
David Celetti Personal Address: Cannaregio 3294

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David Celetti Personal Address: Cannaregio 3294
David Celetti
Personal Address: Cannaregio 3294 – Venice (IT)
Professional Address: Università di Padova – DISSGEA
– Via del Santo 30, 35135 Padova (IT)
- Researcher unique identifier:
- URL for web sites:
I graduated in Economics at the University of Venice in 1992. After a period of work in
French and Italian industrial and consulting firms (1990-99), I switched to the Academic
career, taking a Ph.D. in Economic History at the University of Verona (IT), and a
Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Padua, IT (1999-2005). Afterwards worked as
researcher at the Universities of Padua (Economic History), of Hertfordshire, UK (Textile
History), and at the KazNU “Al Farabi” of Almaty, KZ (Economic History).
I hold the qualification of “Maître de Conférence” in Early Modern and Modern History
for the French universities and of Associated Professor in Economic History (Professore
Associato) for the Italian universities. My research interests have focused on Economic
and Social History, with particular attention to textile history, the history of
industrialization processes, and of ports, arsenals and trade in Early Modern Adriatic and
Eastern Mediterranean. In this context I have tackled such historiographical issues as the
role of pluri – activity in rural households, the causes and long term consequences of the
social and national division of labour, the paths of emergence of agro – industrial sectors
(e.g. hemp and flax), the role of institution, technological transfer and labour organization
in promoting economic growth, the coexistence in time and space of different path of
development. I am now looking at the world of luxury textile (garments, and secondary
products as high quality yarns and dyestuffs) as an innovative research object, shedding
new light on global social and economic relations.
My researches have been realised using a broad range of multi – lingual sources. In this
context fluency in five European languages, including Russia, and my ability to read Dutch
and Spanish are important assets that have enabled me to exploit wide range of sources,
build scientific dialog with foreign scholars, and foster networks at international level.
Along with traditional, printed documents, I have used interviews, letters and diaries,
cloths samples, rural, urban and industrial heritage. I am author of five monographic works
and of more than 43 scientific articles and contributions published in Italy, France and
Russia. My researches have been presented at 62 scientific conferences in Europe, Russia,
Kazakhstan, the USA, and South Africa.
Along with research activities, since 2005 I have been teaching Economic History of
Developing Countries and Local Development at the University of Padua, and, in the
Academic Year 2015-16, Sustainable Development at the University KazNU “Al Farabi”
of Almaty.
1999-2003 Ph.D. in Social and Economic History, University of Verona, Italy. Thesis:
“Hemp in the Venetian Economy of the 16th and 17th Centuries”. Supervisors Prof. G.
Borelli and Prof. G. Zalin.
1987-2001 Degree in Economics (Laurea in Economia e Commercio), University of Venice
(IT). Thesis: “Models of Exchange Risk Management and Control”. Supervisor Prof. P.
1982-1987 High School Diploma in Classics (Maturità Classica), Liceo – Ginnasio A.
Pigafetta, Vicenza (IT).
Italian and French (native languages).
English (fluent - TOEFL: 634).
Russian (fluent - Attendance of a course of advanced Russian Language and Literature within
the 1st year of the Philological Faculty, Russian Language and Literature as Foreigner,
University Lomonossov - MGU - Moscow).
Zweisprachichkeitsdiplom der Provinz Bozen – Bilingual Certification of the Province of
Bolzano ex Art. 4 del D.P.R. 26/07/1976 n. 75).
Dutch and Spanish (basic reading and writing skills)
Sept. 2012 – Dec. 2015 Researcher in Economic History, Department of Historical,
Geographical and Antiquity Sciences, University of Padua, via Vescovado 30, 35123 Padova
(Italy). Main Research Project “Spinners, Spinning Wheels and Spinning Mules: the History
of a Gendered World in 18th and 19th Century Veneto Provinces”.
Sep. 2011-August 2012 Researcher in History, ERC Advanced Grant “Spinning in the Era of
the Spinning Wheel”, at the School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire, UK.
Mai 2011-August 2011 Researcher in Social and Economic History, Department of History,
University of Padua, via Vescovado 30, 35123 Padua, Italy.
Mai 2010-April 2011 Researcher in Social and Economic History, Department of
Economics, University of Padua, via del Santo 33, 35123 Padua, Italy.
Mai 2006-April 2010 Researcher in Social and Economic History, Department of History,
University of Padua, via Vescovado 30, 35123 Padua, Italy.
Mai 2005-April 2006 Researcher in Social and Economic History, Interreg IIIA Grant
“Interadria”, Department of History, University of Padua, via Vescovado 30, 35123 Padua.
Research project: “The Port of Venice. Origins, Developments and Transformations” (Coordinator: Prof.G.L. Fontana).
Mai 2003-April 2005 Postdoctoral fellowship in Social and Economic History, Department
of History University of Padua. Research project: “The Naval Policies of Venice and Holland
in the 17th and 18th centuries” (Co-ordinator: Prof.G.L. Fontana).
1990- 1999 I worked as an administrative employee for Arena S.A. (Ciments Français) and
Cimpar S.A. in Paris, and as a consultant in business management for Coopers&Lybrand SaS
(now PricewaterhouseCoopers) and Sinergo SaS in Padova and Vicenza (Italy).
May 2003 – April 2005 Postdoctoral fellowship in Social and Economic History, Department
of History, University of Padua. Research project: “The Naval Policies of Venice and Holland
in the 17th and 18th centuries”.
February 2010 Qualification of maître de conférence for the French universities, section 22
« History and Civilization: History of the Modern World, of the Early Modern World, of Art,
of Music».
December 2014 Qualification of associated professor in Economic History (professore
associato) for the Italian universities.
June 2015 Scholarship Erasmus Mundus – SILKROUTE for a six months period (Nov. 2015
– Apr. 2016) at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan) with a research
project on the history of Central Asian economic development with a focus on natural
dyestuff trade between Central Asia, the Mediterranean area, and Western Europe (18th – 20th
Supervision of Graduate Students’ Thesis
- (1) "La globalizzazione in una prospettiva storica. Espansione europea e capitalismo in
Immanuel Wallerstein, Fernand Braudel e David Landes" (Alvise Sgaravatti), University of
Padua – Faculty of Humanities, AY 2006-2007; (2) "Aspetti economici dell'immigrazione
maghrebina nella provincia di Alicante nel XX secolo" (Francesca Feruglio), University of
Padua – Faculty of Humanities, AY 2007-2008.
