
Announcement of admissions process for the MASTER`S

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Announcement of admissions process for the MASTER`S
Announcement of admissions process for the
academic biennium 2015-2017
Fondazione Accademia d’Arti e Mestieri dello Spettacolo Teatro alla Scala (hereinafter
“Accademia”) offers a two-year Master’s Program for orchestra musicians. A maximum of 73
participants of both sexes may be admitted to the program, divided as follows: 46 strings (24
violins, 9 violas, 7 cellos, 6 double basses); 3 flutes*, 3 clarinets*, 3 oboes*, 3 bassoons*, 4 horns,
3 trumpets, 2 trombones, 1 bass trombone, 1 tuba, 1 harp, 3 timpani/percussionist (*with special
instrument obligations).
The office of the Director of the Accademia and the Examining Committee reserve the full and
inalienable right to admit a larger or smaller number of participants to the program.
1. Program Goals and Professional Profile
The program provides training and artistic development in concert, opera and ballet repertoires
through direct orchestral, ensemble, and chamber music performance experience.
2. Program Structure
Duration: two years. The program comprises two years of study; each year is composed of two
Attendance: during the day and/or in the evening depending on time period. Attendance is
mandatory. Absences must be justified and must not exceed 25% of the scheduled hours. Excess
absences will lead to expulsion from the program and failure to obtain a certificate of
attendance unless the teaching staff and the office of the Director of the Accademia present
justified grounds for making an exception to this policy.
Artistic leave may be granted pursuant to the educational agreement signed by each student at
the beginning of the program.
Coursework and Teaching Staff: The program entails lessons with the chosen instrument,
section recitals, orchestral exercises and chamber music. The program also includes the creation
of a string orchestra (20 elements), a woodwind ensemble, and a brass and percussion ensemble
to foster and develop an artistic rapport among the students and hone their listening skills.
Proposed Study Plan:
Training stage 1 (December 2015)
Training stage 2 (January 2016)
Training stage 3 (March 2016)
Training stage 4 (May 2016)
Fondazione Accademia d’Arti e Mestieri dello Spettacolo Teatro alla Scala
Via Santa Marta, 18 – 20123 Milano - Taxpayer and VAT no. 03413630967 – UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certified
Tel. (+39) 02-8545111 – Fax (+39) 02-86460020 - E-mail: [email protected]
Ballet School performance, Teatro alla Scala (June 2016);
Accademia lyric-symphonic concert, Teatro alla Scala (June 2016);
Bad Kissingen Festival concert (July 2016);
2016 Academy Project “Die Zauberflöte”, Teatro alla Scala (September 2016);
Symphonic concert, Teatro alla Scala (October 2016);
2016-17 Children's Opera Project, Teatro alla Scala (November 2016 - May 2017).
Training stage 1 (December 2017)
Training stage 2 (January 2017)
Training stage 3 (February 2017)
Training stage 4 (April 2017)
Accademia lyric-symphonic concert, Teatro alla Scala (June 2017);
2017 Academy Project, Teatro alla Scala (September 2017);
Symphonic concert tour (October-November 2017)
The program will be coordinated by the Accademia. Instruction on individual instruments and
instrumental sections is provided by the first chairs of the Teatro alla Scala Orchestra.
Orchestral exercises will be conducted by: Pietro Mianiti, Marco Guidarini, Massimiliano
The following maestri will participate as distinguished guest conductors: Fabio Luisi, Adam
Fischer, David Coleman
3. Program Location
The courses are principally held in the following locations:
− Fondazione Accademia d’Arti e Mestieri dello Spettacolo Teatro alla Scala, Via S. Marta 18,
Fondazione Teatro alla Scala, Via Filodrammatici 2, Milan
Abanella rehearsal room, Via Bottelli 11, Milan
Partner performing arts institutions.
4. Requisites
Admission is open to those who:
a) were born on or after January 1, 1988;
b) hold a 1st level diploma from an Italian State Conservatory of Music or State Authorized
Musical Institute, or hold an equivalent qualification from a foreign institution;
c) have not been admitted or accepted for admission to two analogous master’s programs at the
Accademia Teatro alla Scala (i.e. you may not apply a third time if you have already worked
or been deemed eligible to work for the orchestra in the past).
Fondazione Accademia d’Arti e Mestieri dello Spettacolo Teatro alla Scala
Via Santa Marta, 18 – 20123 Milano - Taxpayer and VAT no. 03413630967 – UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certified
Tel. (+39) 02-8545111 – Fax (+39) 02-86460020 - E-mail: [email protected]
5. Application Procedure and Deadline
The online application (www.accademialascala.it/it/musica/corsi/corso-orchestra.html) and all
required supporting documentation must be submitted no later than 22:00 (10 pm) on Sunday,
October 11, 2015.
