
nominations a la cour de justice et au tribunal de premiere instance

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nominations a la cour de justice et au tribunal de premiere instance
Bruxelles, le 18 février 1998
6054/98 (Presse 38)
Les Représentants des Gouvernements des Etats membres des Communautés européennes ont
nommé, le 18 février 1998 :
Monsieur Antonio SAGGIO
avocat général de la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes à compter de la date de
sa prestation de serment et jusqu'au 6 octobre 2000, à la suite de la démission de M. Guiseppe
Monsieur Paolo MENGOZZI
membre du Tribunal de première instance des Communautés européennes à compter de la
date de sa prestation de serment et jusqu'au 31 août 2001, en remplacement de M. Antonio
SAGGIO, qui a été nommé avocat général à la Cour de justice.
(Voir curriculums vitae en Annexe).
Antonio Saggio
Curriculum vitae
Born in 1934; in 1957 graduated with a first class degree from the University of Naples with a
thesis on international law meriting publication.
Activities as member of the Italian judiciary
In 1960 appointed junior magistrate (uditore giudiziario). Served as district court judge (pretore
and giudice di tribunale) in various fora.
In 1973 appointed Appeal Court judge (Corte di appello) and in 1980 judge of the Court of
Cassation (Corte di cassazione).
1984 to 1988: Adviser (Consigliere) at the Rome Court of Appeal, first civil chamber. 1985 entered
Research Department of the Constitutional Court (Corte costituzionale).
1988 to 1989: Adviser at the Court of Cassation, first civil chamber.
executive office in the Court of Cassation.
1989 qualified for high
Activities as government expert
1974 to 1978: worked in the legislation department (Ufficio legislativo) of the Ministry of Justice
mainly covering economic law; in this capacity he helped in the preparation of national legislation,
sat as the Italian delegate on European Community working parties (especially those dealing with
company law) and represented Italy in international negotiations.
1985 to 1988: as Permanent Chairman of an ad hoc EC Council working party, negotiated with the
countries of the European Free Trade Association a Convention parallel to the Brussels Convention
on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters. In 1988, as
coordinator and spokesman of the Community Member States and Chairman of the General
Committee, took part in the diplomatic conference in Lugano which adopted that Convention.
Activities as member of the Community judiciary
1979 to 1984: Law Clerk to the Italian Advocate-General of the Court of Justice of the European
Since 1989 member of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities, a court with
jurisdiction to hear and determine, in particular, actions relating to anti-competitive practices on a
European scale. For two years (1989-1990 and 1990-1991) Chamber President. Member of the
restricted working party charged with drawing up the Court's draft rules of procedure.
Since 19 September 1995 President of the Court of First Instance following election to that office
by his peers. In that capacity he heads the Court's administration, presides over the First Chamber
and the Court sitting in plenary and has exclusive powers to adopt emergency measures, virtually
all in the field of competition law.
Academic activities
1968 to 1972: assistant professorship in the law of international organizations at Naples University.
1985 to 1989: Professor of Community law at Civil Service College (Scuola superiore della
pubblica amministrazione) in Rome.
Rapporteur at law conferences, mainly for Community law topics.
Author of numerous books and articles on constitutional law, public and private international law
and especially on Community law. These publications are listed in the Annex.
– Trieste, 16 June 1938
· 1961:graduated in law, summa cum laude, at the University of Bologna
· 1964:diploma of the Hague Academy of International Law
· 1967:university lecturer in international law; participated in the Session (on the international
protection of human rights) of the Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and
International Relations of the Hague Academy of International Law
· 1975:winner of the Chair in International Law in the Faculty of Law at the University of Bologna
University posts:
·Professor of International Law at the University of Bologna (from 1976)
·Holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Community Law in the Faculty of Law at the
University of Bologna
·Member of the Academic Council of the Bologna Center of Johns Hopkins University (1977-97)
·Adjunct Professor at Johns Hopkins University Bologna Center (from 1977)
·Visiting Professor, St John's University, New York (1986), School of Law of Georgetown University
(1990 and 1992), Faculté de Droit et Sciences Politiques de l'Université de Paris II (1993), Institut
Universitaire International, Luxembourg (1994), Georgia University Law School, Athens (1995)
·Coordinator for the Doctorate in European Community Law established by the Universities of
Bologna, Ferrara, Modena, Padua and Parma (from 1986)
·Coordinator for the section concerned with International Trade and Dispute Settlement of the LLM
course in European Business Law organized at the University of Nijmegen (the Netherlands) by
the Pallas Consortium made up of the Law Faculties of the Universities of Barcelona, Bologna,
Essex, Luiss Guido Carli, Jean Moulin, Lyon 3, Konstanz and Nijmegen
·Chairman of the "Academic Commisssion for organizational and educational experimentation" of
the University of Bologna (1983-85)
·Member of the National Commission for Universities set up by the Ministry of Education (1984-85)
·Director of the "Interdepartmental Centre for Research on European Community Law" of the
University of Bologna (from 1992)
·Rector of the "Collegio dei Fiamminghi" of the University of Bologna (1966-67)
·Member of the Full Academic Senate of the University of Bologna (1992-93)
·Honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Law of Carlos III University, Madrid (1997)
Other public posts:
Member of the Italian delegation to the Special Committee on the Principles of International
Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States of the UN General
Assembly (1969-70)
Member of the EC Commission Advisory Committee on Public Contracts (from 1994)
State Secretary at the Ministry of Industry and Trade (February-May 1996) contributing to
the management of the six-month Italian Presidency
Director of the 1997 Session (English-speaking section) of the Centre for Studies and
Research of the Hague Academy of International Law devoted to the "Legal Rules of the
World Trade Organization"
Member of the Reflection Group on World Trade Organization Law established by the
European Commission (1997)
L'Agenzia di Approvvigionamento dell'Euratom, Milano, Giuffré, 1964, 133 pp.
