
Math 124B: Linear Algebra Text: Topics

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Math 124B: Linear Algebra Text: Topics
Math 124B: Linear Algebra
MWF 1:55pm-2:45pm, Kalkin 002
Text: Linear Algebra with Applications (Eighth Edition) by Steven Leon
Topics: We will cover the most of the materials in Chapters 1-6 of the book:
Matrices and systems of equations (Ch. 1)
Determinants (Ch. 2)
Vector spaces (Ch. 3)
Linear transformations (Ch. 4)
Orthogonality (Ch. 5)
Eigenvalues (Ch. 6)
Instructor: Prof. Jackie (Jianke) Yang
Room 401, Mathematics-Statistics Building
16 Colchester Avenue
Phone: 656-4314, [email protected], http://www.cems.uvm.edu/~jyang
Office hours: MW 4:00 -- 5:00pm; F 1:00pm -- 1:50pm. Additional time by appointment.
Extra office hours for exams: on the day before each exam (midterm and final) from
2:00—4:00pm, extra office hours will be held for your questions on exam materials.
Homework: homework problems will be assigned in each class but not collected (the answers to
most homework questions can be found in the end of the book). If you have any questions on the
homework problems, please ask me in class (we will go over them on board) or come to my office
hour. Exam questions will be based on homework problems.
Exams: There will be two midterm exams and the final exam. The final exam is not cumulative.
Quizzes: There will be four quizzes during the semester.
Grading: The grading system is as follows:
 Quizzes (25%). Of the four quizzes, the lowest quiz score will be dropped, and the
remaining three quiz scores will be used to calculate your quiz grade.
 Midterm exams (25% each, 50% total)
Important note: after a graded midterm exam is handed back to you and you find you have
made some mistakes, you are given an opportunity to correct those mistakes and then turn it
back to me within one week to receive partial credit (up to 25% of the deducted points).
 Final Exam (25%)
Final exam time: Friday, May 8th from 10:30am to 1:15pm, in our regular classroom.
Make-up Tests: Make-up tests are given only if
1. a compelling reason is documented and presented, and
2. your request is made and approved by this instructor at least two days before the test takes
All make-up tests will be prepared separately and different from the regular tests.
Important dates: Add/drop deadline: Jan. 26 (Monday)
Withdraw deadline: March 27 (Friday)
Last day of this class: April 29 (Wednesday)
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