub
during the whole disaster cycle, and to maintain uninterrupted links with the
secretariat. In this regard, the Committee requested RESAP NFPs to nominate a
liaison person(s) in national disaster management authorities by January 2015 as
an alternate contact person for receiving related space-derived data/information
for early warning, response, relief and damage assessment.
19. The Committee commended the secretariat on its close cooperation with
other UN agencies and regional institutions such as UNITAR/UNOSAT, UNSPIDER, UNDP, UNISDR, UNOCHA, Sentinel Asia, SOPAC, CSSTEAP and
RIMES on the timely provision of space-derived data, products and services to
further enhance the work and institutional capacity for forecasting, response, relief
and rapid impact assessment for member countries and subregional organizations.
The Committee encouraged the secretariat to continue to strengthen these
Research and Institutional Capacity development:
20. The Committee requested the secretariat to strengthen the analytical
research related to opportunities for utilizing space technology applications for
disaster risk management and sustainable development, in particular the potential
regional, subregional and national impacts of occasional and long term climate
events, in order to address emerging needs in the region.
21. The Committee encouraged the secretariat to enhance the RESAP networks
for knowledge and technology sharing, including through collaboration with UNSPIDER, UNOSAT, UNGGIM-AP, APSCO, Sentinel Asia, CSSTEAP, AIT and
other regional initiatives.
22. The Committee recognized that a capacity needs survey was previously
provided by RESAP members, and encouraged the secretariat to expand its
work into areas identified in this survey, such as flood modelling and early
warning, urban resilience, crop monitoring, rapid assessment of disaster impacts
using space-derived data.
The Committee expressed its appreciation of the
work undertaken to develop Geo-DRM Portals in several member countries and
encourages this work to continue.
23. The Committee requested the RESAP members to support the Asia-Pacific
Disaster Report 2014 through the provision of inputs on emerging trends and
good practices in using space technology and GIS for disaster risk reduction.
Implementation of the Regional Plan of Action 2012-2017:
24. The Committee supported the secretariat in co-organizing a Working
Session with JAXA and its partners in the United Nations system during the 3rd
World Conference on DRR to be held in March 2015 in Sendai, Japan. The
Committee requested the secretariat to highlight the success stories of Asian and
Pacific countries through regional cooperation mechanisms during the Working
Session. The Committee also encouraged the RESAP members to participate in
the Working Session to share their good practices and strategy plans on the use of
space technology and GIS in implementing HFA2.
25. The Committee requested all RESAP member countries to make concrete
efforts to implement the Asia-Pacific Plan of Action 2012-2017. The Committee
further invited RESAP member countries to host the Ministerial Conference on
Space Technology Applications for Sustainable Development in Asia-Pacific
region in 2016, which will evaluate the progress made in implementing the AsiaPacific Plan of Action, provide further guidance for its successful implementation
and build stronger political support and ownership among all stakeholders.
26. The Committee called upon all RESAP member countries to provide
financial and technical support to the secretariat to continue to implement the
work requested by the ICC and Asia-Pacific Plan of Action, in particular where
the secretariat has been requested to expand its work on existing activities or into
new areas for sustainable development, such as flood modelling and early
warning, urban resilience, crop monitoring, and rapid assessment of disaster
impacts using space-derived data.
27. The Committee noted that the Policy Makers Dialogue and Capacity
Development for Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Management in AsiaPacific – Harnessing Information and Space Technology and Geographic
Information Systems, held 23–25 September 2014, contributed to the
implementation of the Asia-Pacific Plan of Action through the sharing of
knowledge and experience by member States and other institutions.
Organization of the Meeting
1. The Eighteenth Session of the Intergovernmental Consultative Committee (ICC) on
the Regional Space Applications Programme for Sustainable Development in Asia
and the Pacific (RESAP) was held at the United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok,
Thailand from 25 to 26 September 2014. The meeting was organized by the United
Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).
2. The meeting was attended by the National Focal Points (NFPs) of RESAP or their
representatives from the following ESCAP member States: Bhutan, China, Fiji, India
(via videoconference), Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines,
Russian Federation, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vanuatu and Viet Nam.
Observers included Cambodia. Mr. Mihir Ramesh Bhatt, independent consultant for
ESCAP, also attended the meeting. The complete list of the participants is included in
Annex 3 of this report.
Opening of the meeting
3. The opening session of the 18th session of the ICC commenced with an opening
speech from Ms. Shamika Sirimanne, Director, Information and Communications
Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, ESCAP. In her speech, Ms.
