
Curriculum Vitae Mario Del Pero Title

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Curriculum Vitae Mario Del Pero Title
Curriculum Vitae
Mario Del Pero
Title: Associate Professor, Dipartimento Politica Istituzioni Storia, University of Bologna (from September
2013, Professor of International History, Institut d'Études politiques de Paris-SciencesPo)
Work Address:
Facoltà di Scienze Politiche “Roberto Ruffilli”,
Via G. della Torre 5,
47100 Forlì, Italy
Tel: +39/0543.374104
Home Address
Corso Garibaldi 207
47100 Forlì, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
PhD in History, University of Milan, 1999
BA/MA in History, University of Bologna, 1995
Academic Positions
2013: PROFESSOR of International History, Institut d'études politiques (SciencesPo), Paris
2012: VISITING PROFESSOR, Department of History, Columbia University
2011: VISITING PROFESSOR, Department of History, Columbia University
2010: ASSOCIATE of the Cold War Studies Programme at the Centre for International Affairs, Diplomacy
and Strategy (IDEAS) of the London School of Economics
2009: ADJUNCT PROFESSOR, Dickinson College, Bologna Center
2008: ADJUNCT PROFESSOR, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University,
Bologna Center
2007: KLUGE RESEARCH FELLOW, John W. Kluge Center, Library of Congress, Washington DC
2006: ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, of U.S. History, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche di Forlì, Università di Bologna
2005: VISITING PROFESSOR, Victoria University, Melbourne
2004: JEAN MONNET FELLOW, European University Institute, Florence.
2003: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, of U.S. History, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche di Forlì, Università di Bologna.
2002: ADJUNCT PROFESSOR, of International History, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche di Forlì, Università di
2001: POST-DOC FELLOW, International Center for Advanced Studies, New York University, New York.
2001: FULBRIGHT VISITING FELLOW, Department of History, Columbia University, New York
2000: RESEARCH FELLOW, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche di Forlì, Università di Bologna.
1997-1998: FULBRIGHT VISITING FELLOW, Department of History, George Washington University.
Main Publications
(a) Books
Libertà e Impero. Gli Stati Uniti e il Mondo, 1776-2011 [Empire and Liberty. The United States and the World,
1776-2011], Rome-Bari, Laterza, 2011, 2nd ed. [updated and expanded version of a first edition published in
Spiare e Tradire. Dietro le Quinte della Guerra Fredda [Spying and Betraying. Behind the Scenes of the Cold
War], Milan, Feltrinelli, 2011 (with Phillip Deery)
Democrazie. L’Europa meridionale e la fine delle dittature [Democracies. Southern Europe and the End of
Dictatorships], Rome, Le Monnier, 2010 (with Víctor Gavín, Fernando Guirao and Antonio Varsori)
The Eccentric Realist. Henry Kissinger and the Shaping of American Foreign Policy, Ithaca, NY, Cornell
University Press, 2009 [updated and expanded version of Henry Kissinger e l’ascesa dei neoconservatori. Alle
radici della politica estera statunitense, published in Italy in 2006]
Henry Kissinger e l’ascesa dei neoconservatori. Alle radici della politica estera statunitense [Henry Kissinger
and the Rise of the Neoconservative], Rome-Bari, Laterza, 2006
L’alleato scomodo. Gli Stati Uniti e la Democrazia Cristiana negli anni del centrismo, 1948-1955 [The
Inconvenient Ally. The United States and Italian Christian Democracy in the Age of Centrism, 1948-1955],
Rome, Carocci, 2001
La Guerra Fredda [The Cold War], Rome, Carocci, 2001
(b) Volumes Edited
Crisi, Trasformazioni, Continuità. Il Sistema Internazionale negli Anni Settanta [Crises, Transformations,
Continuities. The International System in the 1970s], Soveria Monnelli, Rubbettino, 2012 (with Eugenia
Baroncelli, Antonio Fiori and Arrigo Pallotti)
Studi gramsciani nel mondo: le relazioni internazionali [Gramscian Studies in the World: International
Relations], Bologna, Il Mulino, 2010 (with Eugenia Baroncelli, Giancarlo Schirru, and Giuseppe Vacca)
Le Crisi Transatlantiche: Continuità a Trasformazioni [Transatlantic Crises: Continuity and Change], Roma,
Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2007 (with Federico Romero)
(c) Articles in Peer-Review Journals
"Wilson e wilsonismo: storiografia, presentismo e contraddizioni" [Wilson and Wilsonianism:
Historiography, Presentism and Contradictions], Ricerche di Storia Politica, 1, 13, March 2013, pp.45-58.
