
The Digital Single Market: a revolution en rose?

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The Digital Single Market: a revolution en rose?
The Digital Single Market:
a revolution en rose?
How digital tools can boost women empowerment
Centro Congressi Stelline | Corso Magenta, 61
09:15 Registrations
09:30 Welcome speeches:
Giuliano Pisapia (Mayor of Milan) - tbc
Valeria Fedeli (vice-president Senato della
09:45 Opening remarks:
Alessia Mosca, MEP
10:00-11:15 / Panel nr. 1
// The long way to a Digital Single Market
Fabrizio Spada (Head of Milan Representation,
European Commission)
Giulia Gazzelloni (co-founder Le Cicogne)
Gianna Martinengo (Entrepreneur Didael KTS;
Chairperson Women&Technologies®)
Josephine Wood (Political Advisor, S&D Group,
European Parliament)
11:30-13:00 / Panel nr. 2
// Women and Digital: where are we?
Francesca Zajczyk (Delegate of Equal
Opportunities, Comune di Milano; Full professor
of Urban Sociology, Milano-Bicocca University)
Michele Colajanni (Responsible for "Ragazze
Antonella Ninni (Coordinator "Eccellenze in
Digitale", Chamber of Commerce, Florence)
Teresa Pais (Owner, CorkSpirit)
Anna Puccio (Secretary General, Fondazione
Italiana Accenture)
Terry Reintke (MEP, Rapporteur for "Gender
equality and empowering women in the digital age")
13:00-14:00 Networking light lunch
14:00-15:00/ Panel nr. 3
// Best practices: what are big digital
companies doing for women
Mina Pirovano (President of Lombardy Committee
for Female Entrepreneurship)
Roberta Cocco (National Plan Director, Microsoft
Western Europe)
Federica Rabiolo (Government Relations and
External Affairs, eBay)
15:00-16:30 / Panel nr. 4
// Smartworking & co-working: digital
solutions to live easier and work better
Chiara Bisconti (City councilor)
Fiorella Crespi (Head of Research,
Smart-Working Observatory, Politecnico di
Luisa De Vita (Research fellow, Sapienza
University, Rome)
Paola Profeta (Professor and Coordinator, Dondena
Gender Initiative, Bocconi University, Milan)
Riccarda Zezza (Social Entrepreneur, founder at
Piano C)
Panel moderators:
Marta Serafini and Martina Pennisi
(Corriere della Sera, La 27esima Ora)
RSVP: [email protected]
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