Dr. Avv. Albert Henke CURRICULUM VITAE Albert Henke is
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Dr. Avv. Albert Henke CURRICULUM VITAE Albert Henke is
Dr. Avv. Albert Henke CURRICULUM VITAE Born in Rovereto (TN) on 29.06.1975 domiciled in Milan - Italy Italian and German citizenships Tel. +39 02 80 63 41 Mobile + 39 340 59 36 690 e-mail [email protected] Albert Henke is Aggregate Professor of International Investment Law and Disputes Settlement at Università degli Studi, Milan (Italy), Research Fellow and Lecturer of Civil Procedure at the same University and Lawyer (Senior Associate) with Clifford Chance Law Firm in Milan (Dispute Resolution Department). His main areas of interest are domestic, international and European civil procedure, international commercial and investment arbitration, private international law and international contracts. He has published extensively on these topics. He has taken part in many European and international scientific research projects, is regularly invited as a speaker to domestic and international Master Programs and has lectured in many Universities abroad (including Columbia Law School – New York). He has acted both as counsel and administrative secretary in domestic and international arbitration proceedings, especially in the field of commercial, corporate, energy and construction law. He is coordinator for the Department of Public, Civil Procedure, International and European Law at Università degli Studi, Milan for the relations with foreign Universities and International Organizations (such as ICC, IOM, UNICRI, UNCITRAL, UNODC…) and for the students' training program. He is member of the committee in charge of internationalization of the legal education of the University of Milan and coordinator of the international arbitration program of the Summer School on International Arbitration and Mediation organized by the University of Milan. Albert Henke is a graduate of the University of Trento (magna cum laude) and has a Ph.D in arbitration law at the University of Milan (2005). He has been Associate Legal Expert at the United Nations Commission for International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) from the 1st January 2005 till the 31st December 2006. Albert Henke has set up the first team of Università degli Studi, Milan which has ever taken part to the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot in Vienna (final placing in 2009: among the best 16 teams) and is the academic coordinator of the team of the same University participating to the 5th ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition in Paris. ALBERT HENKE'S LIST OF (REPR.) PUBLICATIONS Arbitrato e giudizio ordinario (un Convegno a Zurigo), Rivista di diritto processuale, 3, 2000, pp. 895-900; Pluralità di parti arbitrali non equidistanti e nomina officiosa degli arbitri : nota a Cassazione civile, Sez. I, 16 marzo 2000, n. 3044, Corriere giuridico, 12, 2001; Prevalenza del processo straniero “riconoscibile” sull’arbitrato svizzero prevenuto, nota a Tribunale Federale Svizzero, I Corte civile, 14 maggio 2001 – Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas SA, à Madrid (Spagna) / Colòn Container Terminal SA, à Eldorado (Repubblica di Panama), Int'l Lis : supplemento di documentazione e discussione sul diritto giudiziario transnazionale, 2, 2002; Prime osservazioni sulla riforma del diritto processuale civile austriaco, Rivista di diritto processuale, 3, 2003, pp. 815-836; C. Greiner, Die Class action im amerikanischen Recht und deutscher Ordre Public, ed. Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 1998, 267 and D. Hermann, Die Anerkennung US-amerikanischer Urteile in Deutschland unter Berücksichtigung des Ordre Public – Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zum „Justizkonflikt“ zwischen Deutschland und den USA, ed. Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 1999, 301 [Reviews of the books], Int’l Lis: Supplemento di documentazione e discussione sul diritto giudiziario transnazionale, 2, 2003; Il sequestro dei beni del debitore con dimora all’estero secondo l’art. 271, comma 1 cif. 4 LEF - il ‘collegamento sufficiente’ del credito con la Svizzera (assisting editing and translation), Int'l Lis: Supplemento di documentazione e discussione sul diritto giudiziario transnazionale, 2, 2003; Le violazioni del giudicato esterno tra ricorso per cassazione e revocazione, Rivista di diritto processuale, 2, 2005, pp. 505-542; Esecutorietà, notificazione e correzione della sentenza, Corso di diritto processuale civile e tributario / [a cura di] F. Tesauro, P. Brecciaroli, Napoli, 2005; La revoca e la modifica, Il processo cautelare, a cura di Tarzia G. e Saletti A., Padova, 2008, 459; Does International Law mean Business – a partnership for Progress - ? La Conferenza annuale dell´International Law Association (Londra 16-17 maggio 2008), Diritto del commercio internazionale, ¾, 2008, pp. 777-786; Multiparty arbitration: the Italian perspective, Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2010, [a cura di] C. Klausegger, P. Klein, F. Kremslehner, A. Petsche, N. Pitkowitz, J. Power, I. Welser, G. Zeiler. - Muenchen, 2010; Due process in international arbitration, Il 12simo International Arbitration Day dell'International Bar Association Dubai, Emirati Arabi Uniti 15–16 febbraio 2009, Diritto del commercio internazionale, 4, 2009; Vienna Arbitration Days - State entities in commercial arbitration – guerrilla tactics – courts and arbitration in financial crisis - Vienna, 12-13 febbraio 2010, Diritto del commercio internazionale, 2, 2010; Multiparty arbitration - Il meeting annuale dell’ICC Institute of World Business Law in occasione del suo 30simo anniversario Parigi, 8 dicembre 2009, Diritto del commercio internazionale, 3, 2010; Il termine per l'intervento del terzo nel processo civile di primo grado: una questione irrisolta, Rivista di diritto processuale. 6, 2010; -2- Il diritto americano e l’incerto fondamento del principio Kompetenz-Kompetenz in materia di arbitrato, Diritto del commercio internazionale, 3, 2011, 739 - 794; La prima Joint Conference dell’ICC (Parigi), LCIA (Londra), PCA (Aja), UNCITRAL (Vienna), ICSID (Washington) - Mauritius 13 – 14 dicembre 2010, Rivista di diritto processuale, 6, 2011 (in course of publication); Rethinking the role of the courts in international arbitration and interim measures, PCA – Kluwer Law International Pubblication, 2011 (in course of publication). -3-