
Curriculum Vitae of Luisa Maria Leonini PERSONAL INFORMATION

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Curriculum Vitae of Luisa Maria Leonini PERSONAL INFORMATION
Curriculum Vitae of Luisa Maria Leonini
Luisa Maria Leonini
(+39) 02 50321212
[email protected]
www.sps.unimi.it www.gender.unimi.it www.stages.unimi.it
Sex Female | Date of birth 21 Jan 54 | Nationality Italian
Professor of Sociology
Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan
Via Conservatorio, 7, 20122 Milan (Italy)
Teaching duties: Sociology, Qualitative Methods in Sociological Research, Gender and
Inequalities, Sociology of the Family, Sociology of Consumption.
Director of the PhD in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research
Graduate School in Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan
Via Pace, 10, 20122 Milan (Italy)
Director of the Centre for Study and Research on Women and Gender Differences
University of Milan
Via Conservatorio, 7, 20122 Milan (Italy)
The Centre focuses on six main areas of research: human rights and women's rights, women
and science, equal opportunities, work and gender policies, gender and social policies,
women and politics. Particular attention is given to analyzing ongoing transformations in
society through a gender lens. The Centre's activities include open meeting and other public
initiatives, classes and couses within the Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences,
Agricoultural and Food Sciences, Medicine, Law. The Centre's activities also include the
coordination with other centres working on gender issues, information and consulting
services and partnership or coordination of both national and international projects.
Director of Master of Art in Public Communication
Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences, University of Milan
Via Conservatorio, 7, 20122 Milan (Italy)
Associate Professor of Sociology
Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan
Via Conservatorio, 7, 20122 Milan (Italy)
PhD in Sociology
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, (United Kingdom)
October 2014
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Curriculum Vitae of Luisa Maria Leonini
Degree in Political Science, 110/110 cum laude
University of Milan, Milan (Italy)
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Communication skills
Very good communication skills gained through my teaching experience.
Organisational / managerial
Leadership in different activity of the University of Milan: Director of the PhD in Sociology,
Director of the Women's Centre, and coordinator of serveral research teams on sociological
topics, especially on gender discrimination I gained several grants funded by Italian Minister
of Education.
Job-related skills
Good command of quality control processes, good methodology skills (research projects),
good organizational skills (Coordinator of Master of Art).
Computer skills
Other skills
Driving licence
Good command of Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excell, Power Point, Outlook especially).
Translation from English to Italian acquired while I was doing my PhD in Edinburgh.
Research Interests
My research interests include identity, gender differences, gender inequalities, family,
intergenerational relationships, youth, immigration, sexuality, globalization of sexual market,
sociology of culture.
Partecipates in the work of the Italian Sociological Association (AIS), the European
Sociological Association (ESA), and to the International Sociologial Association (ISA).
Presenting papers and research results.
Partecipates in the European network IRENE, linked to the Socrates Thematic Project
ATHENA which has the objective to promote projects and actions in favour of equal
opportunities. I presented a paper in 2004 in Madrid at the International Congress 'La
Ciudades y la Prostituciòn'.
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Curriculum Vitae of Luisa Maria Leonini
Memebr of the Scientific Council of the Centre for Women and Gender Differences (or
Centro Convenzionato Studi e Ricerche Donne e Differenze di Genere) from 1995 to 2010.
Then Coordinator of the section 'Gender, Generation and Social Policies' of the Centre on
Women and Gender Differences, from 2007 to 2010. from 2010 Director. University of
In July 2014 I presented a paper on 'Young Women Facing the Economic Crisis' (32288) that
was accepted for the Working Group 'Unequal Genders: Another Challenge for Globalized
Societies' (4123) at the XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, 13-19 July 2014,
Yokohama, Japan.
Selected Projects
- STAGES (Structural Transformation to Achieve Gender Equality in Science): European
Union project, from 2012 to 2013 Member of the Group of Research; from 2013 Project
Leader and Scientific Coordinator, University of Milan.
- PRIN MIUR Italian Project, Youth and the Economic Crisis: from 2012 to 2014 Scientific
Coordinator, University of Milan.
- Pregiudizio Etnico, di Genere e di Orientamento Sessuale. Un Percorso di Ricerca e
Sensibilizzazione (or Ethnic, Gender and Sexual Orientation Prejudice. A Research for
Awareness Promotion) financed by Fondazione Cariplo: from 2011 to 2014 Scientific
Coordinator, University of Milan.
- Donne, Politica e Istituzioni (DPI) (or Women, Politics and Istitutions): national courses
financed by Equal Opportunities Department of the Italian Government, Scientific
Coordinator with Prof. Marilisa D'Amico, 2012 and 2013 courses, University of Milan.
