The specificity of Dominic`s charism
BACK TO OUR ROOTS: STUDY AND RESEARCH The specificity of Dominic’s charism The sermo sapientiae; the gift of knowing and making known the mysteries of faith. Rooting out errors. Caritas veritatis is the substance of the Dominican project. An ideal born in time but projected in eternity. Disciples of the truth in order to become teachers of truth: preaching. Christ is the saving truth. Contemplation: the mysterious presence of God and his love. Humility. Sr. M. Aster Rafiq (original text in Italian) THE DOMINICAN CHARISM We can identify the charism in the sermo sapientiae, the “gift of utterance expressing wisdom” (1 Cor 12:8) which is the gift of knowing and making known the mysteries of the faith, and of knowing and making known that mysterious and hidden wisdom which God before the ages had predestined for our redemption and which he revealed through his Spirit. (1Cor 2:6). “Every Order” said the Lord to St Catherine of Siena (Dialogue CLVIII) – “shines for some partic- ular virtue, though all the virtues have life from charity… your father Dominic willed that his brothers should have no thought but my honour and the salvation of souls, through the light of wisdom. He made this light the main aim of his Order, so that he could root out the errors of his time. He took up the office of the Word, my only-begotten Son. He appeared in the world as an apostle, and with truth and light he sowed my word, dispelling the darkness and giving light. He was a light that I offered the world through Mary». Caleruega, Spain: mosaic depicting episodes from St Dominic’s life. 16 Dante Alighieri expressed Dominic’s charism poetically when he wrote: “through wisdom there came to earth a shaft of light from the cherubs”. (Par XI, 38-39) La caritas veritatis esprime la sostanza del progetto di S. Domenico; è il modo domenicano di amare Dio; costituisce perciò la nota specifica della spiritualità dei figli di S. Domenico ed è il principio informatore di tutta la loro vita: una vita consacrata al culto della verità: verità amata, studiata, contemplata, vissuta, predicata e difesa Portrait of St Dominic (Bologna, 1946). In the time of St Dominic Even if Dominic’s inspiration came to him through the needs of his own time, his ideal lives on, because it is not bound to that particular historical moment. La conoscenza e la diffusione della verità è il compito precipuo del cristiano di tutti i tempi perché è il compito che si prefisse Cristo, il quale venne nel mondo proprio per rendere testimonianza alla verità (Gv 18,37). Dominicans, men or women, are first of all contemplatives. Before becoming teachers, they are disciples of truth; before becoming fathers, mothers, generators of the truth in others, they themselves are generated by the truth. This is “living the truth in love” - as the Apostle Paul describes it – with the aim of making humanity grow into Christ its Head (Eph 4:15). To live by gospel truth oneself is the precondition for making others grow towards Christ. Humbert of Romans wrote: “We obtain by contemplation what we then dispense by preaching... so the more we contemplate the more we are fitted for preaching…” . Il domenicano deve dedicarsi allo studio assiduo della Sacra Dottrina. The truth which we love and which is our passion, our life, is not a “cold” truth which enlightens only the intellect, but Christ himself, the Truth who saves. It is truth which matures in study, is made living and real during meditation and is assimilated and experienced in contemplation. La contemplazione infusa è una conoscenza intuitiva, una conoscenza viva e concreta di Dio, che ha il suo principio e il suo termine nell’Amore It is not a simple raising of the mind to God or a speculative consideration of divine truth; its object is not God the Creator, it is not the first cause or last end: it is God “my Father”, God who loved me so much that he sent his own Son; it is Christ my brother and saviour who suffered and died for me, it is God the source of my beatitude. Even if it is an act of the intellect, contemplation is effected by an act of love and vital communion with God and leads to an increase of love. Contemplation consists in a mysterious perception of God’s presence. It is a loving and as it were experimental knowledge of God; a “seeing” of him, a possessing of God and being possessed by him; a vision of God possible on this earth. “The wisdom that comes from above is essentially something pure; it is also peaceable, kindly and considerate; it is full of mercy and shows itself by doing good; there no trace of partiality or hypocrisy in it” (Js 3:17). These principles show us the moral virtues needed by those who wish to be disciples of wisdom. Chi vuole conquistare la sapienza deve avere la purezza interiore (incontaminata), deve essere libero dal peccato e possedere una trasparenza spirituale . Wisdom will never enter into a soul of a wrong-doer, nor dwell in a body enslaved to sin (Ws 1:4). Those who put themselves in wisdom’s school must be workers for peace; mild, yielding towards others, docile, willing to be obedient and open to dialogue; humble, and knowing they can learn from everyone. They are merciful, charitable, full of good works, and do not sit in judgement of others. Tomb of St Dominic, in his church at Bologna, Italy. 17 Crucifix, with Dominican Saints (Carpentier). Below: a drawing by Pilarin, illustrating St Dominic’s daily life, centred around Christ. There are two actions which spring from love of truth: contemplation and handing on to others the fruit of contemplation. “Caritas veritatis” is love of God, the first truth, and love of neighbour to whom that truth is passed on. It is conversing with God in contemplation and speaking of God in the proclamation of the gospel message, the “speaking with God or of God”. This is no abstract love; it is a living love which drives one to action, which urges one to pass on to others that truth and that divine life which are acquired in contemplation. It implies taking on the office of the Word, which St Thomas Aquinas calls “The Word that breathes forth love”. Dominican contemplation is not light which merely shines; it is a light which illuminates, which flows out, because it is also love. Just as it is more perfect to give life than to have life, so it is better to give to others the fruits of one’s own contemplation than just to contemplate. Dominic was animated by great apostolic zeal. The testimony of Jordan of Saxony was quite specific about this: “He worked with all his strength and with ardent zeal to gain the greatest possible number of souls for Christ; and there was in his heart an extraordinary and almost unbelievable desire for everyone’s salvation”. Dominic’s ardent zeal was born from his assiduous conversation with God, in contemplation of the divine mysteries and from desire to imitate Christ the Saviour. (part 2 - to be continued) 1. P. Alfonso d’Amato O. P., II Progetto di San Domenico, ed. Roma. P. 8.9.10. 2. Ibid; 3. S. Domenico: Profilo Psicologico e Idee Ispiratrici 4. P. Alfonso d’Amato O. P., II Progetto di San Domenico, ed. Roma 5. Ibid. Sr. M. Aster Rafiq 18