
EUSEW_2016_Castellammare del Golfo

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EUSEW_2016_Castellammare del Golfo
A sostegno del
in partnership with
First Zero Energy Building Network
Organize the European Workshop:
Sfide e possibilità con l’attuazione del Piano di Azione dell’Energia
Sostenibile - PAES della Città di Castellammare del Golfo
Challenge and Chance with Castellammare del Golfo’s SEAP
Actions (C&CwithPAES)
Castellammare del Goflo (TP, Italy) – 25th JUNE, 2016
With the support and/or auspices and/or patronage of:
Municipality of Castellammare
Regional Authority
Province of Trapani
Event co-organized with the National Network Ec0 on 25th June 2016, Castellammare del Golfo,
Sicilia, Italy
Conference aims
What is a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP), how a joint SEAP can be built by a group of municipalities and more,
how the SEAP can be a driver for promoting effective projects but also local skills and professional knowledge as well
good ideas, both in the public and private sectors, and in short support the local economy other than energy efficiency
and use of renewable energy sources?
The discussion among event’s speakers and audience could drive a municipal and regional policy to enhance the
transition towards sustainable development of Castellammare del Golfo’s municipality areas.
To achieve the goal fixed in the topic of the conference, the invited speakers, grace to their contributions ans
architectural and engineering professional experience background, will show innovative technologies and innovations
supporting environmental sustainability, energy efficiency, use of renewable energy, electricity storage, that are tools
particularly strategic for the sustainable development of Sicily Region.
The coming years will see a sharp increase in the market uptake of highly efficient buildings supplied by renewable
energy throughout Europe: by 2020, all new buildings must be Nearly-zero Energy Buildings (new public buildings
already by 2018). The speaker’s contribution of public entity coming from Sicily Region – Department of Energy, will
witness a progressive and future guidelines to drive innovative sustainable projects.
This conference, organized with the First Italian National Zero Energy Buildings Network project aims to discuss many
important aspects of Nearly-zero Energy Buildings - technologies, business models, policies, financing, definitions best
practice examples from South European countries other EU supported projects.
The conference will be consisted of several key note presentations, an interactive stakeholder’s panel and training
Target groups
 Public and private sector interested in financing sustainable projects
 Financial sector supporting development of sustainable projects
 National and local decision makers, ministries, scientists and experts, energy agencies.
 South EU and Italian SEAP perspective: decision makers exchanging views with regional and local authorities
 Policies to enhance the transition towards more sustainable approaches;
 Showcasing technologies and innovations supporting energy efficiency and use of renewable energy that are
particularly interesting and applicable in Hotels (best practice examples, showcases, pilot cases)
 EU best practice in nZEB markets (an outlook on the developments on European and global markets for sustainable
buildings, including National Plans for NZEB)
 nZEB, nZEH (nearly Zero Energy Hotels) as a chance of regional competitiveness (emerging market of SE Europe
business sector)
 How to prepare and finance your nZEB project?
More details and updated programme: http://www.zebs.it or http://www.edificiaconsumozero.it
The Primo Network Nazionale sugli Edifici a Consumo Zero is glad to invite you to Energy Day:
Zero Challenge and Chance with Castellammare del
Golfo’s SEAP Actions (C&CwithPAES)
(Sfide e opportunità con l’attuazione del Piano di Azione dell’Energia Sostenibile –
PAES della città di Castellammare del Golfo)
Sede: CASTELLO ARABO NORMANNO, Castellammare del Golfo (TP) – 25 Giugno 2016
Ore 15:00 Registrations of Participants
Moderator: Ph.D., P.E., Francesco Paolo Lamacchia (Network Nazionale Edifici a Consumo Zero )
Ore 15:20 Saluto Istituzionale ed inizio lavori
Dott. Niccolò Coppola, Sindaco della Città di Castellammare del Golfo
Dott. Salvatore Bologna , Vicesindaco della Città di Castellammare del Golfo
Ore 15:40 Introduction to Energy Day in EU Sustainable Energy Week 2016
Organizing Committee
Ore 15:50 The SEAP Actions for the Castellammare del Goflo’s Municipality
Ing. Mario Finocchiaro, Redattore e/o Coordinamento del PAES di Castellammare
Ore 16:10 Energy Refurbishment of Public Buildings to increase energy gain
Ing. Michele Cacciatore, Libero professionista
Ore 16:30 Sustainable Mobility and Public Lighting to Reduce Carbon Emission in Urban Area
Ing. Simone Cusumano, Dirigente Lavori Pubblici Comune di Castellammare
Ore 16:50 Regional and European funding measures for the SEAP implementation
Dr. Domenico Santacolomba, Dipartimento Regionale Energia
Ore 17:10 “Green Roads” like a Integrated Territorial Investiments
Dott. Antonio Prota, Presidente Green Road
Ore 17:30 Strategic Planning of Municipalities for Sustainable Energy
Ing. Riccardo Messina, Siracusa Municipality’s Energy Manager
Ore 17:50 Role of Policymakers in project implementation
Dott. Niccolò Coppola, Mayor of Castellammare
Leoluca Orlando, President of ANCI Sicilia
Ore 18:10 Discussion and participant’s questions
Ore 18:20 Conclusions: Ph.D., P.E., Francesco Paolo Lamacchia (Network Nazionale Edifici a Consumo Zero )
Ore 18:30 - 19:30 Round Table
NETWORKING e BILATERAL MEETING with participants and stakeholders: to subscribe send a mail to :
[email protected]
For further Details please let’s contact the secretary office of the Network Edifici a Consumo Zero
[email protected];
Link to the main website of NETWORK Ec0: http://www.zebs.it or http://www.edificiaconsumozero.it
Link al portale europeo EUSEW 2015: http://www.eusew.eu
With the patronage of:
with the support of:
with the collaboration of:
“loghi di eventuali aziende interessate a rendersi visibili con l’evento”
Castellammare del Golfo (TP), Sicily Region – ITALY
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