
Curriculum - CONSORZIO RFX

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Curriculum - CONSORZIO RFX
Curriculum Vitae
Personal informations
Daniele Aprile
Via Colle Francesco Maria 10, 35128, Padova, Italy
[email protected],
date of birth
05 June 1987
[email protected]
Current occupation
Enrolled in “Joint Doctorate in Fusion Science and Engineering”, International PhD between University of
Padova, Insituto Superior Tecnico and Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, ending in March 2016.
Consorzio RFX, CNR, Padova, Italy.
Thesys title:
“Design of Electric and Magnetic Components of a Negative Ion Accelerator in view of
application to ITER Neutral Beam Injectors”
Professor Paolo Bettini
Professor Giuseppe Chitarin
Design of components and magnetic systems for negative ion accelerators, development of
numerical codes for magnetic field calculation.
PhD director:
Main topics:
April 2012
Master’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering with specialization in Space Propulsion,
University of Pisa, summa cum laude.
Thesis: “Design of a 30 kW Hall effect Thruster” carried out at Alta-Space S.p.A., Pisa, Italy.
October 2009 Bachelor’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering, University of Pisa, summa cum laude.
July 2006
High School diploma, Liceo Scientifico Italo Calvino, Perugia, Italy, summa cum laude.
Teaching experience
2013 – 2015 Teaching assistant and Tutor for the course of Electrotechnics for Mechanical Engineering
and responsible for laboratory activities on Circuit Simulation with the software SPICE.
Doctoral courses and schools
April 2015
“Principles of EM shielding”, Consorzio RFX, Padova, Italy.
October 2014 “Advanced Engineering Course of the European PhD Network in Fusion Science and
Engineering”, Consorzio RFX, Padova, Italy.
February 2014 “6th Advanced Course on Plasma Diagnostics and Data Acquisition”, Instituto Superior
Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal.
Dec. 2013
“Sokendai Asian Winter School 2013” and “Toki lectures on Simulation Science”, National
Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), Toki, Japan.
Nov. 2013
“17th Stage on Numerical Computation of Electromagnetic systems, Nonlinear systems
Analysis and Electromagnetic compatibility”, National School “Ferdinando Gasparini”,
University of Naples Federico II, Consorzio CREATE, Naples, Italy.
October 2013 “Advanced Physics Course of the European PhD Network in Fusion Science and
Engineering”, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physic (IPP), Garching, Germany.
Master’s and Bachelor’s courses
Electric Propulsion, Rocket Propulsion, Thermal Fluid Science, Space Systems, Spaceflight
Mechanics, Control Systems, Aircraft Structures, Machine Construction.
Science of Constructions, Fluid dynamics, Aircraft Engines, Technology of Aerospace
Construction, Design of Aerospace Structures, Aircraft Systems, Signal Theory, Electronics,
Chemistry and Materials, Applied Thermodynamics, Machine Drawing.
Scientific publications
[9] P. Agostinetti, D. Aprile, V. Antoni, et al.: “Detailed design optimization of the MITICA
negative ion accelerator in view of the ITER NBI”, to be published on Nucl. Fusion Dec.
[8] G. Chitarin, P. Agostinetti, D. Aprile, N. Marconato, D. Marcuzzi, G. Serianni, P. Veltri,
and P. Zaccaria: “Off-normal and failure condition analysis of the MITICA negative-ion
accelerator”, Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 02B311 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4933184.
[7] H.P.L. de Esch, M. Kashiwagi, M. Taniguchi, , T. Inoue, G. Serianni…D. Aprile… et al:
“Physics design of the HNB accelerator for ITER”, Nucl. Fusion 55 (2015) 096001,
[6] V. Toigo, D. Boilson, T. Bonicelli, R. Piovan, M. Hanada…D. Aprile… et al: “Progress in the
realization of the PRIMA neutral beam test facility”, Nuclear Fusion, 55 (2015) 083025;
[5] G. Chitarin, P. Agostinetti, D. Aprile, N. Marconato, and P. Veltri: “Improvements of the
Magnetic Field Design for SPIDER and MITICA Negative Ion Beam Sources”, AIP Conf. Proc.
1655, 040008 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4916450.
[4] D. Aprile, G. Chitarin, N. Marconato: “An efficient method for magnetic field and force
calculation in complex permanent magnet and current arrangements”, Proc. of the 6th
biennial IEEE conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC), Annecy, France,
[3] V. Antoni, P. Agostinetti, D. Aprile, M. Cavenago, G. Chitarin, N. Fonnesu, N. Marconato,
N. Pilan, E. Sartori, G. Serianni, and P. Veltri: “Physics design of the injector source for ITER
neutral beam injector”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 02B128 (2014), DOI: 10.1063/1.4857235.
[2] G. Chitarin, P. Agostinetti, D. Aprile, N. Marconato, and P. Veltri: “Cancellation of the ion
deflection due to electron-suppression magnetic field in a negative-ion accelerator”, Rev.
Sci. Instr., Vol.85, Issue 2, 02B317 (2014), DOI: 10.1063/1.4826581.
[1] G. Chitarin, N. Marconato, P. Agostinetti, D. Aprile, P. Bettini, L. Grando, S. Peruzzo, G.
Serianni, P. Sonato, P. Veltri: “Control of the Magnetic Field Configuration in the MITICA
Neutral Beam Injector”, 25th Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), San Francisco,
2013, ISBN: 978-1-4799-0169-2, DOI: 10.1109/SOFE.2013.6635454.
Poster presented
“Off-normal and failure condition analysis of the MITICA negative-ion accelerator”, FuseNet
PhD event, Prague, 2015.
“Design of magnetic components for a negative ion accelerator”, FuseNet PhD event,
Lisbon, 2014.
"An efficient method for magnetic field and force calculation in complex permanent magnet
and current arrangements", Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC),
Annecy, 2014.
“Design of Electric and Magnetic Components of a Negative Ion Accelerator in view of
application to ITER Neutral Beam Injectors”, FuseNet PhD event, York, 2013.
“Cancellation of the ion deflection due to electron-suppression magnetic field in a negativeion accelerator”, Sokendai Asian Winter school, Toki, Japan, 2013.
Technical skills
FORTRAN (very good), MATLAB (very good), C (basic), PHP (basic)
ANSYS (good), COMSOL (very good), FEMM (very good)
CATIA (very good), PRO-E (basic)
LTSPICE (very good), Office suite (excellent)
reading skills
native speaker
writing skills
native speaker
verbal skills
native speaker
Piano, writing of tales, science fiction, classical music, board games, cosplay, origami,
mountain activities, martial arts.
Driving license
Fly UP