
Borghini Stefania - SDA Bocconi School of Management

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Borghini Stefania - SDA Bocconi School of Management
Borghini Stefania
Published on SDA Bocconi School of Management (http://www.sdabocconi.it)
Stefania Borghini
SDA Professor of Marketing
Curriculum Vitae
Degree in Business Administration, University of Pavia, Italy, 1995
Ph.D. in Business Administration and Management, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, 2001
Academic position and/or Professional activities
Director of the Master of Science in Marketing Management, Bocconi University
Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Research Interests
Consumer and customer behavior
Symbolic consumption
Kids marketing
Industrial marketing
Qualitative research
Diamond N., Mcgrath M. A., Sherry J. F., Kozinets R. V., Muniz A. Jr., and Borghini S., (2014)
“Brand Fortitude in Moments of Consumption” in R. Denny and P. Sunderland (eds) Handbook
of Business Anthropology, Walnut Creek, CA: LeftCoast Press
Rinallo D. Borghini S., Gamossy G. And Kozinets R. V. (2012), “When Sacred Objects Go
B®a(n)d: Fashion Rosaries and the Contemporary Linkage of Religion and Commerciality”, in
D. Rinallo, L. Scott, P. Maclaran (eds), Spirituality and Consumption, London: Routledge,
Borghini S., Maclaran P., Bonnin G., and Cova V. (2012), “The Ecology of the Marketplace
Experience: From Consumers’ Imaginary to Design Implications”, in L. Peñaloza, N.Toulouse,
L. M. Visconti (eds.), Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective, London: Routledge,
Rinallo D., Borghini S., Golfetto F. (2012), “The influence of occupational communities on
buying behavior”, in Borghini S., Carù A., Golfetto F., Pace S., Rinallo D., Visconti L., Zerbini F.
(ed), Prodotto, consumatore e politiche di mercato quarant’anni dopo, Scritti in onore di
Stefano Podestà, Milano: Egea, 51-68
Zerbini F., Borghini S., (2012), “The proof of the pudding is in the kitchen: assessing market
response to signals encodign during supplier selection”, in Borghini S., Carù A., Golfetto F.,
Pace S., Rinallo D., Visconti L., Zerbini F. (ed), Prodotto, consumatore e politiche di mercato
quarant’anni dopo, Scritti in onore di Stefano Podestà, Milano: Egea, 285-306
Borghini S., Otnes C., e McGrath M. A. (eds), (2008), “European Advances in Consumer
Research”, ACR, Vol. 8
Sherry J. F., Borghini S., Mcgrath M. A., Muniz A. Jr., Diamond N., e Kozinets R. V., (2009),
“Allomother as Image and Essence: Animating the American Girl Brand” in J. F. Sherry, E.
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Borghini Stefania
Published on SDA Bocconi School of Management (http://www.sdabocconi.it)
Fisher (eds.), Explorations in Consumer Culture Theory, London: Routledge, 137-149
Borghini S., Carù A., (2008), “Co-creating Consumption Experiences: An Endless Innovation”,
in A. Carù e K. Tollin (eds.), Strategic Market Creation, Wiley & sons, 257-284
Sherry J. F. Jr, Kozinets R. V., e Borghini S., (2007), “Agents in Paradise. Experiential
Co-Creation through Emplacement, Ritualization, and Community”, in A. Carù e B. Cova,
Consuming experiences, Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge, 17-33
Borghini S., Zaghi K., (2008), “I consumatori e i negozi favoriti. Fenomenologia
dell’attaccamento agli spazi commerciali” in K. Zaghi (ed), Atmosfera e visual merchandising:
ambienti, relazioni ed esperienze, Milano: FrancoAngeli, 231-244
Borghini S., Zaghi K., (2007), “Spazio progettato e spazio consumato. Il caso degli Epicentri di
Prada” in C. Mauri e S. Castaldo (eds.), Innovazione, Experience, Partnership, Milano:
FrancoAngeli, 134-154
Borghini S., (2005), “Store Design e Servicescape. Il “place” della relazione con il cliente”, in
