
Mara Thiene Curriculum Vitae

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Mara Thiene Curriculum Vitae
Mara Thiene
Curriculum Vitae
May, 2016
Vicenza (Italy), on October 31st 1967.
Married to Giordano Basso, two children: Maria (1996) and Giulio (2002).
Marital Status:
Current Position
2000 – 2013
2013 – present
2013- 2015
2106- present
2011 -2013
2014- present
Assistant professor, College of Agricultural Science – University of Padova
Associate professor – University of Padova
Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry
Viale dell’Università, 106, 35020 Legnaro, Padova (Italy)
Phone +39-049-8272760 Fax +39-049-8272750
[email protected]
Deputy VC for international relations with Australia and New Zealand
Deputy advisor for international relations with Oceania and West-Asia
Visiting professor (affiliation) at Centre for the Study of Choice, University of
Technology, Sydney, Australia
Adjunct Senior Research Fellow (affiliation) at Institute for Choice, University of South
Australia, Sydney, Australia
English: fluent
German: intermediate
Laurea (B.Sc.) in Agricultural Sciences, University of Padua.
Fellowship by the National Council of Research (CNR), Padua.
Ph.D. major field: the economics of valuation and land appraisal; minor field: natural resource
economics. Degree granted in May 1997 at the University of Padua.
Fellowship by the Regional Park of Colli Euganei (Italy), on resource and economic valuation
in a protected area.
Post-Doctoral Fellowship, University of Padua, on the effects of Common Agricultural Policy in
Dep. of Agricultural Economics and Food Marketing, Univ. of Newcastle, UK (February)
Environment Dep., University of York, UK (June)
Economics Department, Waikato Management School, Hamilton, New Zealand (DecemberFebruary)
Department of Agricultural Economics & Management, Faculty of Agricultural, Food &
Environmental Quality Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (September)
Department of Economic, University of Colorado, USA (July-August).
Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies, The University of Sydney, Australia (August).
Centre for the Study of Choice, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia (February,
Department of Economic, University of Colorado, USA (October)
School of Marketing, Ehrenberg Bass Institute of Marketing Science, University of South
Australia; Adelaide, Australia (November).
Institute for Choice, University of South Australia, Sydney, Australia (April)
University of Queensland Business School, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
University of Queensland Business School, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
University of Sydney, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment (September)
Business School - Durham University, UK, (February)
Environmental economics, resource economics, discrete-choice modelling, non-market valuation, agricultural
and food economics, forest economics, energy economics, rural economics.
The role of antecedent volition on consumer choice behaviour in outdoor recreation (with Joffre Swait,
Institute for Choice, University of South Australia, Sydney, Australia)
Exploring the effects of experimental designs on preferences in energy economics (with J. Rose and J.
Louviere, Institute for Choice, University of South Australia, Sydney and R. Scarpa, The University of
Waikato, New Zealand).
The influence of individuals in forming collective household preferences for water quality and outdoor
recreation (with C. Rungie, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia and R. Scarpa, The
University of Waikato, New Zealand).
Companions and competition: personality heterogeneity in outdoor recreation (with E. Morey,
University of Colorado, USA).
Prosecco wines: making sense of local consumer attitude with RP-SP data fusion (with R. Scarpa, The
University of Waikato, New Zealand, L. Galletto, University of Padua, Italy)
General purpose: MS-Office, LaTeX, Scientific Word.
Statistics and Econometrics: LimDep/Nlogit, SPSS, R. Familiarity with GAUSS and MatLab.
Reviewer for the following journals: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, American
Journal of Agricultural Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Journal of Choice
Modelling, Journal of Consumer Affair, European Review of Agricultural Economics, Ecological
Economics, Agricultural Economics, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Australian Journal of
Agricultural and Resource Economics, Resource and Energy Economics, Journal of Forest Economics,
Journal of Environmental Economics & Policy, Journal of Leisure Research, Journal of Environmental
Management, Applied Economics, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Transportation Research
Part A: Policy and Practice, Tourism Economics, Papers in Regional Science, Marine Resource
Economics, Rivista di Economia Agraria, Politica Agricola Internazionale, Aestimum.
Reviewer for the following scientific programs: FWO (Fonds Wetenschappelijk OnderzoekVlaanderen) Flanders, Brussel (2015); Strategic Projects, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo,
University of Padua (2015)
Associate editor of Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics since December 2015.
