ªÁå¸ÀAVPÀ ¥ÀæªÀÈwÛ ¥ÀjÃPÉë SAT(K-10) N T S E ¥ÀwæPÉ
SAT(K-10) Question Booklet Sl. No. NTSE DEPARTMENT OF STATE EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING NO. 4, 100 FT. RING ROAD, BANASHANKARI, 3RD STAGE, BANGALORE – 560 085 gÁdå ªÀÄlÖzÀ J£ï.n.J¸ï.E. ¥ÀjÃPÉë, £ÀªAÉ §gï, 2013 STATE LEVEL NTSE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER 2013 ¥ÀwæPÉ – II ‘B’ /PAPER – II ‘B’ vÀgÀUÀw – 10/CLASS – 10 ªÁå¸ÀAVPÀ ¥ÀæªÀÈwÛ ¥ÀjÃPÉë / SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST REGISTER NO : 2 4 1 1 3 ¸ÀªÀÄAiÀÄ : 90 ¤«ÄµÀUÀ¼ÀÄ EAVèµï/PÀ£ÀßqÀ UÀjµÀ× CAPÀUÀ¼ÀÄ : 90 TIME : 90 MINUTES ENGLISH / KANNADA MAX. MARKS : 90 Instructions to Candidates 1. The Question Booklet containing 90 questions and the OMR answer sheet is given to you. 2. All questions are compulsory, each question carry one mark. 3. During the examination, • Read the questions carefully. • Completely darken/shade the relevant oval against Question No. in the OMR answer sheet, using blue/black ball point pen. Do not try to alter the entry and not do any stray marks on OMR Sheet. • Ex: In an question paper if Sl. No. 3 is correct answer for Question No. 20, then darken OMR answer sheet using blue/black ball point pen as follows. 20. 1 2 3 4 (This is an example only) 4. If more than one oval is darkened for a given question, such answer is treated as wrong and no marks will be given. 5. The candidate and Room Supervisor should sign in the OMR sheet. 6. Candidate should return the OMR answer sheet only to the room supervisor before leaving the examination hall. 7. The calculator, mobiles and any other electronic equipments are not allowed inside the examination hall. 8. English version of the question paper will be considered as final, in case of any dispute arising out of variation in translation version. 9. In case of any dispute the opinion of the experts appointed by DSERT will be final. WÜÊÜá¯Ô : ÓÜãaÜ®æWÜÙÜ PܮܰvÜ BÊÜ꣤¿áá D ±ÜâÔ¤Pæ¿á ×í»ÝWܨÜÈÉ ÊÜáá©ÅÓÜƳqr¨æ. *SATK10* SAT(K-10) ªÁå¸ÀAVPÀ ¥Àª æ ÈÀ wÛ ¥ÀjÃPÉë SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST «µÀAiÀĸÀÆa/CONTENTS SL.NO. SUBJECT QUESTION NO. PÀæ.¸ÀA. «µÀAiÀÄ FROM PAGE TO ¥À± æ ßÉ ¸ÀASÉå EAzÀ UÉ ¥ÀÄl> ....... 1 12 3-5 ....... 13 23 6-8 ....... 24 35 9-13 ....... 36 45 14-16 ....... 46 54 17-19 06. ECONOMICS & CIVICS CxÀð±Á¸ÀÛç ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¥ËgÀ±Á¸ÀçÛ ....... 55 70 20-25 07. MATHEMATICS ....... 71 90 26-30 01. PHYSICS ¨sËvÀ±Á¸ÀçÛ 02. CHEMISTRY gÀ¸ÁAiÀÄ£À±Á¸ÀçÛ 03. BIOLOGY fêÀ±Á¸ÀçÛ 04. HISTORY EwºÁ¸À 05. GEOGRAPHY ¨sÆ À UÉÆüÀ±Á¸ÀçÛ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ UÀtv  À 2 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) ¨sËvÀ±Á¸ÀçÛ PHYSICS 1. F PÉ ¼ À V £À ª À Å UÀ ¼ À ° è AiÀ i ÁªÀ QgÀ t UÀ ¼ À Ä 1. Which of the following rays will cause more damage to human body ? ªÀiÁ£Àª£ À À zÉúÀPÌÉ ºÉZÄÀ Ñ ºÁ¤AiÀÄ£ÀÄßAlÄ ªÀiÁqÀÄvÀÛªÉ ? 1) X – rays 1) X – QgÀtUÀ¼ÄÀ 2) γ – rays 2) γ – QgÀtUÀ¼ÄÀ 3) β – rays 3) β – QgÀtUÀ¼ÄÀ 4) α – rays 4) α – QgÀtUÀ¼ÄÀ 2. ¸À ª À Ä ÄzÀ æ z À ° è G§â g À ªÀ Ä vÀ Ä Û E½vÀ U À ¼ À Ä 2. The waxing and waning of sea is GAmÁUÀ®Ä PÁgÀt : due to : 1) Gravitational force 1) UÀÄgÀÄvÁéPµ À ð À uÉ §® 2) Rotation of the earth 2) ¨sÆ À «ÄAiÀÄ zÉÊ£ÀA¢£À ZÀ®£É 3) Rotation of the moon 3) ZÀAzÀ£ æ À zÉÊ£ÀA¢£À ZÀ®£É 4) Planetary motion 4) UÀæºÀUÀ¼À ZÀ®£É 3. r = 36,000 Q.«ÄÃ, Ve = 11.2 Q.«ÄÃ./UÉ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 3. r = 36,000 km, Ve = 11.2 km/sec and T = 24 UÀAmÉ EªÀÅUÀ¼ÄÀ ¸ÀA§A¢ü¹gÀĪÀÅzÀÄ : T = 24 hrs. These are related to : 1) Rocket 1) gÁPÉmï 2) Geo Stationary Satellite 2) ¨sÆ À ¹ÜgÀ G¥ÀUº æÀ PÀ ÌÉ 3) Artificial Satellites 3) PÀÈvÀPÀ G¥ÀUÀæºÀPÉÌ 4) Moon Mission [Chandra Yaan] 4) ZÀAzÀA æ iÀiÁ£ÀPÌÉ 4. PɼÀV£ÀªÀÅUÀ¼À°è AiÀiÁªÀ ªÀ¸ÀÄÛ Cwà ºÉZÀÄÑ 4. Which one of the following material ªÀQÃæ ¨sª À £ À À ¸ÀÆZÁåAPÀª£ À ÄÀ ß ºÉÆA¢zÉ ? 1) UÁ½ 2) ¤ÃgÀÄ 3) ªÀdæ 4) eÉÃrªÀÄtÄÚ has more refractive index ? 1) Air 2) Water 3) Diamond 4) Clay 3 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 5. “Red Shift” is related to : 1) Thamson effect 2) Doppler effect 3) Compton effect 4) Tyndall effect 5. PÉA¥ÀÅ ¥À®l è ªÀÅ ¸ÀA§A¢ü¹gÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 1) xÁªÀÄì£ï ¥ÀjuÁªÀÄPÉÌ 2) qÁ¥Àègï ¥ÀjuÁªÀÄPÉÌ 3) PÁA¥ÀÖ£ï ¥ÀjuÁªÀÄPÉÌ 4) nAqÁ¯ï ¥ÀjuÁªÀÄPÉÌ 6. PɼÀUÉ PÉÆnÖgÀĪÀ «zÀÄå£Áä£ÁzÀAvÀ UÀtPÀ ªÀåªÀ¸ÜÉAiÀÄ°è X ªÀÄvÀÄÛ Y £À°è ºÀjAiÀÄĪÀ 6. In the given electrical circuit the current at X and Y is : 1) 5A and 8A 3) 5A and 2A «zÀÄåvï : 2) 3A and 5A 4) 1A and 2A 1) 5A ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 8A 3) 5A ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 2A 2) 3A ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 5A 4) 1A ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 2A 7. ºÀvÀÄÛ ¥Á¸ÉðPïUÉ [P.C.] ¸Àj¸ÀªÄÀ £ÁzÀÄzÀÄ: 7. 10 par sec [P.C] is equivalent to : 1) 36.2 light year 1) 36.2 eÉÆåÃwªÀµð À UÀ¼ÄÀ 2) 62.3 light year 2) 62.3 eÉÆåÃwªÀµð À UÀ¼ÄÀ 3) 23.6 light year 3) 23.6 eÉÆåÃwªÀµð À UÀ¼ÄÀ 4) 32.6 eÉÆåÃwªÀµð À UÀ¼ÄÀ 4) 32.6 light year 8. Match the following : Temperature 8. ºÉÆA¢¹ §gɬÄj : vÁ¥À Colour of the Star A. 2,000 – 3,500 K i. Orange yellow B. 3,500 – 5,000 K ii. Red C. 5,000 – 6,000 K iii. Bluish white C = iii D = ii 2) A = ii C = iv D = iii C=i D = iii B=i 3) A = iv B = ii 4) A = i B = iii C = iv B. 3,500 – 5,000 K ii. PÉA¥ÀÅ C. 5,000 – 6,000 K iii. ¤Ã°bÁAiÉÄ AiÀÄļÀî ©½ D. 10,000 – 60,000 K iv. Yellow 1) A = iv B = i A. 2,000 – 3,500 K £ÀPëÀ vÀU æ ¼ À ÄÀ i. QvÀÛ¼É ºÀ¼¢ À D. 10,000 – 60,000 K iv. QvÀÛ¼É 1) A = iv B = i C = iii D = ii 2) A = ii C = iv D = iii C=i D = iii B=i 3) A = iv B = ii D = ii 4 4) A = i B = iii C = iv D = ii *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 9. In photoelectric effect the energy of the photoelectron is : 1) Greater than the energy of the incident photon 2) Less than the energy of the incident photon 3) Equal to the energy of the incident photon 4) Not depending on the energy of incident photon 9. zÀÄåw «zÀ Ä åvï ¥À j uÁªÀ Ä zÀ ° è zÀ Ä åw E¯ÉPÁÖç£ï£À ±ÀQAÛ iÀÄÄ : 1) ¥Àv£ À À ¥sÇÉ ÃmÁ£ï ±ÀQV Û AvÀ ºÉZÁÑVgÀÄvÀz Û É 2) ¥Àv£ À À ¥sÇÉ ÃmÁ£ï ±ÀQV Û AvÀ PÀrªÉĬÄgÀÄvÀz Û É 3) ¥Àv£ À À ¥sÇÉ ÃmÁ£ï ±ÀQÛUÉ ¸ÀªÄÀ £ÁVgÀÄvÀÛzÉ 4) ¥Àv£ À À ¥sÇÉ ÃmÁ£ï ±ÀQÛAiÀÄ£ÀÄß CªÀ®A©¹gÀĪÀÅ¢®è 10. The power of the concave lens is 10. ¤ªÀÄß zÀ¥ð À tzÀ ¸ÁªÀÄxÀåð 0.05 ¸É.«ÄÃ-1. 0.05 cm–1. At what distance should D ¤ªÀÄß zÀ¥ð À t¢AzÀ 10 ¸É.«Äà zÀÆgÀz° À è ¥À æ w ©A§ ¥À q É A iÀ Ä ¨É à PÁzÀ g É ªÀ ¸ À Ä Û ª À £ À Ä ß zÀ¥ð À t¢AzÀ JµÀÄÖ zÀÆgÀz° À n è Ög¨ À ÃÉ PÀÄ ? 1) - 20 ¸É.«Äà the object from the lens be placed so that it forms an image at 10 cm from the lens ? 