
17 Session of the Intergovernmental Consultative Committee (ICC) on Regional

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17 Session of the Intergovernmental Consultative Committee (ICC) on Regional
17th Session of the Intergovernmental
Consultative Committee (ICC) on Regional
Space Applications Programme for Sustainable
Development (RESAP)
26-27 November 2013
Report on work progress of RESAP in 2012-2013
Information and Communications Technology and
Disaster Risk Reduction Division
3rd Session of the Committee on Disaster
Risk Reduction
27-29 November 2013
Progress since the last ICC meeting in November 2012
Issues to be considered and decided by the ICC
1. Overview
Regional and sub-regional cooperation has become increasingly important in enhancing
the capacity of member States.
ESCAP has been vigorously promoting the RESAP at the regional level.
Since the last ICC meeting, the secretariat focused on:
(a) Provision of near real-time satellite imagery;
(b) Operationalizing SOPs on drought monitoring and early warning;
(c) Capacity-building to address main technical gaps; and
(d) Research and policy analysis.
RESAP supports implementation of HFA and Post-2015 Development Agenda.
2. Provision of near real-time satellite imagery to the countries
affected by severe disasters
In 2013 alone, secretariat has provided more than 60 near real-time satellite imagery and
damage maps to the disaster affected countries.
-Bangladesh (tropical cyclone Mahasen), China (earthquake and flood), Pakistan (flood and
earthquake) and Philippines (Typhoon Haiyan).
-With the support of RESAP members and UNITAR/UNOSAT.
Satellite imagery deleted
Under the RESAP framework, 19 scenes of RISAT-1 and high resolution images of Cartosat
were provided after super typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines--provided by ISRO through its
Bhuvan FTP server.
More than 30 links of damage assessment maps and satellite images provided by UNOSAT.
All information was shared with the related authorities by the RESAP NFP in the Philippines.
3. Standardization of operating procedures on drought
monitoring and early warning
RESAP has established the subregional
operationalization of the Drought Mechanism.
SOP and modality of operationalizing the service nodes in China and India discussed
during the Stakeholders Meeting in Aug, 2013, Hong Kong, China.
Mongolia is the first pilot country.
-During the technical advisory mission in Mongolia in September 2013, stakeholders fully
exchanged critical issues to promote the regional cooperative mechanism on the drought
-Formulating a work plan (2014-2015) to operationalize drought/dzud monitoring for Mongolia
Technical advisory mission on drought/dzud monitoring and detection at NRSC, Mongolia
Photos deleted
NRSC of China and India (ISRO) will function as the key service nodes to deliver the
satellite imagery and products.
The operational Bhuvan portal of NRSC/ISRO and a server of NRSCC will be used as the
platforms for uploading the registered satellite images.
CSSTEAP and a training partner of NDRCC will serve as capacity building hub in South
Asia and South East Asia respectively.
ESCAP regional advisory services will be deployed to the Mechanism.
It is hoped that the Mechanism would be extended in phases to cover all drought-prone
countries in the region.
4. Capacity-building to address the main technical gaps in
developing countries
More than 140 Govt officials, researchers and managers in RESAP member countries
Areas covered- Flood-risk mapping, regional/sub-regional geo-referenced information
applications, and satellite imagery for disaster management.
2014 capacity development plan has been developed based on the member countries’
feedback to:
-the Regional Inventory of Space Technology Application Capabilities, Facilities and Activities in
Asia and the Pacific Region, and
-the Survey to assess the Capacity Building needs for DRR and SD.
Training Course on Flood Risk Mapping, Modelling and Assessment Using Space Technology at Dehradun, India, 22‐26 July 2013
The Regional Training Workshop on Applications of Space Technology for Disaster Risk Management and Sustainable Development
Hong Kong, China, 5 ‐ 9 August 2013
The CEO’s forum on Space Technology Applications for National Development
21 Oct 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Capacity Building Programme on Space Technology and GIS Applications for Disaster Risk Reduction 28 October to 16 November 2013, Seoul, Korea
5. Regional inventory and survey of the needs; research and policy
On-line survey: Regional Inventory of Space Technology Application Capabilities,
Facilities and Activities in Asia and the Pacific Region
On-line survey: Remote Sensing (RS) Applications for DRR and SD.
