
Hartle Sharon

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Hartle Sharon
Hartle Sharon
Current Positions:
1) Permanent EFL Teacher University of Verona (CLA). All levels.
2) Adjunct Professor at the Language Centre, University of Bolzano. All levels.
3) Freelance Consultant for English Language Projects.
4) Freelance Teacher trainer.
5) EFL Author
6) University of Cambridge Team Leader/ Examiner
( KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, BEC, ILEC, ICFE Children’s Exams: Starters, Movers, Flyers )
1977 - 82
St. Andrews University. M.A. Hons. Hispanic Literature and Languages.( grade 2.1 )
International House, London, RSA Preparatory Cert. Grade B.
1987 - 88
Cambridge School,Verona, RSA Diploma in TEFL.
June 1993
Attended NLP for Teachers training course at Bell College, Saffron Walden, UK, with Gillian
Porter Ladousse.
Certificate: E-Moderator, from the Consultants-E Barcelona, Spain. (Moodle)
2010 (Jan.)
Certificate A of bilingualism (German/Italian) The Province of Bolzano.
EFL Teaching Experience:
1979 -1980
Assistant English, Teacher, Escuela Universitaria, Madrid. Spain.
Summer 1980
EFL Teacher, Cambridge Institute, Bassano del Grappa, Italy.
1981 - 83
EFL Teacher, Benedict School, West Berlin. West Germany.
1983 - 1993
EFL Teacher,Cambridge School, Verona. Italy
1988 - 1993
Assistant Director of Studies, Cambridge School, Verona. Italy
1993 - 1995
Riverside Language Centre, Verona: EFL teacher and co-owner.
1993 - Present: FreelanceTeacher Trainer/ Cambridge Examinations Examiner.
1995 - 2003
Teacher / Teacher trainer for ARCI Passepartout, Verona. Italy.
1993 – 2001
University of Trento: English Teacher CIAL (University Language Centre) Trento, Italy.
University of Verona: Contract English Teacher CLA (University Language Centre), Verona
2001- present
University of Verona: Permanent English Teacher(CEL). CLA (University Language Centre)
2000 - 2006
Consultant for CLA University of Verona for the creation of an exam database for the language
centre and the creation of a CD Rom dictionary of Legal Language for law students.
2000 – 2002
Teacher University of Bolzano Language Centre. Italy.
2004 - 2005
Quality control and translation of the website for the University of Verona. Italy.
2008 - 2009
Coordinator for English Language Teaching. Language Centre University of Bolzano. Italy.
2009 - present
Teacher: University of Bolzano (Language Centre).
English, Italian, German, Spanish ( Fluent )
French (good) Russian (basic).
Summer Schools:
1983 and 1984
Summer Schools in England, Italian
Teenagers, organised by CLM Trento.
1985 -88
Teacher and Course Coordinator. Children'Courses, Prospect House School,
Middlesmoor, Pately Bridge. Yorkshire. UK.
Summer 1990
Director of Studies, BELL Summer Course Ely UK.
Summer 1993
DOS Bell School Ely, Summer Course for Teenagers.
1993 - 1997
DOS Bell School Eton, Summer Course for Teenagers.
DOS Bell School Wellington, Summer Course for Teenagers.
Summer course for FORIMP Trento, Italy: training students in a job opportunities scheme
organised within the framework of EEC training.
Summer course for FORIMP Trento, training students in a job opportunities scheme
organised within the framework of EEC training.
Summer 1995, 1997
St. Andrews University, Scotland: EFL Teacher.
Summer 1999
St. Andrews University EFL Teacher,specialising in English for Law.
Teacher Training Experience:
1989 -90
Course Tutor, RSA Diploma Cambridge School verona, Italy.
1991 -92
Course Tutor, RSA Diploma Cambridge School verona, Italy.
May: 2001- Present
Teacher Trainer (CELTA Course) Verona. Italy.
1993 -94
Coordinator and Trainer of a series of Teacher
Training Sessions at The Riverside Language Centre, Verona, Italy on: Poetry,
Neurolinguistic Programming and Drama Techniques.
1993 - 1994
Teacher Trainer for IMAGO Bolzano, Italy. Two Sessions:
1) Approaches to Teaching Literature and Theatre in the Language Learning Classroom;
2) The role of British Theatre today: Peter Brook.
Teacher Trainer for IMAGO Bolzano, Italy.
A teacher training session on " Creative Writing and Multi Medial Language
1993 -94
Trainer for Riverside Language Centre to Primary
School Teachers in Borgo Roma, Verona, Italy. Two sessions:
Creative Grammar;
Theatre techniques in the classroom.
1994 - 1995
Teacher Training Seminar on Learning Approaches for Elementary School Teachers
organised by SNALS Verona, followed by a series of practical lessons held at The
Riverside Language Centre, Verona, Italy.
Further training in Bolzano, and in the Veneto, Region for Cambridge University Press.
1996 - Present
Teacher Trainer for ARCI Passepartout, Verona, Italy.
March 2000
“New Technology in Language Teaching” In Trento, Italy, for Middle and High School
teachers: Using computers in language teaching.
March 2009
Using Moodle in language teaching: training,
session for the languageteachers of the Language Centre, University of Bolzano,
presented together with Enrico Zanardo.
January 2010
Using Native Speaker Corpora in the Classroom,
Melta Teachers’ Association, Munich, Germany
1) Elementary Writing Skills - with Anne Parry and Mark
Penguin 1989.
