
Alessia Provino

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Alessia Provino
Alessia Provino
Mobile phone: +393408005791
Office phone: +390103536081
E-mail: [email protected]
Name: Alessia
Surname: Provino
Residency: Via Piandicroce 1, 16047, Moconesi (Genova), Italy
Nationality: Italian
Date ofbirth: 08/11/1981
PZace ofbirth: Genova
• Research Contract (Assegno di Ricerca). February 162012 to February 162013. Title: "New Ironbased superconductors", scientific sector CHIM/02, Chimica Fisica, at the Department of Chemistry
(DCCI), University of Genova (ltaly).
• Ph.D in Chemical Sciences and Technologies. January 01 2009 to December 31 2011; defense date
February 09 2012 at the Department ofChemistry (DCCI), University ofGenova (Italy).
Ph.D thesis titZe: "Study of the structural and magneti c properties variation in binary and temary
intermetallic systems by the effect of substitutional atoms".
• Chemistry Degree attained on 26/03/2007 at the faculty of Natural-Physical-Mathematical Sciences
of the University of Genova (ltaly), with final mark 110/110 with honors. Degree thesis titZe: "Study
of the constitutional properties of the Y-Cu-Mg ternary system".
• Diploma di Maturità Artistica (Artistic High School graduation qualification) attained on July 2000
at the Art Institute ofChiavari (ltaly) with full mark of 100/100.
• Diploma di Maestro d'Arte attained on June 1998 at the Art Institute of Chiavari (Italy).
Dr. A. Provino has graduated in Chemistry, with full honors, in March 2007, after presenting and
discussing the results of a thesis work carried out during 2006 about formation, stability and crystal
structure ofthe intermetallic phases identified in the temary system Y-Mg-Cu.
Since June 2007, and for the whole 2008, she has been working in the 'Section of PhysicaZ
Chemistry' of our Department, by three consecutive six-month renewable appointments, to a research
program founded by a private company (SAES Getters, Milano, Italy): aim of the work was the
identification ofnew phases and compounds in some Ti-based binary and ternary alloys [Ti-Hg: as Hg
dispenser for lamps; Ti-Cr(Mn), Zr-Fe(Y): as vacuum gas-getters], the study of their formationstability and the determination oftheir crystal structure by means ofX-ray diffraction methods. During
2007, she also began to collaborate to a research work I am personally carrying out on rare-earths, R (
mainly Ce-, Sm-, Eu-, Yb-based phases and compounds) and U temary intermetallic systems, and on
their technological applications.
From lanuary l, 2009, after being granted of one of the Doctorate Scholarships (XXIV Cycle,
2009-2011), she has been actively working at a research program relative to this three-years Doctorate
course. Her activity concemed not only experimental works performed in our Department, but also
researches carried out in collaboration with other institutions, in and outside Italy; mainly with the:
# Department of Physics, Università di Genova, Ita/y [prof.ssa M . Putti},
# CNR-SPIN (previous/y INFM-CNR), Ita/y [prof. C. Ferdeghini],
# Condensed Matter Physics & Materia/ Science Depart. T.I.F.R., Mumbai, India [prof. S.K. Dhar},
# Ames Laboratory (and Materia/s Science and Engineering Depart., lowa State University), Ames,
lowa, U.5.A. [prof. K.A. Gschneidner Jr}.
In this context, Dr. A. Provino has also spent 16 months working at the above cited Ames
Laboratory and got the Ph.D. degree on February 09, 2012.
Currently (February 16 2012 to February 16 2013) she is now working by a one-year Post-Doc
appointment (Assegno di Ricerca) at the Department of Chemistry (DCCI), University of Genova
(ltaly); title ofthe topic research: "New Iron-based superconductors". Her full-ti me activity is devoted
to the synthesis ofnew RFeAsO and RFeAs01_xF x and RFel_xTxAsO.
• "Summer School on Mathematicai and Theoretical Crystallography"
Gargnano (ltaly), ApriI 27- May 02, 2008.