Supervision of Post-Graduate Students’ Thesis
- (1) “Bringing Utopia into Reality: Collective Alternatives and Resistance to Capitalism in
the Rural Milieu”, (Roberto Sole), University of Padua - DISSGEA, Master in Local
Development, AY 2013-2014; (2) “Development through Culture: The Importance of
Incorporating Culture within Development Projects. The Case of the Weavers in Pelluheue,
Region of Maule, Chile”, (Andreea Gabriela Tilita), University of Padua - DISSGEA, AY
2014-2015; (3) “Developping Palestina: The south Hebron Hills area and the At-Tuwani
village case”, (Flavia Alessi), University of Padua - DISSGEA, AY 2014-2015; (4) “Social
Business, Quality Brands, and Prisoners’ Commitment. A Comparative Study of the
Bologna and Sofia Prisons’ economic activities”, (Giulia Caccin), University of Padua DISSGEA, AY 2014-2015; (5) “Greening Transports and Communication. The case study
of Ekol Logitic”, (Melis Nurkan), University of Padua - DISSGEA, AY 2014-2015.
2015-16 “Economic History of Sustainable Development”, Faculty of Economics KazNU
“Al Farabi” of Almaty (28 hours of teaching – teaching language: Russian).
From 2010 “Local Development: Time Framing”, Master in “Local Development” –
University of Padua (42 hours of teaching – teaching language: English).
2005-08. “Economic History of the Developing Countries”, Master in “Local Development” ,
University of Padua (42 hours of teaching – teaching language: Italian).
2003-04. “History and Policies of Tourism in Italy”, International Master of Cultural
Tourism, University of Padua-Université de Tunis El Manar, Tunisia (teaching language:
April 26-28 2012, Las Vegas (USA), “Policy and Planning in the United Kingdom during the
20th Century”, at the 37th Economic and Business Historical Society Conference.
July 7-11, 2010, Prague (Czech Republic). “Migrations: Exile, migratory movements,
diaspora and the search of identity”, at the XVI International Oral History Conference.
Between Past and Future: Oral History, Memory and Meaning of The International Oral
History Association (IOHA).
April 8-10, 2010, Venice (Italy). “The Renaissance Merchant”, at the Fifty-Sixth Annual
Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America.
May 14-15, 2009, Padova (Italy). Member of the Scientific Committee of the Second Annual
Meeting of the Italian Oral History Association Memory, Work and Labor; organized by the
Italian Oral History Association (AISO). Chair of the panel ‘Unions Action and Social State’.
2005-2013 Member of the scientific board of the review Memoria/memorie. Materiali per la
storia del Novecento.
Member of the Board of the Centro Studi Ettore Luccini (Scientific Association on Labour
and Business History and Public Archive of Labour History for the Veneto region – 2005-13);
of the Società Italiana degli Storici dell’Economia (SISE – from 2002), of the International
Society of the Historians of the Mediterranean (SIHMED – from 2007); of the American
Economic and Business Historical Society (EBHS – from 2006); and of the Association
Française d’Histoire Economique (AFHE – from 2011). Between 2007 and 2012 I have been
member of the Board the Italian Association of Oral History (AISO).
I presented papers and was invited to speak at:
11/12/2015, Almaty (Kazakhstan), Green Economy and Local Development : the
Europen and Kazakh Experiences, at the conference Developments and Green
Economy, organised by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University – High School of
Economics and Business.
3-4/12/2015, Reading (UK), From Candia to Morea (1645-1699) : Financial Crisis,
Frauds, Controls and Moral Discourses in the Republic of Venice, at the conference
The War within : Finance and Morality in Europe 1630-1815, organised by University
of Reading.
11-12/11/2015, Padua (Italy), From the Cobden Chevalier Treaty to the Méline Tariffs
(1860-1892). The case of the French Linen Industry, at the conference Free Trade and
Social Charges in 20th Century Europe : a Historical Reassessment, organised by
Università degli Studi di Padova- Department of Political Science, Law and
International Studies.
13-14/06/2014, Paris (France), Filer le luxe. Manufactures, ateliers et travail
domestique à l’aube de l’industrialisation, at the conference Les progrès de
l’industrie perfectionnée. Ateliers et manufactures de la Révolution française au
Premier Empire (1789-1815), organised by Université Lumière Lyon 2, Université
Toulouse – Jean Jaurès. Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art.
4-9/05/2014, Prato (Italy), Il commercio al minuto dei filati di lino e canapa.
Attori, strutture, spazi e percorsi tra mercati regolamentati e flussi informali nel
Veneto (Italia) e in Bretagna (Francia) nella seconda età moderna, at the
conference Il commercio al minuto. Domanda e offerta tra economia formale e
informale, organised by Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica «
F. Datini ».
19-20/03/2014, Bordeaux
des constructions navales,
transformations agricoles, développement manufacturier. Les cas de l’Arsenal de
Venise (16e – 19e siècles), at the conference L’approvisionnement des villes
portuaires en Europe du 16e siècle à nos jours, organised by U. Bordeaux
Montaigne, Centre d’Etudes des Mondes Moderne et Contemporain.
16- 17/01/2014, Caen (France), Origines, transformations, perspectives d’une ville
– port. Le cas de Venise du premier moyen âge à nos jours, at the conference
Les zones portuaires : aménagements, réaménagements, réhabilitations de
l’Antiquité à nos jours, organised by Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, Centre de
Recherche d’Histoire Quantitative, Pôle maritime de la MRSH.
24-26/11/2013, Treviso (Italy), Le chanvre face à la crise. Les cas italien, français
et russe (17e-19e siècles), at the conference Crises and Alternative Agriculture in
an European Perspective 2013, organised by Groupe De Recherches International
(GDRI) - CRICEC (Crises and Changes in the European Countryside) Centre de
Recherches Historiques/ERHIMOR (France), Università di Padova (IT) and the
Centre de Recerca d'Història Rural de la Universitat de Girona (ES).
4-5/10/2013, Lille (France), La faillite d’une entreprise, le succès d’un secteur.
Les Vivai Sgaravatti et la floriculture italienne, au colloque L’échec a-t-il des
vertus économiques, organised by Association Française d’Histoire Economique.
22/06/2013, Albacete (Spain), La famille paysanne face à la guerre et la conjoncture.
Le cas de Montagnana (Italie), at the conference Family Crises and Social Change in
Rural Europe in comparative perspective. 18th and 19th centuries, organised by
Universitad de Castilla-La Mancha.
25-26/04/2013, Ghent (Belgium), Credit, Land and Hemp. Debt processes and land
concentration in the Province of Padua (16th -18th centuries), at the conference Rural
Land and Credit Markets and Inequlity, a Self-Sustaining Process, organised by Ghent
3-5/04/2013, Caen (France), Les révoltes du 17-25 avril 1797 dans la ville et les
campagnes de Vérone. La construction de la mémoire entre tradition populaire,
réélaboration politique et « vérité » historique, at the conference Cultures orales,
histoires et mémoires des révoltes et contestations populaires (XVe-XVIIIe siècles) Histories and Memories of Early Modern Popular Revolts in Oral Culture, organised
by Université de Caen Basse Normandie.