2) DOS Survival Guide
( Bell Language Schools In House text 1997)
Mela Music English Language Teaching for Children
Singing Nature,
Singing Christmas,
Adventure at Monster Mansion
( Mela Music, Verona, Italy. 1998)
Singing Colours
Singing Food and Drink
Singing Numbers and Alphabet
Father Christmas Has Some Trouble
( Mela Music, Verona, Italy. September 1999)
Happy Songs Level 1
Happy Songs Level 2
( Mela Music, Verona, Italy. September 2000 )
Laboratori per la lingua inglese “Primi passi nell’inglese:
12) Food and Drink;
13) The Animal Kingdom;
14) Preparing to visit the farm;
15) Visiting the farm;
16) Happy Families.
GiuntiScuola Editore La Vita Scolastica per la scuola
dell’infanzia 2004/2005:
Theoretical Academic texts:
17) Article: “Don’t want to write”
(Winner of the best Methodology article of the year prize
on the onestopenglish site.)
Published on the Macmillan Onestopenglish site July
18) Book: Towards Autonomy
QuiEdit, Verona, Italy, August 2005.
19) Article: Teacher Expectations: Killing or Creating a
One to One Learning Environment,
Humanising Language Teaching Journal, August
20) Research paper: Learner Autonomy: One Road to
Creating L2 Learner Communities
Presented at the AIA Conference, University of
Cagliari, September 2005. (Later published in
Conference Papers.)
21) Research paper: The European Language Portfolio
as part of an Increasing Learner Autonomy: an Approach
Adopted in Class, in Presenza e impatto del Portfolio
delle Lingue sul sistema formativo italiano.
Atti IX Seminario Internazionale A.I.C.L.U. edited by
Maria Grazia Sindoni, Messina 2007
22) Research paper: ESP: The Future of English is
the Conference Papers of the 10th AICLU Seminar
Bolzano, 16-17 February 2006: Qual è il ruolo dei
Centri Linguistici d’Ateneo nella didattica dei linguaggi
specialistici? Edited by Christoph Nickenig, Maurizio
Gotti. Bolzano, 2007
23) Award winning presentation (Macmillan Onestopenglish Methodology Award) : Don’t Want to Write
Presented at IATEFL Conference in Harrogate, April
24) Co-presentation : Applying a Genre Analysis
Structure to Classroom work: Spoken Language
Presented at IATEFL Conference in Aberdeen,
together with Sian Morgan, University of Modena, April
2007. Published in IATEFL 2007 Aberdeen
Conference Selections, edited by Briony Beaver,
IATEFL Canterbury 2008.
25) Co Presentation: Assessing Genre: related features
of B1 Writing with Sian Morgan, University of Modena.
The Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages (CEFRL): Benefits and Limitations, Edited
by Zeynep Urkun IATEFL Testing SIG October 2007.
26) Article: European English as an International
IATEFL Voices. Issue 200, January/February 2008
27) Article: Who’s afraid of Big, Bad… E-learning?
ETp (English Teaching professional: Issue 55, March
2008, OUP.
28) Article: What Level are You?
Modern English Teacher Vol 18 n°1 Keyways
Publishing ,Chichester. Published in January 2009.
29) Research paper: Studying English Grammar Online
Presented at the AICLU Conference,: University of
Calabria, January 2007,ì “Studenti in mobilità e
competenze linguistiche: Una sfida accademica,
linguistica e culturale” edited by Carmen Argondizzo,
vol 3. pp. 251-264. 2009 Catanzaro, Rubbettino Ed.
30) Research paper: Chi ha paura dell’Apprendimento a
distanza ?
Presented at the AICLU Conference,: University of
Parma, May 2007. Published in in “1997-2007: L’Aiclu
e la Politica Linguistica nelle Università Italiane” a cura
di Gillian Mansfield e Christopher Taylor. pp.77-86.
2009 Parma Supergrafica.
31) Copresentation on Corpora and the Classroom:
Bringing Native Speaker Corpora into the Classroom.
Presented at IATEFL Conference in Cardiff together
with Sian Morgan, University of Modena, April 2009.
32) Interview for Onestopenglish (2009)
33) Interview for IASKU published online:
34) Research Paper: Teaching English at the Heart of the Presented at the University of Verona Global English
Expanding Circle:
Conference “GlobEng” February 2008.
35) Article: Personal story contribution to “Learner
Autonomy SIG stories.”
Independence Vol 46 pp. 4-5 published by IATEFL
Canturbury, Spring 2009.
36) Research paper: Genre related features in testing B1
Presented at the AICLU testing seminar: Udine May
37) 38) Articles:
1) Presentation at Interactive Language Fair:
Breathing Life into E-Learning presented at
2) Review of the Conference for Conference
IATEFL Conference in Harrogate, April 2010.
(Publication of the official acts of the conference)
39) Article: “Letting go: how I learned to hand over to my
students the control of their own learning.”
Independence Vol 53 published by IATEFL
Canturbury, Autumn 2011.
40) Research Paper: What is Spoken Language and How Presented and the Università di Modena e Reggio
should we assess it?
Emilia “Standardized language testing in teaching
and research”
Published in “Standardized Language Testing:
contemporary issues and applications” in “Rassegna
Italiana di Linguistica Applicata” edited by Silvia
Cacchiani, Sian Morgan, Marc Silver, Anno XLIV
Maggio-Dicembre. 2012/2-3 pp. 103-111. 201 Bulzoni
Editore, Roma, 2012.
41) Symposium Presentation at IATEFL Conference
Glasgow, March 2012:
“ELTCHAT and reflective teaching”
Presented as part of the Symposium on continuous
professional development through social networking.
Published in IATEFL 2012 Glasgow Conference
Selections, edited by Tania Pattison, IATEFL
Canterbury 2013.
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