
Donatella della Porta Curriculum Vitae

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Donatella della Porta Curriculum Vitae
Donatella della Porta
Curriculum Vitae
(upd. July 2013)
Born in Catania, Italy, June 3, 1956
Professional address:
Department of Political and Social Sciences
European University Institute
Badia Fiesolana
Via dei Roccettini, 9
50016 San Domenico di Fiesole Firenze, Italy
Tel: 39 055 4685 240; Secretary (Monika Rzemieniecka): 39 055 4685 233
Fax: 39 055 4685 201
E-Mail: [email protected]
Home address:
Via Santo Spirito 19, I-50125 Firenze, tel. +39-055-219120
Current Position:
Professor of Sociology, Department of Political and Social Sciences, European
University Institute, Florence, Italy
Professor of Political Science (on leave), Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, Firenze,
Italy (since 2011) (previously at Università di Firenze).
Academic degrees
1987 Ph.D. European University Institute, Florence, Italy. Dissertation topic:
"Underground political organizations. Leftwing terrorism in Italy". Supervisor: Prof.
Philippe C. Schmitter.
1981 Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies (DEA) [MA], Ecole des Hautes Etudes en
Sciences Sociales, Paris, France. Title: "Theories et méthodes dans la sociologie des
mouvements collectifs. Considérations critiques sur les principales approches".
Supervisor: Prof. Alain Touraine.
1978 Laurea in scienze politiche [BA], University of Catania, Catania, Italy.
Native language: Italian
Very good knowledge of English,
Very good knowledge of German,
Very good knowledge of French
Passive knowledge of Spanish, Catalan, Gallego
Professional background
Professor of Sociology, Department of Political and Social Science, European
University Institute since April 2003
Visiting scholar, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fuer Sozialforschung, OctoberNovember 2010
Visiting scholar, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fuer Sozialforschung, , December 2009
Director of Studies, Department of Political and Social Science, European University
Institute Septenber 2004 – August 2007
Director of Research, Department of Political and Social Science, European University
Institute 2005-2009
Visiting scholar, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fuer Sozialforschung, , January-March
Visiting scholar, Fondation Nationale de Sciences Politiques, Paris, NovemberDecember 2002
Full Professor of Political Science, Facoltà di scienze politiche dell'Università di
Firenze, Florence, Italy (from 1998; on leave since 1/4/2003)
1999-2002 Chairperson of the Corso di Laurea (Graduate Programme) in Government
and Administrative Science, University of Florence
2001-2002 Chairperson, Dipartimento di Scienza della Politica e Sociologia, University
of Florence
Luigi Einaudi chair, Cornell University, March 2005
January-March, 2003: Alexander von Humbolt Stiftung's Stipendium at the
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung
November-December 2002 Visiting professor at the Fondation Nationale des Sciences
Politiques, Paris
Director of GRACE—Gruppo di Ricerca sull’Azione Collettiva in Europa (Research
Group on Collective Action in Europe; website: http://www.unifi.it/grace)
February 1997-January 1998: Alexander von Humbolt Stiftung's Stipendium at the
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung
Associater Professor of Political Science, Facoltà di scienze politiche dell'Università di
Firenze, Florence, Italy (1993-1998)
1993-1996: director of a cross-national research project on the control of mass
demonstrations in Europe, sponsored by the European University Institute, the Italian
Research Council (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), and other national research
February-October 1993: Research Fellow at the European University Institute, Florence,
February 1989-January 1993: Guest Researcher at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für
Sozialforschung, Berlin, FRG. Research project on "Comparative analysis of political
violence and terrorism in Italy and Germany", financed by the Italian Ministero della
Pubblica Istruzione and the H.F. Guggenheim Foundation with Career Development
Fall semester 1991 Visiting Scholar at the Faculty of Political Science, Florence, Italy
April-May 1991 Guest Professor at Wesleyan University, Department of Government
Middletown Co., USA, PEW Grant
January 1987-December 1988 Research Associate, European University Institute,
Florence, Italy.
March-July 1985, Visiting scholar at Cornell University, Department of Government
Ithaca, New York, USA. Research on social movements and protest in Italy. Grant of
the Italian Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione. Scientific mentor: Prof. Sidney Tarrow.
September 1983-December 1986, PhD candidate, European University Institute,
Florence, Italy
November 1981-August 1983, research fellow, Istituto Carlo Cattaneo, Bologna, Italy
September 1980-October 1981, Centre d'Etude des Mouvements Sociaux of the Ecole
des Hautes Etudes en Science Sociales, Paris. To write an MA on "The sociology of
social movements". Grant of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
January 1978-August 1980, lecturer (ricercatore), Facoltà di Scienze Politiche
dell'Università di Catania, Italy.
Major research grants
2011-2016. European Research Council, Advanced Grant, Euros 1 800 000.
2011-2016. National coordinator and steering committee of the EC 7 th FP project
Anticorrp, Euros 8 000 000 ca.
2006-2010. National partner, Start Project, University of Pennsylvania, US Dollars 150
2003-2006. Director of the Research Project on “Democracy in Europe and the
mobilization of the society, financed by the EU, Euros 1 000 000
2003—2005, member of the research project on “Democrazia discorsiva”, funded by
Ministero per l’Università e la ricerca scientific, Euros 60 000
2002—2005, national partner of the cross-national project on “The Contentious Politics
of Unemployment in Europe: Political Claim-Making, Policy Deliberation and
Exclusion from the Labour Market”, funded by the European Union. Euros 70 000
Since September 2001, national partner of the cross-national project on “The
Transformation of Political Mobilisation and Communication in European Public
Spheres”, funded by the European Union Euros 100 000
December 2001-December 2003, national coordinator of a research project entitled
“Partecipazione politica e rappresentanza: I comitati spontanei dei cittadini e le politiche
pubbliche dei governi locali”, funded by Ministero per l’Università e la ricerca
scientifica. Euros 50 000
1998-2001, national partner of the cross-national project on “The Transformation of
Environmental Activism”, funded by the European Union. Lire 50 000 000
Editorial Boards and Scientific Committees
- Co-editor of Archives Europeennes de Sociologie (starting 2014)
- Gruendungsmiyglieder of the Institure fuer Protest- uns Bewegungsforschung
- Member of the European Academia
- Faculty board of the BGSS, Humboldt University in Berlin
- Co-editor of the European Political Science Review
- Editorial board of European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology
-- Founding Editorial Board of Oxford Bibliographies On Line: Sociology, Oxford
University press.
- Scientific committee Fondazione Feltrinelli
- International scientific board of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict
and Violence, Universitaet Bielefeld.
- Advisory board “International Journal of Conflict and Violence”
- Board of editors of “Estudios sobre la Violencia“
- Board of editors Politica e società
Board of editors of “Crime, Media and Culture“
- Board of advisor of “European Union Politics”
- Editorial board Blackwell "Sociology Compass"
- Editorial board of “Journal of Politics”
- Editorial board and Scientific Committee of “Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica”
- Committees of international collaborators of the journal "Revue Internationale de
Politique Comparée"
- Editorial advisor of the journal "Modern Italy. Journal of the Association for the Study
of Modern Italy"
- Editorial committee of "Mobilization: An International Journal"
- Directive Committee of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica
- Independent group of experts on Radicalization and violence, European Commission
- Task force on political violence of the Americal Political Science Association
PhD Supervision and mentorship
at the EUI: supervisor of 61 PhD students working, among others on social movements,
civil society, migration, peace, democratization, of which 29 have successfully
defended. Fields: political sociology, political science, International relations. political
additional 4 PhD theses supervised at the University of Florence.
At the EUI: mentorship of 21 post-doctoral fellows
1) Della Porta, D. 2014. Mobilizing for democracy. Comparing 1989 and 2011.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, Forthcoming.
2) Della Porta. D and M. Keating, 2013. Enfoques y metodologias de las ciencias
sociales, Madrid, Akal.
3) Della Porta, Donatella, 2013. Can Democracy be Saved?, Oxford, Polity Press.
4) Della Porta, Donatella, 2013, Clandestine Political Violence, Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press.
5) Della Porta, Donatella and Dieter Rucht (eds.), 2013, Meeting Democracy,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
6) David Snow, Donatella della Porta, Bert Klandermans and Doug McAdam (eds.)
2013. Blackwell Encyclopedia on Social and Political Movements, Blackwell.
With Mario Diani, Los Movimientos Sociales, Madrid, Editorial Computense, 2012.
8) With M. Caiani and C. Wagemann, Mobilizing on the Extreme Right, Oxford,
Oxford University Press, 2012.
9) With Alberto Vannucci, The Hidden Order of Corruption, Ashgate, 2012.
10) Democrazie, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011.
11) L’intervista qualitativa, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2010.