Associate editor of Economia Agro-Alimentare since July 2014
2015: Invited examiner by ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research)
for the 2011-2014 round of national assessment of research products of the Italian academia (member of
the national valuation panel). The panel is in charge of evaluating the scientific merit of peer-reviewed
scientific publications mostly written in English.
2014-2016: Member of the selection committee for scholarships to visit University of South Australia
2008-to present: Member of the PhD committee on Land Environment Resources and Health (L.E.R.H.)
at Dept. TESAF (University of Padua)
2003-12: Member of the PhD committee of on Viticulture, Oenology and Marketing of Wine
products (University of Padua).
2008: Member of the Commission of final Ph.D. defense in Valorizzazione e gestione delle risorse
agroforestali, Centro per la Formazione in Economia e Politica, Portici, Università degli Studi di Napoli
Federico II, (NA)
2013: Member of the Commission of final Ph.D. defense of dott. Matthew Beck (supervisor prof. John
Rose), The University of Sydney, Business School, Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies
2015: Member of the Commission of final Ph.D. defense of Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze e
Tecnologie Agrarie, Ambientali ed Alimentari, University of Bologna.
European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), American Association of Environmental and
Resource Ecomists (AERE), European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE),
International Conference of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Australian Agricultural and Resource
Economics Society (AARES), Società Italiana di Economia Agraria (SIDEA), Centro Studi Estimativi e
Territoriali (CeSET).
Marketing of agro-food products (Italian 1997-1999)
Agricultural Economics (Italian 2000-2002)
Land Appraisal (Italian) (Italian 2003)
Principle of Economics and Environmental Economics (Italian 2003-2016)
Environmental Economics and Resources Valuation (Italian 2010-2014, 2016)
Energy and sustainability in XX (Italian 2015)
Erasmus Mundus Course in Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources (MEDFOR),
Sustainable Tropical Forestry (SUTROFOR) and Sustainable Forest and Nature Management
Research Planning (Applied Statistics), (2013-14)
Valuation and Assessment of Forest and Environmental Goods and Services (2014)
Forest Science - International Degree Course:
Natural Resource and Environmental Economics (2015)
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Program Forest and nature for Society (FONASO): included
since 2011 in the official list of supervisors.
Guest lecture at Business School - Durham University, UK, (February 2nd -5th, 2016)
International Summer School on Discrete Choice Models (2008), University` of Bologna, Italy, Alma
Mater Studiorum (Lecturer)
International Summer School on Experimental Design for Stated Choice (September 27th-October 1st,
2010), Venice Foundation (Scientific and Organizing Committee)
International Advanced Course in Experimental Design for Stated Choice (October 28th-November 1st,
2010), Sardagna, University of Trento, Italy (Organizing Committee)
International Summer School "Advances in Discrete Choice Models and Experimental Design for
Stated Choice Data in Energy and Environmental Resources" (29th August – 9th September, 2011)
CenSoC, UTS, Sydney and University of Padua, Italy (Scientific, Organizing Committee and Lecturer)
The 2013 EAERE Award for Outstanding Publication in the Journal Environmental and Resource
Economics (ERE). Commendation for paper published in the journal Environmental and Resource
Economics, 2012: Thiene M., Boeri M., Chorus C. (2012) Random Regret Minimization: Exploration
of a new choice model for environmental and resource economics, Environmental and Resource
Economics, 51(3), 413-429. Paper shortlisted within five excellent papers, not the final winner.
International consulting activity: URS Australia Pty Ltd Victoria, Melbourne, Australia (200809); Northern Ireland Water (Northern Ireland Water Ltd), Belfast (2013); Yorkshire Water,
Bradford, UK (2011-12); United Utilities Water, Warrington, UK (2012); Anglian Water
Services, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, UK. (2012).
National consulting activity: Authority of Environment, Vicenza Provincial Council (2008-11);
CapacityLAB to build on Cohesion and Development Policy Programs (Regional Development
Program Basilicata 2014-2020), Italian National Government and the Basilicata Region (2012).
NGO and International Agency: collaboration with CESVI (NGO) in the area of the
Sagarmatha National Park (Nepal) regarding the role of modeling eco-base tourist
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