
Il Bollettino dell` Associazione Culturale Italo Canadese de Nuova

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Il Bollettino dell` Associazione Culturale Italo Canadese de Nuova
Il Bollettino dell’ Associazione Culturale Italo Canadese della Nuova Scozia
Autunno / Fall 2012
Italian Cultural
The Italian Language School is offering
organizations and schools in the
Halifax Regional Municipality the
opportunity to learn more about Italy
and the Italian culture. This activity is
organized by Laura Nardi, Director of
the Language School. Please contact
our Association by calling 453-5327 for
more info.
La Voce
2629 Agricola Street, Halifax, NS
Mail Address:
P.O. Box 9044, Stn A
Halifax, N.S, B3K 5M7
Issue 117
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.iccans.org
San Martino Gala Night
Casino Nova Scotia
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Reception at 6:00pm, Dinner at 6:45pm
Marinated Grilled Vegetables (Bell Peppers, Zucchini, Eggplant, Fennel, Red Onion)
Email Notices
Prosciutto, Genoa Salami, Salame Casalingo, Fresh Tomatoes
If you would like to join our electronic
distribution list, please send an email to
[email protected] Include in the
subject line “Subscribe to La Voce”
Assorted Olives and Breads, Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar
Vegetable Minestrone Reggiano
Frisée Lettuce with Crispy Pancetta, Fresh Goat Cheese and Spiced Pecans
San Martino
November 3rd
Join the next generation!
Served with Sun-Dried Tomato Vinaigrette
Oven Roasted Chicken Breast with Green Olive and Sherry Tapenade
Search for
Served with Roasted Potatoes and Vegetables
“Icca’s The Next Generation”
Accenti Magazine
Italiana di Moncton
New Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday,
Friday: 11:30 am
to 2:30 pm
Dessert Buffet (Compass Room)
Amaretto Cheesecake, Tiramisu, Biscotti, Zuccarini (Italian Sugar cookies),
Zabaglione, Italian Bread Pudding, Assorted Buffet Cakes,
Imported and Domestic Cheeses, Sliced Fresh Fruit
Coffee & Tea
The Steve Dooks Dance Band will entertain you 9:00 pm - 1:00 am
Tickets are $75 each (plus HST) if purchased before October 26th, 2012.
Table of 10 is $700 (plus HST) if purchased before October 26th, 2012.
All tickets purchased after October 26th, 2012 are $80 (plus HST).
For tickets, please call the Association at 453-5327 or email [email protected]
Tuesday, Thursday:
8:30 am to 11:30 am
La Voce, Issue 117 Autunno / Fall 20122
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Commerce /
il Commercio
Advertise yearly here for $10,
call Giovanni Da Ros
At 865-3927 or
[email protected]
Mobile Ready Mix
- Mel Fiander, 835-8780
Veritas Books and Gifts
- Luciano Bianchini, 429-7216
Ventura Realty
- Luigi Benigno, 420-0124
Noseworthy, Di Costanzo & Diab
- John Di Costanzo, 444-4747
Money Concepts
- Brice Guerin, 463-6063
Oral & Maxillofacial
Surgery Consultants
- Marco Chiarot, 1-866-488-3182
Centura Atlantic
Floor and Wall Fashions
- Peter Maddalena, 468-8453
European Auto Services Inc.
- Joseph Braca, 477-7596
Pragmatic Pension and Benefits
Solutions Inc.
- Ivano Adriani, 435-2929
MLA Maureen MacDonald, 455-2926
Articles for
La Voce
We are always looking for articles of
interest to share with our community.
If you have a story about an Italian
related event or a special trip to Italy or
maybe even a visit to many of the Little
Italy's found in the New World, an
Italian recipe, etc, please forward to
[email protected]. The articles can be
written in English or Italian. We would
love to hear from you!
A baby girl that early morn was born was born
Was born
Frail and sweet with angels beauty worn adorned in calendula.
Autumn flowers are Virginia’s smile,
singing through the indigo of fall with colours gold and crimson.
Pain and troubles gently fade away each day.
You show me the world through innocent new eyes.
God’s improvisation ultimate creation, miracle of your birth our life.
