
Taylor Junior High Orchestra Handbook 2015-2016

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Taylor Junior High Orchestra Handbook 2015-2016
Taylor Junior High Orchestra Handbook
Welcome to Taylor Junior high Orchestra parents and students!
Taylor has a long tradition of a superior program and a tradition
of excellence. This handbook is designed to be your “Go To”
guide for any information about the Taylor Orchestra Program.
Please read through this handbook carefully with your child as
both you and your child will be required to know and follow all
the guidelines outline in the following pages.
About Mr. Nichols
This will be my fifth year at Taylor and my fifth year teaching
junior high orchestra. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Music
Education from Northern Arizona University. I play the cello,
and have been playing for eighteen years. In my off time I
perform with the Encore Quartet for weddings and special
events. I also enjoy playing non-classical music as I play guitar
and bass on the weekends with my church. I am married and
have a 2 ½ year old daughter at home and another baby girl on
the way in late August.
Attendance Policy
This is a performance based class, if you are not present to perform in
class, there is no possibility of you getting better. For this reason, this is the
first item in my handbook. Attendance is required at ALL rehearsals and
performances. Performance dates are located in the calendar section in
the handbook. Put these dates on your family’s calendar, as of now, they
are prior commitments. Performances are considered a curricular part of
the course. Two weeks’ notice will be given for any further required
The ONLY reason for missing a concert is 1) You are so sick that you cannot
stand up requiring a doctor’s visit or trip to the Emergency Room, or 2) A
death in the family where you need to be removed from school for
Examples of excuses or conflicts that are unacceptable are: vacations,
hunting trips, jobs, club sporting events or practices, any extracurricular
event (including other orchestras), and any other event that is outside of
the curricular school requirements. Missing a concert for any of these
reasons will result in a failing grade for the concert.
Daily Attendance:
You are required to be in your seat by the final bell. Take care of the
restroom before you get to class. Absences from class must be cleared
through the office. Tardy students must have a pass from the office or
from another teacher to enter class after the bell.
Taylor Jr. High Orchestra
Parent/Student Statement of Awareness Form
Dear Parents, it is very important that you take the time to read through the 20152016 handbook carefully along with your child. Hopefully the handbook will answer
many of your questions regarding the Taylor Jr. High Orchestra Program.
Please initial the appropriate sections below and return this page to Mr. Nichols. If
you have any questions please feel free to contact me, 480-472-1531 or
[email protected].
Parent Initial Student Initial
__________ ____________ I have read and understand the grading policy.
__________ ____________ I have read and understand the performance
__________ ____________ I have read and understand the concert etiquette
__________ ____________ I have read and understand the section on orchestra funding.
__________ ____________ I have read and understand the Fund raising section.
__________ ____________ I have read and understand the section on Concert Dress.
__________ ____________ I have read and understand the calendar.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Student Name/Signature
Behavior Guidelines
Taylor Orchestra has a reputation for having the best students in the entire
school both academically and behaviorally. You will be expected to
conduct yourself in a manner that is above reproach at all times. The
following behavior guidelines are designed to foster the best use of the
time we have in class and to allow for maximum use and good care of the
facility we have.
Parent Contact Information:
Parent/Guardian name(s)_________________________________________
Address and Zip_________________________________________________
Home Phone___________________________________________________
Cell Phone_____________________________________________________
T-Shirt Size
_____ (adult
sizing S-XXL)
Concert Dates
Parent Meeting 5:30
August 20, Orchestra Room
Orchestra Concert 7PM
October 6, Taylor Auditorium
Choir Concert 7PM
October 8, Taylor Auditorium
October Break
October 12-16 NO SCHOOL
Band Concert 7PM
October 27, Taylor Auditorium
Veteran’s Day
November 11 NO SCHOOL
Thanksgiving Break
November 26-27 NO SCHOOL
Orchestra Concert 7PM
December 8, Taylor Auditorium
Band Concert 7PM
December 15, Taylor Auditorium
Choir Concert 7PM
December 17, Taylor Auditorium
Winter Break
December 21-January 1 NO SCHOOL
January 18, NO SCHOOL
Mesa Feeder Rehearsal
January 27, 8th Grade only, MHS Auditorium
Mesa Feeder Concert
January 28, 8th Grade only, MHS Auditorium
Suites and Sweets
February 11, Chamber only, Taylor Cafeteria
Band Concert 7PM
Concert 7PM
March 1, Taylor Auditorium Orchestra
March 8, Taylor Auditorium
Choir Concert 7PM
March 10, Taylor Auditorium
Spring Break
March 14-18, NO SCHOOL
Easter Break
March 25, NO SCHOOL
Orchestra Concert 7PM
May 12, Taylor Auditorium
Band Concert 7PM
May 17, Taylor Auditorium
Choir Concert 7PM
May 19, Taylor Auditorium
Last Day of School
May 26
Rehearsal expectations
1. Actively participate for the entire rehearsal
2. Play your instrument only when directed to
3. No talking while the orchestra is working
4. Treat the room, materials and equipment with respect. If it does not
belong to you, do not touch it
5. Be positive with everything you say or do, if it isn’t positive don’t say or
do it.