C. Mauri e S. Castaldo (eds.), Store Management, Milano: FrancoAngeli, 108-141
Borghini S., (2004), “La donna, la casa, i prodotti per la casa”, in C. Mauri (ed.), Innovazione
nel retailing dei prodotti per la casa, Milano: FrancoAngeli, 68-90
Borghini S., (2004), “Uomo, donna e liste nozze”, in C. Mauri (ed.), Innovazione nel retailing
dei prodotti per la casa, Milano: FrancoAngeli, 91-98
Borghini S., (2004), “Coin casa: il piacere di abitare”, in C. Mauri (ed.), Innovazione nel
retailing dei prodotti per la casa, Milano: FrancoAngeli, 99-126
Balconi M., Borghini S., e Moisello A., (2003), “Ivory Tower vs Spanning University: il caso
dell'Università di Pavia” in A. Bonaccorsi (ed.), Il sistema della ricerca pubblica in Italia,
Milano: FrancoAngeli, 133-171
Articles on international journals
Zerbini F., Borghini S., “Release Capacity in the Vendor Selection Process”, (2015), Journal of
Business Research, 68, 405-14
Visconti L. M., Sherry J. F. Jr , Borghini S., e Anderson L., (2010), “Street Art, Sweet Art? The
reclamation of Public Place”, Journal of Consumer Research, 37, October, 511-29
Borghini S., Visconti L. M., Anderson L. e Sherry J. F. Jr, “Symbiotic Postures of Commercial
Advertising and Street Art: Implications for Creativity”, Journal of Advertising, 39, 3, 113-26
Borghini S., Carù A., e Cova B. (2010), “Representing BtoB Reality in Case Study Research:
New challenges and opportunities”, Industrial Marketing Management, 39, 1, 16-24
Rinallo D., Borghini S., e Golfetto F. (2010), “Exploring Visitor Experiences at Trade Shows”,
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 25, 4
Borghini S., Diamond N., Kozinets R. V., McGrath M. A., Muniz A. Jr, e Sherry J. F. Jr, (2009),
“Why are themed brandstores so powerful? Retail brand ideology at American Girl Place”,
Journal of Retailing, 85, 3, 363-375
Diamond N., Sherry J. F. Jr, Muniz A. Jr, McGrath M. A., Kozinets R. V., e Borghini S. (2009),
“American Girl and the Brand Gestalt: Closing the Loop on Sociocultural Branding Research”,
Journal of Marketing, Vol. 73, May, 118-134
Golfetto F., Salle R., Borghini S., e Rinallo D. (2007), “Opening the network: Bridging the IMP
tradition and other research perspectives”, Industrial Marketing Management, 36, 7, 844-848
Borghini S., Golfetto F., e Rinallo D. (2006), “Ongoing search among industrial buyers”,
Journal of Business Research, 59, 1151-1159
Kozinets R. V., Sherry J. F. Jr., Borghini S., McGrath M. A., Diamond N., e Muniz A. Jr, (2005),
“American Girl: The Family Brand”, Advances in Consumer Research, Menon G., and Rao A. R.
(eds), 32, 10-11
Borghini S. (2005), “Breaking order and equilibrium to innovate”, Journal of Knowledge
Management, 9, 4, 19-33
Articles on italian journals
Mauri C., Borghini S., Fiordalisi E., Cavazzana E., (2011), “I bambini e le marche. 'Per vincere,
emozionarsi, lievitare nell’aria perché hanno un’anima'”, Mercati e competitività, 2, 99-124
Borghini S., Zaghi K., (2007), “L’attaccamento ai luoghi commerciali. Viaggio nelle esperienze
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Borghini Stefania
Published on SDA Bocconi School of Management (http://www.sdabocconi.it)
quotidiane e straordinarie dei consumatori”, Micro & Macro Marketing, 1, 73-83
Golfetto F., Borghini S., and Rinallo D., (2005), “Esperienzialità e riti nel b2b”, Micro & Macro
Marketing, 3, 349-379
Borghini S., (2002), “Creatività e controllo organizzativo. Storia di un legame latente”,
Finanza, Marketing e Produzione, 2, 31-53
Borghini S., (2000), “Decisioni di diversificazione e complessità ambientale. Proposta di
lettura in chiave cognitivista”, Economia Aziendale 2000, Luglio
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