1 cm 20 1) – 20 cm 2) − 3) – 10 cm 4) – 30 cm 2) - 1 ¸É.«Äà 20 10 ¸É.«Äà 3) 4) -30 ¸É.«Äà 11. The acceleration due to gravity of the earth is 9.82 m/s 2 and the radius of the earth is 6400 × 103m. What is the mass of the earth ? G = 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2/Kg2 : 1) 6.021 × 10 24 Kg 2) 16.24 × 1020 Kg 3) 100.02 × 1024 Kg 4) 47.02 × 1024 Kg 11. ¨sÆ À «ÄAiÀÄ UÀÄgÀÄvÀé ªÉÃUÉÆÃvÀ̵ð À 2 9.82 «ÄÃ./¸É . ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¨sÆ À «ÄAiÀÄ wædå 3 6400 × 10 «ÄÃ. ºÁUÁzÀgÉ ¨sÆ À «ÄAiÀÄ 12. Bio-gas is an excellent fuel, because : 1) Burns without smoke 12. eÉÊ«PÀ C¤®ªÀÅ MAzÀÄ GvÀÌøµÀÖ EAzs£ À ,À gÁ²AiÉĵÀÄÖ ? 2) Leaves no residue on burning 3) Heating capacity is high 4) All the above 2 2 G = 6.67 × 10–11 £ÀÆ.«Ä ./PÉ.f. 1) 6.021 × 1024 PÉ.f. 2) 16.24 × 1020 PÉ.f. 3) 100.02 × 1024 PÉ.f. 4) 47.02 × 1024 PÉ.f. 5 KPÉAzÀgÉ : 1) ºÉÆUɬĮèzÉ GjAiÀÄÄvÀÛzÉ 2) ¤±ÉõÀªÁV GjAiÀÄÄvÀÛzÉ 3) C¢üPÀ ±ÁR GvÁàz£ À Á ¸ÁªÀÄxÀåð 4) ªÉÄð£À J¯Áè *SATK10* SAT(K-10) gÀ¸ÁAiÀÄ£À±Á¸ÀçÛ CHEMISTRY 13. «QgÀt ¥ÀlÄ EAUÁ® - 14 (14C) £À CzsÁðAiÀÄĵÀå 5760 ªÀµð À UÀ¼ÄÀ . 200 «Ä.UÁæ A .£À µ À Ä Ö ¥À æ w ZÀ A iÀ Ä (sample) «WÀl£ÉUÆ É AqÀÄ 25 «Ä.UÁæA.£ÀµÁÖUÀ®Ä 13. The half-life of radio active 14C is 5760 years. In how many years 200 mg sample will reduce to 25 mg ? vÉUz É ÄÀ PÉƼÀÄîªÀ ªÀµð À 1) 23,040 ªÀµð À UÀ¼ÄÀ 2) 17,280 ªÀµð À UÀ¼ÄÀ 3) 11,520 ªÀµð À UÀ¼ÄÀ 4) 5,760 ªÀµð À UÀ¼ÄÀ 1) 23,040 years 2) 17,280 years 3) 11,520 years 4) 5,760 years 14. F PɼPÀ A À qÀ ºÉýPÉU¼ À ° À è AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀÄ ¸Àj ? 14. Which of the following statement 1) J¯Áè L¸ÉÆmÉÆÃ¥ÀÅUÀ¼ÀÄ «QgÀt is correct ? ¥ÀlÄvÀéªÀżÀîªÁVgÀÄvÀÛªÉ 1) All isotopes are radio active 2) D¯Áá QgÀtUÀ¼ÄÀ IÄt«zÀÄåzÁªÉñÀ 2) Alpha rays are negatively charged ºÉÆA¢gÀÄvÀÛªÉ 3) Beta rays are not reflected by an 3) ©ÃmÁ QgÀtUÀ¼ÄÀ «zÀÄåvï PÉÃë vÀ¢ æ AzÀ electric field ¥Àæ¨sÁ«vÀªÁUÀĪÀÅ¢®è 4) Gamma rays are not reflected by 4) UÁªÀiÁ QgÀtUÀ¼ÄÀ PÁAvÀPëÉÃvÀ¢ æ AzÀ ¥Àæ¨sÁ«vÀªÁUÀĪÀÅ¢®è magnetic field 15. £É Ê PÉ Æ æ à ªÀ i ï «Ä±À æ ¯ É Æ ÃºÀ z À WÀ l PÀ 15. The composition of nicrom alloy is : 1) Cu, Ni, Cr 2) Fe, Ni, Cr 3) Al, Ni, Cr 4) Mn, Ni, Cr ¯ÉÆúÀU¼ À ÄÀ : 16. Which of the following series represent only unsaturated hydro carbons :? 1) Cu, Ni, Cr 2) Fe, Ni, Cr 3) Al, Ni, Cr 4) Mn, Ni, Cr À qÀ AiÀiÁªÀ ±ÉÃæ tÂAiÀÄÄ C¥ÀAiÀiÁð¥ÀÛ 16. F PɼPÀ A ºÉ Ê qÉ Æ æ à PÁ§ð£ïUÀ ¼ À £ À Ä ß ¥Àw æ ¤¢ü¸ÄÀ vÀz Û É ? 1) C2H6 , C3H8, C4 H10 1) C2H6, C3H8, C4H10 2) C2H6 , C3H6, C4 H10 2) C2H6, C3H6, C4H10 3) C2H4 , C3H6, C4H6 3) C2H4, C3H6, C4H6 4) C2H4 , C3H8, C4H6 4) C2H4, C3H8, C4H6 6 ªÀ i ÁvÀ æ *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 17. In the following equation ‘x’ stands 17. F PɼV À £À gÁ¸ÁAiÀĤPÀ ¸À«ÄÃPÀgt À zÀ°è ‘x’ £À for 2Al + x H2SO4 → Al2 (SO4)3 + 3H2 : ¤®ÄªÀÅ 2Al+xH2SO4 → Al2 (SO4)3 +3H2 : 1) 2 2) 3 3) 1 4) 5 1) 2 2) 3 3) 1 4) 5 18. PÀ © âtzÀ GzÀ Þ gÀ u É A iÀ Ä °è PÀ Ä ®ÄªÉ Ä UÉ 18. The substance which are put into the blast furnace in the manufacture ºÁPÀ¯ÁUÀĪÀ ªÀ¸ÄÀ U Û ¼ À ÄÀ : of iron 1) PÀ©âtzÀ C¢gÀÄ, CaO, Ca(OH)2 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 1) Iron ore, CaO, Ca(OH)2 and CaSiO3 CaSiO3 2) Iron ore, Coke, Lime Stone and 2) PÀ©âtzÀ C¢gÀÄ, PÉÆÃPï, ¸ÀÄtÚzÀ PÀ®Äè CaSiO3 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ CaSiO3 3) Iron ore, Coke, Lime Stone and 3) PÀ©âtzÀ C¢gÀÄ, PÉÆÃPï, ¸ÀÄtÚzÀ PÀ®Äè Hot air ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ©¹UÁ½ 4) Iron ore, CaO, Lime Stone and Hot 4) PÀ©âtzÀ C¢gÀÄ, CaO, ¸ÀÄtÚzÀ PÀ®Äè air ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ©¹UÁ½ 19. Match the following : 19. ºÉÆA¢¹ §gɬÄj : A. ©èÃaAUï ¥ËqÀgï i. CaSO4.2 H2O A. Bleaching Powder i. CaSO4.2 H2O B. Washing Powder ii. NaHCO3 C. Plaster of Paris iii. Na2CO3 D. Gypsum iv. CaOCl2 1) 2) 3) 4) A = iv A=i A = iv A = iv B = iii B = iii B=v B = iii B. ªÁ¶AUï ¥ËqÀgï ii. NaHCO3 C. ¥Áè¸g ÖÀ ï D¥sï iii. Na2CO3 ¥Áåj¸ï D. f¥ÀìªiÀ ï iv. CaOCl2 1 v. CaSO4. H2O 2 1 v. CaSO4. H2O 2 C=v D=i C = v D = iv C = iii D = i C = ii D = v 1) A = iv B = iii C = v D=i 2) A = i D = iv B = iii C = v 3) A = iv B = v C = iii 4) A = iv B = iii C = ii 7 D=i D=v *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 20. zÀħ𮠺ÉÊqÉÆæÃPÉÆèjPï DªÀÄèzÉÆA¢UÉ 20. The metals which liberate hydrogen ºÁUÀÆ PÁ¹ÖPï ¸ÉÆÃqÁ zÁæªt À zÉÆA¢UÉ ªÀ w ð¹zÁUÀ d®d£À P À ª À £ À Ä ß ©qÀ Ä UÀ q É ªÀiÁqÀĪÀ ¯ÉÆúÀU¼ À ÄÀ : 1) Na ªÀÄvÀÄÛ K 2) Zn ªÀÄvÀÄÛ Al 3) Fe ªÀÄvÀÄÛ Mn 4) Cu ªÀÄvÀÄÛ Ag gas with dilute hydrochloric acid as well as caustic soda solution are : 1) Na and K 2) Zn and Al 3) Fe and Mn 4) Cu and Ag 21. MAzÀÄ ¯ÉÆúÀªÀ£ÀÄß ¥ÁzÀgÀ¸ÀzÉÆA¢UÉ 21. When a metal is alloyed with mercury the resulting alloy [Amalgum] will have : ¸ÉÃj¹ «Ä±Àæ¯ÉÆúÀªÀ£ÀÄß vÀAiÀiÁj¹zÁUÀ «Ä±À¯ æ Æ É ÃºÀªÅÀ (CªÀiÁ¯ïUÀªiÀ ï) 1) ¯ÉÆúÀQÌAvÀ PÀrªÉÄ «zÀÄåvï ªÁºÀPv À éÀ ºÉÆA¢gÀÄvÀÛªÉ 2) ¯ÉÆúÀQÌAvÀ PÀrªÉÄ PÀgU À ÄÀ ªÀ ©AzÀÄ ºÉÆA¢gÀÄvÀÛªÉ 3) 1 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 2 ¸ÀºÀ ¸ÀjAiÀiÁVªÉ 4) 1 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 2 ¸ÀºÀ ¸ÀjAiÀiÁVgÀĪÀÅ¢®è 1) Less electrical conductivity than pure metal 2) Lower melting point than pure metal 3) Both 1 and 2 are correct 4) Both 1 and 2 are wrong 22. ¥ÉÆæmÁ£ï J£ÀÄߪÀÅzÀÄ 22. ‘Proton’ is 1) Nucleus of Deutarium 1) qÀÄåmÉÃjAiÀÄA£À ©ÃdPÉÃAzÀæ 2) Ionised hydrogen molecule 2) CAiÀiÁ¤PÀj¹zÀ d®d£ÀPz À À CtÄ 3) CAiÀiÁ¤PÀj¹zÀ d®d£ÀPz À À ¥Àgª À iÀ ÁtÄ 4) D¯Áá PÀt 3) Ionised hydrogen atom 4) An alpha particle 23. PÀ°Ã®UÀ¼° À £ è À ¨Ëæ¤AiÀÄ£ï ZÀ®£ÉUÉ PÁgÀt : 23. The Brownian motion in colloidal solution is due to : 1) Temperature fluctuation 2) Attraction or repulsion between charged colloidal particles 3) Bombardment of molecules of dispersion medium on the colloidal particle 4) None of the above 1) GµÀv Ú A É iÀÄ°è ªÀåvÁå¸À 2) «zÀÄåªÁA²PÀ PÀ°Ã®PÀtUÀ¼À DPÀµð À uÉ CxÀªÁ «PÀµð À uÉ 3) PÀ ° îPÀ t UÀ ¼ À Ä ªÀ Ä vÀ Ä Û ¥À æ ¸ À g À t ªÀiÁzsÀåªÀÄzÀ CtÄ«£À £ÀqÀÄªÉ rüQÌ ºÉÆqÉzÁUÀ 4) ªÉÄð£À AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀÄ C®è 8 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) fêÀ±Á¸ÀçÛ BIOLOGY 24. An enzyme secreted by an endocrine gland which is present in an exocrine gland : 1) Paratharmone 2) Thyroxin 3) Glucogon 4) Adrinalin 24. MAzÀÄ £Á¼ÀªÄÀ AiÀÄ UÀA æ yAiÀÄ°ègÄÀ ªÀ ¤£Áð¼À UÀAæ y¬ÄAzÀ ¸À« æ ¸À®àqÄÀ ªÀ ºÁªÉÆÃð£ï 1) ¥ÁågÁxÁªÉÆÃð£ï 2) xÉÊgÁQì£ï 3) UÀÆèPÆ É ÃUÁ£ï 4) Cræ£Á°£ï 25. Which of the following activity is controlled by Medulla oblongata ? 