
Joseph DiMento`s CV - UCI Law - University of California, Irvine

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Joseph DiMento`s CV - UCI Law - University of California, Irvine
University of California, Irvine
B.A. (Government, cum laude), Harvard College, Cambridge,
Ph.D. (Urban and Regional Planning), University of Michigan.
J.D. University of Michigan.
Academic Positions
Professor, School of Law, University of California, Irvine, UCI.
Professor, Planning, Policy, and Design and Criminology, Law and Society,
School of Social Ecology; Paul Merage School of Business; Transportation
Science; and Global Peace and Conflict Studies, UCI.
Director, Newkirk Center for Science and Society, UCI.
Head, Focused Research Group in International Environmental
Cooperation, UCI.
Assistant Executive Vice Chancellor, UCI.
Director of Land Management, Office of the Chancellor, UCI.
Consultant, Public Policy Research Organization, UCI.
Head, Criminology, Law and Society Section, Program in Social Ecology,
Head, Center for Orange County Research, UCI.
Associate Director, Public Policy Research Organization, UCI.
Visiting Professor, University of Florida Law School.
Director, Program in Social Ecology, UCI.
Visiting Associate Professor, Ph.D. Program in Urban and Regional
Planning and Visiting Faculty, Law School, University of Michigan.
Visiting Scholar, School of Architecture and Urban Planning; Co-teaching,
Law School, UCLA.
Assistant-Associate Professor, Program in Social Ecology, UCI.
Professional Activities
Memberships and Affiliations
The American Society of International Law
State Bar of California
State Bar of California Environmental Law Section
State Bar of California, Condemnation Committee, 1983-1985
City of Irvine Planning Commission 1988-1989
City of Irvine Transportation Commission 1988
City of Irvine Committee on Environmental Assistance
Irvine Campus Housing Authority, Board of Directors, 1984-1985 and 1989-; Vice
President, 1984-1985; Secretary, 1989-1998.
Science Advisory Board, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Technology
Assessment and Pollution Control Advisory Committee, 1978-1981
Public Law Center, Board of Directors, 1989-91
Panel Member, Pro-Mediate and Real Estate Arbitration and Mediation Services
South Coast Air Quality Management District, Advisory Council, 1981-1985
Faculty Fellow, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
The Law and Society Association
Comitato Scientifico (Scientific Committee), Rivista Giuridica Dell'Ambiente
Editor, “Focus North America,” Rivista Giuridica Dell'Ambiente
Environmental Law Network International
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Senior Care Resources, Newport Beach, California, Vice President
Book Review Editor, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and
Editorial Board, Natural Resources Journal
Advisory Board, The Newkirk Center for Science and Society
Related Experience
Fulbright Distinguished Professor, Polytechnic of Torino, Italy
Adjunct Professor, Whittier Law School.
Visiting Lecturer, environmental law, Universita’ degli Studi dell’Isubria;
Universita’ Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore, Sede De Piacenza.
Fulbright Research Fellow, Italy (criminal law and the environment).
Special Assistant, Appellate Section, Land and Natural Resources Division,
United States Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar, "Dante’s Italy,"
Florence, Italy (focus on urban development laws).
Kellogg National Fellow (focus on scientific basis of environmental and
occupational regulation).
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar for Law
Teachers, Yale University Law School (focus on the Takings Issue in
Constitutional Law).
Research Assistant, State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
Assistant to the Director, Ann Arbor Model Cities Program, Ann Arbor,
DiMento, J., Managing Environmental Change. (Praeger Publishers, New York), 1976.
DiMento, J., The Consistency Doctrine and the Limits of Planning. (Oelgeschlager, Gunn &
Hain, Boston), 1980.
DiMento, J., Environmental Law and American Business: Dilemmas of Compliance.
(Plenum: New York), 1986.
DiMento, J., Graymer, L., and Schnidman, F., (eds.), The Urban Caldron. (Oelgeschlager,
Gunn and Hain, Boston), 1986.
Graymer, L., DiMento, J., and Schnidman, F., Rental Housing in California. (Oelgeschlager,
Gunn and Hain, Boston), 1987.
DiMento, J. (ed.), Wipeouts and Their Mitigation: The Changing Context for Land Use and
Environmental Law. (Lincoln Institute of Land Policy: Cambridge, MA), 1990.
DiMento, J. (ed.), Confronting Regional Challenges: Approaches to LULUs, Growth, and
Other Vexing Governance Problems. (Lincoln Institute of Land Policy: Cambridge,
MA), 1991.
Nespor, S., with DiMento, J., et al., Rapporto Mondiale Sul Diritto Dell ‘Ambiente/A World
Survey of Environmental Law. (Giuffré Editore, Milano), 1996.
DiMento, J. The Global Environment and International Law (University of Texas Press),
DiMento, J. and Doughman, P. (eds). Climate Change: What it Means to Us, Our Children
and Our Grandchildren (MIT Press, 2007; 2d ed 2014).
DiMento, J. and Hickman A., Environmental Governance of the Great Seas: Law and Effect
(Edward Elgar), 2012.
DiMento J. and Ellis C., Changing Lanes: Visions and Histories of Urban Freeways (MIT
Press), 2013
Chapters and Articles
Kelly, J. G., DiMento, J., and Gottlieb, B., "The Community as Teacher," in D. Flourney
(ed.), The New Teachers (Jossey-Bass, Inc., San Francisco), 1971.
Sax, J.L., with DiMento, J., "A Supplement to Sax and Conner, Michigan Environmental
Protection Act of 1970: A Progress Report." Hearings Before the Subcommittee on
the Environment, Committee on Commerce, United States Senate (No. 9319), 1973.