Sirimanne expressed her appreciation for the continued support of the member
countries to RESAP from 2013-2014, emphasizing new developments and suggesting
the way forward. Regional cooperation was the central theme in her overview of the
four pillars of work under RESAP: 1) The timely provision of near real-time satellite
imagery to support disaster-affected countries; 2) operationalization of the Regional
Drought Mechanism for drought monitoring and early warning; 3) institutional
capacity development to address persistent gaps and emerging challenges and 4)
research and analytical work. Ms. Sirimanne called on all members to work together
to build the effectiveness of RESAP through sharing their good practices and actively
contributing to support each other in tackling the common goal of disaster
management and sustainable development.
4. The Committee elected the bureau of the session comprising Mr. Sanath Panawennage
(Sri Lanka) as Chairperson, Mr. Doan Minh Chung (Viet Nam) as Vice-Chairperson
and Mr. Shafiq Ahmed (Pakistan) as Rapporteur. In his opening remarks to the
meeting, the Chairperson assured the Committee that the elected bureau would do its
best to ensure the meeting would achieve its objectives to reach a successful
conclusion, relying on the cooperation and involvement of participating members.
Adoption of the agenda
5. The meeting adopted the following agenda:
1) Agenda Item 1: Opening of the meeting
a Welcome speech by the Secretariat
b Election of officers
c Adoption of the Agenda
d Reconfirmation of the membership of the ICC
e Introduction of participants
2) Agenda Item 2: Report on progress of Space Technology Application in 2013-2014
(by the secretariat)
a Progress report of RESAP
b Implementation of the Plan of Action 2012-2017 by the secretariat
c Way forward and issues to be discussed by the ICC
3) Agenda Item 3: Operationalization of the Regional Drought Mechanism
a Report of the Regional Service Nodes in China and India
b Report of the Pilot Countries; Sri Lanka, Mongolia and others
c Endorse TOR of TWG, discussion on SOP and the way forward
4) Agenda Item 4: Report of the progress in use of space technology for disaster risk
reduction and sustainable development
5) Agenda Item 5: Other matters
a New membership of RESAP
b Host of the 19th session of the ICC on RESAP
6) Agenda Item 6: Adoption of the conclusions and key recommendations
7) Closing of the meeting
Reconfirmation of the membership of the ICC
6. On a request by the secretariat to reconfirm the membership of the ICC, subsequently,
the NFPs for RESAP, member countries agreed that they would inform the secretariat
in writing if there were any such changes in their ICC membership as per the standard
procedure. The Secretariat notified ICC members that it would be writing to their Seat
of the Government to invite nominations and reconfirmations of their respective ICC
membership and RESAP NFPs.
Agenda Item 2: Report on work progress of Space Technology Application in
7. The Committee had before it the Working Paper prepared by the secretariat on the
work progress of RESAP in 2013-2014 and issues for consideration by the ICC
members. The Committee endorsed the secretariat’s report in effective use of space
technology to address disaster risk reduction and sustainable development.
8. The Committee commended the secretariat for its efforts since the 17th session of the
ICC and noted with appreciation the significant progress made in its main pillars of
work. The Committee also commended on the comparative increase in productivity,
outputs and impact that the work of the secretariat is having progressively each year,
and reflected at every ICC session.
9. The Committee noted with appreciation that the secretariat’s efforts in mobilizing
regional support on satellite-derived data and products for disaster-affected countries;
the operationalization of the Regional Drought Mechanism in selected pilot countries;
enhancing capacity building to address the main gaps and emerging challenges to
using space technologies and GIS for disaster risk reduction and sustainable
development in developing countries; and research and policy analysis on the
application of emerging technologies and available resources.
10. The Committee noted with appreciation the timely support from China, India, Viet
Nam, Thailand and other countries on near real-time satellite imagery for countries
affected by severe disasters. The Committee further requested all ICC members to
enhance their support, such as providing satellite remote sensing imagery, damage
maps and others, to disaster-affected countries for response, relief and rapid damage
11. The Committee commended the efforts of the secretariat in institutional capacity
development, covering the effective use of satellite-derived information, operation of
drought monitoring and early warning and development of geo-referenced
information portal for disaster risk management (Geo-DRM). The Committee
requested that the secretariat further enhance the RESAP network in knowledge and
technology sharing, and conducting analytical research to support the implementation
of the SDGs.
