
Fegley, Randall Equatorial Guinea An African Tragedy Order online

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Fegley, Randall Equatorial Guinea An African Tragedy Order online
Fegley, Randall
Equatorial Guinea
An African Tragedy
New York, Bern, Frankfurt/M., Paris, 1989. IX, 310 pp.
American University Studies: Series 11, Anthropology and Sociology. Vol. 39
ISBN 978-0-8204-0977-1 hardback (Hardcover)
SFR 47.00 / €* 32.40 / €** 33.30 / € 30.30 / £ 27.30 / US$ 46.95
Order online: www.peterlang.com
Book synopsis
This study provides a comprehensive look at the history and politics of one of Africa's smallest and least known nations: Equatorial Guinea.
Beginning with the arrival of Europeans in the 1470s and ending with the present day, it traces a tragic story of colonialism, dictatorship, socioeconomic deterioration and gross human rights violations. Questioning some established assumptions, Dr. Fegley closes with an analysis of the
international structures which have been set up to protect human rights and the attitudes which have developed around them. His suggestions
offer thought-provoking alternatives for both Equatorial Guinea and the international enhancement of human rights.
Contents: This book contains the history of Equatorial Guinea from the colonial era through the dictatorship of Francisco Macias Nguema up to
the present. It discusses the protection of human rights in Equatorial Guinea and worldwide.
«A necessary addition to Africana collections...» (J.J. Grotpeter, Choice)
«(L)e assicurazioni che fornisce sulle fonti e le possibilità di controllo che offre testimoniano dell'affidabilità dell'opera che, in qualche misura,
costituisce ... un repertorio.» (Mario Mannini, Politica Internazionale)
«Précise et documentée, cette monographie de la Guinée équatoriale est l'une des meilleures dont nous puissions disposer.» (Revue Française
de Science Politique)
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