12) (with Mario Diani), 2010, Koinonika Kinamata, Athens, Kritika (Greek translation
of Social Movements: An Introduction, Oxford, Blackwell, 2006).
13) (with Mario Diani), Ruchy Spoleczne, Widawnictwo, Universytet Jagiellomskiego,
2009 (Polish translation of Social Movements: An Introduction, Oxford, Blackwell,
14) with H. Kriesi and D. Rucht (eds.), Social Movements in a Globalizing World, New
York, Macmillan, second expanded edition, 2009.
15) (ed.), Democracy in Social Movements, Houndsmill, Palgrave, 2009.
16) (with M. Caiani), Social Movements and Europeanization, Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 2009.
17) (ed.) Another Europe. London, Routledge, 2009.
18) I partiti politici, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2nd updated and expanded edition, 2009.
19) (with Gianni Piazza), Voices of the Valley, Voices of the Straits: How Protest
Creates Communities, Berghahn Books, 2008
20) (With M. Keating, eds.), Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences. A
Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
21) Introduzione alla scienza politica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008 (new expanded
22) (with M. Cotta and L. Morlino), Scienza politica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008 (new
expanded edition).
23) (with Gianni Piazza), Le ragioni del no. Le campagne contro la Tav in Val di Susa e
il Ponte sullo Stretto, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2008.
24) (with Alberto Vannucci), Mani Impunite. Vecchia e nuova corruzione in Italia,
Roma-bari, Laterza, 2007.
25) Et al., Global democracy and the World Social Forum, Boulder Co., Paradigm,
26) (ed.), The Global Justice Movement. Cross National and Transnational
perspectives, Boulder Co. Paradigm, 2007.
27) O movimento por unma nova globalizacao, Sam Paulo do Brasil, Edicoes Loyola,
28) With Abby Peterson and Herbert Reiter (eds.), The Policing of Transnational
Protest, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006.
29) La Politica locale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, third revised edition.
30) With Massimiliano Andretta, Lorenzo Mosca and Herbert Reiter, Globalization
from Below, Minneapolis, The University of Minnesota Press, 2006.
31) With Olivier Fillieule (ed.), Police et manifestants, Paris, Presses de Science Po.,
32) With Manuela Caiani, Quale Europa? Europeizzazione, identità e conflitti,
Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006
33) With Mario Diani, Social Movements: an introduction, 2nd edition, Oxford,
Blackwell, 2006
34) With Sidney Tarrow (eds), Transnational Protest and Global Activism, New York,
Rowman and Littlefield, 2005
35) (ed.), Comitati di cittadini e democrazia urbana, Cosenza, Rubbettino, 2004.
36) With Herbert Reiter, La protesta e il controllo. Movimenti e forze dell’ordine
nell’era della globalizzazione, Milano, Berti/Altreconomia, 2004.
37) With Maurizio Cotta and Leonardo Morlino, Fondamenti di scienza politica,
Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004.
38) With Mario Diani, Movimenti senza protesta? L’ambientalismo in Italia, Bologna, Il
Mulino, 2004.
39) with Herbert Reiter, Polizia e protesta. L’ordine pubblico dalla liberazione ai “no
global”, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2003.
40) M. Andretta, D. della Porta, L. Mosca, H. Reiter, Global, new global. Soziale
Bewegungen und Globalisierung, Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 2003.
41) New Global, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2003.
42) with Lorenzo Mosca (eds), Movimenti sociali e globalizzazione, Roma,
Manifestolibri, 2003.
43) Introducao à ciencia politica, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 2003.
44) Temelji politicne znanosti, Lubiana, Sophia, 2003.
45) La politica locale, Bologna, Il Mulino, second edition revised and expanded, 2002.
46) M. Andretta, D. della Porta, L. Mosca, H. Reiter, Global, noglobal, new global. Le
proteste contro il G8 a Genova, Roma, Laterza, 2002.
47) with S. Rose-Ackerman (eds.), Corrupt exchanges, Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag,
48) Introduzione alla scienza politica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002.
49) I partiti politici, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2001.
50) M. Cotta, D. della Porta, L. Morlino, Scienza politica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2001.
51) with M. Greco, A. Szakolczai (eds.), Identità, riconoscimento, scambio. Saggi in
onore di Alessandro Pizzorno, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2000.
52) with A. Vannucci, Un paese anormale, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1999.
53) with H. Kriesi and D. Rucht (eds.), Social Movements in a Globalizing World, New
York, Macmillan, 1999.
54) with M. Diani, Social Movements: An Introduction, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1999.
55) with A. Vannucci, Corrupt Exchanges, Aldine de Gruyter, 1999.
56) La politica locale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1999.
57) with H. Reiter (eds.), Policing Protest. The Control of Mass Demonstration in
Western Democracies, Minneapolis, The University of Minnesota Press, 1998.
58) with M. Diani, I movimenti sociali, Roma, Nuova Italia Scientifica, 1997.
59) with L. de Winter, K. Deschouwer (eds.), Partitocracies Between Crisis and
Reform: The Cases of Belgium and Italy, special issue of "Res Publica", n. 2, 1996.
60) Movimenti collettivi e sistema politico in Italia, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1996.
61) Social Movements, Political Violence and the State, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 1995 (Honorable Mention for the Distinguished Scholarship
Award of the Collective Behavior and Social Movements Section of the American
Sociological Association in 1996).
62) with Y. Mény (eds.), Démocratie et corruption en Europe, Paris, La Découverte,
1995 (published also in Italian by Liguori, in Portuguese by Inquerito, and in
English by Pinter).
63) with A. Vannucci, Amministrazione pubblica e corruzione. Risorse, meccanismi,
attori, Bologna, Il Mulino 1994.
64) Lo scambio occulto. Casi di corruzione politica in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1992.
65) (ed.) Participation in Underground Movements. A Comparative Perspective,
Greenwich, Co.: JAI Press, 1992. In particular: "Introduction: On Individual
Motivations in Underground Political Organizations"; and "Political Socialization in
Left-Wing Underground Organizations. Biographies of Italian and German
66) Il terrorismo di sinistra, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1990.
67) (ed.) Terrorismi in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1984; in particular, "Ricordare e
capire: una premessa" (pp. 11-16) and, with Giancarlo Caselli, "La storia delle
Brigate rosse: strutture organizzative e strategie d'azione" (pp. 153-221).
68) with M. Rossi, Cifre crudeli. Bilancio dei terrorismi italiani, Bologna, Istituto
Cattaneo, 1984.
69) with G. Pasquino (eds), Terrorismo e violenza politica. Tre casi a confronto: Stati
Uniti, Germania e Giappone, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1983, in particular, "Le cause del
terrorismo nelle società contemporanee. Riflessioni sulla letteratura", pp. 9-47.
2) Contributions in books
1. Bridging Research on Democracy, Social Movements and Communicatin, in
Bart Caemmerts, Alice Mattoni and Patrick Mccurdy (eds.), Mediation and
protest movements, Bristol: Intellect, 2013, 21-38.
2. Social Movements, Power and Democracy: New Challenges, New Challengers,
New Theories? in J. von Skelenburg, C. Roggeband and B. Klandermans (eds.),
The future if social movement research. Dynamic, Mechanisms and Processes,
Minneapolis, The University of minnesota Press: 347-368.
3. Social movements and political violence, in Mary Breen-Smyth (ed.), The
Ashgate research companion to political violence, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2012,
4. Os movimientos sociales e a sociedade civil, in Ramon Maiz, O(s) sentido(s)
da(s) cultura(s), Santiago, Consejo de cultura gallega, 2012, 577-604
5. with Lorenzo Mosca, Global Movements in Local Struggles: Findings on the
Social Forum Process in Italy, in Jackie Smith, Scott Byrd, Ellen Reese and
Elizabeth Smythe (eds), Handbook on World Social Forum Activism, Boulder,
Paradigm Publishers, 2012, pp. 248-265.
6. With Lorenzo Bosi, Percorsi di micromobilitazione verso la lotta armata, in
Simone Neri Serneri (a cura di), Verso la lotta armata, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp.
7. With Bernard Gbikpi, The Riots: A Dynamic view, in Seraphim Seferiades and
Hank Johnston (eds.), Violent Protest, Contentious Politics and the neo-liberal
State, Farnham, Ashgate, 2012, pp. 87-102
8. with Herbert Reiter, State Power and the Control of transnational protest, in
Thomas Olesen (ed.), Power and transnational Activism, London, Routledge,
2011, 91-110
9. with Mario Diani, Social movements and civil society, in B. Edwards (ed.), The
Oxford Handbook of Civil Society, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
10. with Alberto Vannucci, Political Corruption, In Edwin Amenta, Kate Nash, and
Alan Scott, The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Political Sociology, Oxford,
Blackwell, 2012, 130-144.
