
A warm welcome from the English Department!

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A warm welcome from the English Department!
A warm welcome from the English Department!
 Heike Mißler (Learning Agreements,…)
Departmental Erasmus Co-ordinator; C5 3, room 124
[email protected]
+49 681 302 2059
Office Hour: Mondays, 1.30-4pm
 Karina Paustian (Timetable expert)
[email protected]
 Student Council, room 131 (general questions on student life,…)
[email protected]
 Our international office
Building A4 4 - Campus Center
Postfach 15 11 50
D-66041 Saarbrücken, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)681 302-71100
Fax: +49 (0)681 302-71101
[email protected]
Office hours
Monday – Friday
8.30 am – 3.30 pm
 Our website: www.uni-saarland.de/anglistik
 Facebook: Pages and groups, e.g. Auslandsaufenthalt, …
 Twitter: Follow us @ang_saar
 Don’t forget to check the departmental website for updates and
 You need to register for (some) exams via the departmental
website, e.g. the L and U I exam (if you take Language Course
 There is a section for incoming Erasmus students on our
 Literature:
BritLit – Prof. Dr. Joachim Frenk
NamLit – Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner
TAS – Prof. Dr. Martina Ghosh-Schellhorn
 Linguistics: Prof. Dr. Remus Gergel
 Language Teaching
 Cultural Studies
 Teaching courses (Didactics) – only if you are studying to
become a teacher in your home country
 Check out this helpful document…
 And/or talk to your lecturer
 If you need the Schein asap after courses end, let your lecturers
 Registering for a course is simple if you have a UDS email
username/password (UdS “Kennung” – e.g. s8hemi)
 We use the online platform ‘LSF’ for registration.
 To log on you will need your email username/password.
 https://www.lsf.uni-saarland.de/
 Kurs belegen/abmelden
 If you’ve signed up for the wrong course, please sign out again
so other people can have your place
 The SAARLAND UNIVERSITY email address you’ve used to
register on LSF is the email address your lecturers might use to
contact you
 Please check your SU address regularly, or set up automatic
forwarding to your personal email address.
 Don’t panic.
 Send an email to your lecturers and ask if you can take their
 Be there in the first session or send them an email to explain
why you cannot be present in the first week.
 Register for the course as soon as you have your log-on details
 Many lecturers use Moodle and will ask you to sign up for their
courses there, too.
 Get a free account: http://lpmweb2.lpm.uni-sb.de/moodle/
 For some courses you might need an enrolment key. Ask your
 Sprachenzentrum
 Saarland University German-English Society (ask student
council members about website and contact)
 Get a tandem partner
 Go to one of the Irish pubs on St. Johanner Markt
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