12. The Committee commended the leading role played by the secretariat at the regional
level in the implementation of the Asia-Pacific Plan of Action for Applications of
Space Technology and Geographic Information Systems for Disaster Risk Reduction
and Sustainable Development, 2012-2017. The Committee encouraged RESAP
member countries to host the Ministerial Conference on Space Technology
Applications for Sustainable Development in Asia-Pacific region in 2016.
Agenda Item 3: Operationalization of the Regional Drought Mechanism
13. The representatives of the Regional Service Nodes (RSNs) in China and India briefed
the Committee on enhancing the operation of RSNs and support to pilot countries.
The representatives from pilot countries including Mongolia and Sri Lanka presented
the Committee through country presentation on the initiation operationalization of the
drought monitoring and early wearing. The representatives from other pilot countries
such as Cambodia, Myanmar and Nepal informed the Committee on their request and
tentative plan.
14. The Committee noted with appreciation the effective support provided by the
Regional Service Nodes in China and India, to the pilot counties and other drought
affected countries, in terms of satellite-derived data, products, service and capacity
development. The Committee expressed the appreciation on continuous support from
India on satellite-derived data and capacity building for Sri Lanka and other drought
prone countries. The Committee also expressed the appreciation on offer from India
on provision of drought monitoring software to Sri Lanka and other pilot countries.
15. The Committee also expressed the appreciation on continued support from China on
capacity building for Mongolia and provision of software on drought monitoring to
pilot countries. In addition, the Committee noted with appreciation on offer from
China to host the Regional Training Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for
Drought Monitoring and Early Warning, Beijing, China, 28-30 October 2014.
16. The Committee expressed the satisfaction on progress made in operationalization of
the Mechanism in Mongolia and Sri Lanka. The Committee noted with appreciation
that a Sri Lankan national team has been established, through signing of seven MOUs
among the key ministries linked to drought monitoring, and that the work plan has
been renewed for the next crop season. The Committee noted with appreciation the
evolution in drought monitoring in Mongolia and the efforts to establish a
drought/dzud early warning information system.
17. The Committee requested the secretariat and RSNs to provide continued technical
assistance and capacity building to the pilot countries based on their needs and
request. The Committee further requested the secretariat to work with RSNs to
develop a plan to facilitate the operationalization of the Mechanism in Mongolia and
Sri Lanka and to provide technical support to other pilot countries.
18. The Committee endorsed the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Thematic Working
Group (TWG) prepared by the secretariat. The secretariat will write to the respective
Seat of Government or RESAP NFPs on nominations for the TWG.
H. Agenda Item 4: Report of the progress in use of space technology for disaster risk
reduction and sustainable development
19. The representatives of the following countries made country presentations on key
issues and achievements: China, Fiji, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.
20. The Committee noted that although tremendous progress has been achieved in
RESAP member countries through the continuous development of space technology
and broad use of space and GIS in disaster risk management and sustainable
development, there are still huge barriers and needs. This is particularly apparent in
developing countries in terms of the financial and human resources, knowledge,
technology and information for the effective use of such innovative technologies to
address disaster risk reduction and support resilient, inclusive and sustainable
development in Asia and the Pacific.
21. The Committee commended that the secretariat, under the RESAP framework, has
facilitated member States with systematic access to essential space-derived data,
products and services for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development. In
particular, these products and services significantly contribute to forecasting,
responding to, or recovering from serious disasters such as typhoons, floods, drought
and earthquake. Additionally, RESAP has become a more effective and efficient
platform for provision regional support and sharing good practices and expertise,
strengthening capacity building, and harmonizing with regional/subregional
initiatives in carrying out cooperative activities towards disaster risk reduction and
sustainable development.
22. The Committee noted with appreciation on offer from GISTDA of Thailand to second
a GIS expert, working in Information and Communications Technology and Disaster
Risk Reduction, to support the implementation of RESAP programmes.
23. The representative of Cambodia made a statement as an observing country. The
Committee noted with appreciation the progress update provided on the country.
I. Agenda Item 5: Other matters
24. The Committee acknowledged with appreciation the request made by Cambodia on
becoming a member of RESAP. The Committee advised the Cambodian
representative that a formal request for membership be presented in writing to the
ESCAP Executive Secretary via their Government, as per the standard procedures.
25. On hosting the next 19th session of the ICC, the Committee requested the secretariat
to continue the coordination with member countries.
