
Nathaniel Ragland Park | LinkedIn

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Nathaniel Ragland Park | LinkedIn
Nathaniel Ragland Park | LinkedIn
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Nathaniel Ragland Park
Brand Ambassador at The Next Step Realty
Raleigh. North Carolina
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Cerea per n ome
Next Step Rea l11
IndUS!1ial Heal, LLC, Power Generation services, II"(;,
University of North Ca roli na al C hapel Hi.
O~re 300 milioni di professionisb sana gia su
Linked ln . Trova Ie persone che conosci.
Esem plo: JelfWeiner
Altri prolill eonsullati
Katie Perkinson
Student at !he University of Nonh
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Nathaniel. Eo gratis!
Come membro di linkedln, entrerai a far parte di una rete di 300 milio ni d i
professionisti che condividono coliegamenti, idee e oppcrtunil3.
POlitical Organization Professional
Daniel Ulysses Lockwood
Graphic Designer at The Dail y Tar
David Meluskey
• Scopri ~ conOGcen~e che avele in com..me
• Fait; presenlare
• Conlana Nathaniel direltamen!e
Marianna Abraham
Student at Georgetown Univelsity
Visualina II profi lo completo dl Nathaniel
Aaron Moore
Account Executive at H~lenby
Strategic Communicabons
University of North Caro lina at Chapel Hill
Management and Society, Junior
2013 - 2016 (pre.islo)
Heelrafsers Student Giving Council
-Facilitate active ph ilanthropic involvement y,ith UNC from students and eventual
alumni through marketing campaigns and campus·wide outreach events
-Contribute to the team as art consultant. hand..:lesign ing t·shirts
Steering Committee for the Arts
-Serve on panel in an effort to create dialogue about the imp~men tation and acoess of the Cfeatwe
arts (both visual and performance) on campus at UN C, work to improve presence in curriculum
Elizabeth Walla c e
Website COOrdinator at Monkee's of
Kel sey Weekman
AsSistant Online Editor at The Da il y
Tar Heel
Austin Mac hic ote
Food Service Manager at Compass
Group North America
Julia Price
Graphic Designer at Vanguard
Shannon Carswell
Owner. GtowtIy Creative
Clu b Tennis Member
. Pa rticipate in matelles against other Atla ntic Coast O· t teams
·Hig hly ranked in USTA Junior Tenn;s Circu it· Top 20 in the state, held national ranking
Attivita e associazioni : Heelraisers Student Giving Council. Steering Committee for the Arts . Kappa
Alpha Order, Club Tennis
Wake Forest University
2012 - 2013
Co-Chair o f 1834 Student Philanthropy Board
·Raised awareness among undergraduate students of the university's need for
philanthropic support, Spearheaded event planning! chaperoned fund raising
Attivita e associazioni Co-ellair of the 1834 Student Philanthropy Board. Member o f Wake Forest
Black and Gold Newspaper, Volu nteer at Project Pumpkin Charity Event
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find you
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more profile views.
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Needham B. Broughton High School
Attivita e associazioni : Executive Cabinet. Varsity Tennis . Yearbook Editor (photography). CAPS
Camp Staff, Haven House Representative for Broughton High School. Principa ls Advisory
Committee, Class Council Member. Mock Trial Club, Member of WCAP (audio-visual school
broadcast), Service Club, National Honor Society (Vice President)
07/03/2015 23:28
Nathaniel Ragland Park | LinkedIn
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~~~ '~~'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Brand Ambassador
The Next Step Realty
di<:embre 2013 - presente (I anno 4 mesi)
Next Step is a Manhattan based real estate brokerage firm that specialites in helping recent
graduates find their first homes in New York Crty.
oo l ~e
-Promote Next Step Rea~y through a muHitude of social med ia platforms
-Accommodate company representatives during on-campus publicity events
Industrial Hea t. LLC
tuglio 2014 - agO$to 201 4 (2 mesi)
Industrial Heat is focused on identifying cutting edge clean energy technolog;es and working with
leading industrial partners to commercialite such technologies.
-Gained hands-on experience with low energy nudear reaction technology by rewiring reactors in
an effort to reduce carbon dioxide emissions
-Documented company assets and organized company accounts
-Reorganized ma ilroom to better intercept packages and more effK:iently circulate ma il to respective
Executive Intern
Power Generation Services. Inc.
maggio2013 - agosto 2013 (4 mesi)
I 421
Fayenevi lle Street
Power Generation Services. Inc. works dosely wrth customers to develop an overa ll Distributed
Energy Resource strategy for their commerdalgeneration assets.
-Worked as the Executive Administratfve Intern for the Raleigh office
-Developed and implemented a catalogue for organizing company documents
-Directly aSSisted CEO, Operations COOrd inator. and Director of Finance on projects on and 011 site
-Attended corporate meetings
-Contributed to graphic design of various projects
-M anaged all offtCe social media accounts
Microsoft Word
Time Management
Graphic Design
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Publisher
Customer Service
Real Estate
Riconoscimenti e premi
Frank Crawford Memorial Award In Photojournalism
Awarded to a senior whO exhibits a talent for writing and reporting. as well as a dedication to the art
of photographic documentation
Outstanding Visual Arts Student Award
Winner in 2010. 2011 . and 2012
Awarded to the top student in the Fine Arts Program who displays mastery of the arts and a
profICient understanding of the elements and principa ls of design
President's Volunteer Service Award
-Recognites a student's outstand ing commitment to serving the communrty
-Raised and donated over 10.000 dollars worth of tennis equipment to the Boys and Girls Club of
07/03/2015 23:28
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