“’Which Chile, Allende’? Henry Kissinger and the Portuguese Revolution”, Cold War History, 4, 2011,
“A European Solution for a European Crisis. The International Implications of Portugal’s Revolution”,
Journal of European Integration History, 15, 1, 2009, pp.15-34
“Mourning in America”: la storiografia scopre Ronald Reagan [“Morning in America”: Historians Discover
Ronald Reagan], Storica, 38, 2009, pp.9-32
“I limiti della distensione. Gli Stati Uniti e l’implosione del regime portoghese” [The Limits of Détente. The
United States and the Implosion of the Portuguese Regime], Contemporanea, 4, Dicembre 2005, pp.621650
“Present at the Destruction? George Bush, the Neoconservatives and the Traditions of U.S. Foreign
Policy”, RSA Journal. 13, pp.81-106
“American Pressures and their Containment in Italy during the Ambassadorship of Clare Boothe Luce,
1953-1956”, Diplomatic History, n.3, June 2004, pp.407-439
“Containing Containment: Rethinking Italy’s Experience During the Cold War”, Journal of Modern Italian
Studies, n.4, October-December 2003, pp.532-555
“The United States and Psychological Warfare in Italy, 1948-1955”, Journal of American History, n.187,
March 2001, pp.1304-1334
(d) In edited volumes
The United States and the Crises in Southern Europe, in Guia Migani and Antonio Varsori (eds.), Europe in the
International Arena During the 1970s, Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2011, pp.301-316.
When the High Seas Finally Reached Italian Shores: Italy’s Inclusion in the Atlantic Communitas, in Marco
Mariano (ed.), Defining the Atlantic Community. Culture, Intellectuals, and Policies in the Mid-Twentieth
Century, London, Routledge, 2010, pp.161-173
La Politica Estera di Obama a un anno dall’elezione [Obama’s Foreign Policy One Year After His Election] in
Elena Acuti and Debora Spini (eds.), A un anno dal sogno. Politica e comunicazione dell’amministrazione
Obama, Edizioni ETS, Pisa, 2010, pp.11-32
Gli Usa e l’America Latina durante le due amministrazioni Bush [The United States and Latin America during
the two Bush Administrations] in Gabriella Chiaramonti (ed.), Tra innovazione e continuità. L’America
Latina nel nuovo millennio [Between Innovation and Continuity: Latin America in the New Millennium],
CLEUP, Padua, 2009, pp.141-157.
A New Foreign Policy for the United States? in Erik Jones e Salvatore Vassallo (eds.), The 2008 U.S.
Presidential Election. A Story in Four Acts, New York, Palgrave MacMillan, 2009, pp.195-212
The Limits of Détente. The United States and the Crisis of the Portuguese Regime in Wilfried Loth and
Georges-Henri Soutou (eds.), The Making of Détente. Eastern and Western Europe in the Cold War, 19651975, London, Routledge, 2008, pp.221-240.