J. Agenda Item 6: Adoption of the report
26. The report was adopted on 26 September 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand.
List of Annex Documents
Annex 1:
Annex 2:
Programme of the 18th session of the ICC
List of Participants
Annex 1
Intergovernmental Consultative Committee on Regional Space Applications Programme for
Sustainable Development
18th Session
25-26 September 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
Meeting Room A, UNCC
Thursday, 25 September 2014
13:30-14:00 hrs.
14:00- 14:50 hrs.
Agenda 1: Opening of the meeting
Welcome speech by the Secretariat
Election of officers
Adoption of the Agenda
Reconfirmation of the membership of the ICC
15:00-15:30 hrs.
Introduction of participants
Agenda 2: Report on Progress of Space Technology Applications in 20132014 (by the secretariat)
Progress report of RESAP;
Implementation of the Plan of Action 2012-2017 by the secretariat;
Way forward and issues to be discussed by the ICC.
15:30-15:45 hrs.
15:45-17:50 hrs.
Coffee Break
Agenda 3: Operationalization of the Regional Drought Mechanism
Report of the Regional Service Nodes in China and India;
Report of the Pilot Countries; Sri Lanka, Mongolia and others;
Endorse TOR of TWG, discussion on SOP and the way forward.
- End of the Day -
Annex 1
Friday, 26 September 2014
09:00-11:00 hrs.
Agenda 4: Report of the progress in use of space technology for disaster
risk reduction and sustainable development
(by RESAP members and observer, 10-15 minutes for each country)
11:10-11:20 hrs.
11:20-11:30 hrs.
Coffee Break
Agenda 5: Other matters
New membership of RESAP
Host of the 19th ICC of RESAP (country and date)
11:30-12:25 hrs.
Agenda 6: Adoption of the conclusions and key recommendations
12:25-12:40 hrs.
Closing of the meeting
Annex 2
The 18th Session of the Intergovernmental Consultative Committee on the Regional Space
Applications Programme for Sustainable Development
25 September (PM) – 26 September (AM) 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
Mr. Yeshi Dorji, Chief Land Registrar, National Land Commission, P.O. Box 142, Thimphu, Tel:
+975-2 334683, Fax: +975-2-337903, Mb: +975-1765 2601, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Sophak Phoeun, National Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Forum, and Executive Assistant to
H.E. Ly Thuch, Vice President, National Committee for Disaster Management, National Committee
for Disaster Management (NCDM), No. 516, Sangkat Toul Sangke, Khan Russey Keo (near TVK
antenna), Phnom Penh, Tel: +855 23 882605, Fax: +855 23 882605, Mobile: +855 17 377747,
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Wu Guoxiang, Professor/Senior Advisor, College of Global Change and Earth System Science,
Beijing Normal University, No. 19, Xinjiekouwai St. , Haidian District , Beijing, Mb: +8613811604688, Email: [email protected]
Ms. Zhang Wei, Programme Assistant, National Remote Sensing Centre of China (NRSCC),
Building 8A, Liulinguan Nanli,Haidian District,Beijing,Tel: +86-10-58881197, Fax: +86-1058881184, Mb: +86-13426478425, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Fan Jinlong, Research Scientist, National Satellite Meteorological Center, no. 46 Zhongguancun
South Avenue, Beijing, Tel: +86-10 5899 3211, Mb: +86-135 1103 1484, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Filipe Petero Alifereti, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and
National Disaster Management, P.O. Box 2219, Government Buildings, Suva, Tel: +679-3313 400,
Fax: +679-3306 339, Mb: +679-9904 677, Email: [email protected]
Annex 2
INDIA (via Video Conference)
Mr. Parsi Gururao Diwakar, Deputy Director, Department of Space, National Remote Sensing
Centre, Balanagar, Hyderabad 500 037, Tel: +91040 23884101, Fax: +91040 23884259, Mb: +9676
709898, Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Mr. Sesha Sai, National Remote Sensing Centre,
[email protected], [email protected]
Mr. Ooi Wei Han, Research Officer, National Space Agency (ANGKASA), 42700 Banting,
Selangor, Tel: +603-3182 4034, Fax: +603-3182 4134, Mb: +6012-550 5822, Email:
[email protected]
Mr. Sodov Khudulmur, Director, National Remote Sensing Center (NRSC), Juulchny Str – 5,
Ulaanbaatar, Tel: +976-11-326649, Fax: +976-11-329968, Mb: +976-99015864, Email:
[email protected]
Ms. Kyu Kyu Sein, Staff Officer, Department of Meteorology and Hydrology, Office no. 5, Ministry
of Transport, Nay Pyi Taw, Tel: +95-67-411 031/254, Fax: +95-67-411 449/523, Email:
[email protected]