Life’s anew with heaven’s hue aglow.
We know a new life embedded in our soul.
It can be found on I-tunes by searching for Calendula by Josephine Biundo (the vocalist)
Why the Leaves Change Color
By: Amanda MacLean (Granddaughter of Rosina and Domenico Giansante)
It was a beautiful morning in late October. Harold, a farmer walked outside to begin his daily work. As he
walked, he noticed that some of the leaves on the trees had turned a bright orange. Thinking nothing of
it he began his work. As the days wore on, more and more leaves began to change a different color. They
changed into bright reds, yellows and browns.
One day, as Harold was walking back from his work, he couldn't help but mutter a question a loud, ``Why
are these leaves changing color?” he asked. Instantly a figure appeared in front of him. Thinking he was
hallucinating, he tried to walk through it, but found that he could not. Suddenly the vision spoke,
``Harold I am the God of Wisdom, you have called upon me by asking a question, one which I must
answer``. You asked me, "Why the leaves are changing colors?" Well, a couple of weeks ago I was sitting
in my house painting a beautiful picture. Suddenly Mother Nature came knocking at my door. She saw
me painting and thought that it looked like fun. She said, ``Oh God of Wisdom, your painting is so
beautiful, I shall try painting as well." Not thinking, I told her that it took a certain talent to paint as well
as l. ``We'll see about that, I am going to paint every last leaf in the world different colours" she said, and
stormed away in a huff. When the God of Wisdom was finished, he disappeared. Satisfied and a little
confused, Harold went inside.
As the months wore on and October turned into November, Harold noticed that some of the beautifully
painted leaves had begun to fall off of the trees. One day in mid-November, Harold was walking home
when he couldn't help but mutter aloud, 'Why are all of these beautiful leaves falling from the trees?' he
said. Instantly a figure appeared in front of him. The vision spoke, "Harold I am the God of Wisdom, you
have called upon me by asking a question, one which I must answer. "You asked me, 'Why are all the
beautiful leaves falling from the trees?" Well, after Mother Nature was done painting every leaf in the
world, I went to visit her. I asked her, 'Why did you only choose the colors red, orange, yellow and brown
and why didn't you paint the evergreen trees?" She told me that red, orange and yellow are her favorite
colors, and that brown went well with these. She also explained that evergreen trees take too long to
color because the needles are so small. I told Mother Nature that she had done a marvelous job and that
she really did have a talent for painting. All at once she stood up and spoke, "God of Wisdom, you were
right the first time, I really have no talent for painting." I am now going to remove every last painted leaf
from the trees." When the God of Wisdom was finished, he again disappeared. Satisfied and a little
confused, Harold went inside.
Since then, every year Mother Nature tries to paint the leaves, and every year she dislikes her
work. Sometimes she picks the leaves off one by one, sometimes she makes it windy and the
leaves blow off, and sometimes, when she really dislikes her work, she conjures up a hurricane
so that all of the leaves fall off the trees at once.
This is why the leaves change color every year.
Golden Age
Seniors from our community meet and socialize on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. at the ICCA hall. Those
interested in joining this group, please call the ICCA Office. If seniors have any concerns, or would like
information about anything, please contact our office at anytime by calling 453-5327
La Voce, Issue 117 Autunno / Fall 20122
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ICCA Library
At the ICCA Center we are proud owners of a small but unique library. It is a combination of books which have been gifted in part by the Italian Government, as well as of
many volumes donated through the years by members of our Club and the community at large. Any contribution is at all times both appreciated and encouraged. The
library will be open on Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7 to 8:30 p.m starting October 9th.
ICCA Biblioteca
Al Centro dell’ICCA, siamo orgogliosi di avere una piccola ma singolare biblioteca. I libri sono stati donati dal Governo Italiano e dai membri della nostra comunitá.
Qualunque altra donazione sarebbe comunque gradita ed apprezzata. La biblioteca sara’ aperta ogni martedi e giovedi sera dale 7:00 alle 8:30 che comincia ottobre 9.
Italian Passports
A representative from the Italian Consulate will be in Halifax at the ICCA in mid-November to process fingerprints for anyone requiring a renewal or new Italian passport.