Sax, J., and DiMento, J., "Environmental Citizen Suits: Three Years' Experience Under the
Michigan Environmental Protection Act," 4 Ecology Law Quarterly 1 (Winter 1974).
DiMento, J., "Looking Back: Consistency in Response to and Interpretation of the
California Consistency Requirement: A.B. 1301," II Pepperdine Law Review S196
(Spring 1975).
Catalano, R., and DiMento, J., "Mandating Consistency Between Zoning Ordinances and
General Plans: The California Experience," VIII Natural Resources Lawyer 455
DiMento, J., "Citizen Environmental Legislation in the States: An Overview," 53 Journal of
Urban Law 413 (February 1976).
Catalano, R., and DiMento, J., "Local Government Response to State Environmental Impact
Assessment Requirements: An Explanation and a Typology," 7 Environmental
Law 25 (Fall 1976).
DiMento, J., "Citizen Environmental Litigation and the Administrative Process: Empirical
Findings, Remaining Issues and a Direction for Future Research," 2 Duke Law
Journal 409 (May 1977).
Hagman, D., and DiMento, J., "The Consistency Requirement in California," 30 Land Use
Law & Zoning Digest 5 (1978).
DiMento, J., "Have We Found A Free Lunch? Evaluating Public Participation in
Environmental Decision Making," Lead Chapter in A. Randall (ed.), Citizen
Participation in Natural Resource Decision Making, The North Central Research
Strategy Committee for Natural Resources, The Farm Foundation and the Department
of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky (November 1978).
DiMento, J., "Improving Development Control Through Planning: The Consistency
Doctrine," 5 Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 1 (Fall 1978).
Reprinted in: Land Use and Environment Law Review (Clark Boardman,
New York) 1980.
DiMento, J., Hagman, D., et al., "Land Development and Environmental Control in the
California Supreme Court: The Deferential, the Preservationist, and the
Preservationist-Erratic Eras," 27 UCLA Law Review 859 (April-June 1980).
Reprinted in: Handbook of Judicial Conference on California Land Use
Planning and Regulation (1983).
DiMento, J., "Developing the Consistency Doctrine: The Contribution of the California
Courts," 20 Santa Clara Law Review 285 (Spring 1980).
DiMento, J. "Making Usable Information on Environmental Stressors: Opportunities for the
Research and Policy Communities," 37 Journal of Social Issues 172 (Winter 1981).
DiMento, J., "The Consistency Doctrine: Continuing Controversy," 4 Zoning and Planning
Law Report 89 (January 1981).
Reprinted in F. Strom, Zoning and Planning Law Handbook (Clark
Boardman, New York) 1982.
DiMento, J., "The Consistency Doctrine in its Adolescence: More Questions about the Role
of Comprehensive Plans," 5 Zoning and Planning Law Report 49 (July-August,
Reprinted in J.B. Gailey, Zoning and Planning Law Handbook (Clark
Boardman, New York) 1984.
DiMento, J., "Much Ado About Environmental Stressor Research: Policy Implications," in
G. Evans (ed.), Environmental Stress (Cambridge University Press, New York) 1982.
DiMento, J., "Asking God to Solve Our Problems: Citizen Environmental Suit Legislation
in the Western States," 2 UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy 169
(Spring 1982).
DiMento, J., "But It's Only Planning: Planning and the Taking Issue in Land Development
and Environmental Control Law," 6 Zoning and Planning Law Report 137 (JulyAugust, 1983).
Reprinted in J.B. Gailey, Zoning and Planning Law Handbook (Clark
Boardman, New York) 1984.
DiMento, J., "Environmental Hope or Hysteria of Dilettante Earth Savers? A Return to the
Debate Over MEPA," 63 Michigan Bar Journal 348 (May 1984).
DiMento, J., "Taking the Planning Offensive: Implementing the Consistency Doctrine," 7
Zoning and Planning Law Report 41 (June 1984).
DiMento, J., "Zoning in Accordance with a Comprehensive Plan," Chapter 12 of A.H.
Rathkopf and D.A. Rathkopf, The Law of Zoning and Planning (Clark Boardman,
New York) 1985.
DiMento, J., Lambert, W., Suarez-Villa, L., and Tripodes, J. "Sitting Low-Level Radioactive
Waste Facilities," 15 Journal of Environmental Systems, 19 (1985-86).
DiMento, J. "Der consensus workshop: Ein Geeignetes Forum für Grenzwertsetzung" (The
Consensus Workshop: Institutional Innovations for Improving the Scientific Basis of
Environmental Regulations) in Gerd Winter (ed.) Grenzwerte (Werner-Verlag:
Düsseldorf) 1986.
DiMento, J., "State Environmental Policy Acts," in A.H. Rathkopf and D.A. Rathkopf, The
Law of Zoning and Planning (Clark Boardman, New York) 1988.
DiMento, J., "Can Social Science Explain Organizational Noncompliance with
Environmental Law?" 45 Journal of Social Issues 109 (1989).
Reprinted in Bridget Hutter, A Reader in Environmental Law (Oxford University
Press), 1999.
DiMento, J., "Florida's Growth Management Act of 1985. Coping with Consistency," in
J.M. DeGrove and J.C. Juergensmeyer (eds.), Perspectives on Florida's Growth
Management Act of 1985 (1986).
Nordenstam, B., and DiMento, J., "Right-to-Know: Implications of Risk Communication
Research for Regulatory Policy," 23 U.C. Davis Law Review 333 (Winter 1990).