1) Maintain balance of the body 2) Peristaltic movement in alimentary canal 3) Controlling body temperature 4) Facial expression 25. PÉ ¼ À V £À AiÀ i ÁªÀ Qæ A iÉ Ä AiÀ Ä £À Ä ß ªÀ Ä t ² gÀ 26. The tissue which is helpful for the movement of ovum in the Fallopian tube is 1) Columnar Epithelial Tissue 2) Ciliated Columnar Epithelial Tissue 3) Cuboidal Epithelial Tissue 4) Squamous Epithelial Tissue 26. CAqÀ£Á¼ÀzÀ°è vÀwÛAiÀÄ ZÀ®£ÉUÉ ¸ÀºÁAiÀÄ 27. Blur vision in Diabetic patients is due to 27. ªÀÄzsÀĪÉÄúÀ gÉÆÃVUÀ¼À°è C¸ÀàµÀÖ zÀ馅 ¤AiÀÄAwæ¸ÄÀ vÀz Û É ? 1) zÉúÀzÀ ¸ÀªÄÀ vÉÆî£À PÁ¥ÁqÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 2) fÃuÁðAUÀ ªÀÇåºz À ° À è ¥Àj¨sª æÀ ÄÀ t ZÀ®£É 3) zÉúÀzÀ GµÀv Ú É ¤AiÀÄAwæ¸ÄÀ ªÀÅzÀÄ 4) ªÀÄÄRzÀ ºÁªÀ-¨sÁªÀ vÉÆÃ¥Àðr¸ÀĪÀÅzÀÄ ªÀiÁqÀĪÀ CAUÁA±À 1) ¸ÀÛA¨sÀ C£ÀįÉÃ¥ÀPÀ CAUÁA±À 2) ¯ÉÆêÀiÁAUÀ ¸À»vÀ ¸ÀÛA¨sÀ C£ÀįÉÃ¥ÀPÀ CAUÁA±À 3) WÀ£ÁPÀÈw C£ÀįÉÃ¥ÀPÀ CAUÁA±À 4) ±À®åPÀ C£ÀįÉÃ¥ÀPÀ CAUÁA±À GAmÁUÀĪÀÅzÀPÌÉ PÁgÀt 1) ª À Ä ¸ À Æ g À z À ¥ÁgÀzÀ±ÀðPÀvÉ PÀrªÉÄAiÀiÁUÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 2) d®gÀ ¸ À zs Á vÀ Ä «£À ¥ÁgÀ z À ± À ð PÀ v É PÀrªÉÄAiÀiÁUÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 3) PÁZÀPÀgÀ¸À zsÁvÀÄ«£À ¥ÁgÀzÀ±ÀðPÀvÉ PÀrªÉÄAiÀiÁUÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 4) ¥Á¥É «±Á®ªÁUÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 1) Decrease in the transparency of lens 2) Decrease in the transparency of aqueous humar 3) Decrease in the transparency of vitreous humar 4) Enlargement of pupil 9 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 28. zÀÄåw¸ÀA±ÉèõÀuÉ QæAiÉÄAiÀÄ°è ¥ÀvÀægÀAzsÀæzÀ 28. In photosynthesis, the function of ¥Àª æ ÄÀ ÄR PÁAiÀÄð 1) ªÁvÁªÀgt À zÀ CO2£ÀÄß J¯ÉAiÀÄ M¼À ºÉÆÃUÀĪÀAvÉ ªÀiÁqÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 2) ªÁvÁªÀgt À zÀ O2£ÀÄß J¯ÉAiÀÄ M¼À ºÉÆÃUÀĪÀAvÉ ªÀiÁqÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 3) J¯É¬ÄAzÀ CO2 £ÀÄß ªÁvÁªÀgÀtPÉÌ ©qÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 4) J¯É¬ÄAzÀ O2 £À Ä ß ªÁvÁªÀ g À t PÉ Ì ©qÀĪÀÅzÀÄ stomata is to let 1) CO2 in to the leaf from atmosphere 2) O2 in to the leaf from atmosphere 3) Out CO 2 from the leaf to atmosphere 4) Out O 2 from the leaf to atmosphere 29. £ÉÊmÉÆÃæ d£ï ZÀPz æÀ ° À è £ÉÊmÉƸ æ Æ É ÃªÉÆ£Á¸ï 29. The function of Nitrosomonos ¨ÁåQÖÃjAiÀiÁzÀ PÁAiÀÄð 1) Cª É Æ Ã ¤ A i À i Á ®ªÀtUÀ¼À£ÀÄß £ÉÊmÉöæ ÊmïUÀ¼ÁV GvÀ̶ð¸ÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 2) £É Ê mÉ æ ö ÊmïUÀ ¼ À £ À Ä ß £É Ê mÉ æ ö ÃmïUÀ ¼ ÁV GvÀ̶ð¸ÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 3) £É Ê mÉ æ ö ÊmïUÀ ¼ À £ À Ä ß CªÉ Æ Ã¤AiÀ i Á ®ªÀtUÀ¼ÁV GvÀ̶ð¸ÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 4) £É Ê mÉ æ ö mïUÀ ¼ À £ À Ä ß £É Ê mÉ æ ö ÊmïUÀ ¼ ÁV GvÀ̶ð¸ÀĪÀÅzÀÄ bacteria in Nitrogen cycle is to 1) Oxidise ammonium salts into nitrites 2) Oxidise nitrites into nitrates 3) Oxidise nitrites into ammonium salts 4) Oxidise nitrates into nitrites 30. ¸À¸åÀ UÀ¼ÁV ¥ÉÆÃè AiÀÄAUÉ ¸ÀA§A¢ü¹zÀ PɼV À £À 30. Which of the following statement is correct that is related to phloem of plants ? AiÀiÁªÀ ºÉýPÉ ¸Àj ? 1) ¥ÉÊ£À¸ï ¸À¸åÀ zÀ ¥ÉÆèÃAiÀÄA, ¥ÉÆèÃAiÀÄA £ÁgÀ£ÄÀ ß M¼ÀUÆ É ArgÀÄvÀÛzÉ 2) ¸À Æ AiÀ Ä ðPÁAw ¸À ¸ À å zÀ ¥É Æ è à AiÀ Ä A, ¥ÉÃgÉAPÉʪÀÄ C£ÀÄß M¼ÀUÆ É ArgÀĪÀÅ¢®è 3) ¸ÉÊPÁ¸ï ¸À¸ÀåzÀ ¥ÉÆèÃAiÀÄA, ¸ÀAUÁw fêÀPÆ É Ã±ÀU¼ À £ À ÄÀ ß M¼ÀUÆ É ArgÀÄvÀÛzÉ 4) e É Æ Ã ¼ À z À ¸ À ¸ À å z À ¥ É Ç è à A i À Ä A , ¥ÉÃgÉAPÉʪÀĪÀ£ÄÀ ß M¼ÀUÆ É ArgÀĪÀÅ¢®è 1) Phloem in pinus contains phloem fibres 2) Phloem in sunflower does not contain parenchyma 3) Phloem in cycas contains companion cells 4) Phloem in Maize does not contain parenchyma 10 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 31. PÁ®A A £À°ègÀĪÀ CA±ÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß PÁ®A B £À°ègÀĪÀ CA±ÀUÀ¼ÉÆA¢UÉ ºÉÆA¢¹ 31. Match each item in Column A with suitable one in Column B : Column A §gɬÄj : Column B A. CO2 PÁ®A A i. A. CO2 i. Regulation of body temperature B. Hypothalomus ii. B. Hypothalomus ii. Green House effect C. Corpus luteum iii. Balancing the body C. Corpus luteum iii. iv. Secretion of Dopamin iv. v. Required to plants v. for respiration vi. Secretion of progesterone 1) A = v B = iii C = vi 2) A = ii B=i C = iv 3) A = ii B=i 4) A = v B = ii vi. PÁ®A B zÉúÀzÀ GµÀÚvÉ ¸ÀªÄÀ vÉÆî£À ºÀ¹gÀĪÀÄ£É ¥ÀjuÁªÀÄ zÉúÀzÀ ¸ÀªÄÀ vÉÆî£À PÁ¥ÁqÀĪÀÅzÀÄ qÉÆ¥À«Ä£ï ¸Àæ«PÉ ¸À¸åÀ UÀ¼À G¹gÁlPÉÌ CªÀ±ÀåPÀ ¥ÉÇe æ ¹ É ÖgÁ£ï£À ¸Àæ«PÉ 1) A = v B = iii C = vi 2) A = ii B=i C = iv C = vi 3) A = ii B=i C = vi C = vi 4) A = v B = ii C = vi æÉ iÀÄ°è ªÀÄUÀÄ«UÉ d£Àä ¤ÃrgÀĪÀ M§â 32. D¸ÀàvA 32. A mother who gave birth to a child in hospital complains that her child is interchanged with other child. The technique used to find her child is vÁ¬Ä vÀ£ßÀ ªÀÄUÀÄ EvÀgÉ ªÀÄUÀÄ«£ÉÆA¢UÉ CzÀ®Ä - §zÀ®Ä DVzÉ JAzÀÄ zÀÆgÀÄwÛzÁݼ.É F vÁ¬ÄAiÀ Ä ¤dªÁzÀ ªÀ Ä UÀ Ä ªÀ £ À Ä ß PÀAqÀÄ»rAiÀÄ®Ä §¼À¸ÄÀ ªÀ vÀAvÀæ : 1) fêÀzª æÀ åÀ ¸ÀAPÀgt À vÀAvÀe æ ÁÕ£À ¥Àj«ÃPÀu ë É 2) ¨ÉgÀ¼ÀZÀÄÑ vÀAvÀæeÁÕ£À 3) ¥ÀÅ£Àgï ¸ÀAAiÉÆÃfvÀ DNA vÀAvÀe æ ÁÕ£À 4) vÀ½ vÀAvÀæeÁÕ£À 1) Germplasm Hybridisation Technology 2) Finger print technology 3) Recombinant DNA technology 4) Genetic engineering 11 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 33. In water purification plants, water 33. ¤Ãj£À ±ÀÄ¢ÞÃPÀgÀt WÀlPÀUÀ¼À°è ¤ÃgÀ£ÀÄß is made to come out in the form of PÁgÀAf jÃw aªÀÄÄäªÀAvÉ ªÀiÁqÀ¯ÁUÀÄvÀz Û .É EzÀgÀ C£ÀÄPÀÆ® fountain. This helps in A. ¸ÁªÀAiÀĪÀ ªÀ¸ÄÀ U Û ¼ À £ À ÄÀ ß ¨ÁåQÃÖ jAiÀiÁUÀ½AzÀ A. Bacterial decomposition of «WÀn¸ÀĪÀÅzÀÄ organic compounds B. ¤Ãj£À°ègÄÀ ªÀ ¸ÀÆPÁëöätÄ fëUÀ¼£ À ÄÀ ß PÉÆ®ÄèªÅÀ zÀÄ C. ¤Ãj£À ªÁ¸À £ É A iÀ Ä £À Ä ß ¤ªÁgÀ u É B. Killing the microbes of water C. Removal of odour of water ªÀiÁqÀĪÀÅzÀÄ D. Removal of nitrates and D. ¤Ãj£À ° è g À Ä ªÀ £É Ê mÉ æ à mïUÀ ¼ À Ä ªÀ Ä vÀ Ä Û phosphates of water ¥Á¸ÉáÃmïUÀ¼£ À ÄÀ ß ¤ªÁgÀuÉ ªÀiÁqÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 1) A and B 2) A and C 1) A ªÀÄvÀÄÛ B 2) A ªÀÄvÀÄÛ C 3) B and D 4) B and C 3) B ªÀÄvÀÄÛ D 4) B ªÀÄvÀÄÛ C 34. Which of the following is not an 34. F PɼV À £À AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀÄ ¸À¸åÀ zÀ fêÀPÆ É Ã±ÀU½ À UÉ intention of producing plants using vÀªÄÀ äAvÀºÄÀ zÉà ¸À¸åÀ UÀ¼£ À ÄÀ ß GvÀàwÛ ªÀiÁqÀĪÀ ±ÀQ¬ Û ÄzÉ JA§ vÀvz éÀ À DzsÁgÀzÀ ªÉÄÃ¯É ¸ÀÆPÀÛ ¥ÉÇõÀuÁ ªÀiÁzsåÀ ªÀÄzÀ°è ¸À¸åÀ zÀ CAUÁA±ÀzÀ a portion of a plant tissue or cells in a suitable nutrient medium based on the principle ‘plant cells have aPĄ̀Ás UÀ CxÀªÁ fêÀPÆ É Ã±ÀU½ À AzÀ ¸À¸åÀ U¼ À £ À ÄÀ ß GvÀàwÛ ªÀiÁqÀĪÀÅzÀgÀ GzÉñÀª® À è ? the capacity to produce plants of their own kind’ ? 1) DgÉÆÃUÀåªÀAvÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ºÉZÄÀ Ñ E¼ÀĪÀj 1) To obtain disease resistant and ¤ÃqÀĪÀ ¸À¸åÀ UÀ¼£ À ÄÀ ß ¥ÀqA É iÀÄĪÀÅzÀÄ high yielding variety of plants 2) C£ÉÃPÀ ¸À¸åÀ U¼ À À fêÀ£Z À PÀ z æÀ À CªÀ¢Aü iÀÄ£ÀÄß 2) To reduce the period of life span PÀrªÉÄ ªÀiÁqÀĪÀÅzÀÄ of plants 3) PÀrªÉÄ ¸ÀªÄÀ AiÀÄzÀ°è PÀrªÉÄ CªÀ¢A ü iÀÄ°è 3) To develop large number of plants ºÉa£ Ñ À ¸À¸åÀ UÀ¼£ À ÄÀ ß ªÀÈ¢ÞUÆ É ½¸ÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 4) ºÉ Z À Ä Ñ ¥s À ® ªÀ v À Û v É A iÀ Ä ©ÃdUÀ ¼ À £ À Ä ß ºÉÆA¢gÀĪÀ ¸À¸åÀ UÀ¼£ À ÄÀ ß ¥ÀqA É iÀÄĪÀÅzÀÄ in a limited space and time 4) To obtain plants which produce more fertile seeds 12 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 35. Which of the following diagram 35. ºÀ w Û g À z À ªÀ ¸ À Ä Û U À ¼ À £ À Ä ß £É Æ ÃqÀ Ä ªÁUÀ shows adaptation of eye to see PÀtÂÚ£À¯ÁèUÀĪÀ ºÉÆAzÁtÂPÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß PɼÀV£À AiÀiÁªÀ avÀæ vÉÆÃj¸ÀÄvÀz Û É ? nearest object ? Light ray from the object Light ray from the object 1) 1) 2) 2) 3) 3) 4) 4) 13 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) HISTORY EwºÁ¸À 36. Jammu and Kashmir acceded to the Indian Union on : À À MPÀÆÌlPÉÌ dªÀÄÄä ªÀÄvÀÄÛ PÁ²äÃgÀ 36. ¨sÁgÀvz ¸ÉÃ¥ÀðqÉAiÀiÁzÀzÄÀ Ý : 1) 26th October 1947 1) 26 CPÉÆÖçgï 1947 th 2) 26 January 1948 2) 26 d£ÀªÀj 1948 3) 26 d£ÀªÀj 1947 4) 26 CPÉÆÖçgï 1948 th 3) 26 January 1947 th 4) 26 October 1948 37. After the Second World War, the I.N.A. Soldiers were arrested and tried by : 1) Japanese 2) English 3) League of Nations 4) U.N.O. 37. JgÀqÀ£ÃÉ ªÀĺÁAiÀÄÄzÀÞzÀ £ÀAvÀgÀ L.J£ï.J. 38. Match List I with List II by using the code given below : 38. ¸À Æ ZÀ £ É A iÀ Ä £À Ä ß G¥À A iÉ Æ ÃV¹ ¥À n Ö 1 gÀ ° è g À Ä ªÀ «µÀ A iÀ Ä UÀ ¼ À £ À Ä ß ¥À n Ö 2 gÀ ° è List – I List – II A. Dyarchy was abolished in the provinces B. State reorganization Commission C. Macaulay’s minutes D. Liberation of Goa Code : 1) A – 5 2) A – 4 3) A – 4 4) A – 1 ¸ÉʤPÀg£ À ÄÀ ß §A¢ü¹ «ZÁgÀuU É É M¼À¥r À ¹zÀÄÝ 1) d¥Á¤ÃAiÀÄgÀÄ 2) EAVèõÀgÀÄ 3) gÁµÀÖçU¼ À À ¸ÀAWÀ 4) «±Àé¸A À ¸ÉÜ B–3 B–1 B–1 B–2 1. 1953 A. 2. 1955 B. 3. 1961 4. 1935 5. 1835 C–2 C–3 C–5 C–4 C. D. PÉÆnÖgÄÀ ªÀ E¸À«UÀ¼À eÉÆvÉ ¥ÀnÖ – 1 ¢éªÄÀ ÄR ¸ÀPÁðgÀª£ À ÄÀ ß ¥ÁæAvÀåU¼ À ° À è gÀzÄÀ ÝUÆ É ½¹zÀÄÝ gÁdåUÀ¼À ¥ÀÅÀ £À«ðAUÀqu À Á DAiÉÆÃUÀ ªÉÄPÁ¯É ²¥sÁgÀ¸ï UÉÆêÁ «ªÉÆÃZÀ£É ¸ÀÆZÀ£É : D–1 D–2 D–3 D–5 1) 2) 3) 4) A–5 A–4 A–4 A–1 B–3 B–1 B–1 B–2 ºÉÆA¢¹ : ¥ÀnÖ – 2 1. 1953 2. 1955 3. 1961 4. 1935 5. 1835 C–2 C–3 C–5 C–4 D–1 D–2 D–3 D–5 39. ¸ÉÆëAiÀÄvï MPÀÆÌlzÀ ¥ÀvÀ£ÀzÀ £ÀAvÀgÀ 39. After the dissolution of U.S.S.R, the Commonwealth of Independent States came into existence in : 1) 1990 2) 1991 3) 1994 4) 1995 ¸Àv é AÀ vÀæ gÁdåUÀ¼À MPÀÆÌl (¹.qÀ§Æèöå.L.J¸ï.) C¹ÛvéÀPÌÉ §AzÀzÄÀ Ý : 1) 1990 3) 1994 14 2) 1991 4) 1995 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 40. §AUÁ¼ÀzÀ°è ©ænµÀjUÉ ¢ªÁ¤ JA§ 40. Diwani was granted to the British ¨sÀÆPÀAzÁAiÀÄ ªÀ¸ÀÆ° ªÀiÁqÀĪÀ ºÀPÀÄÌ zÉÆgÀQÌzÄÀ Ý : in Bengal in : 1) 1757 2) 1761 3) 1765 4) 1774 1) 1757 3) 1765 2) 1761 4) 1774 41. Consider the following statements as true or false by choosing the code given below : 1) Sir Thomas Roe, the British ambassador secured trading licence from Jehangir, The Mughal ruler. 2) The British secured the marshy island of Mumbai from the Portuguese. 3) The Treaty of Mangalore was between Haidar Ali and the British. 4) Queen Victoria’s is proclamation has been described as ‘Magna Carta’ of the Indian people. Code : 1) 1, 2 and 4 – True 2) 2 and 3 – False 3) 1, 2 and 3 – False 4) 2 and 3 – True À É PÉÆnÖgÄÀ ªÀ ºÉýPÉU¼ À £ À ÄÀ ß ¸ÀÆZÀ£AÉ iÀÄ£ÀÄß 41. PɼU 42. Who among the Socio-Religious reformers of Renaissance India was influenced by the thinker Thomas Paine ? 42. ¨sÁgÀwÃAiÀÄ eÁÕ£À ¥ÀÅ£ÀgÀÄfÓêÀ£À CxÀªÁ G¥ÀAiÉÆÃV¹ AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀÄ vÀ¥ÅÀ à CxÀªÁ ¸Àj JAzÀÄ ¤zsÁðgÀ ªÀiÁr : 1) ªÉÆUÀ®gÀ zÉÆgÉAiÀiÁzÀ dºÁAVÃgï¤AzÀ ¸Àgï xÁªÀĸï gÉÆà JA§ ©ænµï gÁAiÀ Ä ¨s Á j ªÁå¥ÁgÀ ªÀ i ÁqÀ ® Ä C£ÀĪÀÄwAiÀÄ£ÀÄß ¥Àqz É £ À ÄÀ . 2) eËUÀ Ä ¢é à ¥À ª ÁzÀ ªÀ Ä ÄA¨É Ê AiÀ Ä £À Ä ß ©ænµÀgÄÀ ¥ÉÇÉ ÃZÀÄðVøïjAzÀ ¥Àqz É g À ÄÀ . 3) ªÀÄAUÀ¼Æ À gÀÄ M¥ÀàAzÀ ©ænµï ºÁUÀÆ ºÉÊzÀgïD° £ÀqÄÀ ªÉ D¬ÄvÀÄ. 4) gÁt «PÉ Æ Ö Ã jAiÀ i Á WÉ Æ ÃµÀ u É ¨sÁgÀwÃAiÀÄjUÉ ªÀiÁåUÁß PÁmÁðzÀAvÉ JAzÀÄ ºÉüÀ¯ÁVzÉ. ¸ÀÆZÀ£É : 1) 1, 2 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 4 - ¸Àj 2) 2 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 3 - vÀ¥ÀÅà 3) 1, 2 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 3 - vÀ¥ÅÀ à 4) 2 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 3 - ¸Àj £ÀªÉÇÃzÀAiÀÄ PÁ®zÀ ¸ÁªÀiÁfPÀ ºÁUÀÆ zsÁ«ÄðPÀ ¸ÀÄzsÁgÀPg À ° À è aAvÀP£ À ÁzÀ xÁªÀÄ¸ï ¥Éãï£À «ZÁgÀU½ À AzÀ ¥À¨ æ Ás «vÀgÁVzÀݪg À ÄÀ AiÀiÁgÀÄ ? 1) F±ÀégZ À A À zÀæ «zÁå¸ÁUÀgÀ 2) eÉÆåÃw¨Á ¥sÀÅ¯É 3) ¥ÀArvÁ gÀªiÀ Á¨Á¬Ä 4) PÉñÀªÀ ZÀAzÀæ¸Éãï 1) Iswara Chandra Vidya Sagar 2) Jyothiba Phule 3) Pandita Ramabai 4) Kesavchandrasen 15 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 43. JgÀ q À £ É Ã ªÀ Ä ºÁAiÀ Ä ÄzÀ Þ z À ° è vÉ Æ AzÀ g É U É 43. The ‘Marshall Plan’ for the reconstruction of Nations destroyed during the Second World War was proposed by : M¼À U ÁzÀ zÉ Ã ±À U À ¼ À ¥À Å £À g À Ä vÁÜ£À P ÁÌV ªÀiÁµÀð¯ï AiÉÆÃd£ÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß gÀƦ¹zÀªg À ÄÀ : 1) yAiÉÆÃqÀgï gÀƸïªÉ®Ö 1) Theodore Roosevelt 2) Franklin De Roosevelt 2) ¥sÁA æ Pï°£ï r gÀƸïªÉ®Ö 3) Truman 3) lÆæªÄÀ £ï 4) Woodro Wilson 4) ªÀÅqÉÆÃæ «®ì£ï 44. ¨É£r À mÉÆ ªÀÄĸÉÆì°¤AiÀÄ SÁ¸ÀV ¸ÉãÉAiÀÄ 44. The private army of Benedito Mussolini was called as : ºÉ¸ÀgÀÄ: 1) Red Shirts 1) PÉA¥ÀAV zÀ¼À 2) Black Shirts 2) PÀ¥ÀàAV zÀ¼À 3) Brown Shirts 3) PÀAzÀAV zÀ¼À (¨Ëæ£ïµÀmïìð) 4) None of the above 4) ªÉÄð£ÀzÄÀ AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀÄ C®è 45. ¸ÀÆZÀ£A É iÀÄ£ÀÄß G¥ÀAiÉÆÃV¹ ¥ÀnÖ 1 gÀ°è 45. Match List I with List II by using EgÀĪÀ ºÉ¸ÀgÀÄUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¥ÀnÖ 2 gÀ°ègÀĪÀ ¥Àz æ ÃÉ ±ÀU¼ À À eÉÆvÉ ºÉÆA¢¹ : the code given below : List I List II A. Bedas 1. Surpur B. Bhaskar Rao ¥ÀnÖ 1 ¥ÀnÖ 2 2. Mundaragi A. ¨ÉÃqÀgÄÀ 1. ¸ÀÄgÀ¥ÀÅgÀ C. Bheema Rao 3. Halagali B. ¨sÁ¸ÀÌgïgÁªï 2. ªÀÄÄAqÀgÀV D. Venkatappa Naik 4. Kittur C. ©üêÀÄgÁªï 3. ºÀ®UÀ° 5. Nargund D. ªÉAPÀl¥Àà£ÁAiÀÄPÀ 4. QvÀÆÛgÄÀ 5. £ÀgU À ÄÀ AzÀ Code : 1) A – 2 B–1 C–4 D–5 2) A – 4 B–5 C–2 3) A – 3 B–5 4) A – 1 B–2 ¸ÀÆZÀ£É : 1) A – 2 B–1 C–4 D–5 D–3 2) A – 4 B–5 C–2 D–3 C–2 D–1 3) A – 3 B–5 C–2 D–1 C–3 D–4 4) A – 1 B–2 C–3 D–4 16 SAT(K-10) ¨sÀÆUÉÆüÀ GEOGRAPHY *SATK10* 46. Which one of the following is the 46. F PɼPÀ A À qÀªÅÀ UÀ¼° À è AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀÄ UÀAUÁ £À¢AiÀÄ correct sequence of the tributaries of Ganga from East to West ? A. Ghaghra B. Kosi C. Gandak D. Gomati G¥À£¢ À UÀ¼£ À ÄÀ ß ¥ÀǪÀð¢AzÀ ¥À²ÑªÄÀ zÀ PÀqU É É ¤gÀƦ¸ÀĪÀ ¸ÀjAiÀiÁzÀ PÀª æ ÄÀ ªÁVzÉ ? A. WÁWÀæ B. PÉÆù C. UÀAqÀPï D. UÉÆêÀÄw 1) B, C, D, A 2) B, C, A, D 1) B, C, D, A 2) B, C, A, D 3) C, B, D, A 4) D, B, C, A 3) C, B, D, A 4) D, B, C, A 47. Which part of India does not receive rainfall during Rainy Season ? 