This is a pre-announcement with date and details to be confirmed.
Passaporti italiani
Messagio per la Comunita - a meta novembre tornera ad Halifax l'incaricata del Consolato Generale di Montreal che provvederà alla raccolta delle domande e delle
impronte digitali delle persone che richiedono il rinnovo/rilascio passaporto Italiano. E consigliabile che chiunque abbia un passaporto che scade il prossimo anno di farlo
nuovo. La data sara stabilita fra poco.
L’angolo della poesia
By Laura Nardi
Quest mese vi propongo due poesie di Giosuè Carducci, poeta nato vicino a Pisa che ha vinto il premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1906. La prima
“Pianto Antico” è una poesia molto triste, ma appropriata per il 2 novembre, giorno dedicato a tutte le persone care che abbiamo perduto e che
ricordiamo con amore e per le quali preghiamo spesso.
La seconda poesia, San Martino, ci riporta alla festa del ringraziamento, con l’assaggio del vino novello , la raccolta dei prodotti della terra e
l’apertura della caccia e ci fa capire che nonostante tutto, La VITA è BELLA.
This month, I present 2 poems from Giosuè Carducci, a poet born near Pisa, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1906. The first one is very sad, but
appropriate for the second of November, a day dedicated to all the dear people that we have lost and for whom we often pray. The second one is "San
Martino", a poem about the celebration of the harvest and the tasting of the new wine in a small village in Tuscany.
Pianto antico
The ancient lament
L’albero a cui tendevi
The tree to which you stretched out
la pargoletta mano,
your little hand,
il verde melograno
the green pomegranate tree
da’ bei vermigli fior,
with its beautiful vermilion flowers,
nel muto orto solingo
in the silent lonely garden
rinverdì tutto or ora
everything is turning green again
e giugno lo ristora
and June is restoring it
di luce e di calor.
with light and heat.
Tu, fior de la mia pianta
you flower of my
percossa e inaridita
beaten and withered Plant,
tu de l’inutil vita
you, of my useless life
estremo unico fior,
the last, the only flower,
sei nella terra fredda
you are in the cold earth,
sei nella terra negra
you are in the black earth;
nè il sol più ti rallegra
the sun will not liven you
nè ti risveglia amor.
Nor love will ever awaken you.
Il poeta Carducci in questa poesia esprime il dolore profondo che prova per la perdita del suo unico figlio Dante, morto all’età di 3 anni in un tragico
incidente. Questo dolore tormenterà il poeta per tutta la sua vita.
La Voce, Issue 117 Autunno / Fall 20122
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This poem is dedicated to his son Dante, who died at the age of three in a tragic accident, and his loss tormented the poet all his life.
Nella prima strofa il poeta racconta di quando il figlio era vivo e tendeva la sua piccolo mano all’albero per raccogliere il melograno con i suoi fiori di
color rosso vivo.
In the first stanza the poet remembers when the son was alive and wanted to touch the red flowers of the pomegranate tree.
Nella seconda strofa invece , narra del silenzioso orto solitario dove tutto è fiorito e che il mese di giugno offre, con la luce e il calore del sole,
nutrimento alle piante.
In the second stanza, he remembers the garden, now solitary, where the son used to play, that is coming alive again in June under the warm sun.
Nella terza strofa, il poeta si paragona ad una pianta inutile, che è percossa e senza acqua, perchè ormai il suo unico fiore è morto e non potrà
In the third stanza, the Poet compares himself to a Plant that is withering because its only flower is gone for ever and will not come back again.
Nell’ultima strofa il poeta pensa alle condizioni di suo figlio, che si trova sotto la fredda terra , dove non potrà più vedere la luce del sole.
In the last stanza the Poet thinks of his Son, who is forever in the cold earth.
E adesso con note più allegre vi propongo la poesia ``San Martino``, che tutti noi di una certa età abbiamo imparato alle elementari.
And now on a more cheerful note I propose the poem San Martino, that all of us of certain age learned in elementary school.