• "11 th Canadian Neutron Scattering Summer School"
Chalk River, Ontario (Canada), May 08-13, 2011.
• 37 Physical-Chemistry National Conference (3 70 CNCF)
February 24-29, 2008, Camogli (Genova), Italia
Poster communication: "The New Rare Earth Intermetallic Compounds RMgSn"
A. Provino, S. K. Dhar, P. Manfrinetti
• 1st SIMP-AIC Joint Meeting
September 7-12,2008, Sestri Levante (Genova), Italia.
Poster communication: "Structurai and magnetic properties of CeCus_xPdx phases (R = La, Ce
and x = l, 2)"
A. Provino, K.V. Shah, S.K. Dhar, P. Manfrinetti, M.L. Fomasini
• MEDICTA 2009 (9 th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis)
lune 15-18,2009, Marsiglia, Francia
Poster communication: "Melting behaviour of the rare earth compounds RMgX (X = Sn, Pb)"
A. Provino, K. A. Gschneidner lr., M. Pani, P. Manfrinetti
• JCAT-41 (41 èmes Journées de Calorimétrie et d 'Analyse Thermique)
May 14-16, 2010, Tozeur, Tunisia
Oral communication: "Phase equilibria in the ternary system Ti-Cr-Cu at 800°C"
A. Provino, P. Manfrinetti, D. Mazzone, C. Bernini, C. Boffito, A. Corazza, A. Coda
• SPIN Kick-Off Meeting (Congresso di inaugurazione dell 'Istituto SPIN del Consiglio Nazionale delle
lune 10-11,2010, Genova
Poster communication: "New materiaIs for technoIogicaI applications from the Ti-Cr-Cu ternary
A. Provino, P. Manfrinetti, D. Mazzone, C. Bernini, C. Boffito, A. Corazza, A. Coda
• MMM 201 O (55 th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials)
November 14-18,2010, Atlanta (GA), USA
Oral communication: "Crystal structure and magnetic properties of RCu4Be (R
A. Provino, K. Neeraj, P. Manfrinetti, S.K. Dhar
rare earth)
• TMS 2011 Annual Meeting & Exhibition (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 2011 Annual
February 27-March 03, 2011, San Diego (CA), USA
Poster communication: "Structure and magnetic properties of the RScSb compounds (R = rare
A. Provino, S.K. Dhar, D. Paudyal, A.V. Morozkin, P. Manfrinetti, K.A. Gschneidner, Jr.
• APS 2011 (American Physical Society Meeting)
March 21-25,2011, Dallas (TX), USA
Oral communication: "MnCu4In: a new high temperature ferromagnet"
A. Provino, M.L. Fornasini, D. Paudyal, S.K. Dhar, P. Manfrinetti, V.K. Pecharsky, K.A. Gschneidner
• RERC11 (Rare Earth Research Conjerence)
June 19-23,2011, Santa Fe (NM), USA
Oral communication: "New compounds in the ternary R-Ni-In ssystems (R = rare earths)"
A. Provino, Y Mudryk, P. Manfrinetti, D. Paudyal, V.K. Pecharsky and K.A. Gschneidner Jr.
• 56thMMM (56th Annual Conjerence on Magnetism & Magnetic Materials)
October 30-November 03, 2011, Scottsdale AZ, USA
Oral communication: "Crystal structure of Tb sNhln4 and Y sNhln4 and magnetic properties in
A. Provino, Y. Mudryk, D. Paudyal, V. Smetana, P. Manfrinetti, V. K. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner,
Jr., J. D. Corbett.
1. "Structural and magnetic properties of CeCus_xPdx (x = 1 and 2) alloys"
K.V. Shah, S.K. Dhar, A. Provino, P. Manfrinetti.
Solid State Communications, 148 (2008) 155-158.