1) Thar Desert 2) Northern Plain 3) Tamil Nadu 4) Punjab 47. ¨sÁgÀvÀzÀ AiÀiÁªÀ ¨sÁUÀªÀÅ ªÀļÉUÁ®zÀ°è 48. Some statements are given below : 48. F PɼU À É PÉ®ªÀÅ ºÉýPÉU¼ À £ À ÄÀ ß PÉÆnÖzÉ : ªÀļÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß ¥ÀqAÉ iÀÄĪÀÅ¢®è ? 1) xÁgï ªÀÄgÀĨsÀÆ«Ä 2) GvÀÛgz À À ªÉÄÊzÁ£À 3) vÀ«Ä¼ÀÄ£ÁqÀÄ 4) ¥ÀAeÁ¨ï A. C¢üPÀ ªÀļÉ, C¢üPÀ GµÁÚA±À ªÀÄvÀÄÛ A. Heavy rainfall, high temperature and high humidity are responsible for growth of dense forests B. Babul, Kasavi and Kikar trees are important in tropical thorn forests C. Teak, Sal and Sandal wood are the important trees in tropical evergreen vegetation D. Silver fir, Oak, Spruce, Chestnut, Pine are trees in coniferous vegetation C¢üPÀ DzÀð æ vÉAiÀÄÄ zÀlÖ CgÀtåUÀ¼À ¨É¼ÀªÀtÂUÉUÉ PÁgÀtªÁVzÉ B. §§Æ¯ï, PÀ¸« À ªÀÄvÀÄÛ QPÀgï ªÀÄgÀU¼ À ÄÀ GµÀª Ú ® À AiÀÄzÀ PÀÄgÀÄZÀ®Ä ¸À¸åÀ ªU À ð À zÀ «zsÀUÀ¼ÁVªÉ C. vÉÃUÀ, ºÉÆ£Éß ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ²æÃUÀAzsÀ EªÀÅ ¤vÀåºj À zÀt é ð CgÀtåU¼ À À ªÀÄgÀU¼ À ÁVªÉ D. ¹®égï¥sg À ï, NPï, ¸ÀÆàç¸ï, ZɸïÖ£m É ï, ¥ÉÊ£ïUÀ¼ÄÀ ¸ÀÆa¥Àtð ¸À¸åÀ ªÀUð À zÀ ªÀÄgÀUÀ¼ÁVªÉ Which of the above statements are true ? 1) A, B and D 2) A, C and D 3) B, C and D 4) A, B and C ªÉÄîÌAqÀ ºÉýPÉU¼ À ° À è ¸ÀjAiÀiÁzÀªÅÀ UÀ¼AÉ zÀgÉ 1) A, B ªÀÄvÀÄÛ D 2) A, C ªÀÄvÀÄÛ D 3) B, C ªÀÄvÀÄÛ D 4) A, B ªÀÄvÀÄÛ C 17 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 49. ¥ÀnÖ – A AiÀ Ä°è d®«zÀÄåZÀÒQÛ GvÁàz£ À Á 49. Column – A is the list of Hydro Electric Power Projects and Column – B is the list of states where located. Column – A AiÉÆÃd£ÉU¼ À ÄÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¥ÀnÖ – B AiÀÄ°è CªÀÅ ¸ÁÜ¥£À UÉ Æ É ArgÀĪÀ gÁdåU¼À £À ÄÀ ß ¤ÃqÀ¯ÁVzÉ. Column – B A. Sileru i. Gujarath B. Dhuvaran ii. Karnataka C. Shabarigiri iii. Andhra Pradesh D. Chakra iv. Kerala ¥ÀnÖ – A ¥ÀnÖ – B A. ¹¯ÉÃgÀÄ i. UÀÄdgÁvï B. zsÀĪÁgÀ£ï ii. PÀ£ÁðlPÀ C. ±À§jVj iii. DAzs¥ æÀ z æÀ ÃÉ ±À D. ZÀPæÀ iv. PÉÃgÀ¼À Which one of the following correctly matched set ? PɼPÀ A À qÀªÅÀ UÀ¼° À è ¸ÀjAiÀiÁV eÉÆÃr¹gÀĪÀ UÀÄA¥ÀÅ AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀÄ ? 1) A – ii B – iii C–i D – iv 1) A – ii B – iii C–i D – iv 2) A – iii B–i C – iv D – ii 2) A – iii B–i C – iv D – ii 3) A – iv B–i C – ii D – iii 3) A – iv B–i C – ii D – iii 4) A – i B – ii C – iii D – iv 4) A – i B – ii C – iii D – iv 50. F PɼPÀ A À qÀ AiÀiÁªÀ PÀ©ât ªÀÄvÀÄÛ GQÌ£À 50. Which one of the following Iron and Steel Plant was established during Third Five Year Plan ? ¸ÁܪÀ g À ª À Å ªÀ Ä ÆgÀ £ É Ã ¥À A ZÀ ª Á¶ðPÀ AiÉÆÃd£ÁªÀ¢Aü iÀÄ°è ¸ÁÜ¥£ À AÉ iÀiÁ¬ÄvÀÄ ? 1) ©ü¯ÁAiÀiï 2) ¨ÉÆPÁgÉÆà 3) gÀÆgÉ̯Á 4) zÀÄUÁð¥ÀÅgÀ 1) Bhilai 2) Bokaro 3) Rurkela 4) Durgapur 51. Jharia, Bokaro, Giridh and Karanpur 51. gÀhiÁjAiÀiÁ, ¨ÉÆPÁgÉÆÃ, Vjzsïí ªÀÄvÀÄÛ are important coal fields of which PÀ g À u ï¥À Å gÀ U À ¼ À Ä ¥À æ ª À Ä ÄR PÀ ° è z À Ý ®Ä PÉ ë ÃvÀ æ U À ¼ ÁVzÀ Ä Ý , F PÉ ¼ À P À A qÀ AiÀ i ÁªÀ gÁdåzÀ°èªÉ ? 1) eÁRðAqï 2) ©ºÁgÀ 3) Mr±Á 4) bÀwøïWÀgï one of the following States ? 1) Jharkhand 2) Bihar 3) Odisha 4) Chattisgharh 18 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 52. Which one of the following is the correct set of natural gas producing sites ? 1) Bombay High, Digboi, Godavari basin, Ankaleshwar 2) Ankaleshwar, Bombay High, Digboi, Godavari basin 3) Bombay High, Ankaleshwar, Godavari basin, Cauvery basin 4) Bombay High, Godavari basin, Digboi, Ankaleshwar 52. F PɼPÀ A À qÀªÅÀ UÀ¼° À è ¸Áé¨Ás «PÀ C¤®ªÀ£ÄÀ ß GvÁà ¢ ¸À Ä wÛ g À Ä ªÀ PÉ ë ÃvÀ æ U À ¼ À ¸À j AiÀ i ÁzÀ PÀª æ iÀ ÁtÂPÉ AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀÄ ? 1) ¨ÁA¨É ºÉÊ, ¢UÁâAiÀiï, UÉÆÃzÁªÀj ªÀÄÄRd, CAPÀ¯ÉñÀégÀ 2) CAPÀ¯ÃÉ ±Àég,À ¨ÁA¨É ºÉÊ, ¢UÁâAiÀiï, UÉÆÃzÁªÀj ªÀÄÄRd 3) ¨ÁA¨É ºÉÊ, CAPÀ¯ÃÉ ±Àég,À UÉÆÃzÁªÀj ªÀÄÄRd, PÁªÉÃj ªÀÄÄRd 4) ¨ÁA¨É ºÉÊ, UÉÆÃzÁªÀj ªÀÄÄRd, ¢UÁâAiÀiï, CAPÀ¯ÃÉ ±ÀégÀ 53. Identify the correct group of fresh water lakes in India 1) Dal, Nal, Kolleru, Wular 2) Chilka, Dal, Sambhar, Pulicat 3) Dal, Chilka, Nal, Kolleru 4) Kolleru, Pulicat, Wular, Nal 53. ¨s Á gÀ v À z À ° è ¹» ¤Ãj£À ¸À g É Æ ÃªÀ g À U À ¼ À 54. Which one of the following is correctly matched of Column – I and Column – II ? Use the code given below : Column – I Column – II A. Kolkatta i. Biggest Port of India B. Nhava Sheva ii. Oldest Port of India C. Mumbai iii. Terminal Port of India D. Chennai iv. J a w a h a r l a l Nehru Port Code : 1) A – iii B–i C – iv D – ii 2) A – iv B – iii C – ii D–i 3) A – iii B – iv C – i D – ii 4) A – i B – ii C – iii D – iv 54. PɼV À £À ¥ÀnÖ – I ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¥ÀnÖ – II gÀ°£ è À ¸ÀjAiÀiÁV ¸ÀjAiÀiÁzÀ UÀÄA¥À£ÄÀ ß UÀÄgÀÄw¹ 1) zÁ¯ï, £Á¯ï, PÉƯÉèÃgÀÄ, ªÀůÁègï 2) a¯ÁÌ, zÁ¯ï, ¸ÁA¨sÁgï, ¥ÀÅ°PÁmï 3) zÁ¯ï, a¯ÁÌ, £Á¯ï, PÉƯÉèÃgÀÄ 4) PÉƯÉèÃgÀÄ, ¥ÀÅ°PÁmï, ªÀůÁègï, £Á¯ï ºÉÆA¢PÉAiÀiÁVgÀĪÀÅzÀÄ AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀÄ ? ¸ÀÆaAiÀÄ£ÀÄß G¥ÀAiÉÆÃV¹ : ¥ÀnÖ – II ¥ÀnÖ – I A. PÉÆîÌvÁÛ i. ¨ s Á g À v À z À C w zÉÆqÀØ §AzÀgÄÀ B. £ÁíªÁ±ÉíêÁ ii. ¨sÁgÀvz À À ¥ÁæaãÀ §AzÀgÀÄ C. ªÀÄÄA¨ÉÊ iii. ¨sÁgÀvz À À l«Äð£À¯ï §AzÀgÀÄ D. ZÉ£ßÉ öÊ iv. d ª Á º À g À ¯ Á ¯ ï £ÉºÀgÀÄ §AzÀgÀÄ ¸ÀÆZÀ£É : 19 1) 2) 3) 4) A – iii A – iv A – iii A–i B–i B – iii B – iv B – ii C – iv C – ii C–i C – iii D – ii D–i D – ii D – iv *SATK10* SAT(K-10) CxÀð±Á¸ÀÛç ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¥ËgÀ±Á¸ÀçÛ ECONOMICS & CIVICS 55. ¨sÁgÀvÀzÀ Cw JvÀÛgÀªÁzÀ zÀÆgÀzÀ±Àð£À 55. India’s highest television tower is UÉÆÃ¥ÀÅgÀªÅÀ £É¯U É Æ É ArgÀĪÀÅzÀÄ E°è : located at : 1) Arvi 2) Doon 1) D«Ãð 2) qÀÆ£ï 3) Pune 4) Pitampura 3) ¥ÀÇ£À 4) ¦vÁA¥ÀÅgÀ 56. ¨sÁgÀvz À À PÀȶ PÉëÃvÀz æ À »AzÀĽ¢gÀÄ«PÉUÉ Cw 56. The strong reason for the backwardness of Indian Agriculture ¥À§ æ ®ªÁzÀ PÁgÀtªÉAzÀgÉ : is : 1) vÀÄAqÀÄ ¨sÀÆ »qÀĪÀ½UÀ¼ÀÄ 1) Fragmentation of land holdings 2) ¨sÆ À MqÉv£ À z À À ¸ÀªÄÀ ¸Éå 2) Land ownership problem 3) ¤ÃgÁªÀj PÉÆgÀvÉ 3) Lack of irrigation 4) UÁæ«ÄÃt IÄt¨sÁgÀvéÀ 4) Rural indebtedness 57. gÉÊvÀgÄÀ vÀªÄÀ ä PÀȶ GvÀà£ßÀ UÀ¼£ À ÄÀ ß £ÀUg À U À ½ À UÉ 57. The farmers carry their produce to the cities and problems faced by PÉ Æ AqÉ Æ AiÀ Ä ÄåvÁÛ g É ªÀ Ä vÀ Ä Û CªÀ g À Ä them are : C£ÀĨs« À ¸ÀĪÀ ¥Àª æ ÄÀ ÄR ¸ÀªÄÀ ¸ÉåUÀ¼AÉ zÀgÉ A. High trade commission A. C¢üPÀ ªÁå¥ÁgÀ zÀ¯Áè½ B. Advance to farmers from the B. ¯ÉêÁzÉëzÁgÀjAzÀ gÉÊvÀjUÉ ªÀÄÄAUÀqÀ money lenders ºÀt C. Cheating in weights and C. vÀÆPÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ C¼ÀvU É ¼ À ° À è ªÉÆøÀ measures D. ªÀiÁgÁl ªÀiÁrzÀ vÀPëÀtzÀ°è ºÀtzÀ D. Not immediate settling amount ªÉÆvÀÛª£ À ÄÀ ß ¤ÃqÀ¢gÀÄ«PÉ after the sale ªÉÄîÌAqÀ ºÉýPÉU¼ À ° À è ¸ÀjAiÀiÁzÀªÅÀ UÀ¼ÄÀ Which of the above statements are AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀÄ ? true ? 