DiMento, J., "Mining the Archives of Pennsylvania Coal: Heaps of Constitutional
Mischief," II The Journal of Legal History 396 (December 1990).
Reprinted in Chused, Richard H., A Property Anthology (2nd ed.) (Anderson, 1997)
Nordenstam, B.J., and DiMento, J., "Right-to-Know: Implications of Risk Communication
Research for Regulatory Policy," in H.B.F. Gow and H. Otway (ed.) Communications
With the Public About Major Accident Hazards (Elsevier Applied Science, London,
Calavita, K., DiMento, J., and Geis, G., "Per Non Dover Più Piangere: Strategie per il
Controllo delle Trasgressioni Ambientali," 3 Rivista Giuridica Dell'Ambiente 603
(September 1990).
Calavita, K., DiMento, J., Geis, G., and Forti, G. "Dam Disasters and Durkheim: An
Analysis of the Theme of Repressive and Restitutive Law," 19 International Journal
of the Sociology of Law 407 (1991).
DiMento, J., "Comprehensive Plan Requirements and the Consistency Doctrine," in A.H.
Rathkopf and D. A. Rathkopf, The Law of Zoning and Planning (Clark Boardman,
New York) 1992.
DiMento, J. and Hestermann, D., "Ordering the Elephants to Dance: Consent Decrees and
Organizational Behavior," 43 Washington University Journal of Urban and
Contemporary Law 301 (Spring 1993).
DiMento, J., "Criminal Enforcement of Environmental Law," 525 The Annals of the
American Academy of Political and Social Science 134 (January 1993).
Hestermann, D., DiMento, J., van Hengel, D., and Nordenstam, B. "Impacts of a Consent
Decree on `the Last Urban Freeway': Interstate 105 in Los Angeles County." 27A
Transportation Research-A 299 (1993).
Jarass, H., and DiMento, J., "German Environmental Law in Comparison to U.S.
Environmental Law," 92 Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 420
Jarass, H., and DiMento, J., "Through Comparative Lawyers' Goggles: A Primer on
German Environmental Law," VI Georgetown International Environmental Law
Review 47 (Winter 1993).
DiMento, J., "Il Sistema USA Diviso Tra Pena E Consenso," 4 L'Impresa Ambiente 67
DiMento, J., "Hazardous Waste Management in The Middle East: Some Confidence
Building in The Struggle for Peace," in S. Spiegel (ed.) Practical Peacemaking in The
Middle East: The Environment, Water, Refugees, and Economic Cooperation and
Development (Garland, N.Y.) 1995.
Geis, G., and DiMento, J., "Should We Prosecute Corporations and/or Individuals?” in
F. Pearce and L. Snider (eds.), Corporate Crime: Ethics, Law, and The State
(University of Toronto Press) 1995.
Lee, Kyung-Jae translation of DiMento, J., “Compliance with Environmental Law: The Use
and Value of Criminal Sanctions, 3 Korean Criminological Review (1995).
DiMento, J., and Bertolini, F., "Green Management and the Regulatory Process: For Mother
Earth, Market Share and Modern Rule," 9 The Transnational Lawyer 121
(Spring 1996).
DiMento, J., “EIA in International Environmental Policy” in Environmental Law Network
International (ed.) International Environmental Impact Assessment (Cameron:
May 1997).
DiMento, J., "NAFTA and a ‘North American Environmental Law’", in S. Nespor,
B. Caravita, J. DiMento, et al., (eds.), Rapporto Mondiale sul Diritto
Dell’Ambiente/A World Survey of Environmental Law (Giuffrè Editore, Milano)
DiMento, J., and Silecchia, L., "A Time to Put Things Together and . . . A Time to Question
Strategies of Environmental Law in the Mid '90's," in S. Nespor, B. Caravita, J.
DiMento, et al., (eds.), Rapporto Mondiale sul Diritto Dell’Ambiente/A World
Survey of Environmental Law (Giuffrè Editore, Milano) 1996.
Hestermann, D., DiMento, J., van Hengel, D., and Nordenstam, B., "Public Works, the
Courts, and the Consent Decree: Environmental and Social Effects of the `Freeway
with a Heart'" in L. Brewer (ed.), Public Works Administration: Current Public
Policy Perspectives (Sage, Thousand Oaks) 1997.
DiMento, J., Ryan, S., and van Hengel, D., "Local Government Land Use Policy Responses
to The Century Freeway/Transitway,” 17 Journal of Planning Education and Research
145 (1997).
DiMento, J., and Doughman, P., “Soft Teeth in the Back of the Mouth: The NAFTA
Environmental Side Agreement Implemented, “X. The Georgetown International
Environmental Law Review 651 (Spring 1998).
Van Hengel, D., DiMento, J., and Ryan, S., “Equal Access? Travel Behavior Change in the
Century Freeway Corridor,” 36 Urban Studies 547 (1999).
DiMento, J., “The Black Sea Environment Regime: Half Full?” in Linda Kruger (ed.),
Monitoring Black Sea Environmental Conditions: Working Group Proceedings
(World Federation of Scientists, Lausanne) 1999.
DiMento, J., “Slate Environmental Impact Review,” in Edward H. Ziegler, Jr., Rathkopf’s
The Law of Zoning and Planning (West Group, St. Paul), 1999.
DiMento, J., “Black Sea Environmental Management: Prospects for New Paradigms in
Transitional Contexts,” in Helen Ingram and Joaquim Blatter (eds.), Reflections on
Water: New Approaches to Transboundary Conflicts and Cooperation (Cambridge,
MIT Press) 2001.
