Council Attachment: Location of Objectors Subject: Town Planning Application – No’s 89-93 Hammond Road, Dandenong (Planning Application No. PLN08/0846) Attachment No : 1 Page 1 of 1 TOWN PLANNING APPLICATION No’s 89-93 Hammond Road, Dandenong PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PLN08/0846 Subject Site 666 888 666 888 444 555 666 888 777 000 777 888 777 888 888 000 -999 333 777 888 777 666 777 777 777 444 777 444 777 999 777 666 777 666 888 777 888 555 888 333 555 999 3 999 111 ---999 333 X 333 888 666 111 555 444 111 777 111 999 111 888 222 000 111 555 111 777 888 222 111 999 enn nee eS e Stttre S reee S ett re 888 444 G G rrreee tttaaa n G nn aaa S S S ttt rrreee eee tt t 1 000 111 222 555 777 555 555 555 333 555 111 111 333 555 777 444 999 999 444 777 999 777 222 999 777 444 888 666 888 999 999 111 000 555 111 000 777 111 000 999 111 111 111 222 111 000 ---111 222 888 222 777 111 000 111 000 888 888 999 111 000 111 111 000 333 111 111 A A A lllbbb eee rrrttt S S S ttt rrreee 999 555 999 777 888 000 111 333 999 111 222 111 777 888 888 555 888 999 222 H H m H Ha m aa am mm m mo m on oo R nn nd dd dR R Ro oo oa aa ad dd d 111 666 777 000 999 333 LLL eee nnn aaa rr r ooo S S tttrrr eee eee tt S t 111 444 777 222 888 111 888 777 111 M M M ooo nnn ttt aaa ggg uuu eee C C C ooo uuu rrr ttt 111 000 111 333 777 444 888 111 888 333 888 111 888 555 999 111 ---999 333 111 111 888 111 777 999 777 999 K K iiirrrkkk hh aa K h am m m R R R ooo aaa ddd 777 999 111 ---999 333 777 999 888 111 999 111 ---999 333 333 333 777 444 777 444 777 666 999 111 ---999 333 888 999 999 111 ---999 333 999 333 777 222 777 666 777 888 777 555 777 555 777 666 444 666 orm oo No N rma rm ann C aa rm Co C ou oo urt uu C rt rt rt 444 777 222 777 111 ---777 333 777 111 ---777 333 666 555 888 444 0 333 25 111 000 50 m e t e r1 1s1 222 Ç NORTH SUBJECT SITE • x LOCATION OF OBJECTORS LOCATION OF HEAD PETITIONER MELWAY MAP REF: 90 – C11