
Patricia Díaz de Alba – PhD Student

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Patricia Díaz de Alba – PhD Student
Patricia Díaz de Alba
PhD Student
At present PhD Program in Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Cagliari,
2011–2012 MS Degree in Mathematics (Inter-university programme with the Universities of Cádiz, Málaga, Granada and Almería), University of Cádiz,
2009–2010 Erasmus exchange students programme, University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
2006–2011 BS Degree in Mathematics, University of Cádiz, Spain.
Master Thesis
Title Modelo de Gopalsamy-Ladas y el efecto Allee.
Supervisor Professor Elena Medina.
Scientific collaborations
February– Emory University, Atlanta, (USA).
April, Collaboration with James Nagy on Inverse Problems.
July– Centro di Ricerca, Sviluppo e Studi Superiori in Sardegna (CRS4), Santa
September, Margherita di Pula, (Italy).
2015 Collaboration to the parallelization of a calculation code for electromagnetic data inversion.
2012 Aguas de Cádiz, S.A., 300 hours, Cádiz (Spain).
Modelling the water supply network of Cádiz, conducted by the Engines Department at
University of Cádiz.
2011–2012 University of Cádiz, 6 months, Cádiz (Spain).
Database management with MySQL for the diffusion of the Mathematics degree.
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Viale Merello 92 - 09123 Cagliari, Italy
T 070 675 5606 • u 070 675 5601
B [email protected] • Í Website
2015–2016 Teaching assistant, 40 hours, Cagliari (Italy).
Applied Mathematics (Eelectrical and electronic Engineering).
2015–2016 Teaching assistant, 30 hours, Cagliari (Italy).
Applied Mathematics (Biomedical Engineering).
2014–2015 Teaching assistant, 30 hours, Cagliari (Italy).
Applied Mathematics (Biomedical Engineering).
2007–2009 Assistant Student, Cádiz (Spain).
Geometric exercises treatment with Cinderella and LaTeX.
[1] P. Díaz de Alba and G. Rodriguez
Regularized solution of a nonlinear problem in applied Geophysics. Proceedings of
the XXIV Congress on Differential Equations and Applications / XIV Congress on
Applied Mathematics - Cádiz, June 8–12, 2015, pages 821–826.
Other publications
[1] P. Díaz de Alba and G. Rodriguez
An algorithm for data inversion in electromagnetic sounding. Book of Abstracts of
the congress New Trends in Numerical Analysis - Falerna, June 18–21, 2015.
Scientific communications
1. Numerical processing of electromagnetic data in Geophysics, Patricia Díaz de
Alba and Giuseppe Rodriguez.
Workshop DENIS, Cagliari (Italy).
November 30, 2015.
2. An algorithm for data inversion in electromagnetic sounding, Patricia Díaz de
Alba and Giuseppe Rodriguez.
New Trends in Numerical Analysis, Falerna (Italy).
June 18–21, 2015.
3. Regularized solution of a nonlinear problem in applied Geophysics, Patricia
Díaz de Alba and Giuseppe Rodriguez.
XXIV Congress on Differential Equations and Applications / XIV Congress on Applied
Mathematics, Cádiz (Spain).
June 8–12, 2015.
4. Numerical method for a nonlinear problem in applied Geophysics, Patricia
Díaz de Alba and Giuseppe Rodriguez.
Two days in Applied Mathematics in Cagliari, Cagliari (Italy).
April 9–10, 2015.
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Viale Merello 92 - 09123 Cagliari, Italy
T 070 675 5606 • u 070 675 5601
B [email protected] • Í Website
1. Numerical method for inversion data in Geophysics, Patricia Díaz de Alba and
Giuseppe Rodriguez.
Georgia Scientific Computing Symposium, Atlanta (USA).
February 20, 2016.
2. Numerical processing of electromagnetic data in Geophysics, Patricia Díaz de
Alba and Giuseppe Rodriguez.
Workshop DENIS, Cagliari (Italy).
November 30, 2015.
Participation to conferences
1. Georgia Scientific Computing Symposium , Atlanta (USA).
February 20, 2016.
2. Workshop DENIS, Cagliari (Italy).
November 30, 2015.
3. New Trends in Numerical Analysis, Falerna (Italy).
June, 18–21, 2015.
4. XXIV Congress on Differential Equations and Applications / XIV Congress
on Applied Mathematics, Cádiz (Spain).
June 8–12, 2015.
5. Two days in Applied Mathematics in Cagliari, Cagliari (Italy).
April 9–10, 2015.
6. Workshop Trends in Non Linear Analysis, Cagliari (Italy).
March 21–22, 2014.
Participation to summer school
1. Summer School CIME, Cetraro (Italy).
Exploiting Hidden Structure in Matrix Computations. Algorithms and Applications.
June 22–27, 2015.
2. Summer School CIME, Cetraro (Italy).
Computational Electromagnetism.
June, 9–14 2014.
Attended courses
2015 Numerical Methods for Complex Networks.
Lecturer: Lothar Reichel.
2014 Numerical Linear Algebra.
Lecturer: Giuseppe Rodriguez.
2014 Doing scientific research: context and guidelines.
Lecturers: Nicoletta Dessì and Tiziana Cubeddu.
2014 Metodi iterativi per la soluzione di sistemi lineari e non lineari.
Lecturer: Sebastiano Seatzu.
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Viale Merello 92 - 09123 Cagliari, Italy
T 070 675 5606 • u 070 675 5601
B [email protected] • Í Website
2014 Introduction to the Finite Element Method. Numerical simulation with FreeFem
Lecturers: J. Rafael Rodríguez Galván and M. Victoria Redondo Neble
2013 Curso fundamental de microeconomía. (Fundamental course in Microeconomics).
2013 Excel 2010.
2013 Aplicaciones de la Teoría de grafos a la vida real. (Applications of graph theory to
real life).
2009 Taller de Geomática. (Geomatics workshop).
Computer skills
User Linux, Microsoft Windows, OpenOffice, LaTeX and Cinderella. Basic knowledge of
web design, Moodle.
Programming MATLAB, Mathematica, FreeFem++ and wxMaxima.
Data analysis Statgraphics.
Database HeidiSQL.
Geomatics gvSIG.
Intermediate (PET Certificate)
Advance (B2 Certificate)
Basic (A2 Certificate)
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Viale Merello 92 - 09123 Cagliari, Italy
T 070 675 5606 • u 070 675 5601
B [email protected] • Í Website
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