DiMento, J., “Once There Were to Be Green Fields: Cooperative Approaches to
Environmental Clean up: Promise and Performance,” in F. Sgubbi and M. Franzoni,
Diritto Dell'Ambiente: Le Discipline Di Settore (Torino, G. Giappichelli Editore)
DiMento, J., and Forti, G., “Green Managers Don’t Cry: Criminal Environmental Law and
Corporate Strategy” in H.N. Pontell and D. Shichor (eds.) Contemporary Issues in
Crime and Criminal Justice: Essays in Honor of Gilbert Geis (Prentice Hall) 2001.
DiMento, J., Ingram, H., Matthew, R., and Whiteley, J. (eds.), “Symposium on International
Environmental Law,” volume edition. 19 UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and
Policy 1 (Spring 2001).
DiMento, J., Ingram, H., Matthew, R., Whiteley, J., and Doughman, P. “Implementation of
the NAFTA Institutions-The Record and the Potential” in Scovazzi, T. (ed.). The
Protection of the Environment in a Context of Regional Economic Integration
(Giuffre editore) 2001.
DiMento, J., “Lessons Learned,” in 19 UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy 1
(Spring 2001).
DiMento, J., Geis, G., and Gelfand, J., “Corporate Criminal Liability: A Bibliography.” 28
Western State University Law Review 1 (2000-2001).
Geis, G., and DiMento, J.F.C., “Empirical Evidence and the Legal Doctrine of Corporate
Criminal Liability,” 29 American Journal of Criminal Law 341 (Summer 2002).
DiMento, J., “International Environmental Law: A Global Assessment,” XXXIII The
Environmental Law Reporter, 10 387 (June, 2003).
DiMento, J., “Process, Norms, Compliance, and International Environmental Law,” 18
Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation 251 (2003).
DiMento, J., and Ingram, J. “Science and Environmental Decision making: The Potential
Role of Environmental Impact Assessment in the Pursuit of Appropriate Information”
45 Natural Resources Journal 283 (Spring 2005).
Kaminski, S., Geis. G., Mazumdar. S., and DiMento, J., “The Viability of Voluntary
Visitability,” The Journal of Disability Policy Studies. (2006).
Cho, B., Geis, G., and DiMento, J., “Economic and Environmental Crimes” in Hans
Joachim Schneider (ed.) International Handbook of Criminology (Walter de Gruyter,
Berlin, New York, 2006).
Geis, G., and DiMento, J., “Corporate Criminal Liability in the United States,” in Stephen
Tully, Research Handbook on Corporate Legal Responsibility, Edward Elgar
Publishing Limited (2005).
DiMento, J., “La procedura di VIA negli Stati Uniti, Considerazioni generali e particolarita’
nel caso di grandi opere di interesse pubblico, in Stefano Margiotta (ed.). The
Environmental Impact Assessment of Major Projects, 2007.
DiMento, J., and Geis, G., "The Extraordinary Condition of Extraordinary Rendition," in 2
War Crimes, Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity, 35 (2006)
Reprinted in Asifi Begum, ed. Terrorist Detention and Rendition: State Practices
Amicus books, The Icfai University Press 2008-09.
Craik N., and DiMento, J., “Environmental Cooperation in the (Partially) Disaggregated
State: Lessons from the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, 8
Chicago Journal of International Law 479 (Winter, 2008)
DiMento, J. “Arterie urbane: tre diversi esperimenti nelle città americane” [“Urban
Freeways: Three Different City Tales” XXXI Storia Urbana 69 (gennai-marzo
DiMento, J. “Stent (or Dagger?) I the Heart of Town: Urban Freeways in Syracuse, 19441967” 8 Journal of Planning History 133, (May 2009)
Craik N., and DiMento, J., “Climate Law and Policy in North America: Prospects for
Regionalism” 1 San Diego Journal of Climate and Energy 195 (2009)
DiMento, J., and Geis, G., "Extraordinary Rendition: Legal and Moral Considerations" in
Tullio Scovazzi, Irini Papanicolopulu and Sabrina Urbinati, I Diritti Umani Di fronte
Al Giudice Internazionale, Giuffre Editore 2009
DiMento, J. and Oshio, K., Forgotten Paths to NEPA: A Historical Analysis of Early
Environmental Law in the 1960s United States, 27 The Journal of American and
Canadian Studies 19 (2009)
DiMento, Joseph F., and Geis, G., “Ethics and the Policy of Extraordinary Rendition,” in
Kristen Renwick Monroe (ed.), Uneasy Bedfellows? Science and the Study of Ethics,
Paradigm Publishers (2012)
DiMento, Joseph F. C., “UCI Law: The First Half Century,” I UC Irvine Law Review 25
(March 2011)
Camacho, Alejandro E., DiMento, Joseph F. C., and Robinson-Dorn, Michael, “Forward:
Environmental Law at UCI,” 4 UC Irvine Law Review 1081 (December 2011)
DiMento, J., “Environmental Law and the Urban Freeway: Changing Lanes (Diritto
Ambientale E Superstrade Urbane: Cambio Di Direzione).” Rivista Giuridica
Dell’Ambiente 3 (2012): 4. Revised September 13, 2014.
DiMento, Joseph F. "Fonti Engergetiche Transfrontaliere E Diritto Ambientale,
Politica E Politiche: Il Caso Del Gasdotto Keystone Pipeline in Canada E
Negli Stati Uniti (Transboundary Environmental Energy and Environmental
Law, Policy and Politics: The Keystone Pipeline Case in Canada and the
United States)." Rivista Giuridica Dell’Ambiente 5 (2013): 2014-2.
DiMento, Joseph. "Laudato si'." Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable
Development 57.6 (2015): 9-11.