12/10/2012, Vicenza (Italy), La culture du riz en Italie du Nord, at the conference Le
riz dans la Vénétie et dans le monde organised by Università di Padova – Biblioteca
Internaizionale La Vigna (Vicenza – Italie).
19-25/08/2012, Marburg (Germany), Wirtschaftliche und Soziale Aspekte der
Auswanderung und des Zurückkehrens. Der Fall Valstagna (Brentatal). 1850-1960, at
the conference Migration und Integration in Europäischen Gesellschaften des 19. und
20. Jahrhunderts, organised by Herder Institut – Universität Marburg.
9-13/07/2012, Stellenbosch (SA), From The Fields to The Factory. Economic, Social
And Cultural Aspects of The Transition Between Agricultural Self-Employed Work to
Industrial Wage Labour. A Case Study in 19th Century Italy, at the conference XVIth
World Economic History Congress.
26-27/06/2012, Lorient – Douarnenez (France), Le chanvre: origines, aspects et
développements d’une culture industrielle, at the conference Des cordes et des toiles, le
chanvre et le lin à la mer. Cultures, usages et innovations des origines à demains
organised by Université Bretagne Sud.
26-28/04/2012, Las Vegas (USA), Transnational Approaches to the Study of the
Formation of Industrial Capitalism. The Case of the Hemp Sector in Mamer (France)
and Montagnana (Italy), at the conference 37th Annual Conference of the Economic and
Business Historical Society.
14-16/11/2011 Treviso (Italy), Niveau de vie et « révolution des objets » dans les
campagnes. De l’autoconsommation au marché : le chanvre en Italie du Nord (XVIIIeXIXe siècles), at the conference Niveau de vie et « révolution des objets » dans les
campagnes (17e-19e siècles), organised by Fondazione Cassamarca de Treviso (Italie),
Groupe de Recherches CNRS 2912, Histoire des Campagnes Européennes & Centre de
Recherches Historiques/ERHIMOR (France), Discashor/Centre de Recerca d'Història
Rural de la Universitat de Girona (Espagne).
3-5/11/2011 Paris (France), Un Atlas des Funduq at the conference La Méditerranée
en mouvement. Approches critiques des études méditerranéennes, organised by Pôle
Méditerranée de l’Université Paris8.
19-20/05/2011, Rennes (France), Destins paysans. Familles rurales et changement
économique at the conference Travail, solidarités familiales et mobilité sociale dans le
monde rural , organised by Université de Rennes2, CERHIO, GDR Sociétés rurales
2/04/2011, Paris (France), Le Fondaco: Surveillance et Souveraineté en Méditerranée
Orientale, at the conference La Méditerranée et ses bords, organised by Pôle
Méditerranée de l’Université Paris8.
17-18/02/2011, Milan (Italy), Le opere sociali nel Veneto tra Otto e Novecento.
Un’analisi storiografica, at the conference Le opere sociali delle imprese e degli
imprenditori tra Otto e Novecento, organised by Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca.
4-6/11/2010, Aydin (Turkey), Commerce and diplomacy in Eastern Mediterranean, at
the conference International West Anatolian Principalities : History, Culture and
Civilization - Symposium I (Aydınoulları), organised by Adnan Menderes University Turkish Historical Society.
24-25/09/ 2010, Binghamton (New York – USA), The Venetian Fondaci: An
Institution for Long-Distance Trade. Economic, Social and Architectural Aspects. 12th16th centuries, at the conference Negotiating Trade: Commercial Institutions and
Cross-Cultural Exchanges in the Medieval and Early Modern World, organised by
Center of Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CEMERS) – University of Binghamton
(New York State).
2-4/09/2010, Trieste (Italy), Venice and the Eastern Mediterranean (13th-15th
centuries), at the conference Mediterranean Studies Group – Workshop 2010, organised
by Mediterranean Studies Group – Hitotsubashi University – Università degli Studi di
Trieste – Archivio di Stato di Venezia.
7-11/07/2010, Prague (Republique Tchèque), Dying of Work: the Company, Asbestos
and the Workers, at the conference XVI International Oral History Conference.
Between Past and Future: Oral History, Memory and Meaning, organised by
International Oral History Association.
28-30/06/2010, Moscow (Russia), L’héritage classique dans la pensée et la pratique
agronomiques du XVIIIe siècle, at the conference L’héritage de l’Antiquité dans la
culture européenne du XVIIIe siècle, organised by Centre d’Etudes du XVIIIe siècle de
l’Institut d’Histoire Universelle de l’Académie des Sciences de la Fédération Russe,
Musée Ostankino de Moscou, Institut Historique Allemand de Moscou, Institut
d’Histoire de la Pensée Classique – UMR 5037 CNRS, Centre Franco-Russe de
Recherche en Sciences Humaines et Sociales de Moscou, Société Russe d’Etude du
XVIIIe Siècle.
13/06/2010, Ca’ Tron, Treviso (Italy), Investimenti alternativi. Aspetti
dell’investimento nobiliare veneziano nella Terraferma in età moderna, at the
conference Nobili imprenditori. Attività e imprese della nobiltà e dell’aristocrazia
veneta in età moderna, organised by Archivi Contemporanei di Storia Politica - Centro
Studi per la Storia della Campagna Veneta – Centro di Ricerche “Ca’ Tron di Roncade”
3/06/2010, Padoue (Italie), Arrighi nella Storia economica, at the conference Arrighi
in Padova. I cicli egemonici e il lavoro degli storici, organised by Dipartimento di Studi
Internazionali dell’Università di Padova, Dipartimento di Storia dell’Università di
Padova, Dipartimento di Americanistica, Iberistica e Slavistica dell’Università di
27-29/05/2010, Braga (Portugal), Aspects, Phases and Problems of Italian
Industrialization. The Case of the Linificio e Canapificio Nazionale (1873-2010), at the
conference 35th Economic & Business Historical Society Conference, organised by
Economic & Business Historical Society.
24-26/05/2010, Pecs (Hungary), The Emergence of Fashion Industry in Former Textile
Regions Contradictions between Economic Competitiveness and Local Development
Policies (with Christine Lafooghe, Université de Lille - III), at the conference Regional
Studies Association - Annual International Conference 2010. Regional Responses and
Global Shifts: Actors, Institutions and Organisations, organised by Regional Studies
8-10/04/2010, Venice (Italy), Negotiating Trade between the Black Sea and the
Mediterranean: Venetians, Genoese, and Muslim Merchants at La Tana, at the
conference The Fifty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Renassance Society of America,
organised by The Renaissance Society of America.