11. Eventful protest, global conflicts : social mechanisms in the reproduction of
protest, in James Jasper and Jeff Goodwin (eds.), Contention in Context,
Stanford, Stanford University Press. 2011,
12. with Lorenzo Mosca, “Global Movements in Local Struggles: Findings on the
Social Forum Process in Italy”, in Jackie Smith, Scott Byrd, Ellen Reese, and
Elizabeth Smythe (eds.), A Handbook of the World Social Forums, Paradigm,
13. "Social Movements". In Oxford Bibliographies Online: Sociology,
14. (with Raffaele Marchetti). Transnational activism and the global justice
movement, Gerard Delanty and Stepen P. Turner (eds), Routledge International
Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory, 2011, pp. 428-439
15. Afterword- Social movement studies and transnationalization: An uneasy
relations or an happy start?, in Hara Kouki and Eduardo
16. (eds), Protest beyond Borders, Berghahn books, 2011, pp. 200-207.
17. „“Movimenti sociali e Stato democratico“, in A. Pizzorno (ed.), La democrazia
di fronte allo stato, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2011, pp. 193-232.
18. Reinventing Europe. Social Movement Activists as Critical Europeanists, in
Simon Teune (ed.), The Transnational Condition. Protest Dynamics in an
Entangled Europe, New York, Berghahn, 2010, 113-.128.
19. Mouvements sociaux, terrorisme et institutions, in Marc Lazar and Marie-Anne
Matard Bonucci, L’Italie des années de plomb, Paris, Autrement, 2010, pp. 164177 (translated in Italian).
20. Social Movements and civil society: How emerging social conflicts challenge
social science approaches, In P. Baert, S.M. Koniordos, G. Procacci and C.
Ruzza (eds), Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society, London, Routledge, 2010,
pp. 51-68.
21. Terrorismo, in XXI Secolo, Roma Istotuto della Enciclopedia Treccani, 425-432.
22. Participacio political, movimients de les dones o drets de les dones al sud
d’Europa, in Maria de la Fuente Vazquez and Maria Freixanet Mateu (eds.),
Politiques de genere i participacio ciutadana al mon local, Barcellona, ICSP,
2009, pp. 13-32
23. Social Movements, in Chris Rumford (ed.), The SAGE Handbook of European
Studies, London, Sage, 2009, 365-384.
24. Making the new polis. The Practice of Deliberative Democracy in Social
Forums, in Hank Johnston (ed.), Culture Social Movements, and Protest,
Farnham Ashgate, 2009, pp. 181-208.
25. Leaving underground organizations: A sociological analysis of the Italian case,
in Tore Bjorgo and John Horgan (eds.), Leaving Terrorism Behind. Individual
and Collective Disengagement, London, Routledge, 2009, pp. 49-65.
26. (with Federico Rossi), Social Movements, Civil Society and Advocacy Networks,
in Christian W. Haerpfer, Patrick Berbhagen, Ronald F. Inglehart and Christian
Welzel (ed.), Democratization, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, pp. 172195.
27. Corruzione, in Sinistra senza sinistra. Idee plurali per uscire dall’angolo,
Milano, Feltrinelli, 2008, 185-192.
28. La democrazia dei movimenti, in Duccio Zola (ed.), Dopo la politica.
Democrazia, società civile e crisi dei partiti, Roma, Edizioni dell’asino, 2008,
pp. 121-144.
29. “Das andere Europa: Soziale Bewegungen und europaeische Institutionen”, in
Christina Benninghaus, Sven Oliver Mueller, Joerg Requate, Charlotte Tacke
(Hg.) Unterwegs in Europa. Beitraege zu einer vergleichenden Sozial- und
Kulturgeschichte, Frankfurt, Campus, 2008, pp. 137-161
30. “Another Europe. Social Movements and European Institutions”, in Stefania
Baroncelli, Carlo Spagnolo and Leila Simona Talami (eds.), Back to Maastricht.
Obstacles to Constiotutional Reform within the EU Treaty, Cambridge,
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008, pp. 383-408
31. (with G. Piazza), “Local Contention Global Framing”, in Ch. Rootes (ed.),
Acting Locally, Local Environmental Mobilizations and campaigns, London,
Routledge, 2008, pp. 144-165.
32. “Movimenti sociali e contesti multi-livello”, in Nicola Montagna (ed.), I
movimenti sociali e le mobilitazioni globali, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2008, pp.
33. “La democrazia partecipativa e I movimenti sociali. Micro e macro-dinamiche”,
in Bianca Gelli (ed.), Le nuove forme di partecipazione, Roma, Carocci, 2007,
pp. 73-86.
34. “The Europeanization of Protest: A Typology and Empirical Evidence”, in Beate
Kohler-Koch and Berthold Rittberger (eds.), Debating the Democratic
Legitimacy of the European Union, Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2007, pp.
35. with Manuela Caiani, “Social Movements in a Multilevel Europe”, in Otfried
Jarren, Dominik Lachenmeier and Adrian Steiner (eds.), Entgrentze
Demokratie? Herausforderung fuer die politische Interessenvermittlung, BadenBaden, Nomos, 2007, 163-180.
36. “Gewalt”, in Dieter Fuchs and Edeltraud Rolle (eds.), Lexicon Politik. Hundert
Grundbegriffe, Stuttgart, Philipp Reclam, 2007, pp. 90-93.
37. “Violenza politica e nuova sinistra”, in Fabio de Nardis (ed.), La società in
movimento, Roma, Editori riuniti, 2007, pp. 159-188.
38. “From corporatist union to protest unions? On the (difficult) relations between
organizad labour and new social movements”, in Colin Crouch and Wolfgang
Streek (eds), The Diversity of Democracy. Corporatism, social Order and
Political Conflict, Chelteham, Edward Elgar, 2006, pp. 71-97.
39. with Lorenzo Mosca, “Globalización, movimientos sociales y protesta”, in
Edgar Esquivel and Israel Covarrubias (eds.), La sociedad civil en la
encrucijada. Los retos de la ciudadanía en un contexto global, Tecnológico de
Monterrey, México, 2005, pp. 45-68.
40. Politische Gewalt und Terrorismus: Eine vergleichende und soziologische
Perspektive, in K. Wenhauer, J. Requate and H.-G. Haupt (eds), Terrorismus in
der Bundesrepublik. Medien, Staat und Subkultiren in dern 1970er Jahren,
Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2006. pp. 33-58.
41. Globalizzazione e movimenti scoiali. Ipotesi a partire da una ricerca sulla
protesta contro il G8 a Genova, in Pietro Fantozzi (ed.), Potere politico e
globalizzazione, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2005, 203-228.
42. with Alberto Vannucci, The Governance Mechanisms of Corrupt Transactions,
in Lambsdorff J. G., Taube M., Schramm, M. (eds.), The New Institutional
Economics of Corruption, London, Routledge, 2005, pp. 152-180
43. Appartenenze multiple, identità flessibili e le costruzione di “un’altra politica”,
in M. Berlinguer and M. Trotta (eds.), Pratiche costituenti. Spazi, reti,
appartenenze: Le politiche e i movimenti, Roma, Derive Approdi, 2005, pp. 209230.
44. Social Movements and Europeanization, in Gianfranco Bettin Lattes and Ettore
Recchi (eds.), Comparing European Societies, Bologna, Monduzzi editore,
2005, pp. 261-286.
45. with Mario Diani, “Contro la guerra senza se né ma”: le proteste contro la
guerra in Irak, in Vincent Della Sala and Sergio Fabbrini (eds.), La Politica in
Italia, Edizione 2004, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 249-270; in English „No to the
war with no ifs or buts“. Protest against the War in Iraq, in Della Sala and
Sergio Fabbrini (eds.), Italian Politics, Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2004, pp. 200218
46. Politica, antipolitica e altra-politica: Concezioni della democrazia e movimento
per una globalizzazione dal basso, in Emidio Diodato (ed.), La Toscana e la
globalizzazione dal basso, Firenze, Chiari, pp. 127-154.
47. with Alberto Vannucci, Corruption in Policing and Law Enforcement: A
Theoretical Scheme for the Analysis of the Italian Case, in Stanley Einstein and
Menachem Amir (eds.), Police Corruption: Paradigms, Models and ConceptsChallenges for Developing Countries, Huntsville TX, OICJ, 2004, pp. 21-52.
48. with Olivier Fillieule, Policing Social Protest, in Hanspeter Kriesi, Sarah A.
Soule and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds), The Blackwell Companion to Social
Movements, Oxford, Blackwell, 2004, 217-141.
49. The Women’s Movement, the Left and the State: Continuities and Changes in the
Italian Case, in L. A. Banaszak, K. Beckwith and D. Rucht (eds), Women’s
Movements Facing the Reconfigured State, Cambridge, Cambridge University
Press, 2003, pp. 48-68.