L'efficacia in Italia di atti stranieri di potestà pubblica su beni privati, Milano, Giuffré, 1967,
339 pp.
Il regime giuridico internazionale del fondo marino, Milano, Giuffré, 1971, 312 pp.
Il diritto internazionale privato italiano, Utet, Torino, 1987
Il diritto della Comunità europea, CEDAM, Padova, 1990
European Community Law. From Common Market to European Union. Graham and
Trotman/Martinus Nijoff. London/Dordrecht/Boston, 1992, 307 pp.
Casi e Materiali di diritto comunitario – Dal mercato comune all'Unione europea, Cedam,
Atti normativi e giurisprudenza in materia di diritto internazionale privato, Editrice CLUEB,
Bologna 1994
La legge di riforma del diritto internazionale privato italiano, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica,
1997, 2a edizione
Il diritto comunitario e dell'Unione Europea, vol. XV del Trattato di diritto commerciale e del
diritto pubblico dell'economia, diretto da F. Galgano, Padova, CEDAM, 1997 (volume di cui
sono in corso di pubblicazione una versione in lingua inglese (a cura di Kluwer
international) e una versione in lingua spagnola
Essays and articles:
Numerous essays and articles on public and private international law and EC law. The most
recent include:
The International Court of Justice, The United Nations Conference and the Law of the Sea,
in The Italian Yearbook of International Law 1977,
Common Heritage of Mankind and Exclusive Economic Zone, in The Italian Yearbook of
International Law 1980–81, p. 65–84
Towards a new model of cooperation between areas with market economies: The July 26
Framework Agreement between EEC and Canada, Occasional Paper nº 26, Research
Institute, The Johns Hopkins University Bologna Center, September 1979.
La direttiva CEE relativa al diritto di stabilimento e di libera prestazione di servizi nel settore
dell'architettura in Le nuove leggi civili commentate 1986, p. 1277–85
Riconoscimento (diritto internalzionale), in Enciclopedia giuridica Treccani 1991
Diretta applicabilítà del diritto comunitario, poteri del guidice ordinario e decisioni della
Commissione CEE, in Contratto e Impresa 1990
Il ruolo degli ordini forensi nella prospettiva europea, in Rivista di diritto europeo 1992,
p. 727 ss
The influence of Italian Constitutional and European Community Law on Italian Conflict of
Laws, in Saint Louis University Law Journal 1993, p. 365–373
Trade in Services and Commercial Policy in The European Community's Commercial Policy
after 1992: The Legal Dimension (edited by M. Maresceau), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
1993, p. 231–256
La seconda direttiva bancaria, il mutuo riconoscimento e la tutela dell'interesse generale
degli Stati membri, in Rivista di diritto europeo, 1993, p. 447–469.
Corte di Giustizia, Giudici nazionali e tutela dei diritti attribuiti ai cittadini dal diritto
comunitario, in Contratto e impresa 1993, p. 1179–1203
La rule of law e il diritto comunitario di formazione giurisprudenziale, in JUS 1994,
p. 279–294
Les droits des citoyens de l'Union européene et l'applicabilité directe des accords de
Marrakech, in Revue du Marché unique européen 1994, p. 165–174
La responsabilità dello Stato per danni causati a singoli da violazioni del diritto comunitario:
il caso Gabrielli, in Rivista di diritto internazionale 1994, p. 617–634
La condizione di reciprocità e il diritto internazionale privato, in Rivista di diritto
internazionale privato e processuale 1994, p. 485–498
The Marrakesh Disputes Solution Understanding and the Contracting Parties' Mechanism
for the settlement of International Trade Disputes, in The Uruguay Round Results:
A European Lawyers Perspective. College of Europe, 18/19 November 1994.
Differenze e convergenze nella politica giudiziaria della Corte internazionale di giustizia e
della Corte di giustizia delle Comunità Europee, in Il ruolo del giudice internazionale
nell'evoluzione del diritto internazionale e comunitario, Cedam, Padova 1995
Il principio dell'investitore in una economia di mercato e i valori del diritto comunitario, in
Rivista di diritto europeo 1995 p. 19 e ss.
L'Europe et le commerce des services, Institut universitaire international Luxembourg, 1995.
L'informazione commerciale nel diritto comunitario, in Contratto e impresa/Europa 1996, p.
576 e ss.
Ricordo di Roberto Ago, in Archivio giuridico Filippo Serafini 1996
L'autotutela nel diritto delle Nazioni Unite in L'ONU: cinquant'anno di atività e pospettive
per il futuro, SIOI, Roma, 1996
Parti sociali, partiti e diritti dei cittadini nel tempo dell'Unione europea, in Orientamenti
sociali 1996
Le GATS: un accord sans importance pour la Communauté européenne? In Revue du
Marché unique européen 1997
Massimo Magagni, in Rivista di diritto internazionale 1997
Da un "case by case balance of interests" a un "two step analysis approach" nella
giurisprudenza comunitaria in tema di tutela del legittimo affidamento?, in Studi in onore
di G. Federico Mancini, Milano 1997.
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