
cristina stringher

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cristina stringher
Personal information
Via Dessì, 36 – 00142 Rome, Italy
0039 06 94185361
[email protected]
Current position
Researcher with tenure at Invalsi, National Institute for the Educational Evaluation of Instruction and Training,
Italy since 2008. Currently responsible for two projects in the area of Teacher quality management and of
Learning to learn.
Previous positions
Consultant to the Ministry of Education, University and Research for the European L2L
pre-pilot study and member of the relevant Scientific Committee.
Administrative position within Consorzio Cilea, Rome, working at the Ministry of
University and Research on industrial research funds.
Lecturer and expert at University Roma Tre, Italy, within the Department of Educational
Sciences (now DIPED). Research experience in several projects and reporting in
international projects, lecturing in a Master degree course and co-supervision of degree
Freelance marketing consultant for Italian firms in the North-East with market research
Product manager responsible for market research at The Walt Disney Company, Milan
P.R. account at J. W. Thompson, Milan Italy.
Phd in Innovation and Evaluation of Educational Systems, received on March, 2007 from University of Roma
Tre, Italy.
Degree in Educational Sciences received on June 2002 from University of Urbino, Italy (110/110 cum laude).
Research strands
Learning to learn theory and assessment in a lifelong and life-wide perspective, including teacher professional
development; School Improvement for learning based upon Learning to learn; Early Childhood Education and
Care (ECEC) and relevant training of teachers and coordinators based upon Learning to learn; Montessori
education for learning to learn.
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Cristina Stringher
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Professional profile
Currently a member of EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) and of the
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) Network 11 on Educational Effectiveness and Quality
Assurance, in 2006- 2007 member of the European Network on Learning to Learn and in 2008 of the Working
Group on Learning to Learn within the Italian Ministry of Education and Research. Since 2004 member of
Cesmon, Centre for Montessori Studies, at University Roma Tre.
At Invalsi, researcher with experience in school improvement through EU Social Fund, learning to learn theory
and assessment and IEA ICCS reporting.
Research interests: theoretical definition of learning to learn, its assessment and application of techniques and
didactic methodologies aimed at improving this aspect of intelligence in a developmental and lifelong
perspective and in connection with other EU key competencies such as civic competence. Within this field of
study, works presented and published in national and international fora.
Most recent publications: IEA ICCS Italy National Chapter (to be published in English), ECEC personnel
profiles and training (AUFOP, 2012), theoretical explorations on learning to learn (Invalsi working papers,
2010; Franco Angeli, 2008), validation of experiential learning (Anicia, 2011, 2010), empirical and theoretical
works on Montessori as a vehicle to learning to learn.
Professional activity: Evaluator of EU projects within 7th FP in 2012. Since 2004 lecturer in Developmental
Psychology and Pedagogy/Learning to learn in a Master degree course for early childhood coordinators within
Roma Tre University. Consultant to an ECEC institution.
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Papers and book chapters
Stringher, C. & Gallerani, M. (2012). Investigación e Innovación en la Formación del Profesorado y de los
Coordinadores de los Servicios para la Infancia en Italia. Paper accepted by Revista Interuniversitaria de
Formación del Profesorado.
Stringher C. (2012). School improvement for learning. Some reflections in a theoretical framework. ECER
2011 Network 11 conference proceedings.
Terrinoni, G., Stringher, C., (2011). National Chapter (Italy). In IEA ICCS Encyclopedia. To be published by
Stringher C., (2011). Formarsi per diventare coordinatori educativi nell’infanzia. In Education 2.0,
Stringher C., (2011). Lessico di base. In Alberici, A., Di Rienzo P. (eds.) I saperi dell’esperienza. Politiche e
metodologie per il riconoscimento e la convalida degli apprendimenti non formali e informali nell’università
(243-251). Roma: Anicia.
Stringher C., (2010). Il riconoscimento e la validazione delle competenze professionali ed esperienziali
nell’area anglofona. In Di Rienzo P. (ed.), Il riconoscimento e la validazione degli apprendimenti non formali e
informali nell’Università – Primo rapporto di ricerca: politiche e modelli in Europa – PRIN 2007. Roma: Anicia.
Stringher C. (2010). What is Learning to learn? An updated theoretical exploration. INVALSI Working Paper,
Stringher C. (2009). Is Montessori better preparing children to learn how to learn than traditional education?
Montessori Research Network (MORE) Newsletter, 01/2009, July.
Stringher C. (2008). Definizioni e modelli dell’apprendere ad apprendere per il lifelong learning. In Alberici A.,
La possibilità di cambiare. Apprendere ad apprendere come risorsa strategica per la vita. Milano: Franco
Stringher C. (2008). Una mappa di navigazione per l’apprendere ad apprendere. In Alberici A., La possibilità di
cambiare. Apprendere ad apprendere come risorsa strategica per la vita. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Stringher C. (2008). Imparare ad apprendere: teoria, valutazione e didattica nella scuola secondaria. In
Riforma & Didattica tra Formazione e Ricerca, XI, 3.
De Stefano M.T., Ferdinandi A., Stringher C. (2007). Chi ha bisogno di istruzione: le interviste in profondità. In
Gallina V., Vertecchi B. (eds) Il disagio, l’alfabeto, la democrazia. Riflessioni sui risultati del progetto Predi.,
Milano: Franco Angeli.
Stringher C. (2005). Montessori materials in adult education settings: a hypothesis of use in Italian Ctps, Paper
presented at Roskilde Summer School. Retrieved from :
Stringher C. (2005). Assessment. In AEA-Europe Glossary. Retrieved from: http://www.aeaeurope.net/userfiles/DG4%20Professional%20Development%20-%20the%20Glossary.pdf .