25/05/2010, Paris (France), La complexité du travail : pluriactivité, émigration
temporaire, intégration des taches au niveau familial et communautaire à Feltre et à
Belluno (Italie). XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle, au colloque Le travail comme ressource. Parcours
individuels, mobilité et stratégies économiques dans les villes d’ancien régime organisé
par ENS-EHESS-CNRS-Università di Torino.
13/03/2010, Bremerhaven (Allemagne), Wirtschaftskrise und Massenauswanderung:
der Fall von Valstagna sul Brenta (Provinz Vicenza – Italien), at the conference
Abfahrt ohne Wiederkehr? Auswanderung und Exil als Erfahrungsform, organised by
Gesellschaft für Exilforschung – Deutsches Auswandererhaus.
12/03/2010, Bologna (Italy), Una Cassa del Mezzogiorno per il Veneto bianco.
Appartenenza politica ed industrializzazione diffusa negli anni Sessanta e Settanta, at
the conference L’Italia dopo il miracolo, organised by Dipartimento Discipline
Storiche, Antropologiche e Geografiche de l’Université de Bologne - Dipartimento di
Politica Istituzioni Storia de l’Université de Bologne - Società Italiana per lo Studio
della Storia Contemporanea (SISSCO).
9/02/2010, Clermont-Ferrand (France), Entre crises et développements: le cas du
système économique et sociale de Vénétie (1950 –2009), at the conference La crise :
trois ans après, quels enseignements?, organised by Institut Universitaire de Formation
des Maîtres (IUFM) d’Auvergne - Université Blaise Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand) –
Université Paris1 (Paris).
3/03/2010, Venice (Italy), Canapa e potenza navale. Aspetti economici, politici e
sociali della canapicoltura veneta tra XV e XVIII secolo, at the conference Corso di
Storia Venetia dedicato a Giuseppe Del Torre, organised by Ateneo Veneto (Venise,
14-16/01/2010, Lille (France), De l’artisanat rural au monopole industriel. La
production de fils et de toiles en chanvre en Italie du Nord (1796-1914), at the
conference La pluralité des mondes industriels (XVIIe-XIXe siècles). Faire de l’histoire
avec Gérard Gayot, organised by MESHS (Maison Européenne des Sciences de
l'Homme et de la Société) - Université Lille3 (Lille).
26/11/ 2009, Rennes (France), Des champs à l’usine: mobilité sociale et entraide
familiale dans un village de la Vénétie (Italie) entre XIXe et XXe siècle, at the
conference Travail, solidarités familiales et mobilité sociale dans le monde rural
organised by CERHIO (Centre de Recherches Historiques de l’Ouest) - Université
Rennes2 (Rennes).
21/11/2009, Nonantola (Modena, Italy), Aspetti economici e sociali della gestione del
patrimonio forestale comunitario in area feltrina. XVI-XVIII secolo, at the conference
La gestione delle risorse collettive nell’Italia settentrionale (secoli XII-XVIII) organised
by Centro Dodena per la Ricerca sulle Dinamiche Sociali, Université “Luigi Bocconi”
(Milan) - Dipartimento di Lettere, Arti, Multimedialità”, Università di Bergamo.
20/11/2009, Florence (Italy), I limiti del bosco: scarsità di legname e politica forestale
in Italia tra Otto e Novecento, at the conference Risorse alimentari tra contraddizioni
antiche e incertezze future organised by La Nazione (Florence) - Associazione Nuova
Terra Antica (Florence).
17/10/2009, Ca’ Tron, Treviso (Italy), Il riso della badessa: le risaie di Grumolo, au
colloque Riso veneto: la risicoltura veneta ieri, oggi e domani, organisé par Archivi
Contemporanei di Storia Politica - Centro Studi per la Storia della Campagna Veneta –
Centro di Ricerche “Ca’ Tron di Roncade”.
13/09/2009, Bologne (Italy), Piantagioni di canapa e opifici nelle province venete tra
Otto e Novecento, au colloque Le prospettive di una fibra tessile naturale: la canapa
tra storia e attualità, organisé par Istituzione Villa Smeraldi - Ministero del Lavoro,
della Salute e delle Politiche Sociali - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.
14-15/05/2009, Padua (Italy), Strategie di impresa ed azione sindacale in un processo
di delocalizzazione produttiva. Il caso Zignago, at the conference Una memoria fondata
sul lavoro, organised by Dipartimento di Storia de l’Université de Padoue –
Associazione Italiana di Storia Orale (AISO).
26-30/04/2009, Prato (Italy), Le avversità della canapa. Aspetti tecnici, economici e
sociali della protezione dei raccolti di un bene strategico da parassiti ed agenti
patogeni in Italia e in Francia tra Sei e Settecento, at the conference Le interazioni fra
economia e ambiente biologico nell’Europa preindustriale. Secoli XIII-XVIII, organised
by Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, XLI Settimana di Studi.
19-21/02/2009, Milan (Italy), Transazioni ufficiali, empori pubblici e contrabbandi di
un bene strategico. Il mercato della canapa nella Repubblica Veneta d’età moderna, at
the conference La città e le Reti, IV Congresso dell’Assocciazione Italiana di Storia
Urbana (AISU) La città e le reti, organised by AISU- Politecnico di Milano –
Università di Milano “Bicocca” - Università “Luigi Bocconi”.
14-15/11/2008, Milan (Italy), Imprenditori e imprese del comparto agro-industriale
della canapa tra Ottocento e Novecento, at the conference Imprenditorialità e sviluppo
economico. Il caso italiano (secc. XIII-XX), organised by Società Italiana degli Storici
dell’Economia (SISE) - Università “Luigi Bocconi”.
20-21/06/2008, Padua (Italy), Eredità culturali dell’Adriatico: conoscenza, tutela e
valorizzazione, at the conference L’Arsenale e la portualità veneziana. Formazione,
evoluzione, trasformazioni organised by Università di Padova.
6-7/06/2008, Imperia (Italy), Manifatture di frontiera. Gli orologiai del Département
du Mont Blanc secondo l’inchiesta del 1795, at the conference Circulations
d’entrepreneurs, migrations d’entreprises et de main d’oeuvre dans les économies
transfrontalières à l’époque moderne et contemporaine, organised by Associacion
Française d’Histoire Economique - Società Italiana degli Storici dell’Economia (SISE)
– Comité Franco-Italien d’Histoire Economique.
21/12/2007, Mantova (Italy), Aspetti economico-sociali della questione montana nella
riforma del 1916, at the conference Ivanoe Bonomi, i problemi idraulici e la
legislazione sulle acque, organised by Centro Studi Ivanoe Bonomi - Associazione per
la Storia della Scienza e della Tecnica in Italia - Fondazione di Studi Storici “F. Turati”.