DiMento, Joseph F. "Protection of Our Earth--A Half Century of Environmental
Law." JUS, Rivista Di Scienze Giuridiche, (forthcoming 2016): 2015-94.
DiMento, Joseph F. C., “Environmental Governance of the Arctic: Law, Effect, Now
Implementation,” 7 UC Irvine Law Review (forthcoming 2016)
DiMento, Joseph F. “The Arctic: Source of energy? Source of conflict? Source of policy
innovation,” in Raphael J. Heffron and Gavin Little (eds.), Delivering Energy Policy
in the EU and the US: A Reader, Edinburgh University Press (forthcoming 2016)
Book Reviews and Column Articles
DiMento, J., Review of Michael A. Baram, Environmental Law and the Siting of Facilities:
Issues in Land Use and Coastal Zone Management, (Ballinger, Cambridge,
Massachusetts) 1976. 53 Economic Geography 311 (July 1977).
DiMento, J., Review of Bernard J. Frieden and Marshall Kaplan, The Politics of Neglect
(The MIT Press, London, England) 1975. 15 Urban Studies 114 (February 1978).
DiMento, J., Review of Mary Brooks, Housing Equity and Environmental Protection: The
Needless Conflict (The American Institute of Planners, Washington, D.C.) 1976.
4 New York Affairs 104 (1978).
DiMento, J., Review of Brent Fisse and Peter A. French, Corrigible Corporations and
Unruly Law (Trinity University Press, San Antonio), 1985. 81 American Political
Science Review 282 (1987).
DiMento, J., Review of Gary C. Bigner and Dennis L. Thompson, The Constitution and the
Regulation of Society (Brigham Young University) 1988. 84 American Political
Science Review 1372 (1991).
DiMento, J., Review of Susan Rose-Ackerman, Controlling Environmental Policy: The
Limits of Public Law in Germany and The United States (New Haven: Yale
University Press) 1995. The Annals of The American Academy of Political and
Social Science 180 (March 1997).
DiMento, J., Review of Francesco Bertolini and Gabriele Triolo, Green Management.
L'Ecologia come Vantaggio Competitivo per L’Impresa, EGEA (Università Bocconi e
Giuffrè Editori, Milano) 1996 and Marco Frey, Il Management Ambientale.
Evoluzione Organizzativa e Gestionale del Rapporto Impresa Ambiente (Franco
Angeli, Milano) 1996. XII Rivista Giuridica Dell'Ambiente 197 (1997). “The NAFTA
Environmental Side Agreement Among The United States, Mexico and Canada.”
DiMento, J., “L’Accordo di Cooperazione Ambientale tra Stati Uniti, Messico e Canada,”
1/1999, Focus-North America, Rivista Giuridica Dell’Ambiente. “Takings: Recent
Law as a Controversial Doctrine.”
DiMento, J., “I Takings: Un discusso istituto giuridico per proteggere l’ambiente,” 2/1999,
Focus-North America, Rivista Giuridica Dell’Ambiente. “Liability Under Superfund:
Reforms in Sight?”
DiMento, J., “Responsabilita Secondo ‘Superfund’: Semplificazioni in Vista?” 6/99, FocusNorth America, Rivista Giuridica Dell’Ambiente.
DiMento, J., “Recenti Sviluppi in Materia Di Legittimazione ad Agire Nelle Cause
Ambientali” 2/2000, Focus-North America, Rivista Guiridica Dell’Ambiente. “Recent
Developments in Standing Law in Environmental Cases.”
DiMento, J., “Voltafaccia sulla legislazione ambientale in U.S.A.?” (“Undoing
Environmental Law”)/2001, Focus-North America, Rivista Giuridica Dell’Ambiente.
DiMento, J., “Due casi interessanti: conservazione delle specie a rischio e sanzioni per
violazioni ambientali” (“Conservation of endangered species and sanctions for
environmental violations”)/2002 Focus-North America Rivista Giuridica
DiMento, J., Review of Prue Taylor, An Ecological Approach to International Law:
Responding to Challenges of Climate Change (Routledge, London, 1998)
41 Environment 44 (October 1999).
DiMento, J., Review of Jay E Austin and Carl E. Bruch (eds.) The Environmental
Consequences of War (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000) Environment
March 2002.
DiMento, J., Review of Heather L. Beach et al., Transboundary Fresh Water Dispute
Resolution (Tokyo, New York, Paris, United Nations University Press, 2000), 42
Natural Resources Journal 223(Winter 2002).
DiMento, J., Review of Reconciling Environment and Trade by Edith Brown Weiss and
John H. Jackson (eds) in Environment.
DiMento, J., Review of International Law & the Environment (2nd ed) by Patricia Birnie and
Alan Boyle in International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and
DiMento, J., “Ambiente, attivitá commerciali e dispute sugli investimenti: il Capitolo 11 del
NAFTA nella pratica,” 5/2002, Focus – North America, Rivista Giuridica
Dell’Ambiente. “Environment, Trade and Investment Disputes: Chapter 11 of
NAFTA in Practice.”
DiMento, J., Review of Brian Czech and Paul R. Krausman, The Endangered Species Act:
History, Conservation Biology, and Public Policy (Baltimore, MD, Johns Hopkins
University Press, 2001), 44 Environment November 2002.
DiMento, J., “La ‘Coastal Commission’ Della California: Sviluppi Recenti” [“The
California Coastal Commission, Recent Developments”] ¾ 2003 5/2002, Focus –
North America, Rivista Giuridica Dell’Ambiente.
