
Sammy Ferri-Borgogno - Doctoral School in Life and Health Sciences

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Sammy Ferri-Borgogno - Doctoral School in Life and Health Sciences
Curriculum Vitae
Sammy Ferri-Borgogno
Sammy Ferri-Borgogno
+39 3337265710
[email protected]
[email protected]
Skype: sammy.fb
Sex Female | Date of birth 01/01/1986 | Nationality Italian
February 2015 – Until now
PhD student in Molecular Medicine
Department of Pathology
Prof. Anirban Maitra
Sheikh Ahmed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Center for Pancreatic Cancer Research
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, 6565 MD Anderson Blvd., Houston, TX 77030
▪ Main activities: Characterization of proteins posttranslationally modified by MLL3
January 2012 – January 2015
PhD student in Molecular Medicine
Laboratory of Tumor Immunology
Prof. Francesco Novelli ([email protected])
Center for Experimental Research and Medical Studies (CeRMS),
Azienda Ospedaliera Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, Via Santena 5, 10126 Turin, Italy
▪ Main activities: Metabolic adaptation of pancreatic and non pancreatic cancer cells after alphaenolase knockdown
January 2011–December 2011
Undergoing researcher
Laboratory of Tumor Immunology
Prof. Francesco Novelli ([email protected])
Center for Experimental Research and Medical Studies (CeRMS),
Azienda Ospedaliera Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, Via Santena 5, 10126 Turin, Italy
▪ Main activities: Characterization of circulating autoantibodies to post-translationally modified αEnolase in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
November 2008–December 2010
Internship for the Master’s project
Laboratory of Tumor Immunology
Prof. Francesco Novelli ([email protected])
Center for Experimental Research and Medical Studies (CeRMS),
Azienda Ospedaliera Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, Via Santena 5, 10126 Turin, Italy
▪ Main activities: Characterization of circulating autoantibodies to post-translationally modified αEnolase in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
June 2007–October 2008
Internship for the Bachelor’s project
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Curriculum Vitae
Sammy Ferri-Borgogno
Laboratory of Tumor Immunology
Prof. Francesco Novelli ([email protected])
Center for Experimental Research and Medical Studies (CeRMS),
Azienda Ospedaliera Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, Via Santena 5, 10126 Turin, Italy
▪ Main activities: Identification of tumor associated antigens in pancreatic cancer by serological
proteome analysis (SERPA).
January 2012 – until now
PhD student in Molecular Medicine
Doctoral School in Life and Health Sciences, University of Turin, Turin, Italy
October 2008 – December 2010
Master of Science in Medical Biotechnology
Marks obtained:110/110
maxima cum laude
Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Turin, Turin, Italy
▪ Experimental thesis: “Characterization of circulating autoantibodies to post-translationally
modified α-Enolase in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma”. Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Novelli.
September 2005 – October 2008
Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology
Marks obtained:
Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy
▪ Thesis: “Invasion and metastasis: the role of Cofilin-1”. Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Novelli.
September 1999 – July 2004
High School
Marks obtained:
Liceo Scientifico Statale “L. Cocito”, Alba (CN) Italy
Mother tongue(s)
Other language
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
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Curriculum Vitae
Job-related skills
Sammy Ferri-Borgogno
Cellular Biology:
▪ Cell culture: cell cultures from PBL and different human and murine cell lines
▪ Proliferation and Survival (MTT) test
▪ Adhesion, migration and invasion test; scratch wound healing assay
▪ Colony formation assay in soft agar
Protein analysis:
▪ Cell protein extraction (total and fractions)
▪ SDS-PAGE, 2D gel electrophoresis, OFFGEL Fractionator electrophoresis, Western blot, protein
maps staining (Silver Stain, Blu Coomassie and fluorescent dyes stain)
▪ Protein sample preparation for MS analysis
▪ Immunoprecipitation, proteins and antibodies purification, ELISA, ProXPress 2D Proteomic Imaging
System scanner (PerkinElmer) use.
Molecular biology:
▪ Extraction of RNA and DNA
▪ PCR, real time PCR
▪ Gene cloning, cell transfection; recombinant protein production; lentiviral and retroviral production;
gene silencing.