Consequences for breaking Rehearsal expectations
Students will be assigned detention after school if they break
the above rehearsal expectations.
There will be a grace period of two weeks at the beginning of
the semester where the rules will be introduced and verbally
Students will be expected to serve their detention the next day
(except Fridays) and will be served in room M08 during the
after school study hall. Students have the option of scheduling
their detention on a different date it there is a conflict, but will
be expected to serve on the date they choose.
Students are expected to inform their parents if they are
serving detention, if a student misses detention he or she will
be assigned two days, and a phone call home will be made. If
that student misses their next detention, that student will be
assigned four days, and another phone call home will be made.
If the student continues to miss detention, an office referral will
be made and we will begin the conversation of the student’s
future in orchestra.
General Facility Expectations
The only liquid allowed in the orchestra room is water
White boards are for teacher use only
Cell phones should be off and out of sight-refer to school rules for
policy on cell phones
Treat the room with respect, if you move something, put it back
the way you found it
Grading Policy
It is the purpose of the orchestra program at Taylor to have students
improve their musical and performance skills on a daily basis. The
orchestra program is also a performance organization that relies heavily on
the participation of its members for success. So, this grading policy will be
based on the student’s participation and performance in the following
1. Class rehearsal participation, 40%- Acquiring performance
Each rehearsal is worth 4 points. If you are absent you will receive no
points for rehearsal participation. If you are present and not
participating in the rehearsal, fewer points will be earned that day.
For example, if you are in rehearsal, but do not have an instrument
you could receive only 2 points. In the same way, not bringing a
pencil to rehearsal could be a 1 point deduction. Disturbing the
rehearsal is very bad, and 1-4 points could be deducted for disturbing
the rehearsal process.
Final Thoughts
Your decision to participate in the Taylor Jr. High School Orchestra program
represents the opening of a door to tremendous opportunity. You are very
fortunate to attend a school that has a tradition of excellent orchestras
and a school administration that values and supports this type of study.
Please recognize the value of this opportunity and make the most of it.
This handbook is a guideline to make your experience in orchestra as
productive and enjoyable as possible. The rules it contains have been
developed over many years of experience and refinement. All of the rules
are meant to serve one purpose: to promote the learning of the orchestra
members. Like any good set of guidelines, it is constantly being updated
and improved as conditions warrant.
Mr. Nichols’ Schedule
Lehi Elementary
Taylor JH
Contact Info:
[email protected]
Office Hours for student practice
Stay Connected
Taylor Jr. High Orchestras is very fortunate to have several ways of
communication with both the parents and students. We have both social
communication and direct communication available for both students and
-Facebook: www.facebook.com/TaylorOrchestras
Like this page to receive updates on upcoming events and to see photos of
orchestra events.
-Follow us on Instagram: TaylorOrchestras
Remind 101
This year has a plethora of opportunities for you and your child to be involved this
year. To stay connected with everything that we have going on this year we are
using a free service called Remind 101. This service allows the teacher to send text
reminders about concerts, tests, assignments, extra credit (whoops did I say that?),
and booster meeting times. You and your student should sign up either via text
message or via email so you can be up to date on every orchestra event throughout
the year. Specific information (phone number and email address) is not visible to
the teacher. To sign up do the following:
For Students: Open a new text message to the number 81010, in the message
area follow the instructions exactly. (to sign up with email send a blank email to
the email address provided below)
For students in Cadet Orchestra (MU23) send the message @mu23
(email: [email protected])
For students in Concert Orchestra (MU24) send the message @mu24
(email: [email protected])
For students in Chamber Orchestra (MU26) send the message
@mu26 (email: [email protected])
For Parents: Open a new text message to the number 81010, and send the
message @tjhsorch (for email reminders send a blank email to
[email protected]) If parents want to also receive text reminders
about their child’s orchestra class you can also sign up for their class using the
instructions above.