2. "Pressure and magnetic fieId tuned quantum criticaI point in the Kondo antiferromagnetic
S.K. Dhar, R. Kulkarni, H. Hidaka, Y. Toda, H. Kotegawa, T.C. Kobayashi, P. Manfrinetti, A.
JournalojPhysics: Condensed Matter, 21 (2009) 156001 (8pp).
3. "On the RMgSn rare earth compounds"
P. Manfrinetti, A. Provino, K.A. Gschneidner Jr
Journaloj Alloys and Compounds, 482 (2009) 81-85.
"Crystal structure and magnetic properties of RCus-xPdx (R = Pr, Nd, Sm and Eu) alloys"
K.V. Shah, P. Bonville, P. Manfrinetti, A. Provino, S.K. Dhar
Journal oj Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 321 (2009) 3164-3170.
"Magnetic structure of tbe NaCl-type NdSb compound"
P. Manfrinetti, A. Provino, A.V. Morozkin, O. Isnard
Journaloj Alloys and Compounds, 487 (2009) L28-L29.
"Magnetic ordering of tbe R.Sb3 compounds (R = Pr, Nd, Sm) and of Pr2Nd2Sb3"
C. Ritter, A.V. Morozkin, K.S. Oskolkov, R. Nirmala, o. Isnard, P. Manfrinetti, A. Provino
Journal ojAlloys and Compounds, 494 (2010) 28-33 .
"Structure and tbermal stability of tbe RMgPb rare eartbs compounds, and tbe anomalous
melting bebaviour of SmMgPb"
A. Provino, K.A. Gschneidner Jr, P. Manfrinetti
Journaloj Alloys and Compounds, 497 (2010) 131-138.
"Magnetic properties ofFe2P-type R6CoTe2 compounds (R = Gd-Er)"
A.V. Morozkin, Yu. Mozharivskyj, V. Svitlyk, R. Nirmala, O. Isnard, P. Manfrinetti. A. Provino, C.
Journal ojSolid State Chemistry, 183 (2010) 1314-1325
"Tbe magnetic ordering in tbe H06FeTe2 compound"
A.V. Morozkin, O. Isnard, P. Manfrinetti, A. Provino, C. Ritter, R. Nirmala, S.K. Malik
Journaloj Alloys and Compounds, 498 (2010) 13-18.
lO. "Self-magnetic compensation and sbifted bysteresis loops in ferromagnetic samarium systems"
P.D. Kulkarni, S.K. Dhar, A. Provino, P. Manfrinetti and A.K. Grover
Physical Review B, 82 (2010) 144411(1-6).
11. "Crystal structure and magnetic properties of RCu4Be (R = rare eartb) compounds"
A. Provino, N. Kumar, P. Manfrinetti, S.K. Dhar.
Journaloj Applied Physics, 109 (2011) 07E134(1-3).
12. "Tbe magnetic structures ofRMgSn compounds (R =Ce, Pr, Nd, Tb)"
C. Ritter, A. Provino, P. Manfrinetti, K. A. Gschneidner, Jr.
Journaloj Alloys and Compounds, 509 (2011) 9724-9732
13. "New materials for tecbnological applications from tbe Ti-Cr-Cu ternary system"
A. Provino, P. Manfrinetti, D. Mazzone, C. Bernini, C. Boffito, A. Corazza, A. Coda in "Copper
Alloys: Preparation, Properties and Applications" Nova Publishers, Materials Science, Eds. M.
Naboka and J. Giordano, Chapter 10,213-246, 2011.
14. "Crystal structure of TbsNhIn4 and YsNhIn4' and magnetic properties of Dy sNhIn4"
A. Provino, Y. Mudryk, D. Paudyal, V. Smetana, P. Manfrinetti, V. K. Pecharsky, K. A.
Gschneidner, Jr., J. D. Corbett
Journaloj Applied Physics, 111 (2012) 07E122 (1-3).
Singing, Music, Sport; Drawing, Reading, Forensic Medicine, Astronomy.
Genova, 15/11/2012
Alessia Provino
Fly UP