In vivo:
▪ Animal handling and manipulation
▪ Basical surgery (IM, IP and IV injection)
▪ Blood and tissue collection, genotyping.
Computer skills
Other skills
Driving licence
Highly skilled with IBM-compatible and Macintosh computers, including:
▪ Powerpoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word
▪ Adobe Photoshop CS2, CorelDarw X3 or X5, MedCalc, Graph Pad Prism 5
▪ ProScan 4.0 software for proteomic analysis (PerkinElmer), Bioinformatic programs (BLAST,
FASTA, Mascot Peptide Mass Fingerprint) and databases (Swiss-Prot, UniProt TrEMBL, Genbank,
GeneCards, PubMed…)
▪ Knitting
▪ Skiing: competitively skied for 12 years in national and international competitions; additionally
became a certified ski instructor and trained 8-10 years old children for three years (2003-2005)
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Curriculum Vitae
Sammy Ferri-Borgogno
▪ Capello M, Ferri-Borgogno S, Cappello P, Novelli F. α-Enolase: a promising therapeutical and
diagnostic tumor target. FEBS J. 278:1064-74, 2011.
▪ Chiriacò MS, Primiceri E, Monteduro AG, Bove A, Leporatti S, Capello M, Ferri-Borgogno S, Rinaldi
R, Novelli F, Maruccio G. Towards pancreatic cancer diagnosis by EIS biochips. Lab Chip. 13:730-4,
▪ Bianco M, Aloisi A, Arima V, Capello M, Ferri-Borgogno S, Novelli F, Leporatti S, Rinaldi R. Quartz
Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation (QCM-D) as tool to exploit antigen-antibody interactions in
pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma detection. Biosens Bioelectron. 42:646-52, 2013.
▪ Michela Capello, Paola Cappello, Federica C. Linty, Sammy Ferri-Borgogno, Roberto Chiarle, Aldo
Scarpa, Paolo Pederzoli, Paola Nisticò, Michele Milella and Francesco Novelli (2011). Mouse to
human autoantibody signature in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. June 21-24, 2011. 6th ItPA
▪ S. Ferri-Borgogno, M. Capello, W. Zhou, C. Fredolini, M. Principe, P. Cappello, A. Scarpa, P. Nisticò,
M. Milella, E. Petricoin, F. Novelli (2011). Characterization of circulating autoantibodies to posttranslationally modified alpha-enolase in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. September 4-7, 2011.
HUPO 10th Annual World Congress, Geneva (Switzerland).
▪ Michela Capello, Paola Cappello, Federica C. Linty, Sammy Ferri-Borgogno, Roberto Chiarle, Aldo
Scarpa, Paolo Pederzoli, Paola Nisticò, Michele Milella and Francesco Novelli (2011). Mouse to
human autoantibody signature in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. September 4-7, 2011. HUPO
10th Annual World Congress, Geneva (Switzerland).
▪ M. Capello, P. Cappello, S. Ferri-Borgogno, W. Zhou, F.C. Linty, R. Chiarle, A. Scarpa, P. Pederzoli,
E. Petricoin, P. Nisticò, M. Milella, F. Novelli. Autoantibody signature in pancreatic ductal
adenocarcinoma. November 8, 2011. Riunione scientifica della Scuola Dianzani. Sassari, Italy.
▪ Capello M., Cappello P., Ferri-Borgogno S., Zhou W., Mandili G., Sperduti I, Linty F.C., Chiarle R.,
Scarpa A., Pederzoli P., Petricoin E., Nisticò P., Milella M. and Novelli F. Autoantibody Signature in
Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. June 18-21, 2012. AACR Special Conference, Pancreatic
Cancer: Progress and Challenges, Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe Lake Tahoe, NV (USA).
▪ Capello M, Principe M, Chattaragada MS, Riganti C, Zhou W, Ferri-Borgogno S, Rolla S, Liotta LA,
Petricoin EF, Cappello P, Novelli F. The moonlighting glycolytic enzyme α-enolase as a therapeutic
target in pancreatic cancer. February 24 – Mar 1, 2013. Tumor metabolism. Keystone Simposia,
Keystone, Colorado (USA).