Required supporting documentation:
• copy of identity card and taxpayer number (codice fiscale or social security number);
• copies of scholastic and/or professional certificates/diplomas, or self-certification of the
• signed CV with the following declarations at the end:
1. The undersigned, aware of the criminal penalties provided in Article 76 of Italian
Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28 December 2000 (D.P.R. 445/2000) for false
statements and acts, declares, pursuant to Articles 46 and 47 of said Decree that all
information contained in this CV is truthful;
2. I authorize processing of my personally identifiable information for the purposes
inherent to using my CV per Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003
(D.Lgs. 196/2003);
• a professional quality photograph, passport format or larger;
• copy of the receipt of payment of €80 (eighty euros) including VAT. Payment may be
made as follows:
• by direct credit transfer to Fondazione Accademia d’Arti e Mestieri dello
Spettacolo Teatro alla Scala (Banca Prossima S.p.A., Piazza Paolo Ferrari 10, 20121
Milano, IBAN IT 51 D 03359 01600 10000 00115 89). The payment memo must
specify the applicant's full name and include the words “Corso per professori
d'orchestra” [Master’s Program for Orchestra Musicians];
• directly online via credit card by clicking on “Iscriviti” at the bottom of the page at
The receipt will be sent via email to the address provided during the payment
process. Make sure you provide a correct and functioning email address.
Candidates residing abroad must present all required documents accompanied by an official
translation into Italian or English.
Candidates who are not residents of a European Union member state and whose applications are
accepted must submit the documents required by law for persons residing outside of the EU and
by the Italian Public Security Authorities (request for permit of stay [permesso di soggiorno] for
reasons of study). This documentation must be submitted before lessons begin.
The admission fee will be reimbursed if the course is cancelled. It will not be reimbursed if the
student withdraws his/her application or does not pass the selection process.
The office of the Accademia Director reserves the exclusive and inalienable right to accept
applications submitted past the deadline but prior to the beginning of the selection process.
Fondazione Accademia d’Arti e Mestieri dello Spettacolo Teatro alla Scala
Via Santa Marta, 18 – 20123 Milano - Taxpayer and VAT no. 03413630967 – UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certified
Tel. (+39) 02-8545111 – Fax (+39) 02-86460020 - E-mail: [email protected]
6. Selection Process
Applicants must pass a selection process to be admitted to the program. Selection is made in a
two-step process:
First assessment: performance of piece specified in the audition plan; performance of a piece
for solo instrument (no piano accompaniment) chosen by the candidate; performance of
orchestra passages specified in the audition plan. The audition plan will be available online at
www.accademialascala.it starting April 10, 2015.
Second assessment: motivational and attitudinal interview for candidates who have passed the
first assessment.
The selection process are scheduled to begin on Monday, November 9, 2015. The exact
date will be provided in the official invitation to participate.
The Examining Committee will be composed of the first chairs of the Teatro alla Scala
orchestra, orchestra instructors and a representative of the office of the Director of the
The candidate must accept all provisions in this announcement of admissions in order to be
admitted to the selection process. If the maximum number of participants is not reached, the
office of the director reserves the right not to initiate the training program and to modify the
calendar of performances: in this case all candidates will be informed within 15 working days of
the end of the selection process.
Candidates deemed eligible for admission will be ranked by the Selection Committee, whose
decision will be final in this regard. Eligible candidates who are not admitted due to their
position in the ranking will be invited to participate in the program if a sufficient number of
higher ranked musicians decline to enroll in the program.
The director’s office reserves the right to postpone the application submission deadline, the date
of the selection process and the beginning of the program.
7. Final Certification
Students having maintained an attendance record of 75% or better will receive a certificate of
attendance at the end of the program.
Students showing particular merit in the eyes of the teaching staff and of the office of the
Director of the Accademia will receive a certificate of merit from the Fondazione Accademia
d’Arti e Mestieri dello Spettacolo Teatro alla Scala.
8. Stipends
Stipends will be assigned starting in the second half of the first year of the program. The amount
will be geared to the effective presence of the student in training sessions and artistic
performances. Contracts will also be offered in relation to the productions staged during the
academic years.
9. Conventions
The accademia has special agreements with hostels, hotels and pensions in Milan. Students
enrolled in the program may request a list of such establishments.
Fondazione Accademia d’Arti e Mestieri dello Spettacolo Teatro alla Scala
Via Santa Marta, 18 – 20123 Milano - Taxpayer and VAT no. 03413630967 – UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certified
Tel. (+39) 02-8545111 – Fax (+39) 02-86460020 - E-mail: [email protected]
10. Meeting with Program Coordinators
You may request to meet with Program Coordinators by writing to
[email protected] or by taking part into the presentations scheduled on 10 June, 16
September and 7 October, from 10am to Midday.
11. Open Day
The Accademia is open to the public on 8 May, 8 June, 8 July, 8 September. Please, check the
web site at www.accademialascala.it/en/open-day-en.html
For further information please contact our office:
tel. (+39) 02-8545111 (option 2) – fax (+39) 02-86460020
The Via Santa Marta 18 facility is open to the public as follows:
Monday through Friday, 09:30-12:45 and 14:30-16:30
[email protected] – www.accademialascala.it
Milan, March 2015
The Director
Luisa Vinci
Fondazione Accademia d’Arti e Mestieri dello Spettacolo Teatro alla Scala
Via Santa Marta, 18 – 20123 Milano - Taxpayer and VAT no. 03413630967 – UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certified
Tel. (+39) 02-8545111 – Fax (+39) 02-86460020 - E-mail: [email protected]
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