50. with Herbert Reiter, “You are the G8, we’re Six billion”: The Genoa
Demonstrations, in P. Bellucci and M. Bull (eds), Italian Politics: The Return of
Berlusconi, New York, Berghahn Books, 2003, pp. 105-124.
51. Social Movements and Democracy at the Turn of the Millennium, in P. Ibarra
(ed.), Social Movements and Democracy, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003,
pp. 105-136.
52. Globalizzazione e movimenti sociali, in E. Batini, R. Ragionieri (eds), Culture e
conflitti nella globalizzazione, Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2002, pp. 127-157.
53. Gewalt und die Neue Linke, in Wilhelm Heitmeyer and John Hagan (eds),
Internationales Handbuch der Gewaltforschung, Westdeutscher Verlag, pp.
479-500 (also in English by Kluwer).
54. Comparative Politics and Social Movements, in B. Klandermans and S.
Staggenborg (eds), Methods of Social Movement Research, Minneapolis, The
University of Minnesota Press, 2002, pp. 286-313.
55. with H. Reiter, Les transformations de la place du judiciaire en Italie, in P.
Robert e A. Cottino (eds), Le mutations de la justice. Comparaisons
européennes, Paris, L‘Harmattan, 2001, pp. 199-234.
56. with A. Vannucci, Cleptocrazia, in Enciclopedia delle Scienze sociali, vol. IX,
Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Treccani, 2001, pp. 32-41.
57. Diritti di cittadinanza e movimento delle donne, in P. Di Cori e D. Barazzetti
(eds), Gli studi delle donne in Italia, Roma, Carocci, 2001, pp. 191-206.
58. Terror Against the State, in K. Nash and A. Scott (eds.), The Blackwell
Companion to Political Sociology, Oxford, Blackwell, 2001, pp. 208-217.
59. Le mouvement étudiant et l‘Etat en Italie: l‘escalade de la violence, in G.
Dreyfus-Armand, R. Frank, M.-F. Lévy, M. Zencarini-Fournel (eds.), Les
Années 68. Le temps de la contestation, Paris, Editions Complexe, 2000, pp.
60. with A. Vannucci, Controlling State Crime in Italy: The Corruption of a
Democracy, in J.I. Ross (ed.), Varieties of State Crime and its Control, Monsey,
New York, Criminal Justice Press, pp. 149-180.
61. Social Capital, Beliefs in Government and Political Corruption, in S.J. Pharr
and R.D. Putnam (eds.), Disaffected Democracies. What's Troubling the
Trilateral Countries, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2000, pp. 202-229.
62. Police, in G. Moliterno (ed.), An Enciclopaedia of Italian Culture, London,
Routledge, 2000.
63. Diritti di cittadinanza e movimenti sociali, in Storia del Novecento, Torino, Utet,
2000, pp. 147-163.
64. Protest, Protesters and Protest Policing, in M. Giugni, D. McAdam e Charles
Tilly (eds) How Movements Matter, Minneapolis, The University of Minnesota
Press, 1999, pp. 66-96.
65. Il terrorismo nel mondo contemporaneo, in Enciclopedia delle Scienze Sociali,
Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 1998, pp. 597-604.
66. Las motivaciónes individuales en las organizaciónes politicas clandestinas, in P.
Ibarra e B. Tejerina (eds), Los Movimientos Sociales, Madrid, Editorial Trotta,
1998, pp. 219-241.
67. Scambio politico, in Enciclopedia delle Scienze Sociali, Roma, Istituto della
Enciclopedia Italiana, 1997, pp. 616-623.
68. Terrorismo, in L. Violante (ed.), Storia dell'Italia criminale, Torino, Einaudi,
1997, pp. 373-420.
69. with O. Fillieule and Herbert Reiter, Policing Protest in France and Italy: From
Intimidation to Cooperation?, in D.S. Mayer and S. Tarrow, The Social
Movement Society, New York, Rowman and Littlefield, 1998, pp. 111-131.
70. Social movements and nonviolence in Italy, in R.S. Powers, W.B. Vogele (eds.),
Protest, Power and Change. An Encyclopedia of Nonviolent Action, New York,
Garland, 1997, pp. 267-271.
71. with A. Vannucci, Magistrati e corruzione politica: la ‘felice anomalia’ del caso
italiano, in Ilvo Diamanti and Marc Lazar (eds.), Stanchi di miracoli. Il sistema
politico italiano in cerca di normalità, Milano, Guerini e associati, 1997, pp.
72. Corruzione and Finanziamento politico, in Enciclopedia, Bruno Mondadori
Editore, 1996.
73. Political Corruption and Clientelism, in S.M. Lipset (ed.), "The Encyclopedia of
Democracy", Washington D.C., Congressional Quarterly Books, 1996.
74. Social Movement and the State: Some Reflection on Protest Policing, in D.
McAdam, J. McCarthy, e M. Zald (eds.), "European/American Perspectives on
Social Movements", New York, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
75. Corrupt Exchanges, in S. Gundle, S. Parker, "The New Italian Republic",
London, Routledge, 1995, pp. 221-234.
76. Terrorismo, in "Enciclopedia Treccani", 1995.
77. with D. Rucht, Social Movement Sectors in Context: A Comparison of Italy and
West Germany, 1965-1990, in J. Craig Jenkins e Bert Klandermans (eds.), "The
Politics of Social Protest", Minneapolis, Minnesota University Press, 1995, pp.
78. I terrorismi, in G. Pasquino (ed.), "Sistema politico italiano, 1945-1992", Bari,
Laterza, 1995, pp. 535-548.
79. Italian Leftwing Terrorism, in M. Crenshaw (ed.), "Terrorism in Context",
University Park, PA, Penn State Press, 1995, pp. 105-159.
80. L'échange corrompu, in P.H. Claeys e A.P. Frognier (eds.), "L'échange
politique", Bruxelles, Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 1995, pp. 227-446.
81. with A. Vannucci, Mafia, politica e mercato negli scambi corrotti, in C.
Mershon e G. Pasquino (eds.), La politica in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1994,
pp. 211-232 (published also in English by Pinter).
82. Politici d'affari e professionismo politico. Osservazioni da una ricerca sulla
corruzione politica nel governo locale, in G. Bettin (ed.), "Classe politica e
città", Padova, Cedam, 1993, pp. 291-325.
83. La capitale immorale: Le tangenti di Milano, in S. Hellman, G. Pasquino (eds.),
La politica in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1993, pp. 219-240 (published also in
English by Pinter).
84. Italien: Terrorismus aus Solidarität, in P. Waldmann (ed.). "Beruf: Terrorist",
Munich, Becks, 1993, pp. 116-141.
85. Life Histories Analysis of Social Movement Activists, in M. Diani e R. Eyerman
(eds.), "Studying Social Movements", London, Sage, 1992, pp. 168-193.
86. State Responses to Terrorism: The Italian Case, in R. Crelinston, A. Schmidt
(eds.), "Western Responses to Terrorism", London, Frank Cass, 1992, pp. 151170.
87. G.C. Caselli, D. della Porta, The History of the Red Brigades: Organizational
Structure and Strategies of Action, in R. Catanzaro (ed.), "The Red Brigades and
Left-wing Terrorism in Italy", London, Pinter, 1991, pp. 70-114.
88. Gli anni del terrorismo, in G. Della Peruta (ed.), "Storia della società italiana",
Milano, Teti, 1990, pp. 11-59.
89. Movimenti Sociali, in "Enciclopedia Garzanti", Milano, Garzanti, 1990.
90. Gli incentivi alla militanza nelle organizzazioni clandestine di sinistra, in R.
Catanzaro (ed.), "Ideologie, movimenti, terrorismi", Bologna, Il Mulino, 1990,
pp. 85-111.
91. Recruitment Processes in Clandestine Political Organizations. Italian Leftwing
Terrorism, in S. Tarrow, B. Klandermans, H. Kriesi (eds.), "From Structure to
Action", New York, JAI Press, 1988, pp. 155-169.
92. with G. Pasquino, Interpretations on Italian Leftwing Terrorism, in Peter H.
Merkl (ed.), "Political Violence in Contemporary Society", New York, Free
Press, 1986, pp. 169-190.
93. with M. Rossi, I terrorismi in Italia tra il 1969 e il 1982, in G. Pasquino (ed.),
"Il sistema politico italiano", Bari, Laterza, 1985, pp. 418-456.
94. with G. Pasquino, Interpretações do terrorismo de esquerda, in Paulo S.
Pinheiro (ed.), "Crime, violência e poder", San Paolo, Editora Brasiliense, 1983,
pp. 145-170.