▪ Capello M, Principe M, Chattaragada MS, Riganti C, Zhou W, Ferri-Borgogno S, Rolla S, Liotta LA,
Petricoin EF, Cappello P, Novelli F. Can the moonlighting glycolytic enzyme α-enolase be a
therapeutic target in pancreatic cancer? April 6-10, 2013. AACR Annual Meeting 2013. Washington
▪ Michela Capello, Moitza Principe, Chiara Riganti, Weidong Zhou, Michelle S Chattaragada, Sammy
Ferri-Borgogno, Simona Rolla, Lance A Liotta, Emanuel F Petricoin, Paola Cappello, Francesco
Novelli Can the moonlighting glycolytic enzyme α-enolase be a therapeutic target in pancreatic
cancer? June 20-21, 2013. Pancreatic Cancer, Salerno, Italy.
▪ Ferri-Borgogno Sammy, Capello Michela, Cappello Paola, Zhou Weidong, Mandili Giorgia, Sperduti
Isabella, Maruccio Giuseppe, Milella Michele and Novelli Francesco. Characterization of circulating
autoantibodies to post-translationally modified α-Enolase in Pancreatic Cancer. June 20-21, 2013.
Pancreatic Cancer, Salerno, Italy. Selected for Oral Presentation.
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Curriculum Vitae
Sammy Ferri-Borgogno
▪ M. Capello, S. Ferri-Borgogno, P. Cappello, W. Zhou, G. Mandili, I. Sperduti, F. C. Linty, G.
Maruccio, M. Milella, F. Novelli. Identification of Early Pancreatic Cancer-Associated Autoantibodies
in Mouse and Human. August 22-27, 2013. 15th Congress of Immunology (ICI). Milano (Italy).
▪ Michela Capello, Sammy Ferri-Borgogno, Moitza Principe, Michelle Samuel Chattaragada, Chiara
Riganti, Weidong Zhou, Laura Follia, Lance A. Liotta, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, Paola Cappell1,
Francesco Novelli. Alpha-enolase knockdown reprograms metabolism and points out targetable
pathways to counteract PDA growth. May 18-21, 2014 AACR Special Conference in Pancreatic
Cancer: Innovations in Research and Treatment, Hyatt Regency New Orleans, New Orleans, LA
▪ Moitza Principe, Patrizia Ceruti, Simone Borgoni, Michela Capello, Michelle S. Chattaragada,
Sammy Ferri-Borgogno, Simona Rolla, Laura Conti, Marco Bestagno, Lorena Zentilin, Paola
Migliorini, Weidong Zhou, Emanuel F Petricoin, Paola Cappello, Oscar Burrone, Francesco Novelli.
Targeting of surface ENO1 inhibits the invasiveness of pancreatic cancer cells. SIICA "Giornata
nazionale dei dottorati di immunologia", 10-11 Ottobre 2014, Bari.
▪ November 2008 Vaccines in the Management of Cancer: where we are heading, First workshop
“Fondazione Piccoli Cuori JOY”, Turin, Italy.
▪ June 2011. 6th ItPA (Italian Proteomics Association) Annual National Congress, Turin, Italy.
▪ September 2011. HUPO 10th Annual World Congress, Geneva, Switzerland.
▪ June 2012. Cancer-DAY: from metabolism to immunotherapy, Turin, Italy.
▪ June 2012. AACR Special Conference, Pancreatic Cancer: Progress and Challenges, Hyatt
Regency Lake Tahoe Lake Tahoe, NV (USA).
▪ February 2013. 3rd General Assembly Meeting EPC-TM-Net “Targeting the tumor
microenvironment to improve Pancreatic Cancer Prognosis”. Verona (Italy).
▪ June 20-21, 2013. Pancreatic Cancer Meeting, Grand Hotel Salerno, Salerno, Italy.
▪ May 18-21, 2014 AACR Special Conference in Pancreatic Cancer: Innovations in Research and
Treatment, Hyatt Regency New Orleans, New Orleans, LA (USA).
▪ June 17, 2014 Workshop SIC: Targeted Therapy of Cancer: where we are heading, MBC, Via Nizza
52, Turin.
I declare that the above facts given by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
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