“Europeanizing” U.S. Foreign Policy: Henry Kissinger and the Domestic Attack to Détente in Maurizio
Vaudagna (ed.), The Place of Europe in American History: Twentieth Century Perspectives, Otto Editore,
Turin, 2007, pp.187-214
“The Historical and Ideological Roots of the Neoconservative Persuasion” in Sergio Fabbrini (ed.), The
United States Contested. American Unilateralism and European Discontent, London, Routledge, 2006,
pp.33-53 [a longer version appeared as “‘A Balance of Power that Favors Freedom’. The Historical and
Ideological Roots of the Neo-Conservative Persuasion”, European University Institute Working Paper,
“I neoconservatori e l’Europa in prospettiva storica” [The Neoconservatives and Europe in Historical
Perspective], in Giuseppe Vacca (ed.), L’Unità dell’Europa. Rapporto 2004 sull’integrazione europea [The
Unity of Europe. 2004 Report on European Integration], Bari, Dedalo, 2004, pp. 87-120
“The Role of Covert Operations in US Cold War Foreign Policy” in Heike Bungert, Jan G. Heitmann and
Michael Wala (eds.), Secret Intelligence in the Twentieth Century, London, Frank Cass, 2003, pp. 68-82
(e) Miscellaneous
author of the entry The Crisis of the International Organisms for the encyclopedia “Treccani –
aggiornamento XXI Secolo”, Rome 2010
author of the entry United States for the Routledge’s Encyclopedia of the Cold War, London, 2008
author of the entries NATO, United Nations and International Politics for the encyclopedia “Treccani –
aggiornamento XXI Secolo”, Rome 2007
editorialist for the daily newspapers “Il Mattino” (Naples), “Il Messagero” (Rome) and “Aargauer Zeitung”
Commentator for the Italian public radio (RAI), The Swiss Public Radio (RSI) and the news channel “Sky
Blind Reviewer for: Diplomatic History, International History Review, Review of International Studies, Cold
War History, Strategic Studies, Journal of American Studies, Contemporary European History,
Reviews for: Passato e Presente, Ricerche di Storia Politica, Il Mestiere di Storico, The British Scholar, The
Journal of Transatlantic Studies, The Journal of American History, International History Review, Cold War
History, H-Diplo, Journal of Contemporary History
Recent Conference Papers and Lectures
6.2013: "The Cold War, Southern Europe and the Democratic Transitions of the 1970s", a paper at the
conference "The South in Post-War Europe. Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal", Deutsches Historisches
Institut/Istituto Storico Germanico, Rome.
6.2013: discussant in the panels " New Perspectives on Development in the Third World and the Cold War
in the ‘long’ 1950s" and "The Global Links and Legacies of the New Deal: The Limits of Decentering the
United States in Global History", conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations
(SHAFR), Washington DC.
4.2013: "The International Dimension of the Portuguese Revolution", a talk at the history seminar of the
ISCTE, Lisbon
1.2013: "We Are All Harrisburg’: The Three Mile Island Accident and America’s ‘Scariest Nuclear
Encounter’", a talk at the Research Seminar Series, School of American Studies, University of East Anglia
1.2012: “Dilemmas and Contradictions of post-1970s U.S. Hegemony”, a talk at the American History
Seminar, Faculty of History, University of Cambridge
12.2011: “Henry Kissinger, American Intellectual and Cold Warrior”, a paper at The Columbia Seminar on
Twentieth-Century Politics and Society, Columbia University, New York
12.2011: “We Are all Harrisburg. The Three Mile Island Accident and ‘America’s Scariest Nuclear
Encounter’”, a paper at the seminar on the United States and the Cold War, Tamiment Library, New York
10.2011: “Waiting for the American Messiah. On Europe’s Persistent Infatuation With Barack Obama”, a
Talk at the Center for European and Mediterranean Studies, New York University
7.2011: Participant to the Workshop “You the People. National Location and the Writing of American
History. The Example of Europe”, Oxford University
6.2011: The US and the World, the US in the World: the Historiography of US Foreign Relations”, a paper
at the Workshop “America in a Global World: Recent Historiographical Trends and Ongoing Projects”,
European University Institute, Florence
6.2011: coordinator of the workshop “America in the World/America as the World. The Study of the US
Foreign Relations in the United States and Europe”, Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations
(Shafr)/Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea (Sissco), University of Bologna
5.2011: “The American conception of detente and the transatlantic relations” a paper at the conference
“1979-1981. Un tournant dans les relations internationals”, a conference organized by Sciences Po,
l'Association diplomatie et stratégie, the Institut für Zeitgeschichte Munich-Berlin, and the Instituts
historiques allemands de Paris, Londres et Varsovie, Paris
6.2010: “The United States and the Enigma De Gasperi”, a paper at the panel “Partnerships, Political
Warfare and Dissent: The Trials of U.S.-Italian Relations during the Cold War”, Society for Historians of
American Foreign Relations, 2010 annual meeting, Madison, Wisconsin
3.2010: “Obama e la crisi dei modelli americani” [Obama and the Crisis of American Models] a paper at the
conference “L’impero irresistibile?” [The Irresistible Empire?], Università di Roma Tre
11.2009: discussions and book launch of “The Eccentric Realist” at the Cold War Seminar of the Tamiment
Library of New York University, the department of History of Cornell University, the Center for Social
Theory and Comparative History of the University of California, Los Angeles and the Clinton Center for
American Studies of University College, Dublin.