2. Performance Participation 30%- Exceptional musical
performance display
It is expected that you will give 100% participation in all orchestra
concerts. This means that you are at the concert site when directed
(30 minutes prior unless stated otherwise), that you are in the
appropriate uniform, and that you perform and observe correct
concert behavior. All performances will be considered an exam of
what the members can do. Each member of the orchestra
contributes to the success of the performance, and we need 100%
member participation to be successful. If you are sick (in bed, high
fever, throwing up etc.), or in an emergency situation, and cannot
attend, you will still receive credit for that concert, through an
alternate assignment. If you are there, but don’t perform
appropriately (leave the performance early, tardy to the
performance, or out of uniform) you grade will be lowered
appropriate to your infraction. You will not receive credit if you are
not present for the performance (no call, no show)
3. Skill proficiency and skill development participation 30%Personal preparation and test performance skills.
You will be graded in the following areas: pitch, tone, rhythm,
technical execution, and understanding of musical concepts. Any
music assigned to you and any information covered in class will be
subject to proficiency tests, assignments, and written tests. Students
are required to cover the day’s material at home with daily practice.
Practice will be tracked in various forms as verification of the
student’s personal preparation at home. It is the responsibility of the
parent and student to reinforce a consistent practice time where the
student reviews the day’s rehearsal and works on any identified spot
assigned by the director to improve before the next rehearsal.
Concert etiquette
Students and parents are expected to attend all parts of the concert. This
includes being a good audience member. Wandering around campus,
visiting in the pods or in the orchestra room is not acceptable. Students
will be in uniform during the entire concert and will not add to or take
away from the official uniform at any time during the performance.
Performance perfection and exceptional concert etiquette is the standard
for the Taylor Jr. High Orchestras and nothing less will be accepted.
Music and Folder Care
Proper care of music is the responsibility of every member of the
orchestra. Each student will be required to have their own 1” binder. This
will contain all the music for each concert, as well as any worksheets,
scales, and exercises we are working on in class. Each student will be
expected and required to take their music home to practice and bring it
back to rehearsal EVERY DAY.
Students are expected to keep track of their music at all times. Do not
“lend” your music to another student so they can have music for the day.
You have your music and it stays with you. If Mr. Nichols has to stop
rehearsal to find music for you, this will be considered a disruption to the
rehearsal and no points will be awarded for that day. Do not disrupt the
rehearsal by forgetting your music (this includes “forgetting” your music in
the locker). Lost music will need to be replaced by the orchestra librarian,
students will follow classroom procedures to get replacement parts.
Locks and Lockers
Orchestra lockers are for the purpose of storing musical instruments and
equipment. Keep your locker locked AT ALL TIMES. The school assumes no
responsibility or liability for anything stolen from your locker. All
instruments must be stored in their assigned places. Do not place your
instrument in someone else’s locker. Failure to follow these rules will
result in loss of locker privileges. LOCK YOUR LOCKS!
-Maintenance and Materials
Strings should be replaced at the very least once a year. The hair of the
bow should also be replaced at least once a year depending on usage. A
student who plays several hours a day may need to rehair the bow more
often than a student who practices 30 minutes a day.
It is important that each student have certain minimum supplies for their
instrument. Each day you should have access to the following items during
-1” Binder for classroom materials
-Instrument and Bow
-Cleaning cloth
-Shoulder rest (clip on, like an Everest)
-Extra Set of Strings (vln/vla)
-Endpin stop (cello/bass)
Suggested home materials
-clip on tuner
-School Instruments
Those students that do not have the means to access their own instrument
may be able to check out an instrument for the use during the school year.
Students will be given an application and that application must be returned
by the 2nd Friday of school. The instrument will be issued in good working
order and should be returned in the same condition. The student will be
responsible for paying for any needed repairs while in the student’s
possession. Each student is to provide their own accessories such as
shoulder rests, mutes, and rosin. Students will also replace strings on these
instruments as they become worn or broken. All school instruments are
distributed on the basis of individual and musical need. When using a
school owned instrument, take care of it as if it were your own. If you do
not take care of the instrument, you will not be allowed to use it. DO NOT
Each year members of the orchestra are recognized for outstanding
achievement during the year. Several awards will be presented at the end
of the year based on leadership, growth, personality, and/or achievement.
These awards are selected by both the student’s peers and by the director.
Orchestra Seating
Orchestra money matters
Seating ultimately is at the discretion of the director for musical and
educational reasons. There will be a seating audition for each concert set
throughout the year. Selections for the seating will be announce at least
one week in advance by the director. Selections will be made from the
music in the orchestra folder. Concert seating is decided on pitch, tone,
rhythm, technical execution, and understanding of musical concepts.