5/05/2007, Lille (France), Des toiles à voile à la haute couture. Aspects de l’histoire
du chanvre au XIXe siècle, at the conference Le luxe en France et en Italie, organised
by le Comité Franco-Italien d’Histoire Economique.
24/04/2007, Padua (Italy), Aspetti economico-sociali della storia del bosco veneto, at
the conference Il bosco nella società e nell’economia veneta dall’Unità ad oggi,
organised by Università di Padova.
17/03/2007, Rome (Italy), Raccontare l’impresa. Storie di imprenditori vicentini dal
secondo dopoguerra ad oggi, at the conference I Convegno Nazionale di Storia Orale,
organised by Associazione Italiana di Storia Orale (AISO) - Casa della Memoria e della
16/03/2007, Padua (Italy), Braccianti e sindacato nella campagna padovana del
secondo dopoguerra. La storia della Federbraccianti, at the conference CGIL 100 anni
al lavoro, organised by Università di Padova.
26/05/2006, Venice (Italy), La canapa e l’Arsenale: il caso delle piantagioni di
Montagnana, at the conference Gli Arsenali in rete, organised by Interreg IIIC Marcopolo System - AMMM - Centro Studi Arsenale di Venezia.
25/05/2006, Padua (Italy), Dallo sviluppo al sottosviluppo. Presupposti teorici ed
effetti storici di una definizione, at the conference Sviluppo Sostenibile, organised by
Università di Padova.
28/05/2006, Pittsburg (USA), Hemp, Arsenals and State: Economic Issues of a
Strategic Raw Material in Early Modern Europe, at the conference 31st Annual
Conference of the Economic and Business Historical Society, organised by Business
Historical Society.
21/04/2006, Anvers (Belgium), The Dutch and Venetian Naval Industry in the Early
Modern Age. Differences and Relations of two Peculiar Paths of Industrial
Development, at the conference Economic History of the Low Countries before 1850,
Second Flemish-Dutch Conference, organised by Université d’Anvers.
12-13/11/2004, Turin (Italy), Il servizio di trasporto della canapa da Montagnana
all’Arsenale di Venezia in Età Moderna, at the conference Tra vecchi e nuovi equilibri.
Domanda e offerta di servizi in Italia in età moderna e contemporanea, organised by
Società Italiana degli Storici dell’Economia (SISE).
15-16/10/2004, Cassino (Italy), La finanzia pubblica veneziana: fonti e strutture di
gestione, at the conference III Seminario CIRSFI Debito pubblico e formazione dei
mercati finanziari fra età moderna e contemporanea, organised by Università di
25-27/03/2004, Bologna (Italy), Il mercato della canapa nella Repubblica Veneta
d’Età Moderna: politica, economia e transazioni internazionali, at the conference Una
fibra versatile. La canapa italiana: produzione, commercio e industria (sec. XV-XX),
organised by Provincia di Bologna - Istituzione Villa Smeraldi - Museo della Civiltà
19-21/11/2003, Leipzig (Germany), De la protoindustrie à la leaderschip mondiale: le
cas du haut-vicentin – Die Industrialisierung der Provinz Vicenza (18.-20.
Jahrhundert), at the conference Industriekultur zwischen Regionalisierung und
Nationalisierung vom 18. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Ein Vergleich der Regionen Nord
(Frankreich), Pays de Liège (Belgien), Sachsen (Deutschland), Veneto (Italien) und
Yorkshire (Großbritannien), organised by Zentrum für Höhere Studien der Universität
Leipzig (Leipzig) - IFRESI-CNRS (Lille) - Université Charles de Gaulle – Lille3.
From 2003 I have published five monographic works, and 43 scientific articles and
contributions, and I have edited three miscellaneous works. Besides five new works have
been presented and accepted for publication during the AY 2014/15. The full list of my works
is accessible in the web pages https://unipd.academia.edu/DavidCeletti, http://orcid.org/00000003-0730-3875 and http://www.researcherid.com/rid/I-4486-2015.
1. Vivai Sgaravatti [Sgaravatti Nurseries], Padova, Il Poligrafo, 2013, pp. 136.
2. Il bosco nelle province venete dall’Unità ad oggi. Strutture e dinamiche
economiche in età contemporanea [The Forests in the Venetian Provinces.
Economic Structures and Dynamics in Modern Age], Padova, Cleup, 2008, pp.
3. La canapa nella Repubblica Veneta. Produzione nazionale e importazioni in età
moderna [The Hemp in the Republic of Venice. Domestic Production and Imports
in Early Modern Age], Venezia, Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti-Cierre,
2007, pp. 370.
4. Contadini senza terra. [Labourers without Land], Verona, Cierre, 2007, pp. 610.
5. Raccontare l’impresa. Storie di imprenditori vicentini dal secondo dopoguerra a
oggi [Entrepreneurs Life Stories in the Province of Vicenza], Padova, Cleup, 2007,
pp. 347.
6. Hemp in the Venetian Economy of the 16th and 17th Centuries, PhD Thesis.
1. La salute e il lavoro. Memorie del lungo 20 secolo. [The Health and the Work.
Memories of the long 20th Century], Monographic issue of the journal
“Memoria/Memorie”, 7, 2013, pp. 225.
2. La memoria che resiste [The Memory that Resists], monographic issue of the
journal “Memoria/Memorie”, 1 (2007), pp. 344.
3. La didattica della storia attraverso le fonti orali [Teaching History using Oral
Sources : a Handbook for High School Teachers], Padova, Centro Studi Ettore
Luccini, 2006, pp. 195.
Selected Book Chapters
1. “Les pépinières Sgaravatti et la floriculture italienne (18e – 20e siècles)”
[Sgaravatti Nurseries and the Italian Floriculture 18th – 20th centuries], in Natasha
Coquery, Matthieu de Oliveira, L’Echec a-t-il des vertus économiques [Do Failures
entail Economic Assets?], PUR, Rennes 2015, p. 217-219.
2. “Le commerce au détail des fils de lin et de chanvre. Acteurs, espaces et réseaux
dans la Vénétie et la Bretagne d’Ancien Régime” [Retail Traed of Flax and Hemp
Yarns. Actors, Spaces and Networks in Early Modern Venice and Britanny], in S.
Cavaciocchi (éd.), Retail trade. supply and demand in the formal and informal
economy from the 13th to the 18th centuries, Firenze, Istituto Datini – Le Monnier,
2015, p. 467-487.
3. “Uralmash Workers’ Village (Ekateringburg, Russia). Origins and Early
Developments (1926 – 1940)”, in G.L. Fontana (éd), Comunità del lavoro. Città e
villaggi operai nel mondo [Labour’s Communities. Cities and Workers’ Villages in
the World], Venezia, Marsilio, 2015, p. 177-196.