1) A, B and D 2) A, C and D 1) A, B ªÀÄvÀÄÛ D 2) A, C ªÀÄvÀÄÛ D 3) B, C and D 4) A, B and C 3) B, C ªÀÄvÀÄÛ D 4) A, B ªÀÄvÀÄÛ C 20 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 58. PÀȶ GvÀà£ÀßUÀ¼À ¸ÀjAiÀiÁzÀ ±ÉÃRgÀuÁ ªÀ å ªÀ ¸ É Ü U ÁV 1965 gÀ ° è ¨s Á gÀ v À z À ° è ¸ÁÜ¥À£ÉAiÀiÁzÀ ¸ÀA¸ÉÜ F PɼÀPÀAqÀªÀÅUÀ¼À°è AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀÄ ? 58. To facilitate proper storage of agricultural produce, which one of the following institution was started in India in 1965 ? 1) TAPMCS 2) CFTRI 1) TAPMCS 2) CFTRI 3) FCI 4) IGSC 3) FCI 4) IGSC 59. Which one of the following bank has been directed to provide loans to cottage and small scale industries ? À qÀªÅÀ UÀ¼° À è AiÀiÁªÀ ¨ÁåAPï ¸ÀtÚ 59. F PɼPÀ A ªÀÄvÀÄÛ UÀÄr PÉÊUÁjPÉU½ À UÉ ¸Á® ¤ÃqÀĪÀ ¤zÉÃð±À£ª À £ À ÄÀ ß ¤ÃqÀÄvÀz Û É ? 1) IDBI 1) IDBI 2) NABARD 2) NABARD 3) CO-OPERATIVE BANK 3) CO-OPERATIVE BANK 4) KSSIDC 4) KSSIDC É zÀgÉ : 60. C£ÀÄPÀÆ®PÀgÀ ¸ÀªÄÀ ¹Üw ªÁå¥ÁgÀªA 1) DªÀÄzÀÄ ªÀiÁrPÉÆAqÀ zÀȱÀå ¸ÀgP À ÄÀ UÀ¼À 60. Favourable balance trade means : 1) The value of visible exports is less than the value of visible imports ªÀ i Ë®åQÌ A vÀ gÀ ¥ s À Å Û ªÀ i ÁrzÀ zÀ È ±À å ¸ÀgÀPÀÄUÀ¼À ªÀiË®å PÀrªÉÄ EgÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 2) JgÀqg À À ªÀiË®åUÀ¼ÄÀ ¸ÀªÄÀ £ÁVgÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 3) DªÀÄzÀÄ ªÀiÁrPÉÆAqÀ zÀȱÀå ¸ÀgP À ÄÀ UÀ¼À ªÀiË®å ªÀÄvÀÄÛ gÀ¥ÅÀ s Û ªÀiÁrzÀ zÀȱÀå ¸ÀgPÀ ÄÀ UÀ¼À ªÀiË®åU¼ À ° À è ªÀåvÁ師 À gÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 4) gÀ¥ÅÀs Û ªÀiÁrzÀ zÀȱÀå ¸ÀgP À ÄÀ UÀ¼À ªÀiË®åªÅÀ DªÀÄzÀÄ ªÀiÁrPÉÆAqÀ zÀȱÀå ªÀiË®åQÌAvÀ C¢üPÀªÁVgÀĪÀÅzÀÄ 2) The value of both is equal 3) The value of visible exports and value of visible imports is different 4) The value of visible exports is more than the value of visible imports 61. F PÉ ¼ À V £À AiÀ i ÁªÀ UÀ Ä A¦£À zÉ Ã ±À U À ¼ À Ä 61. Which one of the following is a set of countries having both democracy and republic ? 1) India and Great Britain 2) India and Japan 3) The U.S.A. and China 4) India and the U.S.A 21 ¥Àe æ Á¥À¨ æ ÄÀs vÀé ªÀÄvÀÄÛ UÀtgÁdå - JgÀqÆ À ªÀiÁzÀjUÀ¼£ À ÄÀ ß ºÉÆA¢ªÉ ? 1) ¨sÁgÀvÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ©æl£ï 2) ¨sÁgÀvÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ d¥Á£ï 3) CªÉÄÃjPÁ ¸ÀAAiÀÄÄPÀÛ ¸ÀA¸ÁÜ£U À ¼ À ÄÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ aãÁ 4) ¨sÁgÀvÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ CªÉÄÃjPÁ ¸ÀAAiÀÄÄPÀÛ ¸ÀA¸ÁÜ£ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 62. Which one of the following regions 62. F PɼV À £À MAzÀÄ PÉëÃvÀPæ ÌÉ «±ÉõÀªÁzÀ ¸ÁÜ£À has been given a ‘Special Status’ ? ªÀ£ÄÀ ß PÉÆqÀ¯ÁVzÉ. CzÀÄ _________ Identify it : 1) ªÀÄÄA¨ÉÊ PÀ£ÁðlPÀ 1) Bombay, Karnataka 2) Old Mysore province 2) ºÀ¼Éà ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ ¥ÁæAvÀå 3) Hyderabad, Karnataka 3) ºÉÊzÀgÁ¨Ázï PÀ£ÁðlPÀ 4) Coorg and Bellary regions 4) PÉÆqÀUÄÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ §¼Áîj «¨sÁUÀ 63. Several independent states coming 63. ºÀ®ªÁgÀÄ ¸ÀévA À vÀæ gÁdåUÀ¼ÄÀ MmÁÖV ¸ÉÃj together to form a nation involves MAzÀÄ gÁµÀÖ窣 À ÄÀ ß PÀnÖzÁUÀ ¸Àz¸ À åÀ gÁdåUÀ¼ÄÀ all the constituent states ______ 1) ¸ÀªÄÀ £ÁzÀ C¢üPÁgÀª£ À ÄÀ ß ºÉÆA¢gÀÄvÀª Û É 1) having equal powers 2) ¸ÀªÄÀ £ÁzÀ C¢üPÁgÀ ºÉÆA¢gÀĪÀÅ¢®è 2) having unequal powers 3) PÉÃAzÀæ ¸ÀPÁðgÀPÌÉ J¯Áè DqÀ½vÁvÀäPÀ 3) are subordinate to the central «µÀAiÀÄUÀ¼® À Æè C¢üãÀªÁVgÀÄvÀÛªÉ government in all matters of administration 4) are absolutely 4) ¥ÀÇtðªÁV ¸ÀévA À vÀª æ ÁzÀ DqÀ½vÁvÀäPÀ free in C¢üPÁgÀª£ À ÄÀ ß ºÉÆA¢gÀÄvÀÛªÉ administration 64. a£ÀßzÀ DªÀÄ¢£À ªÉÄÃ¯É Cw ºÉZÄÀ Ñ DªÀÄzÀÄ 64. It is feared that a steep rise in import duty on gold leads to ¸ÀÄAPÀ ºÉÃjgÀĪÀÅzÀjAzÀ GAmÁUÀĪÀ ¸ÀªÄÀ ¸Éå 1) Corruption 1) ¨sÀæµÁÖZÁgÀ 2) Black marketing 2) PÁ¼À¸ÀAvÉ 3) Smuggling 3) PÀ¼îÀ ¸ÁUÁtÂPÉ 4) Profiteering 4) ¯Á¨sÀPÉÆÃgÀvÀ£À 22 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 65. F 65. Examine the following statements PÉ ¼ À V £À ºÉ à ½PÉ U À ¼ À £ À Ä ß ¥À j ²Ã°¹ and select the correct option : ¸ÀjAiÀiÁzÀ GvÀg Û ª À £ À ÄÀ ß Dj¹ : A : Some nations of the world A : «±ÀézÀ PÉ®ªÀÅ gÁµÀÖçU¼ À ÄÀ ¨sÁgÀvÀ ¨sz À v æÀ Á argued that India should not be ¸À«ÄwAiÀÄ SÁAiÀÄA ¸Àz¸ À åÀ véÀ ¥ÀqA É iÀÄĪÀ made a permanent member of §UÉÎ «gÉÆÃzsÀ ªÀåPÀÛ¥r À ¹ªÉ. the Security Council B : C°¥ÀÛ ¸À¨sÉAiÀÄ £ÁAiÀÄPÀ gÁµÀÖçªÁV, B : As the leader of the NAM, India «±À é ¸ À A ¸É Ü AiÀ Ä ±ÁAw PÁ¥ÁqÀ Ä ªÀ has played a significant role in peace keeping activities of the ZÀlĪÀnPÉUÀ¼À°è ¨sÁgÀvÀªÀÅ ªÀĺÀvÀézÀ U.N.O. ¥ÁvÀæ ªÀ»¹zÉ. 1) Both ‘A’ and ‘B’ are true 1) A ªÀÄvÀÄÛ B JgÀqÆ À ¸ÀjAiÀiÁVªÉ 2) Both ‘A’ and ‘B’ are false 2) A ªÀÄvÀÄÛ B JgÀqÆ À vÀ¥ÅÀ à 3) ‘A’ is true and ‘B’ is false 3) A ¸Àj DzÀgÉ B vÀ¥ÀÅà 4) ‘A’ is false and ‘B’ is true 4) A vÀ¥ÀÅà ªÀÄvÀÄÛ B ¸Àj 66. Which one of the following is not a 66. ¥Àe æ Á¥À¨ æ ÄÀs vÀé ªÀiÁzÀjAiÀÄ gÁµÀçÖU¼ À ° À è F PɼV À £À challenge to political parties in a AiÀ i ÁªÀ CA±À ª À Å gÁdQÃAiÀ Ä ¥À P À ë UÀ ½ UÉ democratic set up ? ¸ÀªÁ¯É¤¹zÉ ? 1) Money and muscle power 1) ºÀt ªÀÄvÀÄÛ zÉÊ»PÀ ±ÀQÛAiÀÄ ¥À¨ æ Ás ªÀ 2) Decline in ideological differences 2) gÁdQÃAiÀ Ä ¥À P À ë U À ¼ À ¤Ãw vÀ v À é U À ¼ À ªÀåvÁå¸ÀªÅÀ PÀrªÉÄAiÀiÁVgÀĪÀÅzÀÄ among parties 3) ¥À æ w AiÉ Æ AzÀ Ä ¥À P À ë z À ° è ¸À z À ¸ À å jUÉ 3) Equal opportunities to all the ¸ÀªÄÀ £ÁzÀ CªÀPÁ±Àª£ À ÄÀ ß PÉÆqÀĪÀÅzÀÄ members in each party 4) MAzÉà ªÀA±Àzª À g À ÄÀ C¢üPÁgÀ 4) Dynastic succession ªÀ»¹PÉƼÀÄîªÅÀ zÀÄ 23 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) À ¸ÉÜAiÀÄ «±ÉõÀ ¸ÉêÁWÀlPÀU¼ À ÄÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 67. «±Àé¸A 67. Match the agencies of the U.N.O CªÀÅUÀ¼À DqÀ½vÀ PÀbÉÃj PÉÃAzÀæUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ºÉÆA¢¹ §gɬÄj : i. DºÁgÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ PÀȶ a. f£ÉêÁ ¸ÀA¸ÉÜ ii. CAvÀgg À Á¶ÖçÃAiÀÄ b. ¥Áåj¸ï ªÀÄPÀ̼À vÀÄvÀÄ𠤢ü iii. CAvÀgg À Á¶ÖçÃAiÀÄ c. gÉÆêÀiï ºÀtPÁ¹£À ¤¢ü iv. CAvÀgg À Á¶ÖçÃAiÀÄ d. ªÁ¶AUïl£ï r.