3) Articles in Scientific Journals
1. with M. Andretta, Protesting for justice and democracy, Contemporary Italian
Politics, 5 (1), 2013, 23-37.
2. with Joan Fonts and Yves Sintomer, Revista Internacional de Sociología, special
issue on Methodological challenges in social movement research, vol. 70, no. 2,
2012 (of which introduction).
3. with Lorenzo Bosi, “Micro-mobilization into armed groups: the ideological,
instrumental and solidaristic paths” Qualitative Sociology 35 (2012): 361-383.
4. with Lorenzo Zamponi, Protest and policing on October 15th, global day of action:
the Italian case. Policing and Society 2012 23(1)
5. "Mobilizing against the crisis, mobilizing for ‘another democracy’: comparing two
global waves of protest." Interface 4. 2012:274-277.
6. With Rainer Bauböck, Ignacio Lago, Camil Ungureanu. 2012. ¿ De las ‘guerras’
metodológicas al pluralismo metodológico?. Revista espanola de sciencias politicas. No.
7. with Herbert Reiter 2012 “Desperately seeking politics”, in Mobilization: An
International Quarterly 17(3):349-361.
8. with Tarrow, S., 2012. “Interactive Diffusion: The Coevolution of Police and Protest
Behavior With an Application to Transnational Contention.” Comparative Political
Studies, xx, 1-34.
9. Donatella Della Porta and Gary LaFree - Guest Editor of Processes of
Radicalization and De-Radicalization, International Journal of Conflict and
Violence (IJCV) 6(1), 2011.
10. Della Porta, Donatella, Models of Democracy: Challenges and opportunities, In
Teoria Politica, Annali, nuova serie, anno I, numero 1, 2011, pp. 341-350.
11. with Manuela Caiani, The Elitist Populism of the Extreme Right: a Frame Analysis
of Extreme Right Wing Discourses in Italy and Germany, in “Acta Politica”, 46,
2011, pp. 180-202.
12. with Lorenzo Bosi, ed., “Movimenti sociali e violenza politica”, special issue of
Partecipazione e conflitto, no. 3, 2011.
13. Communications in Movements. Social Movement as Agents of Participatory
democracy”, in “Information, Communication and Sociery, 14 (6), 800-819.
14. With Keating, Michael, 2010, In Defence of Pluralism in the social sciences,
Florence, European Political Science, pp. 1-10.
15. Democrazia: Sfide e opportunità, in “Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica”, vol 40,
no. 2, 2010.
16. (with Simone Baglioni), Il discorso pubblico su disoccupazione e immigrazione
negli anni novanta in Italia, in “Politica e società”, no. 1, 2010, pp. 11-142.
17. (with Lorenzo Mosca), Searching the net: Websites’ qualities in the Global Justice
Movement, in “Information, Communication and Society”, 12, 2009, 771-192.
18. (with Michael Keating), 2009, In difesa del pluralism. Combinare gli approcci nelle
scienze sociali, in Quaderni di scienza politica, XVI, no. 3, pp. 581-604.
19. (With Maria Kousis and Manuel Jimenez), Southern European Environmental
Movements, in American Behavioral Scientist, 2009, 51, 1627-47.
20. (with Simone Baglioni and Paolo Graziano), The Contentious Politics of the
Unemployed: The Italian case in Comparative Perspective, European Journal of
Political Research, 47, 2008, 827-851.
21. Surgimiento de movimientos europeos? Sociedad civil y Union Europea, In Agora.
Revista de ciencias sociales, 17, 2008, Volume 2, pp. 9-36.
22. Grandi opere e protesta: sindome Nimby o riappropriazione della politica?
(Intervista a cura di Cesare Panizza), in “Quaderno di Storia Contemporanea”, no.
44, 2008, pp. 89-104.
23. The Protest on Unemployement: Forms and Opportunities, in “Mobilization: The
International Quarterly Review”, vol 13, no. 3, September 2008, pp. 279-296
24. L’altermondialisme et la recherché sur les mouvements sociaux, in « Cultures &
Conflicts », no. 70, 2008, pp. 13-32
25. Research on Social Movements and Political Violence, “Qualitative Sociology”, vol.
31, no. 3, 2008.
26. (with G. Piazza), Local Contention Global Framing, in Enviromental Politics, 2008
27. The emergence of European Movements? Civil Society and the EU, in European
Journal of Legal Studies, 1, 2008, no 3, pp. 1-37.
28. Eventful Protests, Global Conflicts, in Distinktion. Scandinavian Journal of Social
theory, nn. 17, 2008, pp. 27-26.
29. La partecipazione nelle istituzioni: concettualizzare gli esperimenti di democrazia
deliberative e partecipativa, in Partecipazione e conflitto, No 0, 2008, pp. 15-42.
30. with Manuela Caiani, Talking Europe in the Italian Public Sphere, South European
Society and Politics, 12, 2007, pp. 1-21.
31. with Alberto Vannucci, “Corruption and Anti-corruption: The Political Defeat of
‘Clean Hands’ in Italy,” in West European Politics, 30 (4), 2007, pp. 830-853.
32. “Movimenti sociali e partiti politici: un gioco a soma zero?”, in Rassegna Italiana di
Sociologia, 48, 2007, pp. 1-30.
33. with Manuela Caiani, “Europeanization from Below? Social movements and
Europe”, in Mobilization, 2006, vol. 11.
34. with Lorenzo Mosca, “In movimento: ‘contamination’ in action and the Italian
Global Justice Movement”, in Global Networks: A journal of transnational affairs,
7, no. 1, 2007, pp. 1-28.
35. with Herbert Reiter, “Protesta transnazionale e controllo”, in Questione giustizia, no.
4, 2006, pp. 717-739.
36. E-democracy: Internet e democrazia, guest editor of the special issue of the
“Rassegna italiana di sociologia”, 47, 2006, no. 4 (in particular, Presentazione 521528 and, with L. Mosca, Ricercando nella rete: stili democratici dei siti web, pp.
37. “Las bases sociales del movimento por la justicia global”, in Conflictos globales,
voces locales, I, 2, 2006, pp. 4-45.
38. Donatella della Porta 2005, „Deliberation in Movement: Why and How to Study
Deliberative Democracy and Social Movements,“ Acta Politica, 40: 336-350.
39. with Manuela Caiani, The Europeanisation of Public Discourse in Italy: A top-down
process? “European Union Politics”, vol. 7 (2006), no. 1
40. Globalization and democracy, in “Democratization”, 12, 2005, pp. 668-685.
41. Gewerkschaften als Teil der globalisierungskritischen Bewegung und die
Europaeisierungs politischen Handelns, in “Berliner Debatte Initial”, 16, 2006, pp.
42. with Manuela Caiani, Di cosa si parla quando si parla d’Europa, in Il Mulino, 56,
n. 421, pp. 937-948.
43. Sociologia dei movimenti globali, guest editor of the special issue of the “Rassegna
italiana di sociologia”, 46, 2005 (in particular, Presentazione 215-221 and
Democrazia in movimento. Partecipazione e deliberazione nel movimento per la
globalizzazione dal basso, pp, 307-343).
44. With M. Andretta, Quale sicurezza ? Mobilitazione locale e comitati cittadini, in
« Rivista trimestrale di scienza dell’amministrazione ?, no. 4, 2005, pp. 77-104.
45. Democrazie en mouvement. Les manifestants du Forum social européen des liens
aux reaeaux, in «Politix », 2005, no. 68, pp. 49-79.
46. Making the Polis: Social Forums and Democracy in the Global Justice Movements,
in “Mobilization”, 2005, vol 10., n. 1, pp. 73-94.
47. with Manuela Caiani, L’europeizzazione della sfera pubblica in Italia: Un processo
top-down?, in “Rivista italiana di Scienza Politica”, 2004, 34, pp. 459-489.
48. with Lorenzo Mosca, Global-net for Global Movements? A Network of Networks for
a Movement of Movement, in “Journal of Public Policy”, 2004, 25, pp. 165-190.
49. Political Parties and Corruption: Ten Hypotheses on Five Vicious Circles, in
“Crime, Law and Social Change” (special issue Commemorating the Life and Work
of Arnold J. Heidenheimer), 2004, 42, pp. 35-60.
50. Globalisation et mouvements sociaux. Hypothèses à partir d’une recherche sur la
manifestation contre le G8 à Genes, “Pole Sud”, n. 19, 2003, pp. 175-195.
51. with Alberto Vannucci, Cleptocracy (in Japanese), “Osaka Law Review”, Vol. 53
(2), 2003, pp. 201-231
52. with M. Andretta, e L. Mosca, Movimenti sociali e sfide globali: politica,
antipolitica e nuova politica dopo l’11 settembre, in «Rassegna Italiana di
Sociologia», 2003, pp. 43-76
53. Capitale sociale, opinioni sul governo e corruzione politica, in “Foedus”, 2003, n.
5, pp. 4-26.