4. “Destins paysans. Familles rurales et changements économiques” [Peasants’
Destinies. Rural Families and Economic Change], in Frabrice Boudjaba (éd),
Travail et familles paysannes [Work and Peasants’ Families], Rennes, PUR, 2014,
pp. 225-244.
5. “Le campagne nel primo Novecento” [The Countryside in the Early 20th century],
in F. Selmin (éds), Atlante Storico della Bassa Padovana. Il primo Novecento
[Historical Atlas of the Southern Province of Padua. The Early 20th Century],
Verona, Cierre, 2014, pp. 33-56.
6. “Le opere sociali nel Veneto tra Otto e Novecento. Considerazioni storiografiche”
[Industrial Companies’ Social Engagement in 19th and 20th Centuries Veneto. A
Bibliographical Analysis], in L. Trezzi, V. Varini (eds), Comunità di Lavoro. Le
opere sociali delle imprese e degli imprenditori tra Ottocento e Novecento [Labour
Communities. The Social Engagement of Firms and Entrepreneurs in 19th and 20th
Centuries], Istituto per la Storia dell’Età contemporanea, Milano, 2012, pp. 21-38.
7. “L’héritge classique dans la pensée et dans la pratique agronomique du 18e siècle”
[The heritage of the Ancients in the 18th century agricultural theory and practices],
in S. Karp (ed), L’héritage de l’antiquité dans la culture européenne du 18e siècle
[The Classical Heritage in the 18th century European culture], Nauka, Moskva,
2012, pp. 57-71.
8. “De l’artisanat rural au monopole industriel. La production de fils et de toiles en
chanvre en Italie du Nord (1796-1914)” [From Home Production to Industrial
Monopoly. The Production of Hemp Yarns and Cloths in Northern Italy (17961914)], in C. Maitte (ed), La gloire de l’industrie [The Glory of the Industry],
Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes, 2012, pp. 201-218.
9. “Entre crise et développement: aspects du système économique et social de la
Vénétie (1900-2009)” [“Between Crises and Development: Aspects of the
Economic and Social System of the Veneto Region (1900-2009)”], in Les
enseignements de la crise des subprimes [Learning from the Subprime Crises],
Editions Clément Juglar, Paris, 2011, pp. 245-260.
10. “La gestione comune del patrimonio boschivo in area bellunese e feltrina. Aspetti
economici, sociali, naturalistici” [“The Common Land and Forests in the Provinces
of Belluno and Feltre. Economic, Social, Environmental Aspects], in G. Alfani, R.
Rao (eds), La gestione delle risorse collettive nell’Italia settentrionale (secoli XIIXVIII) [The Management of the Collective Resources in Northern Italy. 12.-18.
Centuries], FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2011, pp. 125-140.
11. “La questione montana e la riforma Bonomi del 1916”, [The “Alpine Question”
and the Bonomi’s Reform of 1916] in C.G. Lacaita (ed), Bonomi e Omodeo. Il
governo delle acque tra scienza e politica [Bonomi and Omodeo. The
Management of Water between Science and Politics], Manduria-Bari-Roma,
Lacaita Ed., 2010, pp. 167-200.
12. “La canapa e il mare. Aspetti organizzativi ed economici delle forniture di una
materia prima strategica all’Arsenale di Venezia” [“The Hemp and the Sea.
Organizational and Economic Aspects of the Supply of a Strategic Raw Material at
the Arsenal of Venice”], in Martino Ferrari Bravo, Stefano Tosato (eds), Gli
arsenali otremarini della Serenissim. Approvvigionamenti e strutture cantieristiche
per la flotta veneziana (secoli XVI-XVII) [The Arsenals of the Venetian Republic.
Supplies Facilities and Infrastructures of the Venetian Fleet], Milano, Biblion
Edizioni, 2010, pp. 75-90.
13. “Hemp’s Adversities. Technical, Economic and Social Aspects Involved in the
Protection of the Crops of a Strategic Asset from Parasites and Pathogens in Italy
and France between the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries”, in S. Cavaciocchi
(ed), Economic and Biological Interactions in the Pre-Industrial Europe from the
13th to the 18th Centuries, Atti della “Quarantunesima Settimana di Studi” 26-30
aprile 2009, Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2010, pp. 93-109.
14. “Imprenditori e imprese del comparto agroindustriale della canapa tra Otto e
Novecento” [“Entrepreneurs and Companies of Hemp Agroindustry in 19th and
20th Centuries”], in F. Amatori, A. Colli (eds), Imprenditorialità e sviluppo
economico. Il caso italiano (secc. XIII-XX) [Entrepreneurship and Economic
Development. The Italian Case, XIII-XX centuries], Milano, Egea, 2009, pp. 1519, 33-78.
15. “Il sistema portuale e l’economia veneziana dal Medioevo all’Età Moderna”
[“The Port of Venice and the Venetian Economy from the Middle Ages to the
present time”] (with Giovanni Luigi Fontana), in A. Di Vittorio, C. Barciela Lo z,
P. Massa (eds), Il patrimonio industriale e marittimo in Italia e Spagna. Strutture e
territorio [The Industrial and Maritime Heritage in Italy], Genova, De Ferrari,
2009, pp. 447-531.
16. “Popolazione e economia” [“Population and Economy”] (with Giovanni Luigi
Fontana), in G.L. Fontana, G. Bressan (eds), Trissino nel Novecento [Trissino in
the 20th Century], Padova, Il Poligrafo, 2009, pp.103-255.
17. Demetrio Zaccaria. Note biografiche tra storia e memoria [Demetrio Zaccaria. A
Life Story between History and Memory], in G. L. Fontana, M. Bagnara, F.
Vianello (eds.), Demetrio Zaccaria e la Biblioteca Internazionale “La Vigna”
[Demetrio Zaccaria et the International Library « La Vigna »], Vicenza, Centro di
Cultura e Civiltà Contadina-Bioblioteca Internazionale “La Vigna”, 2008, pp. 2158.
18. “Lo sviluppo economico e sociale” [“The Economic and Social Development”],
in G.L. Fontana (ed), Carmignagno di Brenta nel Novecento [Carmignano di
Brenta in the 20th Century], Padova, Cleup, 2008, pp. 157-254.
19. “Il porto di Venezia. Dalla caduta della Repubblica all’annessione al Regno
d’Italia” [“The port of Venice from the Fall of the Republic to the Kingdom of
Italy”], in S. Collodo, G. L. Fontana (eds), Eredità culturali dell’Adriatico. Il
patrimonio industriale [Mediterranean Cultural Heritage. The Industrial Heritage],
Roma, Viella, 2008, pp. 39-58.
