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The edition of the MediterrArt exhibition in Umbria reawakens
one of the most stunning and original achievements born from
a collaboration between Catalan and Italian organisations for
the management of territories and the naturally protected
environment. The remarkable pieces of artwork inspired by the
nature and landscape of Montefalco – themselves a deep
expression of the culture and intelligence of a community –
compliment and enrich those already gathered in other spectacular
areas of Italy – Cinque Terre, Maremma, and Alghero.
Once more, we may draw inspiration from art, through the artist’s
eyes, to promote discovery of both self and the more meaningful
and diverse aspects of our lives, and we may be inspired by art
that evokes emotions and sensations originating from the
characteristics and qualities of the region.
On behalf of Federparchi, I would like to express sincere thanks
to all those who have taken a leading role in this project: to the
artists for their generosity and to the organisers from Barcelona
Provincial Council, Legambiente, and Symbola for their passion
and expertise. Special thanks must go to Valentino Valentini,
Mayor of Montefalco, and to Marco Caprai, who sought to unite
forces in this venture, which, founded on the concept of natural
parks, demonstrates its worth by incorporating other regions
where artists’ work has harmonized with nature to produce
unparalleled results.
Mediterranean and Art. It all started with the innovative experience
of Valgrassa Centre in the Garraf Park, where art, its language
and its players, became a common tool to understand and learn
about landscape and nature’s shapes, colours and patterns. Art
as a chance to build one’s individual, unique and new empathize
with a place.
From here, the Barcelona Province, Federparchi, Legambiente and
then Symbola – the Foundation for Italian Quality – decided to
work together. Their idea was to join cultural and political activities.
Thus, politics is shaken by a cultural and artistic dimension, which
shows different levels, elements and perspectives that must be
perceived and arranged.
Mediterrart started its journey to Montefalco, located in the
amazing Umbro Valley, the “heart of Italy”. Catalans’ artworks,
which were able to capture some of the most suggestive location’s
distinctive atmosphere, will be preserved in this place. So it's no
surprise that Symbola organizes its summer seminars in this
region, and that Catalan artists were hosted here for a tasting,
sniffing and exploration stay.
For this reason, I would like to thank all Symbola’s friends, who
made this Medditerrart edition possible. In particular, once again
Marco Caprai and his family were generous and warm hosts.
Matteo Fusilli
Symbola Secretary-General
Fabio Renzi
President of the Italian Federation
of Parks and Nature Reserves
Was born on 10 January 1953 in the Clot district of Barcelona.
He now lives and works in the town of Cardedeu, Barcelona.
Interdisciplinary artist and researcher. Self-taught. Teacher of
drawing, painting and engraving. Over his long career he has
shown his work in Catalonia, Spain, France, Italy, Japan and
Sweden. He has taken part in the following art fairs: Arco, Bari,
Basel, Barcelona, Bologna and London. He belonged to the
collective “Esclat Gris-80” and was director and coordinator of
the Artual Art Space in Barcelona. He has published three books
of poetry: Constructora de somnis, La mà a l´ombra and El Sot
de l´Om. Editor of the graphic work collection Petjades d´Art.
He was a director of the Besllum Cultural Association. He is
currently codirector of the “Cardedeu amb l’Art Vigent” project
and artistic director of the Vallgrassa, Experimental Arts Centre
in the Parc del Garraf.
Barcelona 1961. BA in History (UAB, 1984). A self-taught
photographer, he has exhibited regularly in Barcelona since 1991.
His work focuses on memory and can be found in public and
private collections.
Montefalco, Umbria. Seven days of magnificent experiences and
a true luxury for the senses. The result is the present work.
Benozzo Gozzoli’s frescoes, a stolen fragment, a foot in the door
of photographic and pictorial space. Sagrantino, like a cloud
that constantly waters the territory with celebration and
happiness. Little hot suns, travellers, carriers of dreams. The light.
The roads that have united people and peoples with the passage
of time. Places, all of them, of great beauty. And all the good
people I have met; cordial, warm, welcoming. The final result, a
window open to different interpretations as I think all works of
art should be. Left open to be finished by the spectator.
We have come from Montefalco to dine at Bevagna. We are at
the heart of what was the Roman theatre. At the table, all seven
of us are seated with our hosts. Outside, under millions of stars
that no longer exist, are the vineyards and olive trees.
We entered Montefalco the day before yesterday, in the afternoon,
by Via Giuseppe Verdi. To the left there was that ancient wall. I
imagine a pilgrim, entering Montefalco from the south, like me.
And just like me so many times, he is a little lost, going from the
Colle di Santa Maria Del Paradiso to the Colle di Santa Maria
Del Bottagio, nowadays the Via Giuseppe Verdi. Thirsty, with
dusty feet from the dirt of the road, exhausted even before
entering the town and seeing that long wall, full of covered
doors and windows, premonitions of his immediate future, a
metaphor for the uselessness of his efforts.
To my right is Favio: Italy, sit down meals, the finite infinity of
Leopardi. To the left is Benet –with those little eyes– and he tells
me: “He is a cultured man”. Leopardi is good at living and Friedrich
is good at dying. But… that great igloo of Mario Merz that I saw
years ago in Barcelona, all made of windows sharpened like
knives and held up by hundreds of lizards... Between myself and
the walled up archway is Matteo, who is telling us Italian stories
with a swindler's face. A football game between Naples and
Verona? The pilgrim, a wreck, passing by like a materialised
exhalation before all those stones, all of him the colour of the
wall and as thin as he is now, without being seen by anyone,
glimpsing the most terrible of truths. He is nearing the end of
his rope and possesses that determination that is only shared
by those who have left the universe behind. Venerating the
mortal remains of a saint kept at the Church of Saint Augustine.
The most terrible of truths... It was a very risky game. The Naples
football fans were always well-behaved, making murmurs at
best. The most terrible of truths: find yourself locked in the church
and the next day the sacristan finds you with rigour mortis,
sitting on the stones of the door in a sleeping vigil. Burial in the
grave and returned to the church door without the resurrection
of a flesh that is already too thin. One hundred years of punishment
upon the bell tower and not a sign of decay. Finally, exposed in
the display alongside the Illuminata Chiarella. Quite a journey.
“Si dice, che qualcuno abbia ottenuto delle Grazzie... ma niente
di ufficiale e di autorizzato dalla Chiesa”. Where’s your miracle?
At just the right moment, a great poster to Saint Paul appears:
GIULIETTA È ‘NA ZOCCOLA! Now with our coffee in hand, we all
break into laughter.
Nace en el año 1955 en Granollers (Barcelona). Pintor. Artista
conceptual en sus inicios; durante su larga trayectoria ha mostrado
su obra en Cataluña, España, Francia, Holanda, Inglaterra, Japón
y Nueva York.
C o p y ri
rt -
g h t 2 007
Fette di artisti al Sagrantino - 2007
y ri g h t
- Cop
2 007
”Fui pronto a tutte le partenze” Vídeo - 5:29 minuts
”A les estovalles!” Vídeo - 12:49 minuts
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