54. With Alberto Vannucci, Costo de la politica y corrupcion, “Revista Argentina de
Ciencia Politica”, n. 5/6, 2001/2002, pp. 11-31.
55. Corruption et carrières politiques. Réflexion à partir du cas italien, in
“Comprendre. Revue annuelle de philosophie et de sciences sociales”, vol. 3, 2002,
pp. 165-187.
56. with M. Andretta, 2002, Social Movements and Public Administration, in
“International Journal of Urban Research”, XXVI, n. 2, pp. 244-265.
57. with H. Reiter, 2002, Mouvement “antimondialisation” et ordre public, in “Cahiers
de la Sécurité Intérieure”, n. 47, pp. 51-77.
58. with D. Rucht (guest editors), 2002, Comparative Environmental Campaigns,
special issue of “Mobilization”, vol. VII, pp. 1-95.
59. with H. Reiter, Protesta noglobal e ordine pubblico, in „Il Mulino“, n. 397, 2001,
pp. 871-882.
60. Social Movements and New Challenges to Representative Democracies, in
„Politique Europeénne“, n. 4, 2001, pp. 73-103.
61. A Judges‘ Revolution? Political Corruption and the Judiciary in Italy, in „European
Journal of Political Research“, 39, 2001, pp. 1-21.
62. with M. Andretta, Movimenti sociali e rappresentanza: i comitati spontanei dei
cittadini a Firenze, in „Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia“, 42, 2001, pp. 41-76.
63. with Immigration and Protest: New Challenges for Italian Democracy, in „South
European Society and Politics“, 5, n. 3, 2000, pp. 108-132.
64. Edustuksellisten demokratioiden uudet haasteet, in „politiikka“, 2000, 42, pp. 234248.
65. Immigrazione e protesta, in "Quaderni di sociologia", XLIII, 1999, n. 21, pp. 14-44.
66. with H.-P. Kriesi, Movimenti sociali e globalizzazione, in„Rivista italiana di scienza
politica“, 28, 1998, pp. 451-482.
67. 1968—Zwischennationale Diffusion und Transnationale Strukturen. Eine
Forschungsagenda. Cross-national Diffusion, Transnational Campaigns and 1968,
in “Geschichte und Gesellschaft”, Sonderheft 17, 1998, pp. 131-150.
68. with A. Vannucci, Forme di controllo e corruzione politica in Italia, in “Rivista
trimestrale di scienza dell’amministrazione”, vol. 44, 1997, pp. 123-152.
69. with and A. Vannucci, The Resources of Corruption. Some Reflections from the
Italian Case, in “Crime, Law and Social Change”, 1997.
70. Policing Protest: An Introduction, in “African Studies”, vol. 56, 1997, pp. 97-127.
71. with A. Vannucci, The 'Perverse Effects' of Corruption, in “Political studies”, 45,
1997, 516-538.
72. with H. Reiter, Police du gouvernement ou police des citoyens? Les stratégies de
l’ordre public en Italie, in “Les cahiers de la sécurité interieure”, n. 27, 1997, pp.
73. Sapere di polizia e ordine pubblico: alcune riflessioni sul caso italiano, in “Polis”,
X, 1996, n. 3, pp. 361-383.
74. with H. Reiter, Da “polizia del governo” a “polizia dei cittadini”? Le politiche
dell’ordine pubblico in Italia, in “Stato e mercato”, 1996, n. 48, 367-408.
75. Actors in Corruption. Business Politicians in Italy, in "International Social Science
Journal", n. 149, 1996, pp. 349-364 (to be published in French, English, Spanish,
Russian and Chinese; also in Spanish in “Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas”,
n. 21, 2001).
76. Logica de las organizaciónes clandestinas, in "Sistema. Revista de Cièncias
Sociales, n. 132-133, 1996, pp. 231-258.
77. The Policing of Protest: A Review of the Literature, in "Police Studies" (in
78. With G. Zwerman and P. Steinhof, Disappeaing Social Movements: Clandestinity in
the Cycle of New Left Protest in the US, Japan, Germany and Italy,”Mobilization”
vol. V (1996), n. 1.
79. La corruption, in "Courier de l'Unesco" (in various languages), 1996.
80. Partiti politici e corruzione: Riflessioni sul caso italiano, in "Ragion Pratica", II
(1994), n. 3, pp. 26-44 (also in English in "Modern Italy", and in French in
81. with A. Pizzorno, Geschäftspolitiker in Italien: Überlegungen im Anschluss an eine
Studie über politische Korruption, in "Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und
Soziapsychologie", XLV (1993), n. 3, pp. 439-464 (also in Dutch in "Nederland
Juristenblat", 1994, n. 45/46; and in English in "Journal of Law and Society", 1996,
n. 1).
82. Protesta e violenza politica. Processi di radicalizzazione nelle organizzazioni di
movimento sociale in Italia e Germania, 1960-1990, in "Storia e problemi
contemporanei", VI (1993), n. 11, pp. 21-52.
83. Corruzione generalizzata e carriere politiche: alcuni tipi di politici d'affari, in
"Progetto", n. 74, 1993, pp. 65-74.
84. Bewegungen und Protest in Italien. Mögliche Szenarien für die 90er Jahre, in
"Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen", VI (1993), n. 1, pp. 59-68.
85. Corruzione, clientelismo e cattiva amministrazione: note sulle dinamiche degli
scambi corrotti in Italia, in "Quaderni di sociologia", vol. XXXVII (1993), n. 5, pp.
86. Corruzione e carriere politiche: immagini dei "politici d'affari", in "Stato e
mercato", n. 34, aprile 1992, pp. 35-62.
87. with D. Rucht, Movimenti sociali e sistema politico. Un confronto tra Italia e
Repubblica Federale Tedesca. 1965-1990, in "Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica",
XXII (1992), n. 2, pp. 501-537.
88. Meccanismi amministrativi e corruzione nel governo locale. Alcune osservazioni su
tre scandali politici in Italia, in "Rivista trimestrale di scienza
dell'amministrazione", 1992, n. 2, pp. 57-77.
89. Spirals of Revenge: Biographical Accounts of Left-wing and Right-wing Radicals in
Italy, in "Politics and the Individual", II (1992), n. 2, pp. 1-12.
90. Die Spirale der Gewalt und Gegengewalt: Lebensberichte von Links- und
Rechtsradikalen in Italien, in "Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen", IV
(1991), n. 2, pp. 53-62.
91. La logica della corruzione in Italia, in "Il Mulino", Vol. XL (1991), No. 337, pp.
92. Risorse e attori nella corruzione politica. Appunti su tre casi di governo locale in
Italia, in "Polis", IV (1990), n. 3, pp. 499-532.
93. Specificità femminile e "lotta armata". Alcuni dati sulla partecipazione delle donne
nelle organizzazioni clandestine di sinistra in Italia, in "Rivista di storia
contemporanea", XVII (1988), n. 1, pp. 116-126.
94. Protestbewegung und Terrorismus in Italien, in "Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte", n.
45, 1988, pp. 21-34.
95. Il denaro corrompe chi non ce l'ha ?, in "Politica ed economia", XVIII (1988), n. 9,
pp. 65-68.
96. Gli incentivi organizzativi nella militanza in organizzazioni clandestine, in "Polis",
II (1988), 4, pp. 233-258.
97. Storie di vita e movimenti collettivi. Una tecnica per lo studio delle motivazioni alla
militanza politica, in "Rassegna italiana di sociologia", XXVIII (1987), n. 4, pp.
98. I militanti delle organizzazioni terroriste di sinistra in Italia, in "Rivista italiana di
scienza politica", XVII (1987), n. 1, pp. 23-55.
99. with L. Mattina, Cyclos politicos y movilización etnica. El caso Vasco, in "Revista
Española de investigaciónes sociológicas", 1986, n. 35, pp. 123-148.
100. Struttura delle opportunità politiche, evoluzione dei movimenti collettivi e
terrorismo di sinistra. Qualche riflessione sul caso italiano, in "Quaderni della
Fondazione G. Feltrinelli", 1986, n. 32, pp. 137-157.
101. with S. Tarrow, Unwanted Children. Political Violence and the Cycle of Protest
in Italy. 1966-1973, in "European Journal of Political Research", XIV (1986), 6, pp.
102. with L. Mattina, I movimenti politici a base etnica: il caso basco in prospettiva
comparata, in "Rivista italiana di scienza politica", XV (1985), 1, pp. 35-67.
103. Sociologia dell'azione e studio dei movimenti sociali, in "Teoria politica", I
(1985), n. 3, pp. 194-204.
