
MATH 019-O SYLLABUS Fundamentals of Calculus I Spring 2013

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MATH 019-O SYLLABUS Fundamentals of Calculus I Spring 2013
Fundamentals of Calculus I
Spring 2013
Class Meetings: Tuesday, Thursday 2:30-3:45
Perkins 300
Instructor: Shauna Simeone
Office: 16 Colchester Avenue, Room 102
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.uvm.edu/~srsimeon
Course blackboard page: bb.uvm.edu
Office Hours: -Mondays and Wednesdays 10:30am-11:30am
-I will also be at the math help sessions Monday’s 6:00pm-7:00pm
-If you cannot make any of these times, please contact me to set up an
Course Materials:
Calculus with Applications by Lial, Greenwell, and Ritchey, 10th Edition. You can buy
a hardcopy of the textbook (ISBN-10: 0321760026), which comes packaged with
MyMathLab and the e-text, or just MyMathLab and the e-text (ISBN-10:
032119991X). Each student must have his or her own access code for MyMathLab
for homework. (required)
A scientific or graphing calculator (recommended)
Check the course MyMathLab page frequently for announcements and
Course ID: simeone46114
Attendance: I will introduce new material in every class so it is important that you
miss as few classes as possible. If an illness or emergency causes you to miss an
exam, it is your responsibility to contact me as soon as possible to schedule a
makeup. There will be no makeup’s on quizzes, but I will drop the lowest quiz grade
at the end of the semester.
Coursework and grading:
-Quizzes: There will be a quiz every other Thusday except on weeks of exams.
-Test: There will be two exams during the semester and one final exam.
-Homework: There will be weekly graded homework assignments that will
be found on the MyMathLab course page and will be due every Thursday
before class.
15% Homework
20% In-class quizzes (I will drop the lowest grade)
20% Exam 1 September 19
20% Exam 2 October 24
25% Final Exam (Cumulative)
Grading Scale:
>93% = A
>87% = B+
>90% = A>83% = B
>80% = B-
>77% = C+
>73% = C
>70% = C-
>67% = D+
>63% = D
>60% = D-
<60% = F
Academic Honesty: Students are responsible for abiding by the policies in the
Academic Integrity Code. Please review the code at www.uvm.edu/cses
Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities who require special
accommodations should notify me as soon as possible and coordinate with ACCESS
so preparations can be made. Their website is www.uvm.edu/access/
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