- Rappresentanza Collettiva e Partecipazione Politica delle Donne Migranti: il caso italiano in
una prospettiva comparata (or Trade Unions Representation and Political Participation of
Migrant Women: the Italian case in a comparative perspective), financed by Fondazione
Cariplo: from 2010 to 2012 Scientific Coordinator, University of Milan.
- WHIST (Women's Careers Hitting the Target: Gender Management in Scientific and
Technological Research): European Union project financed by 7th framework programme,
from 2009 to 2011 member of the research group.
Selected Publications
1) 2013. Ambiguous goods, ambiguous societies, in: Journalism and Mass Communication, 3,
6 (Jun), pp. 375-384.
2) 2013. Shifting Geographical Configurations in Migrant Families: Narratives of Children
Reunited with their Mothers in Italy, in: Comparative Population Studies, 38, 2, pp. 465-498,
with P. Bonizzoni.
3) 2012. Il consumo del corpo nella società contemporanea, in: Il mercato dei corpi: politiche
di contrasto e vie di fuga, A. R. Calabrò (ed), pp. 45-62. Napoli: Liguori.
4) 2012. The consumption styles of immigrant families in Italy: identifications, status, and
practices, in: Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, vol. 41, p. 161-171, with P.
5) 2011. Rimesse, risparmi e consumi: una riflessione sui migranti e il denaro, in: E.
Napolitano, L. Visconti e L. Leonini (eds), WelcomeBank: migranti e marketing bancario. p.
29-36, Milano: Egea.
6) 2010. New Media and Pornography, in: Advances in Communication and Mass Media
Research, Y. Pasadeos (ed), pp. 285-306, Athens : Atiner.
7) 2010. Legami di nuova generazione, with P. Rebughini. Bologna: Il Mulino.
8) 2009. Different But Not Stranger: Everyday Collective Identifications among Adolescent
Children of Immigrants in Italy, in: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 35, 1, pp. 37-59,
with E. Colombo and P. Rebughini.
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Curriculum Vitae of Luisa Maria Leonini
9) 2008. Il consumo critico, with R. Sassatelli and P. Rebughini. Roma: Laterza.
10) 2008. Nuovi media e pornografia, come Internet ha modificato il sexbusiness, in: Gender
e Media, A. Tota (ed), pp. 189-210. Roma: Meltemi.
11) 2006. Giovani immigrati di seconda generazione: stranieri o italiani? Il ruolo dei consumi
nella costruzione della identità, in: E. Di Nallo, Cum Sumo, pp. 230-270. Milano: Franco
12) 2005. Stranieri e italiani. Una ricerca tra gli adolescenti figli di immigrati nelle scuole
superiori. with R. Bosisio, E. Colombo and P. Rebughini. Roma: Donzelli.
13) 2004. I mercati sessuali contemporanei: il sacrificio delle donne, in R. Ago (ed), Il
sacrificio.Storia delle donne e dell’identità di genere, pp. 167 180. Roma: Biblink.
14) 2004. Os clientes das prostitutas, in M. R. Schpun (ed), Masculinidades. Santa Cruz do
Sul, Brasil: Unisc (Boitempo Editorial).
15) 2003. Identità e movimenti collettivi in una società planetaria. (ed). Milano: Guerini.
16) 2003. Contemporary Italian Families caught between tradition and change, in The
International Encyclopaedia of Marriage and Family Relationships, Second Edition, New
17) 2002. Quello che ci spetta, I diritti fondamentali nelle rappresentazioni degli adolescenti,
with P. Ronfani and R. Bosisio. Roma: Donzelli.
18) 2001. La globalizzazione dei mercati sessuali, in A. Besussi and L. M. Leonini (eds),
L’Europa tra società e politica. Integrazione europea e nuove cittadinanze, pp. 129-141.
Milano: Guerini.
19) 1999. Sesso in Acquisto. Una ricerca sui clienti della prostituzione. Milano: Unicopli.
20) 1998. Andar di notte. L’altro volto di Milano. (ed). Milano: Unicopli.
21) 1988. L'identità smarrita. Il ruolo degli oggetti nella vita quotidiana. Bologna: Il Mulino.
Dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione e dichiarazione sostitutiva dell’atto di notorietà ai sensi degli art. 46 e 47 D.P.R. 445
del 28/12/2000. Consapevole delle responsabilità penali, art. 76 D.P.R. 445 del 28/12/2000, cui si può andare incontro in caso di
dichiarazioni mendaci, dichiaro sotto la mia responsabilità che quanto qui di seguito scritto risulta essere veritiero. Inoltre,
autorizzo al trattamento dei dati personali, secondo quanto previsto dal D.Lgs. 196 del 30/06/2003.
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