
Math 019 Section F Fundamentals of Calculus I

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Math 019 Section F Fundamentals of Calculus I
Math 019 Section F
Fundamentals of Calculus I
University of Vermont, Spring 2014
Lecture: MWF 12:50-1:40p, Lafayette L210
Course Website: myuvm > Blackboard > Math 019 F
Instructor: Lindsay Van Leir
E-mail: [email protected]
Office: 2nd Floor of Farrell Hall, located on Trinity Campus
In-Office Hours: Monday 2:40-5:00pm
E-Office Hours: Weekday Evenings, 9pm-10pm *Note, I will not check or respond to emails outside
of this time so please plan accordingly. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Text: Calculus with Applications 10th Edition, by Lial, Greenwell, and Ritchey. You can buy the hard
copy ISBN-10: 0321760026 which come packaged with MyMathLab and the e-book, or just purchase
MyMathLab and the e-text ISBN-10: 032119991X. Do not buy both, since the first option includes
everything in the second option.
Course ID: vanlier61617
Regardless of your choice of text (hardcopy of e-book), all students taking this course must
have MyMathLab access. The program will be used for homework; and each student must
have their own access code.
Calculator: You are allowed a TI-83/84 calculator for the course, or a more basic scientific calculator
that has logarithmic and exponential computations. Calculators are allowed on all assignments, quizzes, and
Objectives: Fundamentals of Calculus I is the first course in a two course sequence intended for
students in business or the social sciences. We will investigate the underlying concepts of differential
calculus including trigonometry, covering Chapters 1 - 6 and 13 of the textbook. Upon the successful
completion of the course, a student will understand rates of change, have stronger quantitative reasoning
skills, will have enhanced his or her problem solving techniques, and will be prepared to take Math 020.
○ Suggested Problems (not graded) - After lectures I'll recommend some problems meant to
reinforce the daily material. I'll also give review problems before each exam.
○ Quizzes (25% of total grade) – To help reinforce material & prepare you for a timed test
environment (or to serve as a red flag for me that we need to re-review something!). There will
be a quiz every Friday. I will drop the lowest quiz grade.
○ MyMathLab Homework (15% of total grade) -- I will assign on-line homework through
MyMathLab on Mondays, to be due Friday before class.
○ Exams (2 for 20% of total grade each)- There are two (2) midterm exams.
○ Final Exam (20% of your total grade)- There will be a cumulative final exam given on May 9,
2014, 1:30-4:15p. Make plans accordingly: DO NOT PLAN ON LEAVING BEFORE THE
Late Work/Absences: Homework on MyMathLab assignments are due by 12:30pm on Fridays; if you
do not have the assignment by then I will allow you until midnight of that day to complete it for reduced
credit. If you miss an exam either planned or unplanned, you have exactly 1 week from the original exam
day to make it up. See me to set up a date & time. You cannot make-up missed quizzes.
Expectations: Students are expected to act in accordance to the rules outlined in the schools Classroom
Code of Conduct http://www.uvm.edu/policies/student/studentcode.pdf. Namely, students shall respect
the thoughts and ideas of both the instructor and the other students present in the class.
● Attendance: Perfect attendance will help your final grade. Less than perfect
attendance will not help your final grade.
● Cell phones: If I see it, I will kindly (publically) ask you to put it away.
● Cheating: Don’t do it. Every exam will have two sets so if you cheat, I’ll know. If I suspect
you are cheating, I will ask you to see me in my office and show me your work on the
material before taking formal action.
Academic Assistance: Students with documented learning disabilities are entitled by law to reasonable
accommodations. If you have a documented reason for special accommodations, you must provide
written evidence of this as soon as possible from the ACCESS office. Further information can be found at
Other Resources: The CEMS department offers free help sessions for all courses below Math 121.
These take place Mon-Thurs from 5-7pm at various locations:
Also, the university offers free tutoring through the Learning Co-op.
Let’s get ready to have a great semester!
Fly UP