10.2009: “Old and New Declinisms: the Debate on America’s Decline and the Rise of New Powers” a paper
at the conference “Twenty Years After the Fall A Reappraisal of 1989”, Fondazione Gramsci and
Fondazione ItalianiEuropei, Rome
9.2009: “Woodrow Wilson e le matrici progressiste dell’internazionalismo statunitense” [Woodrow Wilson
and the Progressive Origins of the US Internationalism] a paper at the the biennial conference of the
Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea (SISSCO), Trieste,
7.2009: “An American and Cold War Intellectual. Some Reflections on the Kissinger Myth” a paper at the
conference of the Transatlantic Studies Association, Canterbury, UK
5.2009: “The United States and the Crises in Southern Europe” a paper at the Conference “Europe in the
International Context during the 1970s: Entering a Different World”, University of Padua
2.2009: organizer of the conference “The Transformation of the International System in the 1970s”,
Dipartimento Politica, Istituzioni, Storia, Università di Bologna
1.2009: “The Historiography of the Cold War” PhD seminar Clinton Center for American Studies, University
College, Dublin
1.2009: “Obama’s Foreign Policy” a paper at the conference “Barack Obama’s America”, University of
7.2008: “Diversity and US Foreign Policy” seminar at the Summer School “Managing Diversity”, Ljubljana
University, Ljubljana
3.2008: “The transatlantic relations and Social Democracy (Cold War, today, tomorrow)”, a paper at the
Symposium “European Social Democracy: Roots and Prospects”, Fondazione Istituto Gramsci, Friedrich
Ebert Stiftung, Fondazione Italiani Europei, Rome.
3.2008: “Gli Usa e l’America Latina. Una crisi d’egemonia?” [The United States and Latin America. A Crisis
of Hegemony?] a paper at the conference “L’America Latina nel nuovo Millennio: un Cantiere Aperto tra
Innovazioni e Continuità” [Latin America in the New Millennium: a “Construction Site” between Continuity
and Innovation], University of Padua
2.2008: “Between Long Peaces and Cold Wars: the Historiography of John Lewis Gaddis”, a paper at the
panel “Critical Historiography of International History”, European Social Science History Conference,
12.2007: “Europeanizing" US Foreign Policy. Henry Kissinger and the Domestic Challenge to Détente”, a
paper at the American History Workshop, New York University
12.2007: “Which Chile, Allende? Henry Kissinger and the Portuguese Revolution”, a paper at the seminar of
the John W. Kluge Center, Library of Congress, Washington DC
11.2007: “Una crisi d’egemonia? Gli Usa nel dopo Guerra Fredda” [A Crisis of Hegemony? The United
States in the Post Cold War], a paper at the IV Gramscian Conference, International Gramsci Society,
Mexico City
10.2007: “Which Chile, Allende? Henry Kissinger and the Portuguese Revolution”, a paper at the US history
seminar, University of Maryland, College Park
6.2007: “Defining and Periodizing the Cold War” a paper at the conference “The Study of the
Contemporary World History and Politics in International Studies”, School of International Studies,
University of Trento
6.2007: “When the High Seas Finally reached Italian Shores. Italy’s Inclusion in the Atlantic Communitas”, a
paper at the conference “Defining the Atlantic Community: Public Intellectuals and Political Cultures in the
1940s and 1950s, University of Eastern Piedmont
4.2007: “The Portuguese Revolution and the Transformation of the Cold War in the 1970s” a paper at the
conference “Crossing Boundaries in Cold War Studies”, Jesus College, Cambridge University
Languages: Fluent in Italian and English; read and spoken German and Portuguese; read only: French and