DiMento, J., “’Un’Altra Vittoria Cosi’ Disputa Commerciale Nel Nord America: Lumber
IV” [“’Another Such Victory and…’The Soft Wood Trade Dispute Between Canada
and the United States, No. IV.”] 5/2002, Focus – North America, Rivista Giuridica
Dell’Ambiente. 5/2003
DiMento, J., “Il NAFTA e l’accordo di cooperazione ambientale tra Stati Uniti, Canada e
Messico dieci anni dopo la firma” [ “NAFTA and Its Environmental Side Agreement
at Year 10”] 5/2002, Focus – North America, Rivista Giuridica Dell’Ambiente.
DiMento, J., “Kyoto e Senza Kyoto: North America e Le Risposte a l’Effetto serra” [“Kyoto
and Without Kyoto: North America and Responses to the Greenhouse Effect”]
2004/B 5/2002, Focus – North America, Rivista Giuridica Dell’Ambiente.
DiMento, J. Review of Dennis Pirages and Ken Cousins, From resource scarcity to
ecological security: exploring the limits of growth (MIT Press, 2005) 7International
Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 99 (2007)
Craik N., and DiMento, J., “Regionalismo, Cambiamento Climatico E Nord America”
[“Regionalism, Climate Change and North America”] 2008 6/2008, Focus – North
America, Rivista Giuridica Dell’Ambiente.
DiMento, J. Review of Mike Hulme, Why We Disagree About Climate Change:
Understanding Controversy, Inaction and Opportunity (Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press 2009), 10 Global Environmental Politics 167 (February 2010)
DiMento, J. F. C. Review of Erik J. Molenaar, Alex G. Oude Elferink and Donald Rothwell,
The Law of the Sea and the Polar Regions: Interactions between Global and Regional
Regimes (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2013), International Environmental
Agreements 14.3 (2014)
Reports and Technical Papers
DiMento, J., "The Citizen Suit: An Added Tool for Environmental Management,"
Communicator, Great Lakes Basin Commission, January 1975.
With R. Catalano and Public Policy Research Organization Team, "The California
Environmental Quality Act: Local Government Response," PPRO Report,
December 1975.
DiMento, J., "The Michigan Environmental Protection Act of 1970," Michigan Historical
Collections, Bentley Historical Library, 1980.
DiMento, J., "Review of Programs and Approaches to Agriculture Preservation,"
Washtenaw County Rural Policies, 1980.
DiMento, J., "Environmental Indicators Project: Social Domain," Indicators of Future
Environmental Problems, University of Michigan, July 1981.
DiMento, J., and Lambert, W., "Mandatory Deposit Laws: A Review of the Literature on
Impacts," Program in Social Ecology, University of California, Irvine, September
DiMento, J., "Planning in a Non-Planful Culture: The Consistency Doctrine in the Western
States,” New Perspectives on Planning in the West, Arizona State University,
March 27, 1982 (Conference Proceedings).
DiMento, J., "Environmental Indicators: Social Domain," Prepared for Environmental
Indicators Project, United States Environmental Protection Agency, University of
Michigan, April 1984.
DiMento, J., Harrison, J., and Belsky, M., "Joint and Several Liability: A Study of the
Fiscal and Social Impact of a Change in the Doctrine," (University of Florida,
College of Law, 1985, prepared for the Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers).
DiMento, J., "The 1988 Orange County Growth Initiative: What It Says/What It Does," (A
Report to the Orange County Chapter of the American Institute of Architects),
May 1988.
Bracy, K., and DiMento, J., "UCI's Center for Orange County Research: Studying Health
and Health Care in Orange County," 3/4 Journal of Orange County Studies 92
(Fall 1989/Spring 1990)
DiMento, J., Baker, J., Detlefson, R., van Hengel, D., Hestermann, D., and Nordenstam, B.,
Court Intervention, The Consent Decree, and the Century Freeway (Caltrans,
Research Technical Agreement, September 1991).
DiMento, J., Nordenstam, B., Hestermann, D., and van Hengel, D., Regional Projects/Local
Concerns: Urban Freeways, Citizen Participation and Community (Final Report,
Haynes Foundation, November, 1992).
DiMento, J., van Hengel, D., and Ryan, S., The Century Freeway/Transitway 1-105:
Nucleation, Land Use Changes and Transportation Behavior (Final Report, State of
California Department of Transportation and University of California Transportation
Center, 1995).
DiMento, J., van Hengel, D., and Ryan, S., "The Century Freeway: Design by Consent
Decree," 9 Access 7 (Fall 1996).
DiMento, J., and Doughman, P., "The NAFTA Environmental Side Agreement
Implemented," Global Peace and Conflict Studies, University of California, Irvine
(April 1997).
Boarnet, M., DiMento, J., Macy, G., “Toll Highway Finance in California: Lessons from
Orange County,” California Policy Research Center, 2002.
DiMento, J., and Morgan, J. (eds.) Proceedings, Globalization and Free Trade: Who Wins?
Who Loses? Newkirk Center for Science and Society [2005].
Boarnet, M., and DiMento, J. “The Private Sector’s Role in Highway Finance: Lessons
from SR 91,” Access, number 25, Fall 2004.
DiMento, Joseph F., “City Planning,” Collier’s Encyclopedia (Collier’s, New York
Professional Papers and Addresses
DiMento, J., "The Model Cities Program: National and Local Experience," Invited lecture,
University of Michigan, April 1972.
DiMento, J., "Social Planning, Model Cities, and Landscape Architecture," Paper delivered
to Michigan Regional meeting of the Association of Landscape Architects,
Summer 1972.