Survey conducted to assess the Capacity Building needs for DRR and SD
Countries responded- Bangladesh, Iran, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, the Philippines, Sri
Lanka, Viet Nam, Hong Kong, China and Macao,China.
Main findings:
-Higher priority on capacity building for using space technology and GIS applications in DRR/M;
-Flood and drought remain the major concerns;
-Most countries request that the thematic training programmes should begin in 2014;
-Preferable one-to-two weeks training programmes held at CSSTEAP
and other training nodes of RESAP.
Capacity building plan for 2014 is based on the feedback to the above Surveys
Contribute to the implementation of
the Asia-Pacific Plan of Action
The secretariat has been tasked by member States to take the lead in implementing
capacity building for Applications of Asia-Pacific Plan of Action.
ESCAP is harmonizing existing global and regional initiatives, pooling expertise and
resources and supporting the effective use of space technologies.
RESAP member countries to support the implementation of the Asia-Pacific Plan of
Geo-referenced information system for DRM will be developed and used in some RESAP
7. Issues to be discussed and decided by the ICC
(1). Institutional development of RESAP
Increase in RESAP membership in 2014.
-Encourage more countries in Asia-Pacific region to actively support RESAP.
RESAP member are encouraged to respond to the compendium, regional inventory and
needs assessment survey.
Members encouraged to provide good practices on using space technology for DRR/M
and SD
Request the secretariat to enhance the collaboration with global and regional initiatives
Decision on host of the 18th session of ICC.
-The secretariat has received a letter from SUPARCO, Pakistan, to offer the hosting of the 18th
session of ICC on RESAP in Islamabad, Pakistan in September 2014.
(2) The Regional Cooperative Mechanism for Disaster Monitoring and Early Warning, Particularly
Reformulate the title: Regional Cooperative Mechanism for Drought Monitoring and Early
Warning (the Drought Mechanism).
Agree on the strategy and arrangement of subregional service nodes in China and India.
The Space Application Section of ESCAP (SAS) to play the role of the secretariat for the
Drought Mechanism and explore necessary resources.
SAS to coordinate with the regional service nodes and other respective pilot countries.
To establish a Thematic Working Group (TWG) for the Drought Mechanism.
Encourage drought prone countries to apply to be pilots for the Drought Mechanism.
(3) Regional support to disaster-affected countries
Request RESAP- NFP to actively work with related authorities, particularly NDMO
Encourage RESAP members to continue the regional support
Encourage the RESAP NFPs to nominate the emergency liaison person and an
alternatives (could be from NDMOs)
Request the secretariat to work closely with UNOSAT, Sentinel Asia, in disaster early
warning and Response
Agree on the use of FTP server for sharing the satellite data, products and services
Agree to use the Gateway server as an integrated data node and/or FTP server provided
by UNOSAT and Cartographic Section of NYHQ (TBC)
(4) Capacity development
Enhance RESAP training networks through collaboration with UN-SPIDER, UNOSAT and
other regional initiatives.
Request the secretariat to conduct thematic training programmes in following areas:
- Drought monitoring and early warning
- Flood risk mapping
- Interpretation of space-based information (high resolution or
- Rain estimation (quantitative) for cyclone and tornado
- Geo-referenced information for disaster risk management
Request the secretariat to develop a roadmap and work plan for long term capacity
development to support the sustainable development.
Request the secretariat to mobilize financial/HR resources to
development; request RESAP members to assist in fund raising efforts.
(5) Support the implementation of the Asia-Pacific Plan of Action
RESAP members confirm their support to the implementation of the Asia-Pacific Plan of
Encourage the RESAP member to apply to be pilot countries of implementation of the
Asia-Pacific Plan of Action.
Encourage the RESAP member to actively support the implementation at both regional
and national levels.
Request the secretariat to work closely with related UN agencies and other initiatives
Thank you
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