Mr. Ramesh Shakya, Officiating Director General, Department of Forest Research and Survey,
Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Tel: +977-1-4220482, Fax: +977-1-4220159, Mb: +977-9851059295,
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Mr. Shafiq Ahmed, Chief Manager, Pakistan Space & Upper Atmosphere Research Commission
(SUPARCO), SUPARCO HQs, SUPARCO Road, P.O. Box 8402, Karachi-75270, Tel: +92-2134690781,
[email protected]
Mr. Landrico Ureta Dalida, Jr., OIC, Office of the Deputy Administrator for Operations and
Services, Weather Bureau, Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services
Administration (PAGASA), Quezon City, Tel/Fax: +632-434 5886/2775, Mb: +63-9088511944,
9162431876, Email: [email protected]
Annex 2
Mr. Anatoly Kuzmin, Senior Expert, Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS), 39-3, Gilyarouskogo
Str., Moscow, Tel: +792-666 16345, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Konstantin Kozlov, 3rd Secretary, Assistant Permanent Representative of the Russian
Federation to UN ESCAP, Embassy of the Russian Federation, Bangkok, Thailand, Tel.: +662
2349824, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Ilya A. Andreev, Attaché, Assistant Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to
UN ESCAP, Tel.: +662 2349824, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Leong Keong Kwoh, Director, Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing, NUS,
Block S-17, 10 Level 2, Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore, Tel: +65-651-63220, Fax: +65-67757717, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Sanath Panawennage, Director & CEO, Arthur C. Clarke Institute for Modern Technologies
Ministry of Technology & Research, Katubedda, Moratuwa, Tel: +94-11-265 0838/0569/0677, Mb:
+94-77 2512457, Fax: +94-11-2650462,Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Mr. Anond Snidvongs, Executive Director, Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development
Agency (GISTDA), Bangkok, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Chinorost Booncherm, Chief of International Relations Office, GISTDA, 120 the Government
Complex Building B, 6th and 7th Floor, Chaeng Wattana Rd., Lak Si, Bangkok, Email:
[email protected]
Mr. Peerapat Akarakupt, International Relations Officer, GISTDA, 120 The Government Complex
Building B, 6th and 7th Floor, Chaeng Wattana Rd., Lak Si, Bangkok 10210, Tel: +662 1414501,
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Jakrapong Tawala, Geo-informatics Scientist, GISTDA, 120 the Government Complex Building
B, 6th and 7th Floor, Chaeng Wattana Rd., Lak Si, Bangkok, Email: [email protected]
Ms. Patricia G. Mawa, Manager ICT/Engineering Division, Vanuatu, Meteorology & Geo-hazards
Department, PMB 9054, Port Vila, Tel: +678 24686, Fax: +678 22310, Mb: +678 7750202, Email:
[email protected]
Annex 2
Mr. Doan Minh Chung, Director, Space Technology Institute (STI) – VAST, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet,
Cau Giay, Hanoi, Tel: +844-37562942, Fax: +844-37914622, Mb: +84-912354972, Email:
[email protected], [email protected]
Ms. Shamika Sirimanne
Information and Communications Technology and
Disaster Risk Reduction Division (IDD)
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2 2881638
Fax: +66-2 2883012/1085
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Keran Wang
Space Applications Section/IDD
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2 2881456
Fax: +66-2 2883012/1085
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Tae Hyung Kim
Economic Affairs Officer
Space Applications Section/IDD
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2 2881533
Fax: +66-2 2883012/1085
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Kelly Hayden
Economic Affairs Officer
Space Applications Section/IDD
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2 2881544
Fax: +66-2 2883012/1085
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Syed T. Ahmed
Associate Economic Affairs Officer
Space Applications Section/IDD
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2 2881809
Fax: +66-2 2883012/1085
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Sukanitt Jarunveshsuti
Administrative Assistant
Annex 2
Space Applications Section/IDD
Tel : +66-2 2882033
Fax: +66-2 2883012/1085
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Patricia Budiyanto
Team Assistant
Space Applications Section/IDD
Tel : +66-2 2881685
Fax: +66-2 2883012/1085
Email: [email protected]
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