104. with M. Rossi, I terrorismi in Italia tra il 1969 e il 1982, in "Cattaneo", III
(1983), 1, pp. 1-44.
105. with G. Pasquino, Movimenti collettivi e terrorismo di sinistra, in "La società", I
(1983), 4, pp. 39-42;
106. Intervento dello Stato e struttura di classe nel Mezzogiorno, in "Segno", VIII
(1982), 29 (pp. 79- 89) e 30 (pp. 45-57).
107. Violenza politica e terrorismo nelle società contemporanee. Note a margine di
un convegno, in "Cattaneo", II (1982), 2, pp. 25-36.
108. La crisi del movimento femminista in Francia: tra pragmatismo riformatore e
rivolta culturale, in "Il Mulino", XXXI (1982), 284, pp. 826-858.
109. La Francia tra continuità e mutamento. I nuovi movimenti sociali, in "Il
Mulino", XXX (1981), 274, pp. 220-244.
110. Alcune riflessioni sul rapporto tra doppia occupazione e classi sociali in Italia,
in "Inchiesta", IX (1979), 41/42, pp. 38-52.
5) Book Reviews in:
- "Année sociologique"
- "Rivista italiana di scienza politica"
- “British Journal of Criminology”
- "Congrip"
- "Polis"
- "Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie"
- "Acta Sociologica"
- "Contemporary Sociology"
- "Extremismus und Demokratie"
Published working papers and main research reports
The Social Bases of the Global Justice Movement. Some Theoretical Reflections and
Empirical Evidence from the First European Social Forum, Civil Society and Social
Movements—Paper no. 21, United Nations Research Institute for Democracy,
December 2005.
With Herbert Reiter, Democracy in Movement and the Mobilization of the Society: A
Blueprint, WP7 Report, Democracy in Movement and the Mobilization of the Society—
DEMOS, European Commission, 2007
With Dieter Rucht, Practices of deliberative democray, WP6 Report, Democracy in
Movement and the Mobilization of the Society—DEMOS, European Commission, 2007
With Massimiliano Andretta, Global Activists. Conceptions and Practices of Democrcy
in the European Social Forums, WP5 Report, Democracy in Movement and the
Mobilization of the Society—DEMOS, European Commission, 2006.
With Lorenzo Mosca, Organizational Structures and Practices of Democracy in the
Global Justice Movement, WP4 Report, Democracy in Movement and the Mobilization
of the Society—DEMOS, European Commission, 2006.
With Herbert Reiter, Organizational Ideology and Vision of democracy in the Global
Justice Movement, WP3 Report, Democracy in Movement and the Mobilization of the
Society—DEMOS, European Commission, 2006.
With Lorenzo Mosca, Searching the Net, WP2 Report, Democracy in Movement and
the Mobilization of the Society—DEMOS, European Commission, 2005.
With Herbert Reiter, The Global Justice Movement in Europe, WP1 Report, Democracy
in Movement and the Mobilization of the Society—DEMOS, European Commission,
Paper-giver and/or discussant at the following international conferences (selected):
Conseillo de Cultura Gallego, Keynote speaker in the conference series on The path of
Keynote speaker at the Eurosphere General Conference, Brussel November 11-12 2010
University of Barcellona, conference on The peace movement in comparative
perspective,October 28-29 2010
University of Helsinki, Keynote speaker at a conference on Transnationalization and
Social Movements, September 10 2010
Finnish Akkademie, Keynote speaker at a conference on Political participation,
Helsinki, September 9, 2010.
University of Cluj, Keynote speaker at the conference on Political Communication, June
24-26 2010
University of Trento, International Conference on Political Violence, May 17th, 2010
University of Geneve, Conference on Social movement outcomes, February 15-16,
University of Athens, International conference on Riots, Athens University, December
10-11 2009
Pompeu Fabra, Barcellona, Invited speaker at round table on Methodological pluralism,
November 12 2009
Universidad Autonoma Barcellona, International conference on Political Participation
of Women, November 13 2009 (keynote speaker, opening session)
Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, International conference,of Developments in
Political science, Trento, Novembre 5-6 2009.
Società Italiana di Scienze Politiche, General Conference, LUISS Rome, September
2009 (keynote speech and panel organizer)
European Consortium for Political Research, General Conference, Potsdam, September
9-11 2009.
University of Zurich, International conference on Social Movements, June 25-26 2009
(keynote speech)
Fondazione Feltrinelli, Cortona, International conference of Democracy, June 11-13
University of Aarhus, Invited lecture on Political Violence and social movement
studies, May 29 2009
University of Trento, International workshop on political violence, May 27 2009
Società Italiana di Scienza Politica, Annual Congress, Rome September 17-18 2009
(Opening keynote speech)
Free University of Amsterdam, International conference on developments in Social
movement studies, September 29th-October 2 2009
European Consortium for Political research, Joint sessions, Lisbon, April 14-18 2009
University of Michigan, Distinguished Lecture, March 26 2009
University of Manchester, Conference series on Democratic Transformations, February
3-4 2009
University of Aberystwyth, International Conference on Leaving Terrorist
Organizatioons, December 5-6 2008 (keynote speaker)
Fondazione Aldo Moro, International conference on Transformations in democracy,
Rome, November 18-19 2008.
Bilbao, I Congress of the Critical Political Scientists, November 13-14, 2008 (Keynote
FNSP, Paris, International conference on Political violence, October 10-12 2008
Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, International conference on the Public Sphere,
October 9-10 2008
University of Stockholm, General Conference on the Civil Society, September 10-12
International Sociological Association, General Conference, Barcellona, September 810 2008 (Keynote speaker)
Nordic Sociological Association, Bi-Annual General Conference, August 15-17 2008
(Keynote speaker)
Free University, International conference on the Radical Right, July 25-26 2008
Sistema, International Conference on Democracy, Salamanca, July 2-4 2008
CNRS, Conference on Political Violence, Nice, June 23-25
UNED, Madrid, International Converence on Political Participation of the Youth, May
14-15, 2008.
Boston College, Distinguished Lecture, March 2008
University College London, Conference on Europeanization and social movements,
January 2008
London School of Economics, Conference on the Peace movement, January 2008.
European Sociological Association, General Conference, Glasgow, September 3-5 2007
(keynote opening speech)
University of Roskilde, International conference on Civil Society, May 31-June 1 2997
University of Amsterdam, International conference on Europeanization of the public
spherem April 27-28 2007
University of Bielefeld, International Conference on Political Violence, April 11-14
Fondazione Feltrinelli, Conference on Transnational Social Movements, Cortona,
October 20-22 2006 (convenor and paper giver)
Società Italiana di Scienze politiche, Annual Conference, Session on Social Movements
and Democracy, Bologna, September 12-14 (convenor and paper giver)
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fuer Sozialforschung, Conference on Crossing borders: on
the road towards transnational social movement analysis, October 5-7 2006.
University of Lecce, Annual conference of the Italian Association of Community
Psychologist, September 5-7 2006.
University of Goettingen, Seminar on Cosmopolitan Civil Society, July 20-21 2006
University of Maryland, presentation on Frame analysis and radical discourses at the
Start Conference, Washington DC, June 26-28, 2006.
British Journal of Political Science, presentation on Social Movements and democracy
at the Conference of the BJPS, June 8, 2006.
Regione Toscana, Seminar on Deliberative democracy, Florence, May 18, 2006
University of Hamburg, Conference on The Global Justice Movement and Democracy,
Hamburg, April 24 2006.
Magistratura democratica, Seminar on “Il diritto penale del nemico”, Rome, March 24,
Université libre de Brussels, Conference on Resisting Europe, Bruxelles, March 16-17,
University of Juvaslyla, Seminar on Social movemenst and democracy, Juvslyla, March
8th 2006.
Regione Piemonte, Citizens’ Committees and democracy, Turin, December 15, 2005
Connex, Europeanization and social movements, presentation at an international
conference, Amsterdam, December 9-10 2005.
ECPR General Conference, Budapest, September 2005
Conference on “Movimenti sociali”, Fondazione Feltrinelli, September 2005
Società Italiana di Scienza Politica, Annual Conference, Cagliari, September 2005
ECPR Conference, Budapest, September 2005
International seminar on Contentious versus non-contentious politics, CEVIPOF, Paris,
2-3 June 2005.
International conference on Corruption, University of Lisbon, May 2005.