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De Stefano M.T., Ferdinandi A., Poce A., Salassa M., Stringher C., Testani T. (2004). Le pratiche valutative
nella scuola secondaria superiore. Uno studio di caso. In Cadmo, XII, 1. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Giampietro N., Stringher C. (2003-04). Spot e voti: persuasione occulta? Analisi pubblicitaria di un decennio di
campagne elettorali in Italia. Quaderni di Studi Urbinati Urbino university press.
Stringher C. (2007). Imparare ad apprendere e valutazione. Studio esplorativo in classi primarie tradizionali e
Montessori. Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione. Unpublished doctoral
Presentations in conferences
Stringher C. (2011). What is Learning to learn? An updated theoretical exploration. Paper presented at EARLI
2011, Exeter.
Stringher C. & Goldspink C. (2011). A Learning to Learn Approach to School Improvement in Italy, Poster
accepted at EARLI 2011, Exeter.
Stringher C. (2011). Maria Montessori: From A Pedagogy Of Learning Competence To A Theory On Learning
How To Learn. Paper presented at ECER 2011, Berlin.
Stringher C. (2009). Apprendere ad apprendere: da Montessori una lezione attuale. Paper presented at the
International Congress hosted by University Roma Tre Infanzia e adolescenza. Per un intervento educativo su
misura, November 27, http://www.montessori.uniroma3.it/
Stringher C., (2007). Learning to learn as a key to adult self-construction and well-being, Paper presented at
ECER 2007, Ghent, retrieved from: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/bei/Conferences/Archive/conf_arch_default.html.
Deakin-Crick R., Stringher C., Liu Y., Ren K., Armstrong R. (2007). Learning dispositions: a comparative study,
Paper co-presented at ECER 2007, Ghent, retrieved from:
http://www.leeds.ac.uk/bei/Conferences/Archive/conf_arch_default.html .
Stringher C. (2007). Learning to learn: first results of an exploratory research in elementary schools, Paper
presented at the 3rd Meeting of the Network on Learning to Learn, Ispra Joint Research Centre – European
Commission, retrieved from: http://crell.jrc.ec.europa.eu/.
Stringher C. (2006). Learning competence : an Italian exploratory research in elementary schools, Paper
presented at the 2nd Meeting of the Network on Learning to Learn, Ispra Joint Research Centre – European
Commission, retrieved from: http://crell.jrc.ec.europa.eu/.
Reports and other works
Stringher C. et al. (2010). Sistema di Audit e Accompagnamento delle scuole Pon nella prospettiva
dell'apprendere ad apprendere I-3-FSE-2009-3 - Rapporto Fase 1 Pilota, Giugno 2010. Retrieved from Italian
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Ministry of Education: http://archivio.pubblica.istruzione.it/fondistrutturali/documenti/valutazione2007.shtml and
from: http://www.invalsi.it/invalsi/istituto.php?page=rapporti
Stringher C. et al. (2010). Il gestionale PON – Prime funzionalità. Report to the General Manager of Invalsi.
Stringher C. (2010). Valutazione dei PON per un’istruzione di qualità – Convenzione MIUR-INVALSI
Valutazione dei PON-Istruzione. Report to the European Social Fund Surveillance Committee.
Stringher C. et al. (2010). Azione di Audit e Accompagnamento – Fase 2 Pilota – Linee guida e strumenti di
visita V3. Manual retrieved from: http://www.invalsi.it/invalsi/ri/audit/.
Stringher C. et al. (2010). Azione di Audit e Accompagnamento – Manuale Fase 1 Estensiva V2. Manual
retrieved from: http://www.invalsi.it/invalsi/ri/audit/.
Stringher C. (2010). Apprendere ad apprendere nel Metodo Montessori. Presentation given to teachers of the
Middle School Marco Tullio Cicerone, within the agreement with CESMON/Roma Tre.
Stringher C. (2009). Valutazione dei PON per un’istruzione di qualità – Convenzione MIUR-INVALSI per la
valutazione dei PON-Istruzione. Report to the European Social Fund Surveillance Committee.
Stringher C. (2009). Azione di Audit e Accompagnamento – Manuale Fase 1 Pilota. Manual retrieved from:
Stringher C. (2009). PON-Istruzione 2007-2013 - Convenzione MIUR-INVALSI per lo Sviluppo di Azioni di
Valutazione - Allegato Tecnico - Valutazione dei PON per un’istruzione di qualità. Project for the European
Social Fund evaluation strategy.
Barbieri G., Stringher C. (2008). Learning to learn pre-pilot study - Italy’s national report, Report prepared for
the Italian Ministry of Education, Direzione Generale Studi e Programmazione, Ufficio II Servizio statistico I,
and submitted to European Commission, DG Education and Culture.
Stringher C. (2008). European Learning to Learn Project – Pre-Pilot Study. Italy’s contribution containing draft
manuals for focus group discussions and observations, Manual developed for the Italian Ministry of Education,
Direzione Generale Studi e Programmazione, Ufficio II Servizio statistico I, and for the European Commission,
DG Education and Culture.
Stringher C. (2007). Learning to Learn Pilot Survey, Advisory report prepared for the Italian Ministry of
Education, Direzione Generale Studi e Programmazione, Ufficio II Servizio statistico I.
Tempus - Joint European Project IB_JEP-24141-2003 TRAST: True Assessment Distance Learning Network
for Teachers- Supplementary II Report on the action’s implementation (IR2.). Coordination of the progress
report among partners and construction of the Italian part of the progress report. 20/October/2006.
Tempus - Joint European Project IB_JEP-24141-2003 TRAST: True Assessment Distance Learning Network
for Teachers- II Report on the action’s implementation (IR2). Coordination of the progress report among
partners and construction of the Italian part of the progress report. 01/March/2006.
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