La nebbia a gl’irti colli
Drizzling, the fog
Piovigginando sale,
the steep hills climbs,
E sotto il maestrale
and the northeast wind torments
Urla e biancheggia il mare
the howling, foaming sea:
Ma per le vie del borgo
but in the village streets
Dal ribollir dei tini
the seething vats send forth
Va l’aspro odor dei vini
the pungent smell of wine
L’anime a rallegrar.
to cheer the weary soul.
Gira sui ceppi accesi
On fiery logs the roast
Lo spiedo scoppiettando:
turns on its spit and crackles;
Sta il cacciator fischiando
the hunter stands and whistles
Sull’uscio a rimirar
and watches from his door
Tra le rossastre nubi
the flock of birds that
Stormi di uccelli neri,
back upon reddish clouds,
Com’esuli pensieri,
like forlorn thoughts gyrate
nel vespero migrar.
at dusk, preparing to flee.
L’atmosfera piena di brio del borgo è dovuta al giorno di San Martino (11 Novembre), in un paesetto della Maremma Toscana. Nelle vie si diffonde
l’odore aspro del vino novello e della carne cotta sullo spiedo, ma i pensieri dell’uomo sulla porta sfuggono a questa allegria e volano lontani
proprio come gli uccelli volano via al tramonto.
Questo giorno è di una certa importanza per gli agricoltori perchè segna la fine del lavoro nei campi e l’inizio del travaso del vino dai tini nelle botti.
L’allegria del borgo contrasta con quella tristezza del paesaggio autunnale avvolto nella nebbia.
The joyful atmosphere of the village is due to the celebration of “San Martin”, on November 11, in a small Tuscan town. The streets of the village are
filled with the pungent aromas of wine and meat being cooked on the spit. But the thoughts of the man, by the door, escape this joyful day and flee
away as birds flying at sunset. This day is of some importance for farmers because it marks the end of the harvest season and the tasting of the new
wine. The joyful atmosphere of the small town contrasts with the sadness of the foggy autumn day.
Servers & Bar Staff Opportunities Available Contact ICCA Office
La Voce, Issue 117 Autunno / Fall 20122
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La scomparsa di Ruth Goldbloom, promotrice del "Pier 21"
Da sin: Rodolfo Meloni; Ruth Goldbloom; L'Ambasciatore d'Italia ad Ottawa Andrea Meloni;
Marie Chapman, dirigente del Museo e Luigi Velocci presidente della ICCA
Il 29 agosto scorso è deceduta la signora Ruth Goldblum. Se oggi esiste il "Pier 21", il Museo
dell'emigrazione canadese di Halifax in Nuova Scozia, lo si deve proprio alla sua opera. Nata il 5
dicembre 1923, figlia di ebrei-russi emigrati in Nuova Scozia, Ruth è stata non solo l'ideatrice e
promotrice, e poi presidente del "Pier 21" quando pensò di trasformare il vecchio "Molo 21" in
Museo dell'emigrazione, ma fu anche quella che girò il Canada in lungo e largo per raccogliere i
16 milioni di dollari necessari per la riabilitazione dei derelitti capannoni oggi diventati Museo
nazionale canadese. Al "Molo 21" approdarono anche migliaia e migliaia di italiani venuti a
stabilirsi in Canada. Molti di essi ancora oggi risiedono a Montreal. Per la sua opera la signora
Goldblum ricevette l'Ordine del Canada, oltre a 5 lauree honoris causa.
A proposito della sua scomparsa, ecco quanto dichiarato dal ministro federale del Patrimonio James Moore: «Ho
appreso con molta tristezza il decesso della signora Ruth Goldbloom che ha consacrato una larga parte della sua
vita ad aiutare i canadesi facendo del volontariato e difendendo diverse cause come la cultura, la salute e
l'educazione. Si è adoperata anche per preservare il patrimonio dei canadesi di diverse origini nel quadro delle
attività del Museo canadese dell'immigrazione al "Pier 21" ed ha incoraggiato i canadesi a celebrarvi la loro identità
collettiva e la ricchezza della diversità».