International conference on “The Contentious Politics of Unemployment”, Université de
Geneve, Apri 1-2 2005
International conference on “Enchancing Operational Co-operatiuon in Fighting
Corruption in the EU”, Vienna, 23-27 November 2004
International conference of the IPPS network in Trento, November 4-6 2004
International Conference on European Unions: An Agent of Democracy?, University
College Dublin October 28-30 2004
International Conference on “Terrorismus und Innere Sicherheit in der Bundesrepublik
der 1970er Jahre”, at Bielefeld, October 6-10 2004
International Conferences on “The Diversity of Democracies. A Tribute to Philippe
Schmitter”, EUI, October 2004
Conferenza annuale della Società Italiana di Scienza Politica, Padova 15-16 settembre
International Conference on Deliberative Democracy, EUI, May 2004
International conference on “Politicing Political Protest after Seattle” (co-organiser),
University of Goeteborg, May 1-5 2004
Riunione gruppo di ricerca internationale sul movimento per la pace, Trento 26-28
marzo 2004
International Conference on „Conflitti, teorie dei conflitti e mondializzazione„,
Università di Napoli "Federico II" - Dipartimento di Filosofia, December 18-20 2003
International Conference on “Anti/altermondialisation. Anti/Alter globalization”, Paris,
Fondation National des Sciences Politiques, December 3-5, 2003
International Conference on “Debating the Democratic Legitimacy of European Union”,
Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), November 27-29, 2003.
International Conference on “Comparative Studies on Political Corruption and
Clientelism”, Graduate School of Law, Osaka University, September 27-28 2003.
International Conference on “The Europeanization of the Public
Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialforschung Berlin, June 20-22, 2003.
Conference on “Globalizzazione, conflitti, movimenti sociali”, Trento, 5-6 June, 2003
International Conference on “La Toscana e la globalizzazione dal basso”, Regione
Toscana, Florence, May 23-24, 2003
International Conference on “I conflitti ambientali nella globalizzazione”, Forum per i
problemi della pase e della guerra, Florence, May 8-9, 2003
Conference of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica, Genova, September 13-15, 2002
International conference on “Governare la sicurezza: attori, politiche e istituzioni in
Europa”, Regione Emilia Romagna, Bologna, April 4-5, 2002
International conference on “Mutamento della forma partito e sistemi di partito nelle
democrazie occidentali”, University of Pisa, March 15-17, 2002
International conference on Democratic Transition and Consolidation, Gorbaciov
Foundation and FRIDE, Madrid, October 2001
Conference of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica, Siena, September 13-15, 2001
Conference of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica, Neaples, September 27-29, 2001
International conference on Social Movements, Manchester, November 3-5, 2000
International Conference on Political Party Founding and Bribery of Party Officials,
Transparency International, Florence, October 12-14 2000
International conference on “Coming to Terms with the ‘Mediterranean Syndrome’”,
European University Institute, May 19-20, 2000.
International conference on “Culture e conflitti nella globalizzazione”, Forum per i
problemi della pace e della guerra, Florence, May 5-6, 2000
International conference on “Democracia, sociedade civil e novos actores politicos”,
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, March 16-17, 2000
European Consortium for Political Research, Joint Sessions, April 14-19 2000,
Copenhagen, DK.
European Consortium for Political Research, Joint Sessions, March 26-31, 1999,
Mannheim, DK.
International conference on “Community Policing and Public Order Policing”,
November 15-17, 1999, Brussels
Conference of the Finnish Political Science Association, Plenary session, Tampere,
January 14-15, 1999
International conference on “Les années ‘68”, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan,
Paris, November 10-20, 1998.
International conference on “Social Movements, Globalization and Citizens’ Claims”,
Harvard University, October 22-23, 1998
International conference on “Social Movements and the Public Sphere”, Université de
Genève, October 9-10, 1998
International conference on “Public Trust and Democracy”, Rockefeller Foundation
Center, Belagio, June 29-July 3, 1998
Conference of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica, Milan, June 18-20, 1998
International conference on “Women’s Movement and the State”, University of
Pennsylvania, April 29-May 2 1998, videoconference
European Consortium for Political Research, Joint Sessions, March 23-28 1998,
International conference on “Citizenship and immigration”, Berlin, November 1997
International Conference on “1968”, Bielefeld, November 1997
International Conference de Observatoire du Changement en Europe, Poitiers, October
International Conference on “The women’s movements in comparative perspective”,
Berlin, June 1997
International Conference on Political Violence, Cornell University, April 1997.
International Conference on “Political Corruption”, University of Salford, November
Second European Conference on Social Movements, Victoria, October 1996.
International Conference on “Policing borders in Europe”, Paris, October 1996.
Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco,
September 1996.
International Conference on “Democratic Consolidation in Southern Europe”, Social
Science Research Center, Majorca, June 1996.
International workshop on “Political Corruption”, Nottingham, May 1996.
International Conference on "Social Movements in South Africa", Durban S.A.,
February 1996
Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, September
Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association, Washington DC, August
Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy, London,
November 1994.
International Workshop on "Comparing Italy and Japan", organized by the Conference
on Italian Politics, Berlin, August 1994.
International Conference on "Reconstituting Italy: Sources of Pathology and Forces for
Reform", Center for European Studies, Harvard University, February 1994.
World Congress of the International Sociological Association, Bielefeld, July 1994.
International Conference on "Corruption et Démocratie", Observatoire du Changement
Social en Europe Occidentale, Poitiers, November 1993.
Joint Sessions of the European Consortium for Political Research, Leiden, April 1993.
"First European Conference on Social Movements", Berlin, October 1992.
Tagung of the Neue Soziale Bewegung Forschungsjournal, Bonn, March 1991.
International Conference "European-American Perspective of Social Movements",
Washington, August 1991.
Joint Sessions of the European Consortium for Political Research, Bochum, April 1990.
World Congress of the International Sociological Association, Madrid, July 1990.
International Conference on "Social Movement Theory", Berlin, June 1990.
International Conference on "Terrorism in Context", Wesleyan University, Middletown
Co., June 1989.
Joint Sessions of the European Consortium for Political Research, Paris, April 1989.
International Conference on "State Response to Terrorism", University of Leiden,
March 1989.
International Meeting on "Comparative Social Movement" at the Wissenschaftszentrum
Berlin, December 1989.
International Conference on the Italian Political System, Wilson Center for Scholars,
Washington, January 1988.
Convegno internazionale on "Il vissuto e il perduto", Istituto Carlo Cattaneo, Bologna,
June 1988.
International Workshop on "Internal Dynamics", European University Institute,
Florence, September 1986.
International Workshop on "Transformation of Structure into Action", Frije
Universiteit, Amsterdam, June 1986.
Joint sessions of the European Consortium for Political Research, Gothenburg, April
XIII World Conference of the International Political Science Association, Paris, July
International Workshop for the Analysis of Social Movements, Bonn, August 1984.
XII World Congress of the International Political Science Association, Rio de Janeiro,
July 1982.
Organization of international conferences
Convenor of the joint conference on Social movements and political participation of the
European sociological association and the ECPR, EUI, Florence, January 20 21 2011
International Sociological Association, General Conference, Panel organizer and paper
presentation, Santiago del Chile, July 12-14 2010
Convenor of a session on Methodological Pluralism at the General Conference of the
UK Political Science Association, Edinburg, March 29-31 2010.
Convenor of a session and a panel at the Società Italiana di Scienza Political, Annual
Conference, University of Venice, September 2010
Società Italiana di Scienze Politiche, General Conference, LUISS Rome, September
2009 (keynote speech and panel organizer)
Convenor of a session and a panel at the Società Italiana di Scienza Political, Annual
Conference, University of Pavia, September 3-7 2008
Convenor of a session and a panel at the Società Italiana di Scienza Political, Annual
Conference, University of Catania, September 13-17 2008
Convenor of a Panel at the ECPR General Conference, University of Pisa, September 58 2007
Convenor of a Session at the ECPR Joint Sessions, University of Helsinki, May 7-13
Convenor of the special part of the General Conference of the ECPR, Marburg,
September 18-22, 2003
Convenor of the International Conference on “Transnational Social Movements”,
Belagio, July 22-25 2003.
International conference on „Corrupt Exchanges: Empirical Themes in the Politics and
Political Economy of Corruption“, University of Bielefeld, April 2001.
International conference on „Political Parties and Corruption“, Florence, European
University Institute, March 1999.
Session on „Comparing Environmental Action“, Joint Sessions of the European
Consortium for Political Research, Mannheim, March 1999.
International workshop on “Police knowledge and practices”, Florence, May 1996
International Conference on "Policing Mass Demonstrations in Contemporary
Democracy", R. Schuman Center, European University Institute, October 1995.
International Conference on "Democracies between Crisis and Reform. Comparing Italy
and Belgium", Brussels, September 1995.
International Conference on "Cross-national Diffusion in Social Movements", Geneva,
June 1995.
Session on Social Movements at World Congress of the International Sociological
Association, Bielefeld, July 1994.
Session at World Congress of the International Political Science Association, Berlin,
August 1994.
Session on Terrorism at the Joint Sessions of the European Consortium for Political
Research, Paris, April 1989.
Fly UP