Awards, Fellowships
2011: 4-month stipendiary fellowship from the Center for the United States and the Cold War, Tamiment
Library, New York University
2009: Finalist SISSCO Prize, awarded by the Italian Society of Contemporary Historians to the best book of
contemporary history published in 2009
2007: John W. Kluge Research Fellowship, John W. Kluge Center, Library of Congress, Washington DC
2005: Visiting Professorship, Victoria University Melbourne
2004: Jean Monnet research fellowship, European University Institute, Florence.
2002: Internationalization of Research Prize, Università di Bologna
2002: Finalist Acqui Storia Prize awarded by the city of Acqui Terme to the best book on 19th and 20th
century history published in 2001.
2002: Finalist SISSCO Prize, awarded by the Italian Society of Contemporary Historians to the best book of
contemporary history published in 2001
2002: Travel Grant, Gerald R. Ford Foundation, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
2001: Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, International Center for Advanced Studies, New York University,
New York.
2000: Fulbright research fellowship, Department of History, Columbia University, New York.
2000-: Two-year research fellowship from the Facoltà di Scienze Politiche di Forlì, Università di Bologna.
2000: David Thelen Prize of the Organization of American Historians (OAH) for the best article of American
History written in a foreign language
1997: Alberto Aquarone Prize to the best Italian honors thesis (“tesi di laurea”) in American history
presented in 1995-1997.
1997-1999: Three-year scholarship from the Italian Government for the Doctorate Program
Organization of American Historians (OAH)
Society of Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR)
American Historical Association (AHA)
Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea (SISSCO).
Editorial Board of the journal “Ricerche di Storia Politica”
Membership Committee of SHAFR, 2010-2013
Editorial Board “Diplomatic History”, 2012-14
Courses Taught
(a) Undergraduate
International History
US History
Transatlantic Relations
Cold War History
(b) Graduate
US Diplomatic History
US Diplomatic Historiography
Post-1989 US Foreign Policy
Prof. David Ellwood
Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali
Università di Bologna
Strada Maggiore 45
40125 , Bologna, Italy
Ph. (0039) 051 20 9 2527
E-Mail: [email protected]
Prof. Fredrik Logevall
Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies
Cornell University
Office: 343 McGraw Hall
Phone: (607) 254-4311
Fax: (607) 255-0469
E-Mail: [email protected]
Prof. Federico Romero
Department of History and Civilization
European University Institute
Villa Schifanoia
via Boccaccio 121, 50133 Florence, Italy
ph.: (0039) 055 4685 606 fax: (0039) 055 4685 203
e-mail: [email protected]
Prof. Anders Stephanson
Department of History
Columbia University
612 Fayerweather Hall, Box 28 Fayerweather Mail Code: 2543
Phone work: +1 212-854-3002
e-mail: [email protected]
Prof. Douglas Stuart
Department of Political Science
Dickinson College
Carlisle, PA 17013
Phone: 717-243-5121
e-mail: [email protected]
Prof. Marilyn Young
Department of History
New York University
King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center
53 Washington Square South, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10012
Phone: (212) 998-8600
e-mail: [email protected]
Prof. Tom Zeiler
Department of History
University of Colorado at Boulder
234 UCB
Hellems, Room 204
Boulder, CO 80309-0234
[email protected]
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