Weekly skill tests will be assessed; however these may not affect the
seating for the concert. Daily seating is also at the discretion of the director
and can be changed at any time and for any reason. Expect to spend time
both in the back and front halves of the section throughout your orchestra
Fund-raising for orchestra expenses are considered a part of the
responsibilities of the being a member of the orchestra program. The
school provides limited funds to provide for the basic needs of the
orchestra. Such funds are used for the purchase of music, orchestra
folders, instruments, instrument repair, and office supplies. However,
these funds do not cover other program expenses. Uniforms, awards, tshirts, maintenance, scholarships, guest clinicians and conductors, trips,
and social activities are all paid for out of orchestra student funds. The
orchestra account receives money when members earn funds (through
fundraising), donate funds themselves, or when funds are donated from
outside sources.
Private lessons
-Orchestra Dues
Private lessons are strongly recommended for all orchestra students.
Students that take private lessons, own a good quality instrument, and
practice regularly will usually excel in their performance, and find greater
satisfaction in their musical pursuits. Lessons do not need to be expensive,
there are many programs available for low income families that make
lessons available for any student. If you desire more information, or would
like some help in finding a private teacher or an instrument, talk to Mr.
Nichols. Although lessons are highly encouraged, auditions will be done in
the most unbiased manner to ensure seating in the basis of playing ability
and preparation.
Information on your instrument: The playing condition of your instrument
should always be the highest playing condition possible. Instruments are
available for purchase and for rent. At this stage in development it is
recommended that you and your child rent until an instrument of
sufficient quality and craftsmanship can be acquired.
Members of Taylor Orchestra will be required to pay $15
for orchestra dues. Orchestra dues provide each student
with an orchestra shirt and necessary classroom content.
We will be using the orchestra shirt during our March
concert and at ALL orchestra events (travel, feeder
concerts, and promoting school concerts).
All student funds will be deposited at the bookstore. The
funds will be tracked for each student through an individual
ledger for each orchestra student. All student orchestra
accounts will be managed in the orchestra office. Students
will not be allowed to apply funds in “their account” for
anything except approved orchestra activities.
Parent Booster Organization
Concert Uniforms
The Taylor Jr. High Orchestra is fortunate to have an active parent
organization. The Taylor Orchestra Booster is made up of orchestra parents
and adults who provide additional support for the orchestra program. The
Booster benefits the orchestra by providing support staff for events, and
helpers at special fund raising activities, sponsoring coaches and clinics,
and many other activities. This past year the booster bought several new
instruments, new music for our concerts, and provided a wonderful
experience during our Sweets and Suites Concert. All parents or guardians
are encouraged to be active in the booster program to help the orchestra
program function successfully.
You are expected to follow and wear the concert dress to all performances
unless instructed otherwise.
Men: You will need to wear a long sleeve, BLACK, collared, button down
shirt (To be appropriate all four criteria must be met). You will also need
black pants (no black jeans). In addition you will also need black dress
shoes (no tennis shoes) and black long socks. A tie will be checked out to
you at each concert, you will be expected to turn this tie back in at the end
of the concert in the same condition you received it. Failure to do so will
require the student to pay for the replacement of the tie.
Secretary- (unfulfilled
Ladies: You will need a BLACK short or long sleeve blouse (NO T-shirts or
tank tops) and either a black long skirt or black pants (no black jeans,
spandex, or leggings). Ladies will also wear black close-toed shoes (no flip
flops or tennis shoes) and black tights or hosiery. If you decide to wear a
skirt please make sure that the skirt reaches below your knees while sitting
down. Ladies will also be checked out an ensemble specific accessory,
follow Mr. Nichols’ instructions on how to handle accessory.
Communications- (unfulfilled)
For All:
Please do not wear glitter, distracting jewelry, perfume, or cologne. Any
student who arrives to the concert without the appropriate concert attire
will be asked to change into proper attire before they can perform or they
will receive a failing grade for the concert.
Taylor Booster Executive Council
President – Raquel Voldenegro 480-204-2854 (call or text ok) or [email protected]
President Pro-Tem (reserved for 7th grade parent as next president) - (unfulfilled)
All orchestra trips are school functions. School policies and procedures will
be enforced. Additional guidelines for specific trips may also be in place
and must be followed. School trips are always pending approval and never
Orchestra Council
The purpose of the Orchestra council is to provide assistance in the nonmusical, cultural, and social functions of the orchestra. Such functions are
publicity, fund raising, socials, T-shirt design, scrapbook, library work, class
assistance, and any other need Mr. Nichols can think of. Council positions
include: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Media,
Publicity, Historian, Librarian, Room Czar, and Social King/Queen.
Fly UP