(Comunicato e foto a cura di R. Meloni, console onorario italiano ad Halifax)
2012 Festa Della Repubblica
Italiani all’estero, conclusosi ad Halifax il Weekend Italiano
di Rodolfo Meloni
Per settimane molti volontari sono indaffarati a cucinare e preparare il cibo che sarà servito a migliaia di persone durante la durata del Weekend
Italiano. Da oltre 20 anni, l'Associazione Culturale Italo Canadese di Halifax (ICCA) annualmente apre le sue porte del moderno Centro Comunitario
dando via all'evento conosciuto in Nova Scotia come l'Italian Weekend.
Molti canadesi amanti del nostro paese visitano per tre giorni il centro per compiere una visita virtuale del nostro Paese. Durante questi tre giorni la
gente che cammina sul marciapiede di fronte al nostro centro non solo sente musica in italiano, ma annusa anche odori familiari di cibo come lasagna,
salsicce arrosto, arrosticini d'agnello, polenta, peperoni ripieni...
Per settimane molti volontari sono indaffarati a cucinare e preparare il cibo che sarà servito a migliaia di persone durante la durata del Weekend
Italiano. Per darvi un esempio: 2000 lasagne,1300 salsicce, 3000 arrosticini, 120 kg di gnocchi, 130 kg di pasta, 500 litri di salsa di pomodoro, 1500
cannoli siciliani etc.
Nei tre piani del centro e fuori nel cortile e' un continuo via vai di persone che chiedono ai volontari che si riconoscono per la stella da sceriffo tricolore
sul petto con scritto Volontario, dove stanno proiettando il film in Italiano, dove si trova il gioco delle bocce o dove c'e' la scuola di cucina o a che ora
inizia la degustazione di vini Italiani diretta da un sommelier.
Un weekend fantastico dove la Nostra Associazione con il guadagno che si aggira intorno a cinquanta mila dollari riesce a finanziare in parte non solo i
costi di mantenimento del Centro ma anche la scuola d'italiano che esiste dal 1976.
A nome dell'attuale Presidente Luigi Velocci, personalmente non solo come Console Onorario ma come Ex Presidente e uno dei soci fondatori porgo
infinite grazie non solo a tutti i volontari italo-canadesi ma anche ai nostri amici canadesi.
Italian Weekend Success!
Pizza, gnocchi, cannoli ….. oh my! Great food was in abundance once again this year during Italian Weekend. Held annually on the weekend following
Labour Day, visitors to the ICCA were not disappointed. Along with an opportunity to have a delicious meal (or two), there were other activities
including wine tasting, cooking demonstrations, Italian language classes and a spaghetti eating contest to name a few. The volunteers, who prepare for
many months for the event, as well as those who help during the weekend are to be commended for their tireless efforts. Thanks to all who helped out
and to those who attended as well!
La Voce, Issue 117 Autunno / Fall 20122
The following photos are courtesy of Giacomo Bruno, SNAP Halifax
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La Voce, Issue 117 Autunno / Fall 20122
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John Di Costanzo. L.L.B
Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public
Noseworthy Di Costanzo Diab
6470 Chebucto Road, Halifax, NS B3L 1L4
Bus: (902) 444 4747 Fax: (902) 444 4301
Res: (902) 443 6468
Email: [email protected]
La Voce, Issue 117 Autunno / Fall 20122
Page /Pagina 8
2629 Agricola Street
Halifax NS
Tel 902 4535327 / Fax 902 4531852
Email [email protected]
Italian Canadian Cultural Association
ICCA of NS: Membership Form 2012
Please circle the areas of
interest that you would like to
participate in.
Bar/ Bar
Kitchen / Cucina
Place of Birth:
Membership / Iscrizioni
Maintenance / Manutenzione
Phone Number:
Library / Biblioteca
Mailing Address:
Italian Weekend
Sunday Dinners/ Cene Domenicali
Special Events/ Altre funzioni
La Voce
Email Address:
Web Page
Public Relations
Office use only
Youth/ Giovani
Method of Payment
Seniors/ Anziani
Hall Rentals / Affitto Sala
Type of Membership
Membership Prices
Family … $70
Key Card number
Single … $35
Senior (over 65) … $25
Sponsored by:
(for new members only)
Student (18-25 Full time) … $25
To place your business card ad in La Voce for one Year @ $70
Contact Giovanni Da Ros @ 865-7655 or [email protected]
Fly UP