20. “L’Arsenale e la portualità veneziana. Formazione, evoluzione, trasformazioni”
[“The Venetian Arsenal and its Port Facilities. Origin, Evolution,
Transformation”], in S. Collodo, G. L. Fontana (eds.), Eredità culturali
dell’Adriatico. Il patrimonio industriale [Mediterranean Cultural Heritage. The
Industrial Heritage], Roma, Viella, 2008, pp. 11-38.
21. “Materiali per una storia dell’impresa e del lavoro” [“Materials for a Business
and Labour History”], in Raccontare l’impresa. Storie di imprenditori vicentini dal
secondo dopoguerra a oggi [Telling the Company. Histories of Entrepreneurs of
the Province of Vicenza], Cleup, Padova 2006, pp. 9-25.
22. “Il servizio di trasporto della canapa da Montagnana all’Arsenale di Venezia”
[“The Service of Transport of Hemp from Montagnana to the Arsenal of Venice”],
in I. Lopane (ed.), Tra vecchi e nuovi equilibri. Domanda e offerta di servizi in
Italia in Età Moderna e Contemporanea [Between Old and New Equilibriums.
Demand and Offer of Services in Italy in Early Modern and Modern History],
Prato, Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, 2006, pp. 692-707.
23. “Il mercato della canapa nella Repubblica Veneta d’Età Moderna: politica,
economia e transazioni internazionali” [“The Hemp Market in the Venetian
Republic in Early Modern Age: Politics, Economics and International
Transactions”], in C. Poni, S. Fronzoni (eds.), Una fibra versatile. La canapa in
Italia dal Medioevo al Novecento [The Hemp in Italy from the Middle Ages to the
20th century], Bologna, Cleub, 2005, pp. 41-89.
Selected Articles
1. “Introduzione. Aspetti e problemi della storia dell’industria europea” [Introduction.
Questions and Problems of European Industrial History], in D. Celetti (ed), La
salute e il lavoro [The Health and the Work. Memories of the long 20th Century],
“Memoria/Memorie”, 7, 2013, pp. 7-12.
2. “L’amianto alle Officine Meccaniche Stanga” [‘The Problem of Asbestos at the
Officine Meccaniche Stanga”], in D. Celetti (ed), La salute e il lavoro [The Health
and the Work. Memories of the long 20th Century], “Memoria/Memorie”, 7, 2013,
pp. 35-84.
3. “Canapa, Lavoro e Capitale fondiario. Considerazioni sulle piantagioni venete tra
XV e XIX secolo” [“Hemp, Labour and Capital. Consideration on the Venetian
Hemp Plantation between 15th and 19th centuries”], Terra e Storia. Rivista di Storia
e Cultura, II, 3, 2013, pp. 39-66.
4. “Aspetti e problemi dell’assetto agrario nell’alta provincia padovana nel primo
Ottocento. Il caso di Carmignano di Brenta” [“Aspects and Problems of the
Agricultural Production of the Province of Padua in The Early Nineteenth Century.
The Case of Carmignano di Brenta”], Archivio Veneto, 172 (2009), pp. 93-129.
5. “Aspetti quantitativi del commercio estero francese (1770-1792)” [“Quantitative
aspects of French foreign trade. (1770-1792)”], Studi Storici Luigi Simeoni, LIX
(2009), pp. 91-104.
6. “La Federbraccianti nell’economia e nella società padovana dal dopoguerra al
1985: struttura, aspetti e problemi di un percorso di ricerca” [“The Federbraccianti
in the Economy and Society of the Province Padua from 1945 to 1985: Structure,
Aspects and Problems of a Research Path”], Memoria/Memorie, 4, 2009, pp. 7990.
7. “Des Flandres à l’Arsenal. Transferts d’hommes et de compétences pour le
développement de manufactures vénitiennes de toiles à voile en chanvre” [“From
Flanders to the Arsenal. Transfers of Men and Skills for the Development of
Venetian Manufactures of Hemp Sailcloth”], Studi Storici Luigi Simeoni, 58
(2008), pp. 101-118.
8. Produzione, trasformazione e commercio della canapa nelle province venete in
Età Contemporanea [“Production, Manufacturing and Trade of Hemp in the
Venetian Provinces in Modern Age”], “Archivio Veneto”, 170 (2008), pp. 91-124.
9. Filati di canapa: attuali sviluppi di una tradizione antica. Il caso Stylfil SpA
[“Hemp Yarn: Current Development of an Ancient Tradition”], in Annali di storia
dell’impresa ASSI, vol. 19, Venezia, Marsilio Editore, 2007, pp. 229-292.
10. “Un secolo lungo. «Memoria/Memorie»: materiali per una storia del Novecento”
[A « long century » : Memories for the History of the 20th century],
“Memoria/Memorie”, 1 (2007), pp. 11-14.
11. “Dalla Resistenza alla ricostruzione. Dinamiche di sviluppo economico nella
provincia di Padova”, [“From the Resistance to the Reconstruction. Patterns of
Economic Development in the Province of Padua”] “Memoria/Memorie”, 1
(2007), pp. 51-128.
12. “Economia e società nel Padovano attraverso le lotte e rivendicazioni bracciantili
(1945-1957)” [“Economy and Society in the Province of Padua seen through the
Struggles of the Rural Workers], in “Venetica”, 2006, pp. 99-120.
13. “Il mercato delle tele da vela nella Venezia d’Età Moderna. Presupposti e risultati
di una politica mercantilista” [“The Market for Sail Cloth in Venice of the Early
Modern Age. Conditions and Results of a Mercantilist Policy”], Studi Storici Luigi
Simeoni, 41 (2005), pp. 155-213.
14. “La canapa e l’Arsenale. Aspetti e problemi della gestione di una fibra strategica
nella Repubblica Veneta in Età Moderna” [“The Hemp and the Arsenal. Aspects
and Problems of the Management of a Strategic Fibre in the Venetian Republic in
Early Modern Age”], Studi Storici Luigi Simeoni, 40 (2004), pp. 119-163.
15. “The Arsenal of Venice and the Organisation of Domestic Hemp Growing in the
Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries”, The Journal of European Economic
History, 2 (2005), pp. 447-464.
16. “Il prezzo della canapa in Età Moderna. L’interazione del mercato, della moneta
e dello Stato nella determinazione del valore di una fibra strategica”[“The Price of
Hemp in Early-Modern Age. The Interaction of Market and Money Supply in
Determining the Value of a Strategic Fiber”], Storia Economica, 1 (2003), pp. 547.
17. “Strumenti e modalità di gestione di un bene strategico. I rifornimenti di canapa a
Venezia ed in Inghilterra tra il XVI ed il XVIII secolo” [“Administration and
Management Tools of a Strategic Asset. The Supply of Hemp in Venice and
England between the Sixteenth and Eighteenth century”], Atti dell’Istituto Veneto
di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Classe di Scienze Morali, Lettere ed Arti, 162 (20032004), pp. 369-398.