¹ PÁ«ÄðPÀ ¸ÀAWÀ e. £ÀÆåAiÀiÁPïð with their head quarters : I II i. F.A.O. a. Geneva ii. UNICEF b. Paris iii. I.M.F. c. Rome iv. I.L.O. d. Washington D.C. e. Newyork 1) i – b ii – e iii – a iv – c 2) i – c ii – a iii – d iv – e 3) i – e ii – c iii – b iv – a 4) i – c ii – e iii – d iv – a 1) 2) 3) 4) i–b i–c i–e i–c ii – e ii – a ii – c ii – e iii – a iii – d iii – b iii – d iv – c iv – e iv – a iv – a 68. ¨sÁgÀvz À À ºÀ®ªÁgÀÄ PÀqÉ CuÁÚ ºÀeÁgÉAiÀĪÀgÄÀ 68. Anna Hazare conducted campaign ¨sÀæµÁÖZÁgÀ «gÀÄzÀÞzÀ DAzÉÆî£ÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß £ÀqɹzÀgÀÄ. against corruption across in the country. F PÉ ¼ À V £À AiÀ i ÁªÀ ªÁPÀ å UÀ ¼ À Ä F DAzÉÆî£ÀU¼ À À ®PÀëtUÀ¼£ À ÄÀ ß w½¸ÀÄvÀÛªÉ ? A. CzÀÄ MAzÀÄ ZÀ¼ÄÀ ªÀ½ B. ¸ÁªÀiÁ£Àå d£ÀgÄÀ ¸ÀéAiÀÄA ¥ÉÃæ gÀu¬ É ÄAzÀ DAzÉÆî£ÀU¼ À ° À è ¨sÁUÀª» À ¹zÁUÀ CzÀÄ MAzÀÄ ¸ÁªÀÄÆ»PÀ ZÀ¼ÄÀ ªÀ½AiÀiÁ¬ÄvÀÄ C. F DAzÉÆî£ÀUÀ¼À°è vÉUÉzÀÄPÉÆAqÀ ¤zsÁðgÀU¼ À £ À ÄÀ ß ¸ÀPÁðgÀ eÁj UÉƽ¸À¯ÉèÉÃPÉA§ C¤ªÁAiÀÄðvÉ EzÉ D. F DAzÉÆî£ÀzÀ CxÀð-¸ÀPÁðgÀzÀ PÁAiÀÄðUÀ¼° À è ¸ÁªÀðd¤PÀgÄÀ £ÉÃgÀªÁV ¨sÁUÀªÀ»¹zÀgÀÄ-JAzÁUÀÄvÀÛzÉ 1) A, B ªÀÄvÀÄÛ CªÀiÁvÀæ 2) A ªÀÄvÀÄÛ C ªÀiÁvÀæ 3) B ªÀÄvÀÄÛ D ªÀiÁvÀæ 4) A ªÀÄvÀÄÛ B ªÀiÁvÀæ Which of the following statements are the features of the above said event ? A. It was a movement B. It was a collective action of commoners who participated spontaneously in it C. Its decisions were binding on the government D. It meant direct participation of people in the government 1) A, B and C only 2) A and C only 3) B and D only 4) A and B only 24 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 69. The following is the list of Commonwealth Nations : a. Ghana e. Nigeria b. Newzealand f. Malaysia c. Australia g. Zimbabwe d. India h. Canada À £À ¥ÀnÖAiÀÄ°è PÁªÀÄ£ïªÉ¯ïÛ£À ¸Àz¸ À åÀ 69. F PɼV gÁµÀÖçU¼ À ÄÀ EªÉ : a. WÁ£Á b. £ÀÆåf¯ÁåAqï c. D¸ÉÖçðAiÀiÁ d. ¨sÁgÀvÀ Which one of the following sets represents the nations that have recognised the Queen of Britain as their titular head ? 1) a, b and h only 2) c, d and f only 3) b, c and h only 4) b, e and g only C. The developed countries are interested in helping the weaker countries through this policy. D. The developing countries are subjected to economic exploitation in the name of free trade policy. 4) T, F, F, T h. PÉ£ÀqÁ ¸Àj (T) CxÀªÁ æ ÄÀ ªÁzÀ eÉÆÃqÀuAÉ iÀÄ£ÀÄß vÀ¥ÅÀ à (F) JA§ C£ÀÄPÀª DAiÉÄÌ ªÀiÁr : A. «±Àé ªÁå¥ÁgÀ ¸ÀA¸ÉÜAiÀÄÄ J¯Áè ¸Àz¸ À åÀ gÁµÀÖçU½ À UÉ ªÀÄÄPÀÛ ªÁå¥ÁgÀ ¤ÃwAiÀÄ£ÀÄß eÁjUÉƽ¹zÉ. B. C©üªÈÀ ¢Þ ºÉÆAzÀÄwÛgÄÀ ªÀ gÁµÀçÖU¼ À ÄÀ F ¤Ãw¬ÄAzÀ §ºÀ ¼ À µ À Ä Ö ¯Á¨s À ª À £ À Ä ß UÀ½¹PÉÆArªÉ. C. F ¤Ãw¬ÄAzÀ C©üªÈÀ ¢Þ ºÉÆA¢zÀ gÁµÀ Ö ç U À ¼ À Ä »AzÀ Ä ½zÀ gÁµÀ Ö ç U À ½ UÉ ¸ÀºÁAiÀÄ ªÀiÁqÀ®Ä D¸ÀQÛAiÀÄ£ÀÄß F ¤ÃwAiÀÄ ªÀÄÆ®PÀ vÉÆÃj¹ªÉ. D. C©üªÈÀ ¢Þ ºÉÆAzÀÄwÛgÄÀ ªÀ gÁµÀÖçU¼ À ÄÀ F ¤ÃwAiÀÄ ªÀÄÆ®PÀ DyðPÀ ±ÉÆõÀuU É É M¼À¥ÀnÖªÉ. B. The developing nations are immensely benefited by free trade policy. 3) F, T, T, T g. fA¨Á¨Éé 70. F PɼV À £À ºÉýPÉU¼ À ÄÀ A. The W.T.O has formulated a policy of free trade among the member nations. 2) F, F, T, T f. ªÀįÉöAiÀiÁ F PɼV À £À AiÀiÁªÀ UÀÄA¦£À gÁµÀçÖU¼ À ÄÀ ©æl¤ß£À gÁt A iÀ Ä £À Ä ß ¥À g À ª À i Á¢ü P Áj JAzÀ Ä CAVÃPÀj¹ªÉ ? 1) a, b ªÀÄvÀÄÛ h ªÀiÁvÀæ 2) c, d ªÀÄvÀÄÛ f ªÀiÁvÀæ 3) b, c ªÀÄvÀÄÛ h ªÀiÁvÀæ 4) b, e ªÀÄvÀÄÛ g ªÀiÁvÀæ 70. Choose the correct sequence to indicate the following statements as True (T) or False (F) : 1) T, T, F, F e. £ÉÊfÃjAiÀiÁ 1) T, T, F, F 3) F, T, T, T 25 2) F, F, T, T 4) T, F, F, T *SATK10* SAT(K-10) UÀtÂvÀ MATHEMATICS 71. zÀvÀÛ eÁ¯ÁPÀÈwAiÀÄ°è EgÀĪÀ ªÀ®AiÀÄUÀ¼À 71. The number of regions in the given graph is : 1) 6 3) 5 ¸ÀASÉå : 2) 2 4) 7 1) 6 3) 5 72. In the given figure ABCD is a rectangle in which segments AP and AQ are drawn as shown. The length of (AP + AQ) is 1) 180 cm 3) 150 cm 2) 2 4) 7 72. ABCD DAiÀ Ä vÀ z À ° è AP ªÀ Ä vÀ Ä Û AQ gÉÃSÁRAqÀU¼ À £ À ÄÀ ß avÀz æ ° À è vÉÆÃj¹zÀAvÉ J¼ÉAiÀįÁVzÉ. ºÁUÁzÀgÉ (AP + AQ) £À GzÀݪÅÀ : 2) 120 cm 4) 100 cm 1) 180 ¸ÉA.«Äà 3) 150 ¸ÉA.«Äà 2) 120 ¸ÉA.«Äà 4) 100 ¸ÉA.«Äà 73. The value of tan 7° tan 23° tan 60°tan 67°tan 83° is 2 3 1) 2) 3 2 1 3) 4) 3 3 73. Tan 7° tan 23° tan 60°tan 67°tan 83° AiÀÄ ¨É¯É : 2 3 1) 2) 3 2 1 3) 4) 3 3 74. A town has total population of 25,000 out of which 13,000 read the Deccan Herald and 10,500 read The Times of India and 2,500 read both papers. The percentage of population who read neither of these news papers is : 1) 15% 2) 14% 3) 16% 4) 10% 74. E¥ÀàvöÛÉ ÊzÀÄ ¸Á«gÀ d£À¸A À SÉå¬ÄgÀĪÀ MAzÀÄ ¥ÀlÖtzÀ°è 13,000 d£ÀgÄÀ qÉPÌÀ £ï ºÉgÁ¯ïØ ¥ÀwPæ AÉ iÀÄ£ÀÄß, 10,500 d£ÀgÄÀ ¢ mÉʪÀiïì D¥sï EArAiÀiÁ ¥ÀwPæ AÉ iÀÄ£ÀÄß ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 2,500 d£ÀgÀÄ JgÀqÀÆ ¥ÀwæPÉUÀ¼À£ÀÄß NzÀÄvÁÛgÉ. ºÁUÁzÀgÉ d£À¸AÀ SÉåAiÀÄ ±ÉÃPÀqÁ JµÀÖgµ À ÄÀ Ö d£À JgÀqÄÀ ¥ÀwPæ U É ¼ À £ À ÄÀ ß NzÀĪÀÅ¢®è ? 1) 15% 3) 16% 26 2) 14% 4) 10% *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 75. (a, 0), (0, b) ªÀÄvÀÄÛ (1, 1) UÀ¼ÄÀ ¸Àg¼ À gÀ ÃÉ SÁUÀvÀ 75. If the points (a, 0), (0, b) and (1, 1) 1 1 are collinear, then + = a b 1) (2 – 2)0 2) 20 3) 21 4) 2–1 ©AzÀÄUÀ¼ÁVªÉ. ºÁUÁzÀgÉ 1) (2 – 2)0 3) 21 1 ⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎜ x + 2 ⎟ is : x ⎠ ⎝ 2) 2 3) 4 4) 6 2) 3 3) ± 1 4) ± 1) 0 2) 2 3) 4 4) 6 77. α ªÀÄvÀÄÛ β UÀ¼ÄÀ x2 + 3 ax + 2a2 = 0 77. If α and β be the roots of x2 + 3 ax + 2a2 = 0 and α 2 + β 2 = 5 then the value of ‘a’ is 1) 2 2) 20 4) 2–1 1 ⎞ ⎛ 2 76. x (x – 2) = 1 DzÀgÉ ⎜ x + 2 ⎟ £À ¨É¯É : x ⎠ ⎝ 76. If x (x – 2) = 1 then the value of 1) 0 1 1 + = a b ¸À « ÄÃPÀ g À t zÀ ªÀ Ä Æ®UÀ ¼ À Ä ªÀ Ä vÀ Ä Û α 2 + β 2 = 5 DzÀgÉ ‘a’ £À ¨É¯É 1 2 1) 2 2) 3 3) ± 1 4) ± 1 2 78. The condition that the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 has both the roots positive is that 1) a and c have of the same sign opposite to that of b 2) b and c have the same sign opposite to that of a 3) a and b are of the same sign 4) a, b, c are of the same sign 78. ax2 + bx + c = 0 ¸À«ÄÃPÀgt À zÀ J¯Áè ⎡1 0⎤ 4 79. If A = ⎢ ⎥ then A = 0 1 ⎣ ⎦ ⎡1 0⎤ 79. A = ⎢ DzÀgÉ A4 = ⎥ ⎣0 1⎦ ªÀÄÆ®UÀ¼ÄÀ zs£ À ÁvÀäPª À ÁVgÀ¨ÃÉ PÁzÀgÉ EgÀĪÀ ¤§AzsÀ£É 1) a ªÀÄvÀÄÛ c UÀ¼ÄÀ MAzÉà a£Éí ºÉÆA¢ªÉ. í iÀÄ «gÀÄzÀÞªÁVªÉ. DzÀgÉ EªÀÅ b £À a£ÉA 2) b ªÀÄvÀÄÛ c UÀ¼ÄÀ MAzÉà a£Éí ºÉÆA¢ªÉ. í iÀÄ «gÀÄzÀÞªÁVzÉ. DzÀgÉ EªÀÅ a £À a£ÉA 3) a ªÀÄvÀÄÛ b UÀ¼ÄÀ MAzÉà a£Éí ºÉÆA¢ªÉ. 4) a, b, c UÀ¼ÄÀ MAzÉà a£Éí ºÉÆA¢ªÉ. ⎡4 0⎤ 1) ⎢ ⎥ ⎣4 0⎦ ⎡3 3⎤ 2) ⎢ ⎥ ⎣2 2⎦ ⎡4 0⎤ 1) ⎢ ⎥ ⎣4 0⎦ ⎡3 3⎤ 2) ⎢ ⎥ ⎣2 2⎦ ⎡2 3) ⎢ ⎣3 ⎡1 0⎤ 4) ⎢ ⎥ ⎣0 1⎦ ⎡2 3⎤ 3) ⎢ ⎥` ⎣3 4⎦ ⎡1 0⎤ 4) ⎢ ⎥ ⎣0 1⎦ 3⎤ 4 ⎥⎦ 27 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 80. In figure AB = 4 cm, BC = 5 cm and 80. avÀz æ ° À è AB = 4 ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ, BC = 5 ¸ÉA.«Äà CD = 8 cm then the length of AD = ªÀÄvÀÄÛ CD = 8 ¸ÉA.«Äà DzÀgÉ AD AiÀÄ C¼ÀvÉ 1) 10 cm 2) 12 cm 1) 10 ¸ÉA.«Äà 2) 12 ¸ÉA.«Äà 3) 13 cm 4) 15 cm 3) 13 ¸ÉA.«Äà 4) 15 ¸ÉA.