Introduction to Psycholinguistics LING196/PSYC196
LING196/PSYC196 Introduction to Psycholinguistics Professor: Guillermo A. Rodríguez Office: Waterman 517G Office Hours: Mon & Wed 2-3pm Phone: (802) 656-0529 E-mail: [email protected] INTRODUCTION Psycholinguistics studies the cognitive processes involved in acquiring, understanding and producing human language. In this course you will learn about what constitutes knowledge of language, how that knowledge is acquired and put to use in the production and comprehension of words, sentences and pieces of discourse. You will also become familiar with the empirical tools used by psycholinguists to understand these mostly unconscious phenomena and, by the end of the course, you should be able to propose your own psycholinguistic experiment. The content covered during the course will include topics such as: speech perception, speech errors, lexical access, word recognition, sentence processing, neural representation of language, bilingualism, discourse processing, and language disorders among others. OBJECTIVES: To introduce and discuss theories of language production and comprehension To understand the evolution of the field To identify the multiple variables that interact in the study of language as a cognitive construct To introduce the research methodology used in Psycholinguistics To familiarize students with current research in the field To develop research skills through the design of an experiment RESOURCES: - Required Textbook: Traxler, M. (2012). Introduction to Psycholinguistics: Understanding language science. West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. - Additional readings will be provided by the instructor through Blackboard. ASSESSMENT * Attendance and participation: your attendance is crucial. Participation means having done the assigned readings and being prepared to contribute in class. Part of your participation grade will also include your interaction with your classmates during group work, if assigned. * Bboard quizzes (10): you will need to complete these quizzes on-line before coming to class based on your reading of the materials assigned by the instructor. * Midterm exam * Final exam (comprehensive/cumulative) 1 * Experiment Design: students in groups (2-3 people per group) will design a study based on their reading of a topic chosen from the materials covered by the textbook. This will allow students to show their command of the subject matter, their understanding of a research gap, and their ability to plan a study for implementation. Students will write a report describing their experiment in a similar format to the background and design sections of a research article from the field. More details will be provided throughout the course. ASSESSMENT DISTRIBUTION - Attendance & Participation - Bboard quizzes (10) - Midterm exam - Final exam - Experiment Design GRADING SCALE 5% 20% 20% 30% 25% A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF = 98 – 100 = 94 – 97 = 90 – 93 = 87 – 89 = 84 – 86 = 80 – 83 = 77 – 79 = 74 – 76 = 70 – 73 = 67 – 69 = 64 – 66 = 60 – 63 = 0 – 59 CODE OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Offenses against the Code of Academic Integrity are deemed serious and insult the integrity of the entire academic community. Any suspected violations of the code are taken very seriously and will be forwarded to the Center for Student Ethics and Standards for further investigation. The Code of Academic Integrity identifies four major violations of its standards: 1. plagiarism 2. fabrication 3. collusion 4. cheating The entire Code of Academic Integrity and information about the Center for Student Ethics and Standards is on their website, at: ACCOMMODATIONS Accommodations in this course can be provided with documentation of a learning or other disability (including a chronic health problem) through the ACCESS office. I will be glad to talk to you about their services if you believe it would be helpful, or you may contact them independently. The webpage describing documentation needs, and from which you can obtain information about the services they can provide is: Please note that without the involvement of the ACCESS office, accommodations cannot be offered, even on an informal basis. RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS Students have the right to practice the religion of their choice. By the end of the second full week of classes, you should submit in writing your documented religious holiday schedule for the semester. If you miss class work for the purpose of religious observance, you will be allowed to make it up, but you must arrange with me before work is missed to discuss this. 2 WEEK 1 01/18 01/20 WEEK 2 01/23 01/25 01/27 WEEK 3 01/30 02/01 02/03 WEEK 4 02/06 02/08 02/10 WEEK 5 02/13 02/15 02/17 WEEK 6 02/20 02/22 02/24 WEEK 7 02/27 02/29 03/02 WEEK 8 03/05 03/07 03/09 WEEK 9 03/12 03/14 03/16 WEEK 10 03/19 03/21 03/23 WEEK 11 03/26 03/28 03/30 WEEK 12 04/02 04/04 04/06 TENTATIVE CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES FINAL EXAM: May 4th, 10:30am, BILLINGS LH!!! TRAX = Traxler (2012) CONTENT READINGS ASSESSMENT Intro to the course What is language? BB Quiz # 1 Intro to Language Science TRAX 2-18 TRAX 27-29 BB Quiz # 2 Speech production & Comp. TRAX 38-51 TRAX 51-53 TRAX 54-71 Word Processing TRAX 80-97 BB Quiz # 3 TRAX 97-119 TRAX 119-128 BB Quiz # 4 Language Development TRAX 325-344 TRAX 344-360 NO CLASS Sentence Processing NO CLASS TRAX 141-159 TRAX 159-166 Sentence Processing TRAX 166-172 TRAX 172-181 MIDTERM NO CLASS BB Quiz # 5 MIDTERM MIDTERM SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK BB Quiz # 6 Discourse Processing TRAX 187-214 TRAX 214-223 BB Quiz # 7 Reference TRAX 241-253 TRAX 253-260 Dialogue TRAX 305-317 BB Quiz # 8 TRAX 317-321 Reading TRAX 369-384 TRAX 384-398 TRAX 398-404 3 WEEK 13 04/09 04/11 04/13 WEEK 14 04/16 04/18 04/20 WEEK 15 04/23 04/25 04/27 WEEK 16 04/30 05/02 05/04 BB Quiz # 9 Bilingual language processing TRAX 415-429 TRAX 429-439 BB Quiz # 9 Sign Language TRAX 447-462 TRAX 462-472 Aphasia TRAX 479-492 TRAX 492-507 BB Quiz # 10 Experiment Proposal due REVIEW FINAL EXAM – BILLINGS LH – 10:30AM 4