DiMento, J., "Administrative Agency Response to Innovative Environmental Legislation,"
Invited address, Battelle Research Institute, Human Affairs Research Center,
April 1974.
DiMento, J., "Citizen Participation in Environmental Decision Making," Invited lecture,
University of Michigan, December 1974.
Catalano, R., and DiMento, J., "Heresy in the Land of T.J. Kent: Planning is Zoning is
Planning," Paper delivered at the 57th Annual Conference, American Institute of
Planners, San Antonio, Texas, October 1975.
DiMento, J., "Proposition 15: A Legal Analysis," Paper delivered to University of
California, Irvine Symposium, "Facts of Nuclear Energy Utilization," May 1976.
DiMento, J., "Should Porpoises Have an International Legal Personality?" Paper delivered at
Involvement Day of the Cousteau Society, Anaheim, California, May 23, 1976.
DiMento, J., "Turbary Me Not on the Irvine Ranch," Invited address, Governor's Office of
Planning and Research Conference, "As Their Land Is," Davis, California,
February 1977.
DiMento, J., "A Framework for Analyzing Differential Organizational Compliance with the
Public Law," Paper presented to the Law and Society Association, Annual Meeting,
San Francisco, California, May 11, 1979.
DiMento, J., "Which is the Free Lunch? Alternative Approaches to Resolving
Environmental Controversies," Invited Lecture, University of Michigan, School of
Natural Resources, November 1979.
DiMento, J., "The Use of the Citizen Environmental Suit in Hazardous Waste Control,"
Invited talk, Hazardous Waste Management Conference, National Governors'
Association, Washington, D.C., February 24, 1980.
DiMento, J., "On ‘Adequacy' of Local Government Plans: Like the Law of the Medes and
the Persians?" Alfred Bettman Symposium, American Planning Association National
Planning Conference, San Francisco, California, April 13, 1980.
DiMento, J., "Development Control at the Local Level: Does Consistency Make Sense (for
Metal Building Dealers)?" California, M.B.D.A., Irvine, California, May 15, 1981.
DiMento, J., "Why Utopia Has No Metal Buildings," California M.B.D.A. Meeting, San
Diego, California, October 8, 1981.
DiMento, J., "Factors Relating to the Efficacy of Criminal Sanctions in Environmental
Enforcement," Criminal Liability Under Federal Environmental or Energy Laws: The
House Counsel's Perspective, Natural Resources Law Section, American Bar
Association, Denver, Colorado, March 24, 1981.
DiMento, J., "Planning the Multidisciplinary Unit: The Meta and the Mundane,"
Colloquium, Professional and Interdisciplinary Studies, University of California,
Irvine, May 27, 1981.
DiMento, J., "How it Can Be That Both Planners and Lawyers are Responsible for the
Ineffectiveness of Plans and Yet That Planners Should be Provided More Status,"
Land-Use and Environmental Control Law in the Western Half of the Nation's Land,
University of California, University Extension, Oakland, California,
November 13, 1981.
DiMento, J., "Midnight Dumpers and Mushroom Farmers: Explorations in Enforcement and
Organizational Compliance with Law," Annual Conference, Western Society of
Criminology, Newport Beach, California, February 1982.
DiMento, J., "They Treated Me Like a Criminal: Sanctions, Enforcement Characteristics
and Organizational Compliance with Regulatory Law," Annual Meeting, Law and
Society Association, Toronto, Canada, June 1982.
DiMento, J., "Modest Expectations: Planning, Coordination and Comprehensiveness,"
paper delivered at Ciudades en Expansion, Guadalajara, Mexico, July 16, 1985.
DiMento, J., "Notes from a Subordinate: Effectively Constraining Consistency," paper
delivered at the Growth Management Conference, Law School, University of Florida,
March 1986.
Geis, G., and DiMento, J., "The Endangered Environment: Controlling Anti-Social
Behavior," paper presented by G. Geis at the International Centre of Sociology, Penal
and Penitentiary Research Studies, Messina, Italy, December 10, 1985.
DiMento, J., "Master Planning in Irvine," Conference on Master-Planned Communities,
University of Washington, October 19, 1989.
DiMento, J., "Mining the Archives of Pennsylvania Coal," Presentation to the Faculty,
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, California, November 15, 1989.
DiMento, J., "Achieving Compliance Through Litigation," AAAS Annual Meeting, New
Orleans, Louisiana (February 1990).
DiMento, J., "Transportation Planning and the Courts," The 1990 Irvine Symposium on
Environmental Psychology, Irvine, California, May 18, 1990.
DiMento, J., "Laissez-faire as Long as it Comes Out My Way," Keynote Address, JobsHousing Balance, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Seattle, Washington,
January 1991.
DiMento, J., "ADR-Delivery of Legal Services Outside of the Traditional Adversarial
System," Professional Seminar, Newport Beach, April 1992.
DiMento, J., "ADR: An Academic's Overview," Orange County Bar Association, ADR
Section, June 1992.
DiMento, J., "New Trends in the Control of Environmental Crime," The Second
International Workshop, Korean Institute of Criminology, Seoul, Korea,
November 26, 1993.
DiMento, J., "Strategie Per La Promozione di Obiettivi Ambientali," Istituto di Diritto
Comparato Angelo Sraffa, University of Bocconi, May 1993.
DiMento, J., "Environmental Impact Assessment and Transportation: What Planners Should
Know," Presentation, Multi Modal Transportation Planning, November 15, 1993,
Covina, California.
DiMento, J., "Strategie Alternative di Tutela Dell'Ambiente: Ruolo e Limiti del Diritto
Penale," University of Sassari, Sardinia, Italy, October 29, 1993.