«Äà 81. Every person in a room shakes hands with every other person. The total number of hand shakes is 153. The number of persons in the room is 1) 16 2) 17 3) 18 4) 19 81. MAzÀÄ PÉÆoÀrAiÀÄ°ègÄÀ ªÀ ¥Àw æ AiÉƧâ d£ÀgÄÀ 82. A student is required to answer 6 out of 10 questions which are divided into two groups each containing 5 questions and he is not permitted to attempt more than 4 from each group. The number of ways he can choose the questions is 1) 200 2) 150 3) 300 4) 100 82. JgÀqÄÀ «¨sÁUÀz° À è 5 ¥À± æ ßÉ UÀ½gÀĪÀ MlÄÖ 83. The rationalizing factor of ab n vÀªÄÀ ä vÀªÄÀ ä°è ºÀ¸¯ ÛÀ ÁWÀªÀ ªÀiÁrPÉƼÀÄîªg À ÄÀ . MlÄÖ ºÀ¸¯ ÛÀ ÁWÀªU À ¼ À À ¸ÀASÉå 153 DzÀgÉ PÉÆoÀrAiÀÄ°ègÄÀ ªÀ d£ÀgÀ ¸ÀASÉå 1) 16 3) 18 ºÀvÄÀ Û ¥À± æ ßÉ UÀ¼° À è M§â «zÁåyðAiÀÄÄ MAzÀÄ «¨sÁUÀzÀ°è £Á®ÌQÌAvÀ ºÉZÀÄÑ ¥Àæ±ÉßUÀ¼À£ÀÄß vÉ U É z À Ä PÉ Æ ¼À î z É MlÄÖ DgÀ Ä ¥À æ ± É ß UÀ ¼ À £ À Ä ß GvÀj Û ¸À§ºÀÄzÁzÀ MlÄÖ «zsU À ¼ À ÄÀ 1) 200 3) 300 a b 83. ab n is 1) ab n 3) n a b a n−1 bn−1 2) n 4) n 2) 17 4) 19 a b a b 1) ab n a n+1 3) bn+1 28 n 2) 150 4) 100 £À CPÀgt À P ÁgÀPÀ a b a n−1 bn−1 2) n 4) n a b a n+1 bn+1 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 84. The volume and surface area of a sphere are numerically the same. The volume of the smallest cylinder in which the sphere exactly fits is 2) 36 π 1) 54 π 3) 27 π 4) 9 π 84. UÉ Æ Ã¼À z À ªÉ Ä Ã¯É ä öÊ «¹Û à tð ªÀ Ä vÀ Ä Û WÀ£¥ À ® Às UÀ¼ÄÀ ¸ÀªÄÀ ªÁVªÉ. F UÉÆüÀª£ À ÄÀ ß ¸ÀjAiÀiÁV PÀ¤µÀ× UÁvÀ« æ gÀĪÀ ¹°AqÀgï£À°è EqÀ¨ÃÉ PÁzÀg,É CzÀgÀ UÁvÀæ 1) 54 π 3) 27 π 2) 36 π 4) 9 π 85. In a triangle the side of length 12 cm is perpendicular to the side of length 5 cm. The lateral surface area of the solid got by rotating on the side 12 cm is 2) 65 π cm 2 1) 156 π cm 2 3) 60 π cm2 4) 35 π cm2 85. MAzÀÄ wæ¨ÄÀs dzÀ°è 12 ¸ÉA.«Äà GzÀÝ«gÀĪÀ 86. In an examination Arithmetic mean and standard deviation of Pradyumna are 60 and 3.84 and that of Chintu are 66 and 5.61. Then the true statement among the following is 1) Pradyumna is better scorer than Chintu 2) Pradyumna is more consistent than Chintu 3) Chintu is more consistent than Pradyumna 4) Both Pradyumna and Chintu are equally consistent 86. MAzÀÄ ¥ÀjÃPÉëAiÀÄ°è ¥ÀæzÀÄåªÀÄߣÀÄ UÀ½¹zÀ 87. A club consists of members whose ages are in A.P. the common difference being 3 months. If the youngest members of the club is just 7 years old and the sum of the ages of all the members is 250 years, then the number of members in the club are 1) 15 2) 20 3) 25 4) 30 87. MAzÀÄ ¸ÀAWÀz° À g è ÄÀ ªÀ ¸Àz¸ À åÀ gÀ ªÀAiÀĸÀÄìU¼ À ÄÀ ¨ÁºÀĪÀÅ 5 ¸ÉA.«Äà GzÀÝ«gÀĪÀ ¨ÁºÀÄ«UÉ ®A§ªÁVzÉ. 12 ¸ÉA.«Äà ¨ÁºÀÄ«£À ªÉÄÃ¯É wæ ¨ s À Ä dªÀ £ À Ä ß wgÀ Ä V¹zÁUÀ GAmÁUÀ Ä ªÀ WÀ£ÁPÀÈwAiÀÄ ¥Á±Àéð ªÉÄïÉäöÊ «¹ÛÃtð 1) 156 π ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ2 2) 65 π ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ2 3) 60 π ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ2 4) 35 π ¸ÉA.«ÄÃ2 ¸ÀgÁ¸Àj ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ªÀiÁ£ÀPÀ «ZÀ®£ÉU¼ À ÄÀ 60 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 3.84 ºÁUÀÆ aAlÄ«£ÀzÄÀ 66 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 5.61 DVªÉ. PɼV À £ÀªÅÀ UÀ¼° À è ¸ÀjAiÀiÁzÀ ºÉýPÉ 1) ¥Àz æ ÄÀ åªÄÀ ߣÀÄ aAlÄ«¤VAvÀ ºÉZÄÀ Ñ CAPÀ UÀ½¹gÀĪÀ£ÄÀ 2) ¥Àz æ ÄÀ åªÄÀ ߣÀÄ aAlÄ«¤VAvÀ ºÉZÄÀ Ñ ¹Ügv À É ºÉÆA¢gÀĪÀ£ÄÀ 3) aAlÄ£ÀÄ ¥Àz æ ÄÀ åªÀÄߤVAvÀ ºÉZÄÀ Ñ ¹Ügv À É ºÉÆA¢gÀĪÀ£ÄÀ 4) ¥Àz æ ÄÀ åªÄÀ ß ªÀÄvÀÄÛ aAlÄUÀ¼À ¹Ügv À É MAzÉà DVzÉ ¸ÀªÀiÁAvÀgÀ ±ÉæÃtÂAiÀÄ°èzÀÄÝ CvÀåAvÀ aPÀÌ ¸À z À ¸ À å £À ªÀ A iÀ Ä ¸À Ä ì K¼À Ä ªÀ µ À ð ªÁVzÉ . ¥ÀæwAiÉƧ⠸ÀzÀ¸Àå£À £ÀqÀÄ«£À ªÀAiÀĹì£À CAvÀgÀ ªÀÄÆgÀÄ wAUÀ¼ÁVzÉ. CªÀgÀ MlÄÖ ªÀAiÀĹì£À ªÉÆvÀÛ 250 ªÀµÀðUÀ¼ÀÄ DzÀgÉ, C°ègÄÀ ªÀ ¸Àz¸ À åÀ gÀÄUÀ¼À ¸ÀASÉå 1) 15 3) 25 29 2) 20 4) 30 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) 88. avÀæzÀ°è Δ PQR ||| Δ PST, Δ PQR ¸ÀÄvÀÛ¼ÀvÉ : Δ PST ¸ÀÄvÀÛ¼ÀvÉ = 3 : 4 DzÀgÉ Δ PST AiÀ Ä «¹Û à tð : Δ PQR £À 88. In the figure Δ PQR ||| Δ PST and perimeter of Δ PQR : perimeter of Δ PST = 3 : 4 then area of Δ PST : area of Δ PQR is 1) 3 : 4 3) 9 : 16 «¹ÛÃtð = 2) 16 : 9 4) 4 : 3 1) 3 : 4 3) 9 : 16 2) 16 : 9 4) 4 : 3 89. MAzÀ Ä £À Æ gÁ ªÀ Ä ÆªÀ v É Û g À q À Ä M¼É î A iÀ Ä 89. Twelve defective pens are accidentally mixed with 132 good ones. It is not possible to just look at a pen and tell whether or not it is defective. One pen is taken out at random from this lot. The probability of pen taken out is a good one is : ¥É £ À Ä ßUÀ ¼ É Æ A¢UÉ 12 vÉ Æ qÀ Q gÀ Ä ªÀ (defective) ¥É £ À Ä ßUÀ ¼ À Ä DPÀ ¹ äPÀ ª ÁV ¨Égv É ÄÀ PÉÆArªÉ. PÉêÀ® £ÉÆÃqÀĪÀÅzÀjAzÀ CªÀÅUÀ¼£ À ÄÀ ß vÉÆqÀQzÉAiÉÄà E®èªÃÉ JAzÀÄ UÀÄgÀÄw¸À®Ä ¸ÁzsÀå«®è. MAzÀÄ ¥É£ÀߣÀÄß AiÀiÁzÀÈaÒPª À ÁV vÉUAÉ iÀįÁVzÉ. vÉUz É À F ¥É£ÄÀ ß M¼ÉîAiÀÄ ¥É£ÁßVgÀĪÀ ¸ÀA¨sª À ¤ À ÃAiÀÄvÉ 1) 11 12 1) 11 12 2) 1 12 2) 1 12 3) 1 2 3) 1 2 4) 1 4) 1 90. The LCM of (x + y)2, (x – y) 2 and 90. (x + y)2, (x – y)2 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ (x2 – y2) UÀ¼À ®.¸Á.C (x2 – y2) is 1) (x2 – y2) 2) (x2 + y2)2 1) (x2 – y2) 2) (x2 + y2)2 3) (x2 – y2)3 4) (x2 – y2)2 3) (x2 – y2)3 4) (x2 – y2)2 30 *SATK10* SAT(K-10) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK avÀÄÛ §gÀºPÀ ÁÌV ¸ÀܼÀ 31 SAT(K-10) C¨såÀ yðUÀ½UÉ ¸ÀÆZÀ£U É ¼ À ÄÀ 1. ©r N.JªÀiï.Dgï. ¤ÃqÀ¯ÁVzÉ. 2. J¯Áè ¥À± æ ßÉ UÀ¼ÄÀ PÀqÁØAiÀÄ, ¥Àw æ à ¥À± æ ßÉ UÉ MAzÀÄ CAPÀ«zÉ. 3. ¥ÀjÃPÁë CªÀ¢A ü iÀÄ°è, (OMR) GvÀÛgÀ ¥ÀwæPÉ ºÁUÀÆ, 90 *SATK10* ¥Àæ±ÉßUÀ½gÀĪÀ ¥Àæ±Éß ¥ÀŹÛPÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß ¤ªÀÄUÉ • ¥Àw æ ¥À± æ ßÉ AiÀÄ£ÀÄß eÁUÀgÆ À PÀv¬ É ÄAzÀ N¢j. • N.JªÀiï.Dgï. (OMR) ¥ÀÅlzÀ°è ¥Àw æ ¥À± æ ßÉ ¸ÀASÉåUÉ ¸Àj ºÉÆ AzÀĪÀ GvÀÛgª À £ À ÄÀ ß UÀÄgÀÄw¸À®Ä ¤ÃqÀ¯ÁVgÀĪÀ £Á®ÄÌ ªÀÈvÀÛU¼ À À ¥ÉÊQ ¸ÀjAiÀiÁzÀ GvÀÛgz À À ªÀÈvÀÛª£ À ÄÀ ß ¤Ã°/PÀ¥ÅÀ à ±Á¬ÄAiÀÄ ¨Á¯ï À £ À ÄÀ ß ±ÉÃqï ªÀiÁrzÀ ªÉÄÃ¯É ¥Á¬ÄAmï ¥É£ï ªÀiÁvÀæ G¥ÀAiÉÆÃV¹ UÀÄgÀÄvÀÄ ªÀiÁr. MªÉÄä GvÀÛgª §zÀ¯Á¬Ä¸À®Ä CªÀPÁ±À«®è ªÀÄvÀÄÛ AiÀiÁªÀÅzÉà C£ÀUv À åÀ UÀÄgÀÄvÀÄUÀ¼£ À ÄÀ ß N.JªÀiï.Dgï. (OMR) GvÀÛgÀ ¥ÀwæPÉAiÀÄ ªÉÄÃ¯É ªÀiÁqÀPÀÆqÀzÀÄ. • GzÁ : 20 £Éà ¥À± æ ßÉ AiÀÄ ¸Àj GvÀÛgª À ÅÀ PÀ.æ ¸ÀA. 3 DVzÀÝ°è N.JªÀiï.Dgï. (OMR) ¥ÀÅlzÀ°è PÀ.æ ¸ÀA. gÀ ªÀÄÄAzÉ F jÃw ¤Ã°/PÀ¥ÅÀ à ¨Á¯ï ¥Á¬ÄAmï ¥É£ï G¥ÀAiÉÆÃV¹ ªÀÈvÀÛª£ À ÄÀ ß UÀÄgÀÄvÀÄ ªÀiÁqÀĪÀÅzÀÄ. F PɼÀUÉ vÉÆÃj¹zÀAvÉ ¸ÀA¥ÀÇtðªÁV vÀÄA§¨ÉÃPÀÄ. 20 20. 1 2 3 4 (EzÀÄ GzÁºÀgu À É ªÀiÁvÀæ) 4. MAzÀÄ ¥À± æ ßÉ UÉ GvÀÛgª À ÁV MAzÀQÌAvÀ ºÉZÀÄÑ ªÀÈvÀÛUÀ¼À£ÀÄß UÀÄgÀÄvÀÄ ªÀiÁrzÀ°è CAvÀºÀ GvÀÛgÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß vÀ¥àÉAzÀÄ ¥ÀjUÀt¹  CAPÀU¼ À £ À ÄÀ ß ¤ÃqÀ®Ä §gÀĪÀÅ¢®è. 5. N.JªÀiï.Dgï. (OMR) ¥ÀÅlzÀ°è ¤UÀ¢vÀ ¸Àܼz À ° À è C¨såÀ yð ºÁUÀÆ PÉÆoÀr ªÉÄðéZÁgÀPg À ÄÀ vÀ¥àÀzÃÉ ¸À» ªÀiÁqÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. 6. ¥ÀjÃPÁë CªÀ¢ü ªÀÄÄVzÀ £ÀAvÀgÀ GvÀÛj¹zÀ N.JªÀiï.Dgï. (OMR) ¥ÀÅlªÀ£ÄÀ ß PÉÆoÀr ªÉÄðéZÁgÀPj À UÉ vÀ¥ÀàzÉà M¦à¸v À ÀPÀÌzÀÄÝ. 7. ¥ÀjÃPÁë PÉÆoÀrAiÉƼÀUÉ, PÁå®ÄÌ å¯ÉÃlgï, ªÉƨÉʯï zÀÆgÀªÁtÂAiÀÄ£ÀÄß (E£ÁߪÀÅzÉà J¯ÉPÁÖç¤Pï G¥ÀPg À t À UÀ¼£ À ÄÀ ß) vÀgÄÀ ªÀÅzÀ£ÄÀ ß ¤µÉâü¹zÉ. 8. C£ÀĪÁ¢vÀ ¥À± æ ßÉ ¥ÀwPæ U É ¼ À ° À è AiÀiÁªÀÅzÉà ¸ÀªÄÀ ¸ÉåU¼ À ÄÀ GzÀ㫹zÀ°è ¥À± æ ßÉ ¥ÀwPæ A É iÀÄ EAVèµï gÀÆ¥ÁAvÀgª À ÃÉ CAwªÀĪÉAzÀÄ w½AiÀĨÉÃPÀÄ. 9. AiÀiÁªÀÅzÉà ©ü£Áß©ü¥ÁæAiÀÄUÀ¼ÄÀ EzÀÝ°è DSERT ¬ÄAzÀ £ÉëĸÀ®àlÖ vÀdÕgÀ C©ü¥ÁæAiÀĪÉà CAwªÀÄ. Note : English version of the instructions is printed on the front cover of this booklet.