18. “Fustagni e “canevazze” per le vele della marina veneta tra ‘500 e ‘700”
[“Fustian and "Canevazze” for the Venetian Sails between ‘500 and ‘700”], Atti
dell’Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Classe di Scienze Morali, Lettere ed
Arti, 160 (2003), pp. 796-849.
19. “Il conte di Vivonne negli ultimi giorni della guerra di Candia. Opinioni su una
campagna sfortunata” [“The Comte de Vivonne in the Last Days of the War of
Candia. Views on an Lost Campaign”], Archivio Veneto, s. V, 160 (2003), pp. 4762.
20. “L’industria navale veneta e olandese in Età Moderna. Peculiarità e risultati di
due modelli di sviluppo settoriale” [“The Venetian and Dutch Shipbuilding
Industry in Early-Modern Age. Differences and Results of two Models of
Industrial Development”], Storia Economica, 2-3 (2002), pp. 257-290.
On line articles
1. Public Arsenals and Private Yards in the Dutch and Venetian Naval Industry.
Differences and Relations of Industrial Development in Early Modern Age, <
http://lowcountries.nl/workingpapers.htlm >.
2. Des toiles à voile à la haute couture. Aspects de l’histoire du chanvre au XIXe et
XXe siècle [From Sailcloth to “Haute Couture”. Aspects of the History of Hemp in
the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century], http://afhe.ehess.fr/sommaire.php?id=329
3. Canapa e potenza navale. L’Approvvigionamento dell’Arsenale di Veneza [Hemp
and Naval Power. The Supply of Hemp at the Arsenal of Venice],
Book Reviews
1. S. Andretta, La Repubblica inquieta. Venezia nel Seicento tra Italia ed Europa,
«Archivio Veneto», 157 (2001), pp. 176-180.
2. G. Rösch, Venedig. Geschichte einer Seerepublik, in «Archivio Veneto», s. V, 158
(2002), pp. 155-159.
3. E. Demo, L’anima della città. L’industria tessile a Verona e Vicenza (1400-1550),
Milano 2001, «Archivio Veneto», s. V, 159 (2002), pp. 167-169.
4. A. Ferrarese, L’evoluzione demografica di una comunità veneta in Età Moderna.
Cerea tra il XVI ed il XIX secolo, Milano 2001, «Archivio Veneto», s. V (159)
2002, pp. 172-177.
5. L’opera storiografica di Gino Barbieri nel decimo anniversario della scomparsa, a
cura di G. ZALIN, in «Archivio Veneto», s, V, 160 (2003), pp. 203-207.
6. X. de Planhol, L’Islam et la mer. La mosquée et le matelot. XII-XX siècle, in
«Archivio Veneto», s, V, 161 (2003) pp. 167-170.
7. I ricoveri della città. Storia delle istituzioni di assistenza e beneficenza a Brescia
(secoli XVI-XX), a cura di D. Montanari, S. Onger, Brescia 2002, pp. 193-196,
«Archivio Veneto», s. V., 162 (2004), pp. 196-199.
8. 100°anniversario della morte di Angelo Messedaglia, «Studi Villafranchesi», n.
14, Atti del Convegno di Studi, 31 marzo 2001, a cura di G. ZALIN, Villafranca di
Verona 2002, «Archivio Veneto», s. V., 162 (2004), pp. 204-208.
9. Les archives de guerre 1940-44 dell’Institut National de l’audiovisuel,
«Memoria/Memorie», 1 (2007), pp. 258-159.
10. G. Procacci, Soldati e prigionieri italiani nella Grande Guerra. Con una raccolta
di lettere inedite, Torino 2000, «Memoria/Memorie», 1 (2007), pp. 314-321.
11. J. Costa.lascoux, E. Temine, Les hommes de Renault-Billancourt. Mémoire
ouvrière de l’île de Seguin, Paris 2004, «Memoria/Memorie», 1 (2007), pp. 332338.
12. V. Chilese, Una città nel Seicento veneto. Verona attraverso le fonti fiscali del
1653, Accademia di Agricoltura Scienze e Lettere di Verona, Verona 2002, pp.
XXXVII, 533, «Nuova Rivista Storica», XV, II, 2006.
13. G. Roverato, L’industrializzazione diffusa. Storia dell’economia padovana 19232003, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo, Esedra Editrice, Padova
2005, pp. 341, “Archivio Veneto”, 169 (2007).
14. K. R. Appuhn, A Forest on the Sea: Environmental Expertise in Renaissance
Venice, The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimora, 2010, pp. VII, 361,
“Renaissance Quarterly”, 63, 3, 2010, pp. 910-912.
Forthcoming Publications
Books and editing
1. Le Officine Meccaniche Stanga. Ascesa e declino di un’impresa familiar
nell’industria ferroviaria europea [The Officine Meccaniche Stanga. Rise and Fall
of a Family Business in the European Railway Industry], Il Poligrafo, Padova,
Articles and contributions
1. “Arsenaux, chanvres, paysans. Organisation de la production et gestion des
fournitures de chanvre en Europe (18e-19e siècles)”, [Arsenals, Hemp and
Peasants. Aspects and Problems of Hemp Supplies in Europe. 18th – 19th centuries]
in Sylviane Llinares (éd), Le chanvre et le lin à la mer, PUR, 2015.
2. Filer le luxe. Travail domestique, manufactures et usines dans la France
révolutionnaire [Spinning Luxury. Home Work, Manufactures and Industries in
Revolutionary France], in Natasha Coquéry (éd.), Les progrès de l'industrie
perfectionnée. Ateliers et manufactures de la Révolution française au Premier
Empire [The Progresses of the Luxury Manufacturing. Shops and Manufactures
from the Revolution to the First Empire], Presses Universitaires du Mirail (work
on printing, presented January 13th 2014 and accepted March 15th 2014).
3. Essor des constructions navales, transformations agricoles et développement des
manufactures à Venise du Moyen Age à l’époque contemporaine [Development of
Naval Constructions, Agricultural Transformation and Industrial Growth in Early
Modern and Modern Venice], in Caroline Le Mao (éd), L'approvisionnement des
villes portuaires du XVIe siècle à nos jours [Supplying Ports from teh 16th century
to the Present Time], Presses Universitaires Paris Sorbonne, 2015 Mirail (work on
printing, presented Nov. 2014 and accepted on May 2014).
4. Hemp as Alternative Crop ? Considerations on the Italian, French and Russian
cases (17th-19th centuries), in Gérard Béaur (éd), Alternative Agriculture, Rural
History in Europe, 16, Brepols, 2015 (work on printing, presented May. 2014 and
accepted on Sept. 2015).
David Celetti
Venice, February 2nd 2015
Fly UP