DiMento, J., "Regional Hazardous Waste Management in the Middle East: Some
Confidence Building in the Struggle for Peace," paper presented at the Middle East
Multilateral Conference, Center for International Relations, UCLA and the Institute
on Global Conflict and Cooperation (UC Systemwide), June 1993.
DiMento, J., “Green Management and The Regulatory Process: For Mother Earth and
Market Share,” (“Green Management e Rapporti con i Regolatori: Per ‘La Madre
Terra’ e Vantaggio Competitivo”), University of Bocconi, October 1994.
DiMento, J. "Regional Projects, Local Concerns: An Overview of Urban Freeway Impacts
in Southern California," Institute of Transportation Studies, April 22, 1994.
DiMento, J., "Century Freeway Research Applications," ULI District Council, Orange
County, June 21, 1996.
DiMento, J. "Environmental Impact Analysis and NAFTA," International Conference on
Environmental Impact Analysis, Milan, October 12, 1996.
DiMento, J. "Green Management and The Regulatory Process," International Symposium on
Energy and Environmental Management and Technology, Newport Beach, California,
December 6, 1996.
DiMento, J., "United States Environmental Law," Presentation to The China SSTC Mission
on Sustainable Development and Environmental Planning, Irvine, California,
January 13, 1997.
DiMento, J., "The Last Urban Freeway," John Feltman Memorial Lecture, January 1997.
DiMento, J., "Land Use and Urban Development Control Law," Presentation to Taiwan
Provincial Government, University of California, Irvine, February 3-4, 1997.
DiMento, J., "The NAFTA Environmental Side Agreement Implemented," Joint Public
Advisory Committee, Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Vancouver,
Canada, May, 1997; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 1997.
DiMento, J., [Interview], "Concern for The Edge... But Also The Center: The Long Arm of
Constituencies at UCI," 13 Architecture 53 (December 1991).
DiMento, J., [Moderator], "The Federal and California Endangered Species Acts - Current
Developments and Emerging Trends, 1995 Annual Meeting of the Environmental
Law Section of the State Bar of California," printed in Environmental Law News 29
(Winter 1995-1996).
DiMento, J., “ll ‘management Ambientale: una risposta al rischio-responsabilita’ per le
imprese?” (Environmental Management: A Business Strategy Responsive to
Environmental Law Liability?), Universita Cattolica Dell Sacro Cuore, Piacenza,
Italy, May 12, 1980.
DiMento, J., “ll green management come alternative alle sanzione penale nella tutela dell’
ambiente: l’ esperienza degli Stati Uniti,” (Green Management as an Alternative to
Criminal Sanctions Under Environmental Law: the United States Experience),
Universita Cattolica Dell Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy, June 10, 1998.
DiMento, J., “Environment Focused Practical Peacemaking: Theory, Practice, Promise?”,
Environmental Hotspots of the World, The Ohio State University Middle East Studies
Center, Slavic and East European Studies Center, and the School of Natural
Resources, May 14, 1998.
DiMento, J., “American Historical Preservation Law in a Nutshell,” Polytechnic University,
Milan, March 31, 1998.
DiMento, J., “Environmental Resources and the Internet,” presentation to Russian librarians,
Moscow, September 1996.
DiMento, J., “The Side Agreement on the Environment,” Symposium on NAFTA in the 21st
Century, The Impact of Free Trade on the Americas, November 12, 1997, California
State University, Long Beach.
DiMento, J., “Environmental Law in the United States of America: Focus Industry,”
May 3, 1999, Ravenna, Italy.
DiMento, J., “The Creation and Use of Scientific Information I the Law,” Law & Society
Association Annual Meeting, 2003.
DiMento, J., “So Many Treaties, So Few Results: Strengthening the Effectiveness of
Multilateral Environmental Agreements,” International Law Weekend West, February
5, 2005.
DiMento, J., “Extraordinary Rendition,” Universita’ Di Milano-Bicocca Facolta’ Di
Giurisprudenza, Milan Italy, November 9, 2007
DiMento, J. , “Climate Law and Policy in North America: Prospects for Regionalism”, San
Diego Law School, February 20, 2009.
DiMento, J., “Can Law Change the Climate?” Newkirk Center for Science and Society.
June, 2007.
DiMento, J., “How Can We Govern the Waters?” Newkirk Center for Science and Society.
May, 2009.
Conference Organization and Roundtable Facilitation
Organizer, Forensic Science Education Series: “Badly Fragmented: When Courts &
Science Clash” UCI, October 19, 2010.
Organizer, Symposium on Arctic Governance, UCI Law, January 31, 2015.
Organizer, Roundtable, Environmental Governance and Management in the Arctic,
April 21-22, 2016.
Professional Activities
Reviewer of manuscripts for International Journal of Sustainable Development, Sociological
Perspectives, Social Sciences, Law & Society Review, Tourism Management, MIT Press,
University of California Press
Teaching Areas
International Law; Domestic, Comparative and International Environmental Law; Climate
Change Law; Land Use and Development Control Law; Urban and Regional Planning;
Administrative Law and Regulation; Conflict Resolution; Property Law.
Faculty Governance
Chair, Academic Senate, Irvine Division, 2004-2005; Chair-Elect, UCI Faculty Senate,
2003-2004; Committee on Educational Policy; Graduate Council and Systemwide Graduate
Council; Committee on Academic Personnel (Chair, 1995-96); and others.
Non Academic Publications
New York Times; Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner; Los Angeles Daily
Journal; Christian Science Monitor; Orange County Register; Independent Press Telegram;
L'Impresa Ambiente; Quotidiano Legale; others.
Fly UP